Hello, i am currently undertaking a music degree at university. I have decided to take a gap year to travel. But at the beginning of the degree the uni gave me an Ipad mini. It is mine as long as i finish the degree, i later lost it and informed the uni of this and decided to buy another one with my own money as it was useful. Now i am leaving they have told me i need to give the ipad back even though i am coming back. They have informed me i need to replace it with 500 pounds (which it isnt worth), and as i refused to pay this unless they took us to court or agreed to let us pay it back slowly. In reaction to this they have taken my expensive guitar and locked it up and say i cant have it back until i give them 500 pounds, is this legal? I am fuming this guitar isnt even my one i borrowed it of my brother and hes not happy. What action can i take?
Read more: Guitar confiscated at university?