Sunday, September 21, 2014

Apple iPad reboots or restarts every time I unlock it?

I was just watching some youtube videos and I went into multitasking to check snapchat and after I came off snapchat and back into the multitasking bar I saw that facebook, youtube, messenger ect were all installing and then my iPad screen went black, the apple logo came up and it turned back on but every time I unlock my iPad it does it again. I can't connect to wifi but I can check my notifications but every time I select a notification and unlock my iPad from there it still reboots. I'm jailbroken but have never had any problems like this before apart from sometimes my iPad rebooting itself when multitasking messes up, but usually it's fine afterwards. I can't do anything and I don't want to restore my iPad because I want to keep all of my apps and photos and tweaks.
Added (1). There are no local apple stores where I live, plus if I take it there I'm assuming they won't help as it's jailbroken? Thanks for the answer though

Read more: Apple iPad reboots or restarts every time I unlock it?