Monday, October 6, 2014

Should young children have electronics?

I actually find this kind of disgusting to see pre-tods/toddlers/etc having their face glued to an ipad or a phone, I was raised old fashioned (like I didn't have a phone till I was 14 but I could only call my parents) sure I had a game boy and play station as a kid but every time we went out wither it was to the park or shopping or dinner we weren't allowed to bring out portable electronics, when we were out of the house all we would bring were the shirts on our backs and maybe allowance money (and yu-gi-oh cards if we were looking to duel some kids) I honestly don't think kids should have these addictive gadgets, I think its bad for their tiny brains, what happened to the good old days? When it was okay to be bored, when it was okay if your kid is being a brat to whoop them on the tooshy and parents will congratulate you for showing your kid discipline? I know I'm not that old but I really like the old fashion ways of parenting.
Added (1). I am in no way trying to tell people how children should be raised, as I left comments in the answers I volunteer at a CDC and there are a lot of kids that look like they are having withdrawals when they have their gadgets taken away, and these are SCHOOL AGERS, it makes me sad:C

Read more: Should young children have electronics?