Im 21, and I literally can't remember a time I've had a peaceful dream. It seems that in most of my dreams I'm in some sort of fight, struggle or at least in some way something goes horribly wrong. The thing is im not particularly scared in the dreams. Even during a dream in which I was being hunted I wasn't scared I was only hiding until I could escape/fight back.
Even last night in what I'd consider a good dream about this new girl I'm thinking about dating. I ended up having to run off to find the person who stole my iPad. Then when I found him I got in a car and was rushing back to the restaurant she was at when I parked at the wrong spot and got jumped by some people. But I fought them and then made it back to the girl.
I don't know why they are this way but I can't remember ever having the stereotypical "happy dream", it seems that what would be most people's "nightmares" are normal dreams to me.
Read more: What does it mean that I never have any peaceful dreams?