Thursday, April 30, 2015

I feel like something's missing but I don't know what?

I don't have a completely horrible life. I have basically all the physical objects I could want. My iPhone 6, iPad, stuff like that. I have a pretty good home life. My mom's a border line alcoholic but I'm used to it by now. I just feel like something is missing & it's driving me crazy! Sometimes I think I desperately want a relationship. Like I just see cute couples & I want that. I want somebody to love & to love me. I'm only 17 by the way so I don't know if that changes anything. And then other times I have no idea what's missing, I just know something is. I don't really do anything. I don't like sports, I don't have any hobbies. Life just seems pointless to me. Nothing useful is getting accomplished. I just feel lonely & empty.

Read more: I feel like something's missing but I don't know what?