Thursday, December 31, 2015
How to take pictures form old ipad to new ipad?
How to take pictures form old ipad to new ipad? - 1
Read more: How to take pictures form old ipad to new ipad?
How to chose when I want to text with my iCloud and my service?
I have my iPad and iPhone connected by iCloud and everytime I try texting certain phone# w/out wifi it won't send
Read more: How to chose when I want to text with my iCloud and my service?
Hidden file on his iPad?
Hi, I discovered that my boyfriend has s locked file of pictures on his iPad. He refuses to show what s in that file to me. How should I approach this? Thank you
Read more: Hidden file on his iPad?
Loading ebook onto iPad (Kobo ebooks app) from purchase from Kobo site (through Chapters)?
I loaded Kobo ebooks app on my iPad. Then I purhcased a book through Chapters Indigo by clicking on buying the Kobo ebook (which takes you to the Kobo site, but did allow me to use my Chapters gift card). From there, the instructions that I saw to load the book to my iPad was to sync my iPad which should ve loaded my book onto the Kobo app? Not sure because nothing happened. I m sure it s something so simple, but I m way past computer illiterate… Or patient at this point since I possibly wasted a gift card - ugh! Someone help please & thanks.
Read more: Loading ebook onto iPad (Kobo ebooks app) from purchase from Kobo site (through Chapters)?
Does episode choose your story work on an ipad mini 3 or 4?
I know this may seem like a stupid question but does it? I want to get an ipad mini but Im just a little catious because on my phone it says that my phone is not compatible with this version and I don't want to get an ipad mini for nothing kind of thing. Because I'm buying it for games but the game I want the most is Episode.
Read more: Does episode choose your story work on an ipad mini 3 or 4?
Do kids own the things that their family gave them or not?
My friend wants to be my roommate, but she's having a mini war with her parents. She wants to take all of her stuff, but her parents say that since they bought everything, it's all theirs.
Like all of her clothes, ipad/laptop, jewerly… Who is the one that really owns everything?
I want to help but I don't want to be in the middle of their war either. So can anyone please give me any advice here on whether she can take all of her stuff and move out or not?
Added (1). Oh, and she's 18!
Read more: Do kids own the things that their family gave them or not?
Is it worth the extra money for an ipad mini 4?
I want to get an ipad mini and was wondering if it's worth it to get the ipad mini 4 or should I just go for the 3 and save money?
Read more: Is it worth the extra money for an ipad mini 4?
Do receipts have numbers?
Ok, my father got me an iPad mini 4 16GB and I want to exchange it for the 64gb but he has the receipt and we live 20 miles away and he's always working, I got 20 days to exchange it, so can my father text me the numbers on the recept and the Apple Store will exchange it if I have the numbers?
Read more: Do receipts have numbers?
Wednesday, December 30, 2015
I no longer use a pic. I use iPad to sign infacebook?
I no longer use a pic. I use iPad to sign infacebook?
Read more: I no longer use a pic. I use iPad to sign infacebook?
How to uninstall an app from my iPad that is restricted if I can't restore or reset settings?
How to uninstall an app from my iPad that is restricted if I can't restore or reset settings?
Read more: How to uninstall an app from my iPad that is restricted if I can't restore or reset settings?
Do you ever watch air investigations?
my nephew watches them on his ipad all the time. I personally don't like them they scare the crap out of me about flying. And I fly somewhere new every year.
Read more: Do you ever watch air investigations?
Get past iPad safari restriction?
My work put a restriction on safari on our iPad so there is no way to get on the Internet from our work iPad. Is there anyway to get past this? There is a password on restrictions so I can t simply turn safari back on.
Read more: Get past iPad safari restriction?
Should I get an Apple Watch or an iPad mini?
I have a few hundred dollars to spend, so as an Apple fanboy this of course means it's time to buy a new Apple product! I'm stuck between an iPad mini 4 and an Apple Watch Sport, both of which are around $400. I don't really need either device, but I think I'd find good uses for them.
My iPad mini would be for reading, watching videos, surfing the web, etc. On the coach â€Â" I'd use it instead of my iPhone when I'm at home. My Apple Watch would mainly be used for notifications so I wouldn't have to keep checking my iPhone, and probably a few other functions like the timer, weather, and obviously telling the time (I don't have a watch right now, so I really don't need that honestly)
What do you guys think? Which is the better buy for me?
Read more: Should I get an Apple Watch or an iPad mini?
Is 10 Talismans not compatible with an Ipad Mini 2?
Is 10 Talismans not compatible with an Ipad Mini 2?
Read more: Is 10 Talismans not compatible with an Ipad Mini 2?
Turn off iMessage on a device at Apple Store?
So I'm really stupid but yesterday my friend and I were goofing off at the apple store and we made some cool art on an iPad. I wanted it so I signed into iMessage to send it to myself and It wouldn't let me sign in and I checked nothing was there so I just left it. Today however that same iPad was receiving all my iMessages and random strangers were responding and it was super frustrating as everyone was calling me asking why i was saying hurtful things. So I tried signing into my Apple ID and I don't remember the stupid security questions I set but They were obvious and somehow It wouldn't accept them so many times Im now blocked out of my own account. Im beyond done with this **** how can I just turn it all off? Im switching to Android anyway.
Read more: Turn off iMessage on a device at Apple Store?
How to remove movies from iPad?
This sounds an easy question, but I'm struggling.
I have an iPad 2. I have 13 movies on my iPad. I want to remove 11 movies to create more space so the iPad can update itself.
So how do I remove the movies off my iPad 2? If I have to do it through iTunes, what do I do?
Read more: How to remove movies from iPad?
Tuesday, December 29, 2015
Does the iPad Pro have any of these pre installed -?
Registry cleaner
Shortcuts fixer
Spyware remover
Tracks eraser
Temporary files cleaner
Or if not can they be downloaded from third party software providers?
Read more: Does the iPad Pro have any of these pre installed -?
How to add a talk talk email to my iPad?
Can you tell me step by step simplified because I don't understand the tutorial websites and I'm really confused, as in I don't know what a host name is and eat?
Read more: How to add a talk talk email to my iPad?
Do you get pissed off when something like your ipad or computer or Bluetooth don't wark correctly?
I do
Added (1). **** my keyboard is screwed up. Its supposed to say work
Read more: Do you get pissed off when something like your ipad or computer or Bluetooth don't wark correctly?
Best way to get a refurbished iPad air 32gb cheap online?
Best way to get a refurbished iPad air 32gb cheap online? - 1
Read more: Best way to get a refurbished iPad air 32gb cheap online?
I feel so pointless?
Please help me. I’m just gonna come out and say this. I’m a 15, soon to be 16 year old girl. I’ve been spoon fed my whole life, and now my parents are saying that I should find a job. For 1, I always mess up, I’m very forgetful, and the thought of being with more experienced adults scares me! And number 2, my grades will probably stop me from ever finding a decent job…
I’m predicted all C’s in everything, and people have told me I won’t go anywhere because of those grades. And because of that, I’ve been going through stages where I feel like I’m too useless to contribute to the world and the world doesn’t need a failure like me. I mean, heck, in my mocks. I got 1A, 1B, 3Cs, 2Ds an E, and an F in Maths! An F! How am I supposed to take my health care course with an F in Maths?! I’ve been below average in Maths since I was little. I have a tutor, but everything I’m taught seems to be a blur, and nothing seems to sink in. You could ask me questions based on the lesson, and I’d have no freaking idea. I just… I don’t know what to do. My parents are taking away my laptop, phone, and iPad so I can revise… But with all this pressure, I’m not going to go anywhere. I spend my time when I get home from School; locked away in my room going on youtube and accepting my fate. Is there any point in me going on?
Read more: I feel so pointless?
How to download Skype on my iPad and log in?
My computer is in for repairs for a few weeks and I quite frequently use Skype, so I am trying to get it on my iPad. However, every time I try to download it, it asks me to log in with an Apple ID. I just want to use my normal Skype login. What do I download to get this?
Read more: How to download Skype on my iPad and log in?
Why is my wireless speed so slow?
My Internet connection speed on my wired Ethernet desktop is about 90Mbps. But on my wireless desktop, ipad and laptop its' only around 20Mbps. Is my 3 year old Belkin router out of date or is there a setting I need to change on the computers or router? Thanks.
Read more: Why is my wireless speed so slow?
How to write youtube links on an ipad?
I'v been wanting to give people links for youtube videos in comments, but I don't know how to. Can someone please tell me how to?
Read more: How to write youtube links on an ipad?
Monday, December 28, 2015
How to manage and save my money?
I'm 18 a girl barely started working at a warehouse for a week which is $10 an hour sometimes it's the whole week at night depends and I'm looking for another job for the day. I just pay my phone, I need to have money for uber for now n save money for my car in the future n other stuff. The only things I would need is new makeup n skincare since I ran out of it all n I need it for everyday. If I work two part time jobs then i will b ok but how do I manage my money and save? My iPad screen is broken. I haven't gone out to have fun in many months. My wallet is ripping apart.idk what to do
Read more: How to manage and save my money?
OEM vs after-market replacement screen for an iPad 2?
I badly cracked the screen (just the glass, nothing else) to my iPad. It is working fine, but I'm afraid I'll cut my fingers or something, or that something will shift and it will damage the LCD or whatever.
I can get a repair with after-market parts for much cheaper than a repair with original Apple parts. And I'm on rather a budget, so a cheaper repair is worth it if it's not significantly worse.
So, anyone know whether it's really worth getting OEM replacement screens for an iPad, or if the after-market ones generally do OK? Should I get a screen protector (like this one: or whatever) if I go with the after-market screen? Any particular after-market screen I should steer clear of or towards? Any other advice?
Added (1). Note: if you can steer me towards a *particular* after-market screen that you'd recommend, one of the people I'm considering for the repairs will repair it with parts that the customer provides, so if there's one that's genuinely worth a little more than the $9 ones I'm seeing on ebay…
Read more: OEM vs after-market replacement screen for an iPad 2?
Ipad can't detect wireless network?
My iPad can't detect and connect to my wireless network. Other devices were able to connect to it so I decided to do the following:
1. Changed WiFi Password - no go
2. Changed security encryption to WEP/WPA/WPA2/WPA+WPA2 - no go
3. Removed the wireless password entirely - no go
4. Changed SSID - no go
5. Power cycled both the router and my iPad - no
6. Reset the router and redid steps 1-4 - no go
7. Reset settings on the iPad
During these attempts, all other devices seem to connect to my network so I'm absolutely sure it's my iPad. However when I went at our local restaurant the bloody thing was able to connect to the resto's wifi so I'm not sure where to go from here. Help? The router only broadcasts 2.4ghz.
Added (1). Important note: the ipad used to connect to my wifi
Read more: Ipad can't detect wireless network?
My kids got ipads for Xmas. What do I need to have wifi access at home?
My kids got ipads for Xmas. What do I need to have wifi access at home? - 1
Read more: My kids got ipads for Xmas. What do I need to have wifi access at home?
How to use my iPad's lighting cable to produce 3.5mm (analog) audio?
So, my iPad's 3.5mm jack is broken, so I can't plug it in anymore. I want to use my lightning cable, how do I do it?
Read more: How to use my iPad's lighting cable to produce 3.5mm (analog) audio?
I need a good app for my ipad to download songs?
I need a good app for my ipad to download songs?
Read more: I need a good app for my ipad to download songs?
Personal Hotspot Data?
I have an iPhone 5s and I want to turn on my personal hotspot so I can give my IPad mini and laptop wifi. In my contract for my phone I get 2gb of data a month. My question is, if I use my phones personal hotspot on my laptop/ iPad, will it take it out of my monthly data allowance or will it cost extra? Help would be very much appreciated. Thanks:)
Read more: Personal Hotspot Data?
How to get wifi at home for my kids to use their ipads?
How to get wifi at home for my kids to use their ipads? - 1
Read more: How to get wifi at home for my kids to use their ipads?
IPad Pro vs MacBook Key difference between the two. Could I use the pro in place of the macbook?
IPad Pro vs MacBook Key difference between the two. Could I use the pro in place of the macbook?
Read more: IPad Pro vs MacBook Key difference between the two. Could I use the pro in place of the macbook?
Sunday, December 27, 2015
How to do a time lapse?
I just got the asx action pro-x camera for Christmas and I can't quite figure out how the time lapse function. I have it set to take the picture every 3 sec and continuous lapse is on but when I stop the lapse it just has a bunch of pictures not a video. So I was wondering if that's a setting or if I need to edit it on my iPad/laptop to get it to do the time lapse
Read more: How to do a time lapse?
What is the best device to buy?
I have been buying Ipads 2 and would like to upgrade to something better maybe… So is there anything better than a Ipad2? That takes good pictures as well? I kinda would like it to be the same size. I don't like small screens too much.
Read more: What is the best device to buy?
I'm looking to buy an iPad, but can't decide which one. I'm an artist?
I'd love to have the iPad Pro, for it's strong supports with art apps and the Apple Pencil. But of course, it is $300 more than the Air 2, plus $100 for the Pencil.
I've seen people use apps like Autodesk Sketchbook Pro on the regular iPad (which has no pressure sensitivity) and do some pretty okay drawings. I'm not looking to create complete masterpieces on my iPad, just be able to sketch and paint on the go and feel comfortable doing so.
I have a drawing tablet for my computer, so that's what i am used to.
Will the pressure sensitivity make a big difference on the pro? I know it's pretty useful on my tablet.
Also does the speed of the iPad come into play? Will an iPad Air lag like crazy if i'm drawing a lot on it?
Please help me decide whether to spend more on the Pro or whether an Air will suffice.
Also, feel free to recommend any iPad apps that may be nice for drawing.
Thank you!
Read more: I'm looking to buy an iPad, but can't decide which one. I'm an artist?
Ipad mini troubles?!
So I got an ipad mini 3, and I carelessly forgot the password after an hour. I kept trying to guess using my common passwords that I use for all my devices but nothing worked and I kept getting locked out. BY THE WAY: this is when I first restarted the tablet after the Touch ID setup. I looked online and found that you could factory reset it, but when I tried on three different laptops, none of them would work. Please help me, thanks!
Read more: Ipad mini troubles?!
I need to know my options regarding gaming and going to college on PC?
Im going to college, and I am a PC gamer. I am also a Bio major, nothing too heavily endowed in tech, coding, math, or anything of the like. People in college right now, would it be worth the money to buy a gaming laptop for upwards of 1400 and retain complete mobility(depending on the laptop) for use in classes, or bring a micro-atx form factor desktop for my dorm and use a tablet with a keyboard for classes?
I would only be buying a desktop, no keyboard, monitor, etc, and I already have a tablet (Ipad Mini 1).
Also bear in mind I'm not going light on the pc specs either, I plan on at least using an I5-6600k and a High end Pascal GPU, so even though my case will be small
( This one to be exact) my performance will be big, compared to the mediocre performance of laptop hardware.
Essentially, is the mobility of the laptop worth not having a desktop, even if you can have a tablet for classes?
Read more: I need to know my options regarding gaming and going to college on PC?
IPad won't charge or turn on?
Last night I was using my iPad to watch YouTube and it was charging at the same time. Then all of a sudden it shut down and now it won't turn on or even charge. It keeps doing this loop where it shows the red battery then the apple logo then it goes to a black screen. I can't turn it on at all.
Read more: IPad won't charge or turn on?
I just got a new Apple iPad & I don t know how to do the apple id?
I just got a new Apple iPad & I don t know how to do the apple id?
Read more: I just got a new Apple iPad & I don t know how to do the apple id?
What can drain an iPad Air 2 battery faster?
What can drain an iPad Air 2 battery faster?
Added (1). I want to know how to prevent it from happening
Read more: What can drain an iPad Air 2 battery faster?
What is a jailbreak and is it safe?
What is a jailbreak and is it safe? - 1
Added (1). Im thinking about jailbreaking my ipad mini
Read more: What is a jailbreak and is it safe?
How to livestream my iPad screen?
I cannot use the app 'Unicorn' because my MacBook is too outdated. Thanks in advance!
Read more: How to livestream my iPad screen?
Read more: How to livestream my iPad screen?
Saturday, December 26, 2015
How to keep my daughter from downloading whatever she wants on her iPad?
I bought my daughter an iPad and she downloads whatever she wants on it. I told her to ask to download stuff, but she ignored me. Are there any controls to keep her from doing this?
Read more: How to keep my daughter from downloading whatever she wants on her iPad?
I have a an itunes backup from my iphone 6 that i would like to use for my brand new iPad air 2?
I have a an itunes backup from my iphone 6 that i would like to use for my brand new iPad air 2? - 1
Read more: I have a an itunes backup from my iphone 6 that i would like to use for my brand new iPad air 2?
Wacom Bamboo Fineline Stylus Not Charging?
I just received the Bamboo Fineline 2 Stylus for my iPad today. The goal is to take notes in college with it. However, when plugging it into the outlet to charge for the required 2 hours, it didn't charge at all. Then I plugged it into my computer thinking it would make a difference, but it didn't. I can't try to update the filmware or anything since it won't turn on at all much less connect with bluetooth.
Troubleshooting ideas?
Read more: Wacom Bamboo Fineline Stylus Not Charging?
What should I buy with $200?
So I recently got $230 (I just said $200 so it'd be easier to find) and I don't know what to buy with it. I'm 13 years old and I like bath and body works and PINK and stuff. I also wear makeup, but like drugstore brand. I'm going to North Carolina in 2 days and my mom said I can go to the mall down there and go on a shopping spree. Should I? I'd go to these store: Aeropostale, Charlotte Russe, Forever21, American Eagle, h&m, Tillys, PINK, and bath and body works. Now I won't be buying something from all these stores, maybe just from 3-4 stores. Should I use this money for a shopping spree? Or should I just save it for something else. I have a family iPad, family gopro, family camera, family laptop, and a family computer, as well as my own phone, so I don't want any electronics. Sorry about the lengthy question! Thanks
Read more: What should I buy with $200?
Kung magpapadala ng mini ipad mula kuwait to binangonan magkano po ang babayaran?
Kung magpapadala ng mini ipad mula kuwait to binangonan magkano po ang babayaran?
Read more: Kung magpapadala ng mini ipad mula kuwait to binangonan magkano po ang babayaran?
IPad app you can make beats using video clips?
My buddy had an app on his iPad about 3 or 4 years ago. On the app you could make beats with a set of video clips. I ve lost touch with my buddy and I just got an iPad and was wondering if anyone could tell me the name of this app. Thanks.
Read more: IPad app you can make beats using video clips?
Will they give me a new iPad?
My iPad stopped charging toady it won't charge! I bought my iPad from the Apple Store they said if something stop working they'll try and fix it and if they can't then they'll get me a new one I was gonna take it toady but my iPad is cracked from the edges will they still give me a new one?
Read more: Will they give me a new iPad?
Friday, December 25, 2015
How to clean my iPad Mini without leaving any swipe marks or damaging it?
So I accidentally dropped my iPad in a bowl of soup… Don't focus on that please. So every time I use paper towels and water to wipe it I keep leaving these little swipe marks. And I don't want to completely dip it in a bucket of water and soap.
Read more: How to clean my iPad Mini without leaving any swipe marks or damaging it?
Can you return an ipad?
So i got a new apple ipad air 2 16gb from a gift. And i think 16gb is too low. So i wanted to ask if i can return it or trade it with a higher space (ofcourse i ll add money). Or just refund it with the original price of the ipad and buy another one again.
The ipad is still brand new and the plastic is still there but i already opened it.
Read more: Can you return an ipad?
Is paranoia often a symptom of bipolar and/or psychosis?
I want to get counselling yet I cannot get close enough or trust anyone enough to talk to, this includes relatives, friends, and s/o. I've had a nasty spiteful psychologist whom diagnosed me with bipolar but within the first session- however did not expand on it or try work with it while turning up late, not listening, looking at their watch, and playing games on their iPad during sessions. I tried over the phone counselling yet got choked up and couldn't talk to them so I'm doing online counselling, I talk to a random on a fake email once a week. I want to get anti-depressants as well. I feel cut off and stuck. I don't know what to do.
Read more: Is paranoia often a symptom of bipolar and/or psychosis?
My iPad won't open help?
I have had a I pad 2 for 6 years it over the past two years it has been lagging and slow but recently it shuts itself down and takes about 2 hours to open up again, is it time to get a new one?
Read more: My iPad won't open help?
Can I bring my iPad to basic combat training after exodus holidays?
I just bought iPad air 2 on Bestbuy and planning to take it to my basic training center which is Fort Jackson, we are on exodus holiday right now, but I am wonder if it is okay to take it. I'm not sure if the y will allow me to put my iPad in my personal bag again. What do you guys think?
Read more: Can I bring my iPad to basic combat training after exodus holidays?
Im trying to backup my ipad and i get the message not enough storage on my computer?
Im trying to backup my ipad and i get the message not enough storage on my computer? - 1
Read more: Im trying to backup my ipad and i get the message not enough storage on my computer?
I feel my head is too small? - 1
It looks perfect when I take a picture on my iPad but when I look in the mirror it's super unusually small. Anyways, my head length from the chin to the hairline head is 8 inches. Everyone said it looks fine but it's weird how it looks super small in the mirror. When I went to the mall and looked in the mirror it looks normal sized. Why does my head appear different? Do I have a small head?
Im male, 6'1, 16 years,
Read more: I feel my head is too small? - 1
I think the older generation are most addicted to social media and new technology?
For example, my mother is unable to listen to me if she is on her iPad, even if I say her name up to five times. She'll go to pull herself away from her apps, but when she does, she unsuccessfully pays attention to anything that's gone on around her.
Another example would be when watching TV or a movie at home, she'll be on her iPad.
I don't even know what she could be doing that invests so much time and energy, but it really makes me feel like things I say don't matter at all, especially in comparison to the amount of attention she gives to her iPad and apps.
I'm 18 and I don't have this problem at all.
Read more: I think the older generation are most addicted to social media and new technology?
Thursday, December 24, 2015
Should I give a 12 yr old an iPod she already has a phone and iPad if. Not what can I give her?
Should I give a 12 yr old an iPod she already has a phone and iPad if. Not what can I give her?
Read more: Should I give a 12 yr old an iPod she already has a phone and iPad if. Not what can I give her?
My email is not updating properly on my iPad nor my android phone. I?
My email is not updating properly on my iPad nor my android phone. I?
Read more: My email is not updating properly on my iPad nor my android phone. I?
Please correct me if I'm wrong?
I have an Xbox 360 and a TV that I'm not currently using. I told my girlfriend that her 7 year old daughter can have it for Christmas and we both agreed that she can have it on the condition that she behaves ( Santa doesn't give presents to kids on the naughty list). Lately her behaviour is appalling. So I told my girlfriend that she's no longer having the Xbox and TV due to her behaviour. This resulted in a massive argument and I'm being made out to be the bad guy for Christmas. Let's not forget the fact that her daughter has already got an iPad, new bike, new scooter and literally a room full of toys. My argument is that she is rewarding her daughter with bad behaviour and now she's off to the shops to get an Xbox and TV regardless. So am I wrong for caring about her daughter's future? We have a daughter of our own on the way and I feel that the big sister now would be a terrible example to follow for our little one if this continues. So am I wrong?
Read more: Please correct me if I'm wrong?
How to stream the Eagles/Redskins game online for free, without subscription?
If they don't have NFL Network at the hotel, is there a way to watch the game online or through some free iPhone/iPad app?
Read more: How to stream the Eagles/Redskins game online for free, without subscription?
Is there something wrong with me? - 1
So i dont know whats up. But I have a very forgetful memory/mind. I honestly dont know how to explain it. Its just that whenever i would have something to do i would get distracted by doing something else i would totally forget what i was going to do before. Like i just forget and i would struggle trying to remember what i was doing before. For example; I would say i would search something up on my ipad then i get distracted by watching this video on my ipad. Then when the video is done i would just completely forget what i was searching up struggling to remember. Im really not sure how to explain but I hope you get the picture of what im saying. I feel as if my brain is the sz of a walnut or i have a small brain and i can feel the empty space my brain doesnt take up. I am currently 18. Is there something wrong with me?
Read more: Is there something wrong with me? - 1
Can't get notifications for Instagram?
So I've had Instagram for a while and I've been very annoyed that no notifications come up and it keeps telling me to turn them on in the settings when I can't. Under notifications Instagram isn't there for some reason so I can't turn them on at all. Why is this and how can I find a way to get notifications
Added (1). I have the most recent update for my iPad
Read more: Can't get notifications for Instagram?
Is it actually possible to connect an iPad mini to a computer with just the iPad mini charger?
Is it actually possible to connect an iPad mini to a computer with just the iPad mini charger?
Read more: Is it actually possible to connect an iPad mini to a computer with just the iPad mini charger?
Should I sell my iPod touch 5 and get iPad Mini 2 is it worth it?
Should I sell my iPod touch 5 and get iPad Mini 2 is it worth it?
Read more: Should I sell my iPod touch 5 and get iPad Mini 2 is it worth it?
Problems logging into Pinterest using Facebook on iPad and iphone?
Problems logging into Pinterest using Facebook on iPad and iphone?
Added (1). Whenever I try to log into Pinterest using the option to log in with Facebook it logs in as someone else in my family who has previously logged into Facebook. I'm logged in at the time that I try to use Facebook to log into Pinterest but it still doesn't recongize that my account is logged in. I've had the
Is problem both on the iPad and iPhone.
Read more: Problems logging into Pinterest using Facebook on iPad and iphone?
Downloading pictures from ps3 to my ipad?
All my pictures from my camera are on my ps3. I want to get some of the pictures onto my ipad, is there a way? (I dont have a laptop with space to hold my pictures, this is why they are on my ps3)
Read more: Downloading pictures from ps3 to my ipad?
Wednesday, December 23, 2015
Why does Apple Music wipe out all of my storage?
I started watching the Taylor Swift 1989 world tour concert movie on my iPad and before I started it I had 4.5 GB on my iPad. An hour in and I've run out of storage completely. Why did this happen?
Read more: Why does Apple Music wipe out all of my storage?
Should I return my iPad?
I just bought an iPad mini 4 from Walmart. It's gold, 16gb, wifi only. I unwrapped it but didn't use anything because it came with no instructions, manual, or Apple stickers. I looked around the box and it said "Demo - Not for resale".
Read more: Should I return my iPad?
How should I approach this traumatically embarrassing event?
So our school was having a pep rally yesterday and I was one of the participants. Yesterday was our last day of school for the year and we are currently doing winter break. So I'm on my high school's basketball team and we were apart of the event when our part was to do a scrimmage and shoot hoops.
I have a crush on this girl at my school, I knew she was watching so I wanted to impress her. So I decided to have one of my teammates throw a alley oop to me over three defenders and transition, here's the sad part… I missed the catch, went down, landed wrong, and snapped my leg in HALF. The whole gym went silent and started screaming. They had to immediately rush me to the hospital! I'm not going to go all in detail about the rest, but right now I'm on my iPad resting and how can I recover from this event mentally and physically during winter break?
Read more: How should I approach this traumatically embarrassing event?
Have you locked your phone or iPad using fingerprint password before?
Have you locked your phone or iPad using fingerprint password before? - 1
Read more: Have you locked your phone or iPad using fingerprint password before?
I cant view certain webpages on my device?
So here's the whole story.
Yesterday, I was unable to surf the net since most of the pages wont load, but the thing is, youtube was the only one that worked fine with my net and I was even watching those videos in 720p-uninterrupted and smoothly.
I tried to search for remedies including flushing my DNS through the command prompt on windows 8 and then restarted it - nothing happened.
And then I tried to change some settings in my DNS server-in the TCP/IPv4. I changed the Preferred DNS server to, alternate to, I saw that nothing happened so I flushed my DNS again and restarted and then it finally worked.
The mysterious thing was the next day, I started to use my iPad and note 5, they worked fine at first but then suddenly I can't surf the net (again) and it said that there wasn't an internet connection. (Though youtube was doing perfectly fine, again. Until it looses the ability to stream videos an hour later.)
And now, I really feel weird since I am the only one who is able to use the internet (through my laptop), since all of the mobile devices here in the house are unable to connect to the net.
I am hoping that someone could explain this to me and tell me what to do:) I am sorry if the story was kinda terrible, please comment if you want to clarify something. :) I really wanted to get this fixed but I don't know how, since the tech support of our internet is lame.
Read more: I cant view certain webpages on my device?
How to log into FB Messenger on my iPad when I don't have a Facebook account?
Few months back, I created a Facebook Messenger account (using my mobile number) without an actual Facebook account because I don't have one. Recently, I tried logging in on my iPad and found that it said to log in with my Facebook account. Obviously I can't do that, so what do I do? Is there not a way to log on anywhere else but my phone?
Read more: How to log into FB Messenger on my iPad when I don't have a Facebook account?
I have an apple ipad,i made up random account now i forgot the information?
I have an apple ipad, i made up random account now i forgot the information?
Read more: I have an apple ipad,i made up random account now i forgot the information?
IPad is losing charge despite being plugged into a charger?
I'm on it while it's losing charge, when I turn it off it charges slowly though. Updated and everything, lots of memory space.
Read more: IPad is losing charge despite being plugged into a charger?
I made a fake account on my apple ipad now i don't remember i can't activated?
I made a fake account on my apple ipad now i don't remember i can't activated?
Read more: I made a fake account on my apple ipad now i don't remember i can't activated?
Tuesday, December 22, 2015
Good easy Italian games in Italy App Store?
Good easy Italian games in Italy App Store?
Added (1). I am setting up an iPad for my mother in law who is elderly and Italian. I have set up in the Italy App Store. I have dowloaded some Italian card games like Scopa and Briscola but I also would like some like puzzle games etc, but they must be all in Italian (screens and instruction/rules etc) can anyone please suggest a few? I known very little Italian so it's slowing me down. Thanks
Read more: Good easy Italian games in Italy App Store?
Travel: security checkpoint?
So if I go to the checkpoint and they ask me to put stuff on the bin to pass by the x Ray scan thing, do I need to separate my iPad and camera into a separate bin? My camera is film camera (35mm)
Read more: Travel: security checkpoint?
Error:1111 on sims freeplay ipad?
I'm trying to purchase so things from the store on sims freeplay. But when I want to access the store it says 'error: 1111 please try again later'. What can I do to stop this happening?
Thankyouu xx
Read more: Error:1111 on sims freeplay ipad?
Thankyouu xx
Read more: Error:1111 on sims freeplay ipad?
Wednesday, December 16, 2015
What does it mean when an iPad is locked?
I'm looking to buy an iPad off ebay, and it's locked to At&T. I just want an iPad that I can use wifi on, since I'm going to Hong Kong in a couple of months and want to use free wifi instead of having to pay for a data plan that won't work there.
Will an iPad being locked to a certain carrier affect my ability to use it at all, or do I have to make sure to unlock it when I get it?
Read more: What does it mean when an iPad is locked?
Will an iPad being locked to a certain carrier affect my ability to use it at all, or do I have to make sure to unlock it when I get it?
Read more: What does it mean when an iPad is locked?
Saturday, December 12, 2015
Are the iPads all the same size?
I ordered an iPad 2nd generation, and I need to order a case.
Read more: Are the iPads all the same size?
Read more: Are the iPads all the same size?
Thursday, December 10, 2015
Why do you like test cricket?
I was just watching highlights of the New Zealand v Sri Lanka game, day 1, on line. Something happened to me which I think shows why test cricket is far superior to any other sport as well as any other form of cricket.
Martin Guptill was 99*, another gold dust milestone awaits him. He caresses the ball through extra cover. The statues at both cover & mid off strike a pose as the ball dissects them on its enevitable way to the boundary.
In a bar, with my iPad & earphones in I embarrassingly bellowed, 'Shot!'. No T20 anger, no ODI urgency in the shot. Just the timing & elagance that can only be found in white clothing. That simple stroke of the willow encompasses why test cricket is so wonderful.
I'd concede the two extra runs if I could swap a coloured clothing slog for white clothing poetry. Thoughts?
Read more: Why do you like test cricket?
How to find deleted search history on iPad?
Im worried about what my son has been searching on his iPad. So, I pressed the bookmark icon in "search" and went to history, but he had erased it all. He claims that erasing the history saves battery, but Im not sure what to believe. An tips on how to find deleted histoy on a iPad Air? Thanks.
Read more: How to find deleted search history on iPad?
Can you sell an ipad that is locked with a forgotten apple id and password?
the ipad was given to me because of the previous owner forgetting their own password and etc.
Read more: Can you sell an ipad that is locked with a forgotten apple id and password?
Have any of you males in the Navy ever served with females on a Sub?
Have any of you males in the Navy ever served with females on a Sub?
Added (1). I was reading earlier that 12 Sailors(USS Wyoming)were charged with secretly filming female crew members in the shower and changing room. How is this possible? Are there that many openings that make this possible? Also, how did the cell-phones and I-pads get on board? Doesn't the COB shake the crew down now and than?
Read more: Have any of you males in the Navy ever served with females on a Sub?
Are there any iPad apps I can use for astronomy?
Preferably free or cheap. Good ones that can help plot and teach you and help you find the stars.
Read more: Are there any iPad apps I can use for astronomy?
Can a cop ask for your SSN?
My daughter was pulled over last night for looking at her phone at an intersection. She was checking the time since the clock on the car does not work. Cop asked her if she knows about the new law concerning Texting and Driving. Daughter said "yes, but this was at a stop light."
The cop asked for DL and insurance card.
He went back to the patrol car and checked things out for about 3 mins.
He came back and ask for her phone # and SSN#. She gave it to him and he said "OK… You can go."
I told her never give the Phone # or SS# out. She said he didn't write it down and was looking at his Ipad or clipboard during this time.
Is this legal? I think a cop can pretty much ask anything, but my daughter only has to give him the DL and insurance. And does not have to provide anything else.
I started to put 2 and 2 together and think that it was because my daughter was driving through a Hispanic neighborhood. She is not Hispanic, but looks to be one and her last name is not Hispanic. The cop may have gotten suspicious and ask for the SSN# to see if she might be illegal immigrant.
Read more: Can a cop ask for your SSN?
Ipad won t turn on?!
my ipad completely died on me so i put it on the charger and when i did the apple logo came on then the ipad shut off then the battery symbol came on, its just continues over and over. And i can t even hard reset cause when i do, the battery symbol comes out. Help!
Read more: Ipad won t turn on?!
Should I save up for a motorcycle or should I just keep stacking possessions?
A motorcycle is $4000, but I am looking at the new iPad mini 4, or the newest one and it looks pretty cool for $399. I am over 1/4 of the way there for a new motorcycle, do you think I should keep strictly saving or should I just buy all these super cool, nice little possessions such as an iPad?
Read more: Should I save up for a motorcycle or should I just keep stacking possessions?
Wednesday, December 9, 2015
People born in the 2000s are the ipad generation?
People born in the 2000s are the ipad generation?
Read more: People born in the 2000s are the ipad generation?
Best books and what not for someone who wants to learn to draw?
Best books and what not for someone who wants to learn to draw?
Added (1). I'm 19 years old and have always wished I was better at being artistic. Right now I can't really draw at all, but I want to learn! Need some advice on what kind of study material such as books that help beginners so I can get to learn a bit more. Plus I recently got the iPad pro and want to get the Apple pencil so I can start practicing using that. Any apps that are great for artists?
Read more: Best books and what not for someone who wants to learn to draw?
How to protect my iPad and iPhone?
I have an iPhone and an iPad and I really like how they both look without the case, but I am not allowed to not use a case. I can't risk cracking the screen. I also need a protective case like a otter box, but not a case that is just the back. Anyway, is there any device that you can put on the back and the front of the iPad that will protect it from getting cracked? My friend had a clear thing that she had on the front of her phone that was a clear piece about a mm thick. I thought she said it was called gorilla pad but I searched it and it's not I don't think. So anyone have an idea?
Read more: How to protect my iPad and iPhone?
How to use the PowerPoint app from an iPad?
I downloaded the PowerPoint app and did a presentation that is due tomorrow but I don t know how to transfer my presentation to a pc computer so I can use the tablet to present it. Do I have to pay for the subscription? And how can I do this presentation?
Read more: How to use the PowerPoint app from an iPad?
Can iPhones download iPad apps the same as ipads that can download iPhone apps?
Can iPhones download iPad apps the same as ipads that can download iPhone apps?
Read more: Can iPhones download iPad apps the same as ipads that can download iPhone apps?
Should I get a iPad or Windows tablet and why?
What's the pros and cons of using a laptop that runs iOS and Windows? Not interested in android.
Read more: Should I get a iPad or Windows tablet and why?
Should i get iPad Mini 2 is it worth getting and tell me why i should get it?
Should i get iPad Mini 2 is it worth getting and tell me why i should get it?
Read more: Should i get iPad Mini 2 is it worth getting and tell me why i should get it?
Tuesday, December 8, 2015
Is this a normal thing that happens in college or is it just me? I'm going through a lot?!
I'm in my early 20's and about to graduate. My school is a public commuter college. Anyway, this is not the 1st this has happened, but I ignored it. This semester I have 2 male professors. Also, I sit in the back of the class, to the side, with a room of about 25-34 students for both professors. One of my profs is in his 50's, the other late 30's to early 40's possibly. My professor in his 50's keeps looking at me during class and creates nicknames for me. While taking an exam I asked him a question I didn't get on the test and instead of helping me he whispered, " are you married or single?" I was so shocked and said, "What?" And he said it again and eventually after avoiding the question he says "oh I was just kidding I know you shy and quiet which is why I asked.
Now my other professor in his late 30's to early 40's is married. On the FIRST day of class he kept looking at me and making a lot of eye contact with me. He would even make comments about ppl sitting in the back of the room and glance at me while saying it. It got so frequent I started keeping my eyes down on my notes. When I had to work in groups with my fellow classmates he impulsively sat in a chair right next to me, leaned iin closer to me and started watching what I was doing on my iPad and said "uh oh" in a teasing way. Another time I came to class in a yellow dress because I had an event I had to do after class the man looked me In the face then down at my breast and started smiling at me. Wtf?!
Added (1). The man keeps giving me the SAME grades on all my papers. I didn't do a paper once and asked if he accepts late papers. He said yes and that he takes off a 1pt. When I handed in my paper and got it back He only took of.3pts instead. Why lie? For my final paper I got a grade that's in the top 5% of the class. Once I was in deep thought about an assignment he gave and He calls on me out of nowhere and says "is everything ok, name)? How the hell did he see me thinking? I felt embaressed!
Added (2). He's done more stuff but I can't remember now.
In nowhere shape or form I consider myself attractive. I'm shy and quiet, as well as would be considered a plus sized girl maybe of the curvy side. Most men don't like "heavier" women k suppose So i ruled that out.
Read more: Is this a normal thing that happens in college or is it just me? I'm going through a lot?!
Can I keep something that I found if the previous owner refuse to give me a reward?
I found a iPhone 6 and a iPad in a purse on the train. The woman called her phone and I told her we can meet so that I can return her belongs. But once I asked her the how much would the reward amount was going to be she got rude. It got so heated I hung the phone up and turned it off.
Read more: Can I keep something that I found if the previous owner refuse to give me a reward?
How to get other games & programs that I can play on iPad without the use of Credit Card?
How to get other games & programs that I can play on iPad without the use of Credit Card?
Read more: How to get other games & programs that I can play on iPad without the use of Credit Card?
Blank files on iPad manage storage?
In the storage section of manage storage on my iPad, I have three what looks like blank files. I don't know what they are or how they got there. The image looks like a circle with lines around it.
What is this? I don't want to erase it encase.
Thanks in advance.
Read more: Blank files on iPad manage storage?
How to budget my money?
I need to fix my iPad because it has a cracked screen but still works, I have a little bit of clothes and want to buy new clothes each month, I need to buy my momma present for chrisrmas and my own which are tickets for a concert, I need to dye my hair since it faded to,a very ugly color, and I want some. Money aside to go out for fun like twice a month since I have not gone out at all for the past six months. But he can I manage it all? What do I buy first? How do I buget all of this for the new year?
Read more: How to budget my money?
I can't access my uploaded videos on Facebook from my iPad?
I can't access my uploaded videos on Facebook from my iPad?
Read more: I can't access my uploaded videos on Facebook from my iPad?
What device i should buy iPad mini 4 or the iPad air 2?
Leave your answers please.
Here´s the Google Plus poll:
Read more: What device i should buy iPad mini 4 or the iPad air 2?
Why does apple always show the iPad playing movies (like the iPad pro) in full screen?
Like I wish that movies looked as good as they do when portrayed using the full screen of the iPad cause with the pro it would look fantastic. But any time you go full screen it's crappy quality and really isn't enjoyable. So why do you think they portray it in a way that you can't really watch movies with it.
Read more: Why does apple always show the iPad playing movies (like the iPad pro) in full screen?
Should i get ipad mini 2 or ipod 6th gen?
Hello everybody i m trying to figure out if i should get a ipad mini 2, or an ipod touch 6. I ve had a 4th gen ipod touch, then a fifth gen, but the screen is ruined and i need sonething else. There both 200, the 6th has the A8 while the ipad mini has the A7, both have 1g ram. Im wondering since the ipad mini is a little more outdated then the touch, but it has a way bigger screen and is the same price… Help me out please, thanks.
Read more: Should i get ipad mini 2 or ipod 6th gen?
Best iPad 4 stylus for Procreate?
I have an iPad 4 and I'm deciding between the sensu brush and wacom creative stylus(which i read works really well with the ipad 4?).
What would be better?
Read more: Best iPad 4 stylus for Procreate?
Monday, December 7, 2015
Have I made the right choice?!
I am a lesbian and was happily loved up with my girlfriend for 3 years. We never argued, we did everything together and was always there for each other to support and grow as a couple. It was heaven.
After a lovely long weekend off together, I get the iPad out of the draw (joint iPad) and up pops a message from her ex boyfriend, whom she has not had contact with, seen or anything like that for 4 1/2 years. The message reads, you have to do what is right for you, not for me, not for her, but for you. I was speechless. I didn t know what to say or feel. So when she came back in the room, I confronted her about it.
Her response being that they had seen each other on a night out and had reconciled as they had shared friends. I felt awful and got upset as I thought I d just accused her of cheating. Next minute she tells me something did happen, they slept together. I felt broke. Then I asked if it was just a one time thing and she proceeded to tell me she had slept with another guy (also a friend) whilst I was working a night shift. I felt utterly devastated. Both times unprotected also.
But now, whether because it s near Christmas or not, I m finding myself missing her a great deal and I can t help but wonder if I made the right decision to walk away. It still tears me up 6 months on. I don t know fully if I m dealing with it the right way or if I have done right. I miss her. I hate her and yet I love her.
Any advice would be much appreciated! Thank you x
Read more: Have I made the right choice?!
What are music apps that don't need wifi?
Okay so I'm in need for an app on my iPad Mini Retina Display that I don't need wifi to use so I can listen to music. I don't have iTunes money. I've tried the following:
Free Music For YouTube
Deezer (Won't let me sign up or in)
iMusic MusicTune Player For YouTube
My MP3
Pocket Tube
iMusic Player Plus
iMusic Player
Smart - Tube
Free Music
AudioTube - Worked. But then wouldn't add all songs to a new playlist
Music Tube
Free Muc
Had iTube on iPod but the app got deleted
And Video Tube
If you have any suggestions Please tell me. Thank you.
Read more: What are music apps that don't need wifi?
What table do teens like?
What table do teens like?
Added (1). What tablet do teens like most? IPad costs too much. They are for kids in lower income countries. Google Nexus? Amazon Fire? Window 10? Or should it be Apple or nothing?
Read more: What table do teens like?
Wi-Fi Antennae reception and related connection issues?
I've recently purchased a gaming PC (Nightblade B85C), which came with its built-in Wi-Fi receiver and two antennae to attach to it. Despite the fact that I've got a 20 mbit connection installed in the house, (1) the connection barely picks up and (2) it appears to work at a 3 mbit download capacity when I speed test it.
I connect to the same connection via an iPad 2, which seems to work but I cannot receive anything from the same router with a double-antennae. The router is located downstairs, exactly below the computer.
I haven't used a PC for 15 years so I'm pretty ignorant about even the basics. Does it have to do with the position? Or is there an update that would smooth thing up? Or is it a firewall setting that grinds it down to a slow pace? I wouldn"t know any better in any case. As things stand, plugging an Ethernet cable seems to be the surest way but still, it's pretty useless to have wireless connection now.
What would be the sensible thing to do apart from rebooting the router as Windows troubleshooting suggests?
* The machine runs on Windows 8.1
Read more: Wi-Fi Antennae reception and related connection issues?
I need to reset my Apple ID password on my iPad 2?
I need to reset my Apple ID password on my iPad 2?
Read more: I need to reset my Apple ID password on my iPad 2?
How to access ebay search history?
On my ipad it's easy, it's just there.
But on chrome the search bar is empty, How can i view my previous search's?
Read more: How to access ebay search history?
How to transfer my music fron iPad to iPhone?
How to transfer my music fron iPad to iPhone?
Read more: How to transfer my music fron iPad to iPhone?
MacBook Pro or IPad Pro for photo editing?
Basically I love taking photos. I don't know what it is but it relaxes me and I love the outcome. I went as far as to buying a camera and it's been going pretty well. I made an Instagram account and have sort of a "portfolio" on there.
I'm not a professional, still an amateur at this point so I use simple apps like VSCO Cam and other apps like that for filters.
Again this is just something I do on my free time so I don't expect to go anywhere with it but I want to make it more enjoyable.
Now an IPad Pro would be great, I'll definitely get the Apple Pencil to go with it but Im going to miss that computer feel. Sure there is a keyboard but I'm going to miss an actual laptop.
There is the MacBook Pro and I'm going for the 13". I won't be able to use apps like VSCO Cam on there so I'm thinking Photoshop would replace it. But will Photoshop do the same as VSCO Cam? If so then no doubt I'll go with the MacBook Pro.
This is a stupid question I know but it's just something to relax me, I have a lot of spare time at the moment so might as well take advantage.
Read more: MacBook Pro or IPad Pro for photo editing?
How to mange my money! Help?
I have many things I need to buy and j don't know what to buy first or what budget I should set every month. I just need money aside for uber for now and that's it since I'm 18 starting college in January. My iPad screen needs to b fixed, I need a school bag,a purse because I don't have one and hate carrying my things around in my hand, for Christmas I want to buy my mom a present since I only live with her and my own which is concert tickets, my hair is a mess n need a haircut, and a studio light for videos I make since the room has horrible lighting
Read more: How to mange my money! Help?
How to record my iOS 9.1 iPad Air?
How to record my iOS 9.1 iPad Air?
Added (1). For free?
Read more: How to record my iOS 9.1 iPad Air?
Sunday, December 6, 2015
I don't understand my feelings. Hate?
Idk what's wrong with me.
Well. My brother is 36
My sister is 27
And I'm 16 (girl)
I just feel, that my mom feels like she's done with raising kids, because she already has 2 grown adults.
And the fact that my brother and sister are fully related and I'm their half sister doesn't really help either.
Even though my mom says that they apparently "treat me all the same" I don't really buy it, they have to love each other more anyway.
I feel like there's always gonna be a gap. A joke that they're all in on, excluding me.
And when I do something stupid (like forget the password to my iPad and disable it) they all yell at me and shake their heads.
I'm a nuisance.
They already have their lives, I'm not even close to their age. They've already been through what I'm going through, lived through what I have yet to live through.
If i died, I think they'd grieve me.
I just, I don't even know what I'm feeling.
I want to go to a college 2,000 miles away. Because maybe it'll get better. If I leave them alone?
Either that, or…
I couldn't be able to talk to them about it. I'm not that close to them. We don't have serious "talks" I don't want to start now.
They're usually arguments, between me and my mom.
She says I'm worthless, useless, a whore (when I wear sweatshirts and jeans but no jacket) there's so many names.
I feel empty most of the time. Especially when I see my best friend with her awesome family.
What's my problem? /:
Read more: I don't understand my feelings. Hate?
IPad Air 2 sound not playing?
When I play sound it makes a continuous buzzing sound like when your to has no signal. Please help me quick or do I need to take it to store because I have warranty
Added (1). Btw I meant tv not to, my stupid autocorrect did that
Read more: IPad Air 2 sound not playing?
Should I get the iPhone6 plus to replace my iPad mini?
I got the iPhone 6 about 9 or 10 months ago and my iPad mini is working is working slower and slower each day. I would really love to use just one device and get an iPhone 6 plus, but can it replace an iPad mini? I used to use it for school notes and I still use it for text books (Although it's not that great for textbooks). I recently splurged and got a Macbook air 11 inch, so now I use that for class, I can carry it in my purse. I want to know, is the iPhone 6 plus useful for casual reading and web browsing, since I am using my mac for school? Is it worth it?
Read more: Should I get the iPhone6 plus to replace my iPad mini?
Is there a current jailbreak for iOS 9.1?
Is there a current jailbreak for iOS 9.1?
Added (1). Using an iPad Mini 3
Read more: Is there a current jailbreak for iOS 9.1?
Will those born in the 2000s be smarter than older people?
With Ipads and technology its possible don't ya think?
Added (1). People born in the 2000s do have some potential though.
Read more: Will those born in the 2000s be smarter than older people?
I want to buy an iPad with a 2 year contract?
I have been saving up for an iPad Air 32gb and noticed the one on is offered with a two year contract, however it is Way cheaper. Can you kinda explain what the two year contract is and the pros and cons?
Read more: I want to buy an iPad with a 2 year contract?
How to watch the patriots game today on my iPad, I'm in Kcmo and they're not televising it?
How to watch the patriots game today on my iPad, I'm in Kcmo and they're not televising it?
Read more: How to watch the patriots game today on my iPad, I'm in Kcmo and they're not televising it?
Can I set up my iPhone with data from my iPad and old iPhone?
I have purchased a new iPhone and want to move everything from my iPad and old phone to the new one. Is this possible. If so how can I do it
Read more: Can I set up my iPhone with data from my iPad and old iPhone?
Saturday, December 5, 2015
Why is the moon not in the sky?
Ok so I'm no astronomer or anything but I just went outside at home. I am near Mishawaka, Indiana out in the counry and I was looking at the stars and everything because it's a very clear night. I have that app on my iPad that shows the constellations and all of the planets and such (I can't remember the name of theapp of the top of my head). I typed into the search "Moon" and it said the moon was below us and wouldn't rise for another 4 hours and 48 minutes. This was around 10:20 p.m. EST. So why is the moon not in the sky yet? Does it have to do with the time of the year or month because just recently I could see the moon around this time even earlier. So what causes this? Thanks ahead of time.
Read more: Why is the moon not in the sky?
Can I facetime if the app is blocked?
The only Apple device I have is an iPad 2 from my school. The FaceTime app is blocked but later today I want to face chat with someone who has an iPhone but no wifi. Is there any way I can get an app that will allow me to FaceTime with them? I will have wifi.
Read more: Can I facetime if the app is blocked?
Bought an ipad with a dead dot on the screen:?
i didnt see when i bought it but when i got home and tried it, there is a clearly visible green dot which stays on the screen the whole time
it stays there during movies which makes it so annoying
i dont know what to do, i bought it from a market stall,. I do have the receipt but im worried theyll accuse me of it happening once i got back:(
i do like the ipad, but i dont know what to do
Read more: Bought an ipad with a dead dot on the screen:?
How can download latest version of iTune in my iPad mini?
How can download latest version of iTune in my iPad mini?
Read more: How can download latest version of iTune in my iPad mini?
Is it safe to take my IPad into the shower?
For it to cause damage would I have to completely soak it in water?
Read more: Is it safe to take my IPad into the shower?
How to fix my IPad Airs jammed volume up button?
How to fix my IPad Airs jammed volume up button?
Read more: How to fix my IPad Airs jammed volume up button?
Should I get Nikon Wireless Adaptor?
So I just bought a Nikon D3300 and I am getting it on Christmas. I want to get a Nikon Wireless Adaptor because at the moment I use my ipad mini for taking videos and editing and I have a laptop that cant edit videos that good, it lags and annoys me. I want to get the Nikon Wireless Adaptor but is it worth it? Does it lower the video quality when being sent via wifi? Someone commented on a youtube video saying it distorted their photo. I will be doing videos and not photos btw
Read more: Should I get Nikon Wireless Adaptor?
i was looking to buy a apple ipad air 2.
i see the price is 449 in walmart but 499 in apple
how can a apple product be cheaper in other stores compred to its own store.
also. I heard it is always better to buy the apple product frm apple store
for ease of that right
Read more: APPLE - IPAD - buying - WARRANTY?
How to punish my nephew?
So I'm a single guy and my brother and his wife went on a last minute vacation and left me with their son. Hes 11 and we only see each other like 10 times a year but he thinks of me as a "cool uncle". Anyway he has an iPad mini that he is on all the time and I try and get him to go out on my boat for the night (it's a cabin cruiser) but he doesnt want to. I ask him what he wants to do and he just wants to play on his iPad. Well he told me he can watch YouTube so I took his word for it until my brother called me that night and he said he isnt allowed to use it. So stupid me instead of telling him no YouTube I just turned off my internet and he threw a huge hissy fit so I let him calm down and now hes making it look like nothing ever happened. How can I punish him?
Read more: How to punish my nephew?
If I pay for Netflix through my iTunes account?
am I only allowed to watch it on Apple devices?
So if I buy Netflix through my iPhone and have it charge through my iTunes account, am I only allowed to watch it on Apple devices such as AppleTV, iPad, and iPhone or am I able to watch it on other devices such as XBOX, Roku, Amazon TV, smart TVs, etc?
Added (1). So if I created the account through an Apple device, would I create the username and password for Netflix? If not, then how would I log in on other devices because they wouldn't as for my iTunes username and password?
Read more: If I pay for Netflix through my iTunes account?
Friday, December 4, 2015
Can you connect a bluetooth mouse to the new iPad Pro?
Can you connect a bluetooth mouse to the new iPad Pro?
Read more: Can you connect a bluetooth mouse to the new iPad Pro?
Why are Europeans such jerks?
I've been traveling for the last 2 months, and I visited Europe in this order: Ireland, England, Germany, Czech Republic, Italy, Croatia, Bosnia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Romania, Ukraine. And the people there were weird and cheap. I haven't gotten a free refill in a single restaurant, half of the restaurants and hotels don't have wi-fi, and when I would ask someone on the street about public wi-fi they would be rude and just laugh. You have to pay to use the public restroom. Everyone thinks that they are so special because they have old cities, and castles… And half of the time I was afraid of being robbed, like every time my little six year old would use her ipad in public everyone would look at her, like they were tempted to steal it. And not to mention the beggars on the street. What is wrong with European people, why are they so cheap and rude?
Read more: Why are Europeans such jerks?
Is a Polaroid 16 GB tablet as good as an IPad?
Is a Polaroid 16 GB tablet as good as an IPad?
Read more: Is a Polaroid 16 GB tablet as good as an IPad?
How to download free music to the music app on your ipad?
How to download free music to the music app on your ipad?
Read more: How to download free music to the music app on your ipad?
Can you make a party on iPad on
my friend is using ipad to play and im on laptop, how can we make a party to be in the same map? I cant find it on her ipad
Read more: Can you make a party on iPad on
Not feeling good enough and in need of a makeover? Pics inside?
Lately insecurity is getting the best of me. I'm starting yo doubt myself and if I receive a compliment, explain it away by saying it's because that persons a friend or this one wants to get on my good side. My self esteem has taken a nosedive because of this. I figured strangers would be honest and I think I need that at thus point. What do you think about my appearance, and what do you think cold be improved by changing? I think a makeover nag help but I don't know where to begin. Thanks so much! Https://
Added (1). Ugh sorry for all the spelling and grammar errors! Typing on my iPad and I didn't double check. Also thank you so much blue sky:)
Read more: Not feeling good enough and in need of a makeover? Pics inside?
Is earth worse than ever before? (READ)?
Is earth worse than ever before and slowly increasingly gets worse? Reasons why I think this: gun chaos, mass shootings, pro and anti gun control humans arguing, transvestite approval (people believe Bruce Jenner is a woman even though isn't scientifically), over-tolerance?, pro and anti gay arguments never before (more gays, their power, and over-acceptance), less manners (less people hold open doors), sad increase of destructive technology (people dying while selfieing, kids on ipads close to their faces, increase in obesity due to pro technology and not as much exercise and maintenance of body, Lost faith in humanity?, christianphobia (hate and fear of Christians like never before), same thing with Muslims?, ETC.
Read more: Is earth worse than ever before? (READ)?
Ok so at my school someone hacked my teacher's schoology account, and i need to find the culprit?
schoology is a website like facebook where teachers post things such as homework projects and even tests. Recently my english teacher's account was hacked and had been getting really pissy about it. Today they posted on his account "Call me Daddy" so he said whoever finds the culprit will get extra credit (a whole letter grade). So i was wondering if there were anyway i could find the culprit so i can get the extra credit. Our school is an ipad so every student and teacher has an ipad. If you need anymore details just ask.
Read more: Ok so at my school someone hacked my teacher's schoology account, and i need to find the culprit?
I have may pdfs stored on my computer, how can I transfer them to my iPad?
I have may pdfs stored on my computer, how can I transfer them to my iPad? - 1
Read more: I have may pdfs stored on my computer, how can I transfer them to my iPad?
Thursday, December 3, 2015
How to download youtube videos on a Ipad?
How to download youtube videos on a Ipad?
Added (1). Are there any apps that K can use?
Added (2). Are there any apps that I can use?
Read more: How to download youtube videos on a Ipad?
How much storage should I purchase with my iPad Pro?
I'm going to mostly use the iPad for taking notes for class, organizing my stuff into a virtual binder, and do some graphic design. I don't really download movies because I mostly stream. I also won't have my music on it because I have my iPod. Will 32gb be enough or should I invest the extra money for the 128 gb?
I'm currently a high school student going to college next year. I have a job, with no bills, that pays about $200 a week. I just don't want to spend more than I need.
Also, please don't say that iPad Pro is a waste of money. I've been saving off from buying a tablet for years because I've been wanting something like the pro. My mind is set and that is what I'm getting. Should I get 32 gb or 128 gb?
Read more: How much storage should I purchase with my iPad Pro?
What happens if you reset the device with the same Apple ID as another device?
I have an iPhone 5s with the same Apple ID as an iPad. What I want to know is: if I reset the iPhone will it affect the iPad as well?
Read more: What happens if you reset the device with the same Apple ID as another device?
Is my car AC converter compatible to use with my iPad charger for charging my iPhone 6 Plus?
Is my car AC converter compatible to use with my iPad charger for charging my iPhone 6 Plus?
Added (1). I have a AC converter with the following specifications:
PowerLine DC to AC Inverter
140 Watts Continuous
200 Watts Peak
Input 10 VDC - 16 VDC
Output 120 VAC/60 Hz
The specifications on my iPad charger (which I am using to charge my iPhone 6 Plus) are as follows:
12W USB Power Adapter
Input 100-240V
50-60 Hz
Output 5.2V - 2.5A
Do the specifications of my inverter support the max power potentially required by the charger?
I'd prefer an answer from someone with a degree. Thanks!
Read more: Is my car AC converter compatible to use with my iPad charger for charging my iPhone 6 Plus?
Design mockup infringing copyright?
I use these blank slate images for these design mock-ups, like billboards and bus posters. A few have been supplied by my lecturer during this website assignment, and he made it very clear we can use them for free and things. Recently, I downloaded a free blank slate image for ipad to put a website mockup on. And over all these blank slates, I've been putting watermarks on all of them. Am I allowed to put a watermark on them? I don't want to infringe. If I am, and someone steals that image, have they stolen from me (ie. Watermark on it), or stolen from the creator of the blank slates? Keep in mind that I don't intend to resell these blank slates, these are just for demonstrative purposes only.
Added (1). I've been trying to find the license to it, but it's not available at all. It just says free to use.
Added (2). Here is the website if it makes anything clearer:
Added (3). I should try and be clearer. I don't mean watermark them straight off the bat. I meant, put my design on AND THEN watermark them WITH my design on. Am I allowed to do that?
Read more: Design mockup infringing copyright?
Design mockup infringing copyright? - 1
I use these blank slate images for these design mock-ups, like billboards and bus posters. A few have been supplied by my lecturer during this website assignment, and he made it very clear we can use them for free and things. Recently, I downloaded a free blank slate image for ipad to put a website mockup on. And over all these blank slates, I've been putting watermarks on all of them. Am I allowed to put a watermark on them? I don't want to infringe. If I am, and someone steals that image, have they stolen from me (ie. Watermark on it), or stolen from the creator of the blank slates? Keep in mind that I don't intend to resell these blank slates, these are just for demonstrative purposes only.
Added (1). I've been trying to find the license to it, but it's not available at all. It just says free to use.
Here is the website if it makes anything clearer:
Read more: Design mockup infringing copyright? - 1
How to connect to the internet in iPad when I forgot my password in the iPad?
So earlier I changed my password, and I think I accidentally clicked a wrong letter so now I can't open it. I need to update my iPad to be able to restore it but it says I need to connect to the internet so it can update. The problem is I can't connect the internet with unlocking my iPad. Help?
Read more: How to connect to the internet in iPad when I forgot my password in the iPad?
What is the best way to watch anime offline?
So I would like to have a way to watch anime shows (mainly sword art online) offline. I have an iPad and would like to use that with an app or something.
Read more: What is the best way to watch anime offline?
Wednesday, December 2, 2015
Multiple Devices With the same Apple ID?
I have a iPhone and iPad with the same Apple ID. What I want to know is: if I sign out of the iPhone, will it automatically sign out of the iPad too?
Read more: Multiple Devices With the same Apple ID?
Will a spec of dust trapped under my iPad's screen damage my iPad?
There seems to be a spec of dust about the size of a grain of sand under my iPad's screen, but relatively far from the edges. Is this something that can damage my iPad or is it harmless? If it's harmless, I can learn to live with it.
Read more: Will a spec of dust trapped under my iPad's screen damage my iPad?
How to unlock my iPad Air 2?
I recently changed my passcode on my iPad Air 2, but I tried changing it to the old passcode, but it wouldn't let me. So I made up a new one. I can't remember what the new one is, and now my iPad will only allow me to unlock it via passcode, no touch ID. I have also recently unlocked it within the last 48 hours, contrary to what it is trying to tell me. Any way of unlocking it without wiping the data?
Read more: How to unlock my iPad Air 2?
Where can I obtain demo photos from iPad, that I see in the stores?
You know those stock photos of people on vacations, by the ocean or in the field. I want those pictures. I don't mind paying either. Anyone knows where can that be?
Read more: Where can I obtain demo photos from iPad, that I see in the stores?
Is having everything Apple just weird?
Currently have
- MacBook Air 2015 model
- iPad Mini
- iPod Touch 5th gen in pink
And getting an iPhone 6 for Christmas
Is that just pointless to have that many? The iPad iPhone and iPod so mainly the same things anyway
Read more: Is having everything Apple just weird?
What's a good app that lets me watch and download anime for offline?
so basically I want an app lets lets me watch the anime without wifi (once i download it). I have one called Anime Lib but it is out dated meaning that some of the videos dont work.
I mainly want it to watch sword art online. I want to use my iPad and if there are any other ways to do this that would be fine too. Thanks!
Read more: What's a good app that lets me watch and download anime for offline?
I heard a series of repeated tones in my head over and over. What is it?
I woke up repeatedly the other night, and at around 3 a.m I awoke and as I turned to the other side of my bed i heard a series of tones as if it were from inside my head. Initially I thought it was my phone or iPad going off but it was not. After about 15 seconds I heard it again and this continued every 15ish seconds, the exact same series of tones over and over. Am I hallucinating, what is is this?
Added (1). Also, with each tone there was a sort of pulsing, i was absolutely awake.
Added (2). The pulsing was in the right side of my head.
Read more: I heard a series of repeated tones in my head over and over. What is it?
Tuesday, December 1, 2015
Can I update my ipad ios to one that is not the current ios?
I have a jail broken ipad 3 on ios 7.0.4 that I want to update because some newer apps I want require ios 8 or higher. Since there is no jailbreak yet for ios 9.1 is it possible to update the ipad to 9.0.2?
Read more: Can I update my ipad ios to one that is not the current ios?
Do you HAVE to link your iPad to your phone?
When you get an iPad does it require you to enter your phone number or can you keep it completely separate?
Read more: Do you HAVE to link your iPad to your phone?
IPad mini 4 or MacBook air?
I'm a teenager who is very passionate about making films and hopes to become a film director in the future. I am looking for an apple device which I can use to both watch videos and edit ones I have filmed myself for both experience and fun. This is a big investment so I want to be sure before I spend a lot of money. I also take music GCSE so it would help to have software that I can also practice composing music on, however this is not essential. Any help is appreciated:)
Read more: IPad mini 4 or MacBook air?
How to connect my IPad air to ethernet cat5?
How to connect my IPad air to ethernet cat5?
Read more: How to connect my IPad air to ethernet cat5?
I don't like my life?
I don't like my life. My dad is addicted to gambling and has anger issues. My mom is attracted to her phone rather than me. My sister is in love with her ipad. School is so hard for me because i literally have no friends and im one of those quiet shy girls who dont talk much. I wouldnt call myself ugly or pretty but im asian. Teachers dont care about me and all i want to do is cry. Sometimes I feel like its me against the world. Does that make sense?
Can you guys tell me if you have great lives? Do you love it? Would you trade your lives for better ones or is your life already great? P.s. I'm in sixth grade
Read more: I don't like my life?
Monday, November 30, 2015
How much would iPad 2 16gb sell for?its in great condition?
How much would iPad 2 16gb sell for? Its in great condition?
Read more: How much would iPad 2 16gb sell for?its in great condition?
Why did My Ex Treat me like this IS IT CAUSE IM UGLY?
I catfished my ex this weekend i made this fake profile with this really hot girl and talked to him for 2 days then set up a date and once he saw me instead of her he started laughing and was like "DAMN I THOUGHT I WAS GONNA MEET A REAL HOTTY TODAY WTF" and then was like" i can't believe you did all this just to f**k me and get your iPad back i was really getting into that girl f**k you" he told me the only way i was gonna get my iPad back was to give him some(since i catfished him) so he took me to his house and i did what i had to do but honestly it felt like r@pe he just bent me over with no kissing or foreplay at all and just went in it dry like a savage:( he didnt even wanna kiss me i had to sneak a kiss i felt so ugly and unwanted:( he DIDNT EVEN COMPLIMENT ME OR TREAT ME NICE LIKE HE DID WITH MY FAKE PROFILE ***** HE KEPT CALLING HER BEAUTIFUL AND DID NOT ONCE CALL ME BEAUTFIUL:( IS THIS NORMAL FOR ME TO BE JEALOUS? He treated her like a queen and me like a ugly piece of a$$ am i ugly? 
Read more: Why did My Ex Treat me like this IS IT CAUSE IM UGLY?
Read more: Why did My Ex Treat me like this IS IT CAUSE IM UGLY?
IS PC going to be extinct?
In my city, all the major computer shops complain that they do not have enough customers these days. AMD sales also declines in their Processor for consumer market. I do understand all of these troubles are caused by ipads and all those tablets. Most people do not use Computer anymore because they only need to use the internet and those teenagers are crazy with the selfie photos using smartphones and social media. The only people left are PC Gamers and Designers who only use computer power for their jobs. So what do you think, is PC going to be extinct like the dinosaurs?
Added (1). Me myself, I use PC for internet marketing and I have to use Photoshop heavily. Can use imagine using tablet for editing photos?
Read more: IS PC going to be extinct?
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