Thursday, April 30, 2015
7th Grade Relationship Advice?
Okay so I've know this guy since 3rd grade and we kind of talked, but then some mutual friends got us back to talking this year in February. We talked and started liking each other then he asked me out and I said yes. We said I love you and goodnight every night… Literally. We would text back and forth everyday from the end of school to 9-10pm, We also facetimed a whole bunch too. It was a pretty healthy relationship till he started acting funny towards late March and this month April. He went to Mexico for Spring Break and he didn't have his phone so I couldn't text him but I did send him a paragraph telling him that I missed him and I could wait till he came home so we can talk again. Ever since then he's been really shady? I could say. He got his phone back and everything and stopped texting me and calling me basically ignoring me which made me cry sometimes because I cared about him a lot(yeah I know but still) After that he "broke his phone" which was early April, and he has an iPad or something so he sometimes texts me on Kik but when he does text me he reads it then waits 1-2 days to answer me back? I mean I feel like he talks to other girls because I'm the longest relationship he's ever had and I don't think he likes me as much as he used to? What do you think? What should I do? Should I break up with him?
Read more: 7th Grade Relationship Advice?