Sunday, August 3, 2014

Is it ok to have 2 a Apple id's/iTunes accounts?

So I wanted an iPad for my birthday to read books and purchase a book series and the last book comes out in October so I have really nothing to read on the iPad… But anyways

I have an iPhone and a IPOD touch 5 and they have my first Apple ID on them I later found out To buy a book on the iPad it wouldn't let me and asked for the security secret questions and I had forgottenall the answers and tried to reset it but had also forgotten the rescue email address which I had put as a random email when I first made it for example:
Also my mum won't be bothered to call iTunes for me to reset it:( so I just made a new one today…

I now have 2 different apple id's that I keep the old one on my iPod touch cause it dkesnt ask for security questions cause it's where I first made it and have another one on the iPad which I wrote all the answers down…

And t phone… I don't really care about it

Is it ok that I have 2 apple id's that I use on separate devices

Read more: Is it ok to have 2 a Apple id's/iTunes accounts?