Monday, December 1, 2014

I am grounded for 2 months?

well my grades were:
maths: a+
English: a
Sst: b+
Sc,: a
Hiindi: b

I have 2 bs. So my dad grounded me to my room for 2 months. I have no electronics at all. No phone, iPad,comp, tv, or even the landline. No friends over. Not allowed out alone or without an elder. My father told if I don't study 3 hrs a day on weekdays and 4.30 hrs on weekends then I will be grounded longer. And bedtime is 8on weekdays and 9 on weekends

I was always a straight a student, and they are disappointed. But isn't this excessive.
Ps. I have my iPad now, grounding starts tomorrow.

Read more: I am grounded for 2 months?