Saturday, May 30, 2015
Am I wrong to want an iPad?
I'm 17, 18 in December, and lately I've been thinking about buying an iPad. I already have an iPhone and a laptop (Acer, running Windows 8 [which I really don't like]), but sometimes I feel like it'd be nice to have something that can do things of both a phone (minus the phone part) and a laptop, but on something bigger than my phone and smaller/more convenient than my laptop. I'm leaning more towards the iPad mini, just because I think the size is better than the regular iPad, for me anyways. I know I would use it a lot. My iPhone is only 16GB so I don't have many apps, but with an iPad I can download tons, and it'd be better to FaceTime on than my iPhone. Am I wrong to be wanting one?
Also to any anti-Apple people out there, I'm not asking your opinion on the iPad/any Apple product, please keep them/any dissing to yourselves. I have, in fact, tried other software (Android, Samsung Galaxy tablets, etc) and I just do not prefer it as much as Apple. Thank you. :)
Read more: Am I wrong to want an iPad?