I can't upload my picture because my iPad's camera is too HD so it says the picture is too big to upload. Anyways my pup's ears when I got him were completely floppy at 8 weeks, then when he was 12 weeks and one day old one ear stood up and the other stayed floppy, then about a week later both stood up but they kept up and down randomly because it seemed like the cartilage wasn't fully developed so every now and then theyd go down and sometimes only one would go down but for most of the time atleast one ear was up at a time but now he's 16 weeks and for about the last week his ears have stayed like this and right before this happened his ears had gone from standing straight up to standing up but resting on his head instead of being up on their own so they looked like this . He's some sort of GSD mix and his mom was a purebred GSD with big erect ears and I think his are supposed to stand up because he is supposed to be a malamute mix but his ears have been down for a while now so is that normal?
Added (1). The pictures aren't my dog by the way, they just look like how his ears do.
Also I know some dogs take longer for their ears to stand up but is it normal that they were already standing but now have gone down? Also before his ears completely stood up they faced forward and folded towards the front but now the fold over to the side.
Added (2). Meow, it doesn't matter too much I just want to know if they will stand up or not, doesn't affect how I'll treat him also taping isn't cruel at all. And I know his ears are supposed to stand up since they did before for a week or two, I'm just not sure if they could've been damaged by the way he slept or something or if its normal and they could stand up again later
Added (3). Also I've read that ears laying across the head is normal, which his used to do, but now they're floppy and hang off his head instead of resting on the head.
Added (4). Also they were never strong when erect, when we would go on walks they would flop all over the place. They are also fairly big so I'm afraid that since they are so big the weight has become too much and thats why they fold over to the side, and when he's on his side and sleeping and his ears go up because of plain gravity, it seems like there is a crease on the side of his ear which my other dog who has permanently floppy ears also has.
Read more: Is this normal? Will my puppy's ears still stand up?