I have had my 16GB 3rd Gen iPad for two years now, and while the screen is amazing, battery life is fantastic, and there is a wide selection of apps- the device has become nigh on unusable. It crashes frequently (on iOS 7.1.1- a big mistake, that update!), randomly reboots and freezes.
As much as it pains me, I'll need to replace it. Ever since I sold my iPhone 3GS for a SGS3, I have been an Android user- I haven't gotten an Android tablet simply because the iPad did everything perfectly. My needs for the new tablet are:
* I use it as a schoolbook- no note-taking, just as a schoolbook.
*Because of the above, battery life has to be good- over 7-8 hours of constant use (can be on Airplane mode).
*The screen resolution should be high.
*No software preference- that's what XDA is for ;)
Thanks in advance!
Read more: What's a good Android replacement for a 3rd gen iPad?