Monday, May 4, 2015

How to prevent my step-dad from throwing me out of the house?

My parents have been divorced for about 10-11 years, and i have lived with my mom, step-dad, brother and sister for about 9 years. I am 15 years old, and about five days ago he asked me THIS question precicely:

-Why do you live here?

And i answered:

-I live here because my job isnt big enough for me to live alone

Then, he went on and said:

-I don't want you to sit in your room, using that computer of yours. I dont want it in the house, and if you disagree, you have to leave - for good.

I have a small job that requires me to work for 2-3 hours a week, at the workplace, and 3-4 hours at home. They pay me roughly 100kr an hour (About 20 bucks) wich is not even CLOSE to what i need to make to live alone.

My problem is, that work i am doing at home makes me roughly 70 bucks a week, and it had to be done on a computer. Now that he tells me to remove it, i wont make that money, and i might get fired because i am not finishing my task.

My brother sits all day in front of the computer, my sister has an ipad that she uses to watch these kids shows, my mom has a computer that she uses, and my stepdad - well.

He had a job where he works at a place for 48 hours straight, (he gets paid to sleep) and then has a week off. In All this time off, he watches Game of Thrones, Vikings etc all these series on HBO.

My problem is that i am not allowed to have my computer (about 2000 dollars i made on my own) while they all sit enjoying themselves while i cant even do my job.

What to do?!

Read more: How to prevent my step-dad from throwing me out of the house?