Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Will apps downloaded from someone else's Apple ID transfer with iOS 8.0.2 or whatever upgrade?

This school year, I got an iPad in one of my classes at the university I go to. My professor has a grant that she used to buy the iPads last year so that her Computer Animation Techniques classes could use them in class.

The Education Technology Office, at my university, is in charge of the iPads. They are also in charge of the apps that get downloaded onto the iPads.

My professor got some apps with her grant money. The ETO office purchased the apps and a lady came into my class to download them with the ETO iTunes user name/password.

Originally, my class was told not to download iOS 8 on our iPads but now we were told that it's up to each of us, individually, whether or not we download/install iOS 8 on our iPads.

My question is… If I download/install iOS 8.0.2 or whatever the latest iOS 8 version is, with wifi, on my iPad, will the apps that the ETO offfice downloaded stay on the iPad after iOS 8 is installed?
Added (1). I have iOS 8 on my iPod Touch 5th gen. I did not have any issues with apps but that is because I downloaded all the apps off my Apple ID.

Read more: Will apps downloaded from someone else's Apple ID transfer with iOS 8.0.2 or whatever upgrade?