I'm growing my hair out and half the time I worry about breakage in hair… And now this happened:(
This happens almost everyday… So in the car! I SIT IN THE FRONT SEAT and the stupid 11 yr old brother puts his hand on my CHAIR! While leaning forward to talk to my mum and I can. Feel his hand tugging on my hair!
today he said where my Ipad and I felt his hand tugging on my hair and I yelled GET YOUR HAND OFF THR CHAIR and than he leaned forward to the front seat and grabbed his Ipad and as he leaned back down to the back dead I saw a long hair strand attached to his hand
IM So SAD I think my brother ripped or broke 1-2 of my hair strands again
Would it have effected my hair at all?
Read more: I think my hair ripped would it have effected my hair at all?