Thursday, August 21, 2014

Do i need 25 mbps or 50mpbs?

I am currently setting up internet at my place and am wondering what i need… If its worth it to get the upgrade for 15$ more a month and if ill be able to tell.

Two people, 2 cell phones 2 gaming consoles, 4 computers, 2 ipads, and a laptop for work that i have to REMOTE ACCESS.

Do i need 50 or is 25 plenty?

I do your normal internet stuff, surf, youtube, occasional games here and there Netflix and also STREAM SLINGBOX HD ALOT. My gameing consoles have wifi so they are connected and my remote access needs its fair share.

Whats your input? $50 for 25MBPS and $65 for 50…

What do you think

Read more: Do i need 25 mbps or 50mpbs?