I've been hired by a radio personality to do a photo shoot. Because everyone in his area and social media is used to a loud, in your face, high energy guy; I thought it might be nice show people what he's really like behind the scenes. I know him personally & he is quite the opposite in his private life. Just looking for ideas on what to capture. I was thinking maybe him at his mom's house laughing with her, sister, nieces & nephews as mom cooks dinner, a lunch with his girlfriend (shot from outside through the restaurant window) , then the two taking a walk. Him at the station preparing for his show & maybe breakfast at his home while he reads on his iPad or whatever he does during breakfast. I don't know why I went backwards with my time line but I hope you get the idea. Anything else I should cover? Eating dinner with mom & sis? Bowling with close friends (which he loves)? Getting dressed? Shopping? Watching TV at home? Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
Read more: I'd like to do candid shots for a radio personality. Any ideas on what I should capture?