I was on a level and I had a 1 Colour Bomb, 2 Striped Candies (Red and Blue) and a Yellow Jelly Fish waiting to used and I moved a Purple to 2 other Purples when suddenly it used my 2 Striped Candies, my Jelly Fish and my Colour Bomb at the same time just to remove another Red and I hated that as I wanted to use them in the Sugar Crush Mode at the end of the level to get 3 Stars and not only was it my Last Move (as I wasn't looking) it was my Last Life and my IPad just ran out of Battery Life and it turned off after it was done, so I had to wait 5 Hours while it was charging (as my family and I went out for dinner) for it to turn back on and before my Lives had regenerated, plus my usage of the Daily Booster Wheel was used up and not only did I have to wait until the next day but I had to wait until past 20:00pm to use it as I had College (From 09:00am to 17:00pm) and I had to my chores and dishes right after dinner. I was furious. My other IPad was updating my Apps and I had to wait until the Update was finished because it was important. My Mum won't let me take my 1st IPad yo College as she's scared it will get stolen, lost or broken. So what is the most annoying thing that you ever had happen to you on this game and has it ever made you go absolutely ballistic? My 1 Move that day really did.
Read more: What is the Most Annoying thing that has ever happened to you during the game?