I have a guy best friend that I've known for about 8 years and we started to get more closer about 3 years ago he would text me everyday 2 years ago we even started face timing we spent so many hours talking that when his iPad would die he would call me from his cell phone and recently he has been drifting away from me he doesn't FaceTime me or call me as often anymore and when i text him our conversations aren't how they used to be. We're constantly arguing and we ask our selfs why me and him both talked about it but it always just ends with us arguing about who starts the arguments I'm starting to think he doesn't want to be my friend anymore. But i get confused because at school we're always teasing each other and some of our friends even tell us that we would make a cute couple and he just looks at me and i look back at him and we both laugh. So i want to know why he doesn't text/call as often anymore.
Read more: Why is he slowly drifting away?