Tuesday, June 30, 2015
Good icloud storage?
I'm searching for an icloud storage that have an app that is compatible with ipad and have a capacity as big as Mega's free account (50 gb)? Much thanks appreciated!
Read more: Good icloud storage?
How to download books from Amazon.com to an IPAD?
How to download books from Amazon.com to an IPAD?
Read more: How to download books from Amazon.com to an IPAD?
What can a laptop do that an iPad can't?
Im a 13 year old girl, and I have a phone, and an iPad. My brother and mom want to get me a laptop for my birthday. I feel a little spoiled. But what can a laptop do that an iPad can't? And should I ask for one?
Read more: What can a laptop do that an iPad can't?
I can t transfer videos from my ipad mini to my laptop?
I can t transfer videos from my ipad mini to my laptop?
Read more: I can t transfer videos from my ipad mini to my laptop?
Should I ditch my new Surface Pro 3 or get it looked at?
A month ago i bought on Amazon an unopened, unused but 1 year old warehouse-stored Surface Pro 3 i5 128gb as my main computer and am bitterly disappointed with it, especially as it cost me a lot of money. I'm sure the build quality is amazing, but the software lets me down badly all the time. My files regularly disappear from the desktop and today several precious pdf's of sheet music were randomly and permanently deleted without trace (not in recycle bin even). It sometimes freezes, the wifi on internet explorer often doesn't connect and the OS is terribly unintuitive and hard to use. I'm longing for the old windows XP simplicity and reliability. I've checked for viruses but that doesn't seem to be an issue so i can only presume it is a Windows or hardware problem. I bought a large windows tablet for 3 reasons: 1. It's large enough to read sheet music (ipads and samsung tabs are not quite big enough) 2. So i could get an excellent free word processor that can cope with photos and lots of formatting (i use libreoffice which is superb) and 3. Fast web browsing.
Should i pay for a specialist to check my surface pro for faults or should i just cut my losses, sell it second hand and just buy a smaller ipad and hope the word processor apps are good enough in the app store?
Read more: Should I ditch my new Surface Pro 3 or get it looked at?
My iPad has a 2 black bar on the right side of the screen. How to remove it?
My iPad has a 2 black bar on the right side of the screen. How to remove it?
Read more: My iPad has a 2 black bar on the right side of the screen. How to remove it?
How to Resist Gaining Weight?
Hi my name is jana im a 12 year old girl so I moved to a different country 1 year ago and I don't like it at all here. It's like 100 degrees everyday so I can't do all the things I love like roller skating or basketball. And plus there are a lot of bad people here who rape kids and stuff like that. Anyways I noticed I become really lazy I just sit on the couch all day on my iPad doing seriously nothing at all. I can't even get up to get a glass of water. I'm only 100 pounds in the skinniest in my family and I don't want to gain weight and become like my sisters. I even noticed I walk differently because my laziness. I cannot do any exercise because my house is too small. Please someone help me. Thanks to everyone who answers.
Read more: How to Resist Gaining Weight?
How to download my Windows Photo Gallery to my ipad?
How to download my Windows Photo Gallery to my ipad?
Read more: How to download my Windows Photo Gallery to my ipad?
IPad Getting Hot And Location service symbol appearing next to battery percentage?
I have an iPad 2 on iOS 7. I left my iPad on a table and came back to it about 2 hours later. It was really warm, not enough to burn, but the warmest it's ever been. Never done it before. Also I noticed that the location services icon had appeared?
Read more: IPad Getting Hot And Location service symbol appearing next to battery percentage?
Is this moth in my room going to kill me in my sleep? - england?
Ok found a huge moth about a week ago my brother hurt it by accident so it couldn't fly it was on my outside bin but was really sticky since it climed on my phone when I was taking photos and dident fall off when I threw it it has fuzzy things coming out of its head and a herd red she'll and a huge black stinger it woke me up by attacking my light while I was sleeping it's that bid it woke me up by the noise I hid under my blanket then I hurd a thump and I think it crash landed so I put an empty bin over it and a paint box… I'll try to put a photo but I'm on my iPad since it landed next to my pc I'm skerd it will use its Ray gun and blast the bin away (sorry for my spelling thanks for help)
Read more: Is this moth in my room going to kill me in my sleep? - england?
Monday, June 29, 2015
GoPro Hero 4 video resolution is bad when transferred to GoPro App on iPad?
GoPro Hero 4 video resolution is bad when transferred to GoPro App on iPad?
Added (1). I'm a beginner with the GoPro and whenI have downloaded the media from my device to the app on iPad, the quality of the video is really bad compared to the device. How can I make sure the quality is good when transferred?
Read more: GoPro Hero 4 video resolution is bad when transferred to GoPro App on iPad?
IPhone 5 or iPad mini?
I have a windows phone and I want an iPhone 5 really badly, but it means I need to sell my iPad mini. Should I sell it for an iPhone? Or keep my iPad?
Read more: IPhone 5 or iPad mini?
Can ipad mini 3 model ME279C/A support IOS 8?
Can ipad mini 3 model ME279C/A support IOS 8? - 1
Read more: Can ipad mini 3 model ME279C/A support IOS 8?
Ipad screen gone black?
my ipad screen has gone black.but, I can still connect to itunes on my computer and all that. Could it be a software problem? Or is it definitely a screen problem?
Read more: Ipad screen gone black?
Websites to download movies that i can then transfer onto my ipad?
Websites to download movies that i can then transfer onto my ipad?
Read more: Websites to download movies that i can then transfer onto my ipad?
Whats the best app to use to record your ipad onto a computer?
Want to take a video of my ipad but dont want to tape it wih a camera. What app works best for this and is easy
Read more: Whats the best app to use to record your ipad onto a computer?
How to record video on iPad but edit/ record audio on Mac?
I want to film on iPad but connect it to my Mac (which will be connected to a microphone to record. How do i do this? Please help.
Read more: How to record video on iPad but edit/ record audio on Mac?
Why does the iPad home button break so easily?
Why does the iPad home button break so easily?
Read more: Why does the iPad home button break so easily?
How to not be afraid of the basement?
I am always afraid of someone breaking into my house and ghosts and bugs. I am always so afraid that I have trouble sleeping every night. There are three doors in the basement that lead outside (not including the door at the top of the stairs). My mother is making me a room in the basement for multiple reasons; my siblings wake me up almost every morning by yelling (at each other) and running around and I share a room with my six year old sister who won't clean any of her stuff up- and if she can work a Play Station, a Wii, an iPhone, and an iPad, I am positive she can clean up after herself. She is so filthy that we have had ginormous centipedes, spiders, and maggots in my room! Also, I am 15, so I should have my own room. While my mother is working on my basement room, she is allowing me to sleep in her room or living room (which are both in the basement as well). I want to go down there tonight and watch television, but I am still afraid to be down there. Sometimes, I check the entire basement (while carrying a knife or something) and there is no one there, but I still feel like there is something or someone down there. When I go up the stairs, I feel as if I am being chased and start to run as fast as I can while frequently checking behind myself. How can I stop being afraid? I'm a 104 pound 15 year old 65" tall girl- I can't do much to stop "evil."
Read more: How to not be afraid of the basement?
Power lost due to iPad charger?
Power lost due to iPad charger?
Added (1). Wrong area sorry
Read more: Power lost due to iPad charger?
Sunday, June 28, 2015
On wifi I'm sent to under construction on wireless no problem?
When I go to turnitin.com on my pc it sends me to an under construction page. On my iPad connected to cellular only I can view the page no problem. Switch cellular to wireless and bam, back to the under construction site. Microsoft Tech support has cleared me free of all malware and ad ware. Stumped
Read more: On wifi I'm sent to under construction on wireless no problem?
How to put a profile picture on bleacher report?
I just made an account on bleacher report but I have no idea how to customize my profile picture. Can someone please give me a step by step on how to do this? Using an iPad btw
Read more: How to put a profile picture on bleacher report?
How much can I sell this used ipad mini with 16gb?
I wanted to sell it for 120 but I'm not sure because it has a few licht scratches on the screen and like two small little dents at the top of it.
Read more: How much can I sell this used ipad mini with 16gb?
Is there a NEED for a iPad when you already have a iPhone and a Macbook?
Is there a NEED for a iPad when you already have a iPhone and a Macbook? - 1
Read more: Is there a NEED for a iPad when you already have a iPhone and a Macbook?
IPad mini retina vs Google Nexus 7 2013?
I don't care about the Android and iOS thing, I just wanna know which one is good as an independent tablet.
Read more: IPad mini retina vs Google Nexus 7 2013?
Movie maker 2.6 won't import video?
I want to edit some of my videos I record off my iPad I save the videos to my flash drive but every time I try to import them it says no item match your search when I I know for a fact I save them all what should I do
Read more: Movie maker 2.6 won't import video?
How to reset my ipad? - 1
I deleted a jail broken app and it said that deleting it will delete my files I need for either cydia or my iPad to run. It said: delete ( unsafe)
Keep ( safe)
I was an idiot so I deleted it and now my iPad won't turn on. The apple logo to power it on appears when I hold the power button but it disappears after about five seconds. It also won't sync to my computer. I've held the power and home button to reset it and it gave me the " plug into iTunes" symbol, but when I reset and updated it through iTunes (I can't just reset, it make me update to) it completed the update and reset, but as soon as it finished updating the iPad shut off. Now it is doing the same thing where the apple logo shows up but just turns Off after five seconds, and it won't let me reset it again, or plug it into the computer. My apple care ended ( that's why I jailbroke it) so I can't really take it into Apple. If this isn't answered can someone please call apple if you're not busy? I can't any time soon.
Read more: How to reset my ipad? - 1
Im ADDICTED to looking at my ex's Pics HOW CAN I STOP?
ok my ex he sexy AF he's the hottest guy I've been with eventho he stole my iPad made me f**k him to get it back used me for sexxx for MONTHS controlled me mentally abused me i can't break myself to stop looking at his Facebook page he hasn't deleted me yet and i find myself looking at his pics thinking about the good times and then i start crying cause he's so beautiful and i lost him we f**ked last week but only cause he made me in order to get my iPad back but he hasn't talked to me since and i miss him so much but I'm trying to move on HOW DO I STOP THE URGE TO LOOK AT HIS PAGE? I'm trying to find guys who look like him but i can't find a sexy half white half mexican look a like? :(
Read more: Im ADDICTED to looking at my ex's Pics HOW CAN I STOP?
How to print black and white photos using the wireless HP Officejet 5745?
I used up all the colored ink and I've been trying to print using the HP ePrint app on my ipad to print in black and white but it won't let me? This is very frustrating and ive been on the website and everything but nothing helped!
Read more: How to print black and white photos using the wireless HP Officejet 5745?
Does a wifi router determine wifi speed?
Can I get a technology expert to explain this to me because I'm really confused. My wifi is usually fairly slow, talking like 5-7 Mbps down. I hate an 802.11n router, but it was a cheap one. Some of my devices, like my iPad Air 2, are compatible with 802.11ac. Would getting an 802.11ac wifi router (like the airport express) increase my wifi speed? Or does the modem determine wifi speed? Please explain.
Read more: Does a wifi router determine wifi speed?
Saturday, June 27, 2015
How to transfer vlc media files from laptop to iPad?
I have some film files on my laptop that weren't bought through iTunes and I use VLC media player to watch them.
I've just got a new iPad Mini 2 and I'd like to be able to put the films onto my iPad so I can watch them whenever/wherever I feel like.
I thought that I could just use Dropbox to transfer the files and install the VLC media player app on my iPad to watch them, however when I looked online, some people are saying that this method won't work.
So, is it as simple as using Dropbox and the VLC media player app? Or if not, can you give me another (as easy as possible) method to do this?
Read more: How to transfer vlc media files from laptop to iPad?
IPad fault will not start up?
My grandad has an iPad 1 and when he turns it on it has the apple logo for ages followed by some white text which fades away after a few seconds and then comes back a few mins later and then repeats. It will not go any further than this.
It will not turn off either.
Here are some photos to show what I mean:
Any help would be appreciated. Thank you:)
Read more: IPad fault will not start up?
IPad apps to monitor internet speed?
My uncle enjoys hogging the Internet so I have started slowing it down for him. Are there any apps I can use to monitor the Internet speed so I can tell how effective my Internet is
Read more: IPad apps to monitor internet speed?
Any good games for PSP?
Some adventure mixed with a little fighting like Monster Life on iPad, but for PSP. I will also like racing games like CSR Racing for iPad (not 2GB games like Real Racing 3). I only have the EA Replay CD which has games only released on 1992-1997. It's so old-fashioned. Will appreciate good answers. 10 points for the best answer. Will be chosen when >5 answers are in this page. Thanks a lot!
Added (1). The EA Replay was a UMD, not a CD.
Read more: Any good games for PSP?
Small bluetooth color printer for about $250?
i need one that can work with my ipad for school
Read more: Small bluetooth color printer for about $250?
IPad Charger not working?
I recently bought a new charger for my iPad because my old one broke. The new charger was working fine until right now. It is make no my iPad's battery go down fast! I don't think the charger was by the apple company. On the screen, it says something like the charger is not compatible with my IPad. It fits in the plug, but doesn't work! What should I do?
Added (1). Sorry for spelling mistakes I'm in a hurry cuz I have 9% battery left
Added (2). It says: This device is not certified and may not work reliably with your iPad.
Read more: IPad Charger not working?
How to see the pictures on icloud from another device?
So i have more than a few devices with the same icloud account and i wanted to know how to see the pictures from my iphone but on my ipad and vice versa… Anyone…
Read more: How to see the pictures on icloud from another device?
Why can't I find club penguin app?
I have an iPhone 5 and iPad and I can't find the app in App Store. Both devices are around ios 7. How do I find the app?
Read more: Why can't I find club penguin app?
How to know what level i am in minecraft on the ipad?
How to know what level i am in minecraft on the ipad?
Read more: How to know what level i am in minecraft on the ipad?
Friday, June 26, 2015
Ipad Mini wont turn on?!
Hello, i bought my ipad mini brand new and it is just over a year old.
I was on it about 1 hour ago and i was on Facebook, i pushed up the apps so they dont run while im not on it.
It had about 60% battery.
Its never been damaged or dropped but for some reason it wont turn on…
I have plugged in the charger but the screen is still black!
Any way to get it working again? Thanks
Read more: Ipad Mini wont turn on?!
How data does iMessage use?
Im going on an 8 hour trip with my friend and I want to text my boyfriend but he got his phone taken away so he has to use his iPad. And for me to text him I have to use iMessage which uses data and I have already used most of it. So how much data does an iPhone 6 use to text and iPad?
Read more: How data does iMessage use?
What are some pros and cons of the iPad?
I'm thinking of possibly buying one, but I'm not sure if it's really worth it
Read more: What are some pros and cons of the iPad?
Why does my iPad Air keep changing to a higher brightness when I enter a different room?
Why does my iPad Air keep changing to a higher brightness when I enter a different room?
Read more: Why does my iPad Air keep changing to a higher brightness when I enter a different room?
I hate my life, I want to die?
I ALWAYS get the short end of the stick in life. For example:
-I live in the US And I hate what's going on here
-I never get anything new, everything I get is hand me downs, refurbished, etc.
-Everything my family gets just HAS to get broken
-I do robotics class. We're split into two groups. My group uses materials we had for years but the other group gets NEWER AND TWICE AS MUCH MATERIALS AS WE HAVE. NOT FAIR.
-My school does the iPad program. Last year everyone had iPad 2s but now the new 6th graders got new iPad AIRS. Again, not fair.
-Whenever I sign up for something, it starts to turn for the worse. I signed up here when the green format was around but then a few days later THIS format.
I feel like I have a psychic power/emanation/curse paired with me that's making everything turn for the worse wherever I go. I'm always reacting to exact times, subconsciously noticing patterns, predicting what is going to happen, and other things. And things aren't getting better. In fact, they're only getting worse. And whenever people say that things will get better, a month passes, and things only get worse.
I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO ANYMORE! It's always the short end of the stick for me and nothing's changing. I WANT things to change, but so far it's been a YEAR and nothing's got better. And if it's going to be this way, then I don't want to live anymore. I'm thinking about soaking myself in rubbing alcohol and lighting myself on fire to end it all. What do I do?
Read more: I hate my life, I want to die?
How to tranfer an ebook from ipad to pc?
I have almost reached the limit of my 100 gbs plan and my internet is really slow when it comes to upload
I want to know if there is any way i could transfer a book i have on ibooks to my pc without using the internet
Read more: How to tranfer an ebook from ipad to pc?
Problems with iPad screen?
I dropped my iPad mini 2 the other day and the glass cracked, but the touchscreen is still completely functional. The only problem is this one small area that has some sort of "rainbow liquid", which is still fully functional. It just gets these waves sometimes, like when you press down too hard.
So my question is, if I were to replace the screen, could I just replace the broken glass? Or would I need to replace the whole thing even if the touchscreen works just fine?
Read more: Problems with iPad screen?
Can I paint walls in Junk Jack X?
I want to have a colored background (blue, pink, purple, ext.) for my house in Junk Jack X for my iPad. Can I craft paint and paint walls, like wood walls and other types?
Read more: Can I paint walls in Junk Jack X?
Thursday, June 25, 2015
For the past two weeks I've been playing way too much mine rant and iPad and my vision has been flickering like if I have blinked and I have pain in the back of my head just afraid it's I brain tumor
Read more: Please NEED URGENT MEDICAL Help?
Contacts not automatically appearing when composing emails. Works on ipad but not on laptop?
Contacts not automatically appearing when composing emails. Works on ipad but not on laptop?
Read more: Contacts not automatically appearing when composing emails. Works on ipad but not on laptop?
Why did my iPad Mini 2 refuse to charge?
When I plugged my iPad into my laptop, my iPad said "not charging." That charger was also used for my iPod Nano 7th generation. But when I plugged my iPad to the wall it started to charge. This charger was my normal iPad charger.
Is it my laptop's problem?
Read more: Why did my iPad Mini 2 refuse to charge?
Caution Notification in iPad?
A notification came up on my iPad Mini and it said "caution". I pressed dismiss. Does anyone know what this means?
Read more: Caution Notification in iPad?
Hello my FB Messenger is connecting to the Internet on my IPad what could the problem be?
Hello my FB Messenger is connecting to the Internet on my IPad what could the problem be?
Read more: Hello my FB Messenger is connecting to the Internet on my IPad what could the problem be?
Want to download anime from Kissanime, is it safe? And can you give me instructions?
Ok, i have always seen anime at kissanime because its the best. Before, i used to dowmload anime in my ipad with an app but now i have a laptop. So i was wondering if Kissanime is safe to download from its link. Please give me instructions on how to download like steps or procedures. Thanks in advance. (please no viruses etc.)
Read more: Want to download anime from Kissanime, is it safe? And can you give me instructions?
Why does this happen to my iPad?
yesterday I took my iPad out of the charger and I put headphones into it to listen to a music video, and the sound didn't work. So then I tried playing it without headphones and the volume still didn't work. Then i gave up and that night I put it back in the charger and left it overnight. Then the next morning I took it out of the charger and played a video without headphones and the volume was working fine. So then l tried with the same pair of headphones and then it didn't work again. So then I took them out and played it normally and now the volume is working! But only without headphones.
Read more: Why does this happen to my iPad?
How to get certain apps on my iPad?
I just got an iPad mini and I went to the App Store and I looked up Instagram and nothing showed up! I looked up snapchat and the same thing happened! Other apps show up but they just aren't the correct ones. If you figure that out I would love to know some fun games that I can get (keep in mind that I am only 12 years old). Thank you for all of your help.
Read more: How to get certain apps on my iPad?
What does Update on iPad iBook library mean?
What does Update on iPad iBook library mean?
Read more: What does Update on iPad iBook library mean?
People said a bad word on a walmart IPad i think that's bad should i telll a manager?
People said a bad word on a walmart IPad i think that's bad should i telll a manager? - 1
Read more: People said a bad word on a walmart IPad i think that's bad should i telll a manager?
Wednesday, June 24, 2015
Which Of These Cases Should I Get?
Okay, My son is entering High School which he is required to carry around an iPad mini 2. I've looked at the Lifeproof Fre and Nuud, and also the otterbox defender. Which would be the best to expand the lifespan? Or is their any other one I'm missing?
Read more: Which Of These Cases Should I Get?
Im 16years old and i really want to start dancing?
so im 16yrs. Old and i found a dance studio near my place (5min away driving). Its really cheap and i can afford it by myself but im worried about so many things.
i dont kno how to dance and i think this is a great start; but ive read reviews about this company on how theyre welcoming to beginners who have no experience and how people in the company is very welcoming. Since i dnt kno how to dance, i dnt want to enter the company and embarrass myself trying to dance in front of other people. I guess you can say im insecure and dnt have confidence to dance around people. And what if i cant memorize and follow along with the dance instructor, and wat if im the only one that sucks and everyone else.is really good.
lastly, im worried to tell my mom and dad dat i want to start to learn how to dance because i am asian(filipino), and im scared that they might not approve and they might think that ima become a dancer when i grow up instead of a professional job like doctor, lawyer, etc. I dnt kno how to explain it >_>
i just want to dance for fun. I want to become a well, experienced dancer. Dancing fascinates me so much and i really dont kno waht to do. I feel like this is another path that will expand the choices i have to kno what i want to be when i grow up.
and is it too late to start at the age of 16?
I actually want to hear/read positive/helpful answers that will give me confidence to dance.
Read more: Im 16years old and i really want to start dancing?
How to recover lost data for free?
So i deleted some photos from years back, & i was wondering if i could get them. So i downloaded a software. It scanned my ipad & showed me them. BUT, i could only recover them if i pay $60 for a year subscription. Im only doing this once & i only want like 10 photos.
Is there a way to recover my stuff without paying? & preferably without a virus.
Read more: How to recover lost data for free?
Tumblr blog posts don't show up?
every time i go to my tumblr url, none of my posts show up at all, and they do on my phone/ipad. I've even tried using a different browser but nothing works. The background and links and stuff are still there, but everything i've reblogged and posted isn't there.
Added (1). what should i do?
Read more: Tumblr blog posts don't show up?
Which swimsuit should I bring to the poop?
Im going to the pool and I need help deciding which bathing suit I should pick. And sorry that I can't post a picture my iPad won't let me. But I'm going to describe what they look like.
Bathing suit 1.blue one piece suit with blue ruffle at the top. With the straps crossed in the back earea.:)Im problay gonna go towards this one!
Bathing suit 2.pink,yellow,orange and whit 2 piece bathing suit the colers are in a pattern. Also with the strap around the back of the neck. With short shorts.
You guys can decide which one I should bring because there really cute.im gonna bring a colerfull tank top for my cover up flip flops btw.
Added (1). Sorry that I wrote poop instead of pool lol
Read more: Which swimsuit should I bring to the poop?
How to change my icon on facebook messenger?
On facebook messenger there is a small icon right beside someones profile picture. It's ei a blue squiggly line of a gray Facebook symbol. For some reason I have the gray facebook symbol but I have Facebook messenger downloaded. How do I fix it? P.s I also use messenger on iPad.
Read more: How to change my icon on facebook messenger?
Why did he Treat me so BAD is it because Im UGLY?!
I catfished my ex this weekend i made this fake profile with this really hot girl and talked to him for 2 days then set up a date and once he saw me instead of her he started laughing and was like " i can't believe you did all this just to f**k me and get your iPad back i was really getting into that girl F**K YOU" he told me the only way i was gonna get my iPad back was to give him some(since i catfished him) so he took me to his house it felt like r@pe he just bent me over with no kissing or foreplay at all and just went in it dry like a savage:( he didnt even wanna kiss me i had to sneak a kiss i felt so ugly and unwanted:( he DIDNT EVEN COMPLIMENT ME OR TREAT ME NICE LIKE HE DID WITH MY FAKE PROFILE ***** HE KEPT CALLING HER BEAUTIFUL AND DID NOT ONCE CALL ME BEAUTFIUL:( IS THIS NORMAL FOR ME TO BE JEALOUS? Am I NOT beautiful? We dated before so i know he use to think i was hot i asked him did he find me ugly now he said i was still hot but i think he was lying:"( AND PLUS HE LOCKED ME OUT OF MY IPAD HE REFUSED TO GIVE ME THE NEW PASSWORD So I CAN DELETE All OF HIS SH!T ON IT So BASCIALLY I CANT EVEN USE IT AND WAS LIKE "GOOD LUCK PLAYING WITH YOUR LOCKED IPAD LIL THOTTY" isn't that wrong? :( 
Read more: Why did he Treat me so BAD is it because Im UGLY?!
Read more: Why did he Treat me so BAD is it because Im UGLY?!
What do I do with a DNS problem?
None of my devices work. Not may iPad iphone laptop or even PS3 due to a DNS problem what do I do?
Read more: What do I do with a DNS problem?
Apps for high school students?
I have an iPad and I would love to use my iPad more for school than I already do. What are the best softwares for notes? Apps for studying? General apps?
I'm taking Spanish, Biology, Pre-Calculus, Human Geography, English, Health, Gym, Hand Arts and Arts Metals… Are there any good apps for them as well?
Read more: Apps for high school students?
How to change my password on my iPad and iPhone?
How to change my password on my iPad and iPhone?
Read more: How to change my password on my iPad and iPhone?
Tuesday, June 23, 2015
Ipad has a virus? Losing memory really fast?
I've had an iPad mini 2 for near 2 years and recently I've been experiencing a memory problem on it… Even though I'm not saving too many things and not downloading anything I get a message every few days saying low storage… I always clear out my photos and delete unnecessary apps but at this point the only apps I have are facebook and snapchat and I know that even if I delete them I'll have that same message pop up in a week… It went through 500mb over the last few days and i don't know where the memory even went.
Could my iPad have a virus? If so is there any effective antivirus apps?
Read more: Ipad has a virus? Losing memory really fast?
Can I buy an IPad mini, a protective case and a wireless keyboard for $630?
Can I buy an IPad mini, a protective case and a wireless keyboard for $630?
Read more: Can I buy an IPad mini, a protective case and a wireless keyboard for $630?
What's the best way to create a website on your iPad?
I am going to make a website for basketball. I know webstarts doesn't support iOS. Can you please help me in finding either a site or app that will be good in creating a simple page with references and pictures and stats? Thank you for your input:)
Read more: What's the best way to create a website on your iPad?
Setting up iPads in education - how to use itunes accounts?
We have 30 iPads to deploy and i m nearly there. I have them all configured using apple configurator and have used the profiles for wifi and lock policies.
My questions is what is the best way to deal with itunes accounts on them? Each iPad will be issued to a individual teacher but i will be purchasing apps using VPP and pushing them.
If i sign in on each iPad using a general itunes account i.e itunes@myschool.com is that any more manageable than letting each teacher create there own itunes account and signing in themselves? Will this prevent me from adding apps when I have them returned to the configurator.
Can i use a general itunes account on more than one ipad.
sorry for the long winded message but any help would be greatly appreciated.
Read more: Setting up iPads in education - how to use itunes accounts?
Not recieving mail since yesterday on my iPad and Mail on iPhone not downloading today?
Not recieving mail since yesterday on my iPad and Mail on iPhone not downloading today?
Read more: Not recieving mail since yesterday on my iPad and Mail on iPhone not downloading today?
Why did he write down my number? Help?
My friend I like is 15 and I'm almost 14 and he lost his phone in the ocean while at the beach and he texted me off his iPad so I asked how he got my number and he said he wrote it down. Why did he have my number written down?
Read more: Why did he write down my number? Help?
Why is the iPad NOT considered to be an enterprise-worthy device?
Why is the iPad NOT considered to be an enterprise-worthy device? - 1
Read more: Why is the iPad NOT considered to be an enterprise-worthy device?
Which website could I watch pretty little liars on for free on my iPad with out signing up?
Which website could I watch pretty little liars on for free on my iPad with out signing up?
Read more: Which website could I watch pretty little liars on for free on my iPad with out signing up?
Can I travel with 2 laptops, a mac and a windows, and iPad and 3 phones out of the US?
Can I travel with 2 laptops, a mac and a windows, and iPad and 3 phones out of the US?
Read more: Can I travel with 2 laptops, a mac and a windows, and iPad and 3 phones out of the US?
Monday, June 22, 2015
Can t play scrabble, as unable to refresh Facebook link. Safari unable to find server. Using iPad?
Can t play scrabble, as unable to refresh Facebook link. Safari unable to find server. Using iPad?
Read more: Can t play scrabble, as unable to refresh Facebook link. Safari unable to find server. Using iPad?
Should I file a police report on my stolen ipad?
Should I file a police report on my stolen ipad?
Added (1). I share a room in this house (I just moved in like 3 weeks ago) and the landlord is oversea. He also have other rooms for share and others have been living there for years
Couple days ago, one of my roommate asked if I stole her hangers and she also asked if I let someone live in the garage? But I don't! When i told her i didn't steal her stuff, she was like ummm, don't lie, i know you did.
And today i've been hanging out all day, when i got home, my room's door was open and my ipad got stolen
Read more: Should I file a police report on my stolen ipad?
I would like to install Skype on this iPad Air?
I would like to install Skype on this iPad Air?
Read more: I would like to install Skype on this iPad Air?
Can a house have 2 internet service providers?
AT&T used to be the only ISP in my neighborhood. Had them for basically 10 years and have had nothing but problems. Recently Xfinity expanded here and I want them but am still under contract for 2 years with AT&T. I don't care about having to pay for both I just need faster internet for myself. We're paying for 18Mbps but when i do connection test it only goes up to 9mbps max and 1.2mbps upload. We have 3 phones, 2 ipads, 1 tablet, 1 desktop computer, 2 laptop computers, ps3 & ps4, 1 smart tv, smart dvd player, and a printer all connected to the internet. It worked fine the 1st week but since then its been crap. I want to get Xfinity to use with just my phone, ipad, ps3+4 and laptop and printer and everyone can use there stuff with AT&T. Is this possible? Or do i have to wait out the 2 years?
Read more: Can a house have 2 internet service providers?
Why does my wifi connection keep fluctuating between limited and connected? And how can I fix it?
Just recently, the wifi connection on my laptop keeps changing from limited to connected to limited to connected repeatedly and it s annoying. I ve already tried turning off and unplugging the router for a bit and then turning it on and plugging it back in, but that didn t fix anything. Plus, the wifi connection on my parents laptops, the iPad, and my phone work just fine. I tried refreshing my PC to see if it was something I had downloaded, but still the problem persisted.
My laptop is pretty new, I just bought it last year. It s a Dell Inspiron 15 7000 series, and everything is updated.
So what s the problem? How do I fix it?
Read more: Why does my wifi connection keep fluctuating between limited and connected? And how can I fix it?
Is it illegal for soneone to steal a ipad or iphone of somebody?
I worry about if i leave my iphone or ipad that someone would steal it. Would that be illegal?
Read more: Is it illegal for soneone to steal a ipad or iphone of somebody?
How to get in my iPad that my Ex locked me out of?!
My douche ex gave me my iPad back but I'm locked out of it he refuses to give me the new password he was like "Good luck using a locked iPad dumbassss" so I can't delete his sh!t off of it or even use it since i can't open it up so right now it's kinda useless is there any way I can get into & erase his stuff without knowing the password?/?
Read more: How to get in my iPad that my Ex locked me out of?!
Sunday, June 21, 2015
Unprotected sex, pregnant?
Before I begin I just want to say, I don't want people telling me I'm stupid or childish, this was a total mistake and I didn't mean it.
Basically me and my boyfriend are both 18 been together 3 years, tonight things were getting heated up and to cut a long story short he put his dick near me to put it in with no condom on and I said go on I dare you, thinking he wouldn't do it, but he did, it was inside me for about 15 seconds not even that much maybe, I will admit there was precum because I felt it on the end of his dick before he put it in, according to my app on my ipad I'm due to ovulate tomorrow, but apparently I'm fertile at the minute. We always use a condom but neither of us had one with us, I'm not on the pill either
What's the chances that I could be pregnant?
**no rude comments or answers please**
Read more: Unprotected sex, pregnant?
Yo so like I have very very slow internet how long will it take for twau to download.
Added (1). Yeah but I have prepaid internet and I have like only 15 hours and 5 minutes left should be enough rite? And i'm downloading it on ipad Daniel. Any more advice please
Does he Deserve this HUMILIATION or Nah?!
im catfishing my ex who told me to give him my iPad and he'll get back together with me which 4 months later NEVER HAPPENED i kept telling him how disrespectful that was but he won't give it back to me and used me for sex for 4 MONTHS after our breakup then got tired of f**king me and started to ignore me he's on this dating site searching for new pussy with MY IPAD am i wrong for this? Its working he's asking my fake profile out on a date today he keeps telling her how beautiful she is and how he likes her already and he's excited to meet her YOU THINK HES GET VOILENT WITH ME WHEN HE SEES IM NOT THE GIRL IN THE PICS? I plan on humiliating him and making him feel sorry for the sh!t he put me through but honestly I'm scared now I've never catfished anyone before and don't know how to say it without coming across as a thirsty stalker i did this for revenge proposes not to try to f**k him again i plan on looking really hot tho so he'll regret f**king me over for MONTHS HOW CAN I SUCESSFULLY PULL THIS OFF? Help
Read more: Does he Deserve this HUMILIATION or Nah?!
How to download clips/videos for edits?
Preferable free or low priced also this is for an iPhone/iPad
Read more: How to download clips/videos for edits?
Can't sync all my music to my iPad?
I was gonna sync 230 songs from my Computer to my iPad. It's not always complete. Any solutions?
Read more: Can't sync all my music to my iPad?
IPad Mini buttons don't work?
"None of the external buttons seem to work. Power, Home, Volume and Mute. The only way now i can turn it on is if I plug it in. I dropped it earlier but it was working fine, but now that I haven't used it for about 2 hours after using it before, the buttons won't work. I can't reset it nor do I want to pay if its just a minor problem."
Posting Other Peoples' Unanswered Questions:)
Read more: IPad Mini buttons don't work?
How to sell this iPad Mini?
I have a 1 year old iPad Mini with a charger, headphones, and a case. It works fine, but the iPad itself is badly scratched and the screen is badly cracked with bits of glass missing. Where can I sell it? How much could I get for it? Does anyone reading this want to buy it?
Read more: How to sell this iPad Mini?
I have an iPad Mini I'd like to sell?
I have a 1 year old iPad Mini complete with a charger, headphones, and a case. It works fine, except for the screen. It fell down stairs and now the top right corner portion is cracked with bits of glass missing. The rest has hardly any scratches. I also have a Bluetooth connectable keyboard that works with it. Where can I sell it and for how much? Does anyone reading this want to buy it? 
Read more: I have an iPad Mini I'd like to sell?
Read more: I have an iPad Mini I'd like to sell?
How to get everything back on my IPad after having to reset it because of my passcode?
I forgot my passcode to my iPad a few months ago, and today I decided to get on Apple.com and figure out how to recover my passcode. I ended up having to reset it completely. Now it is acting like a brand new iPad. I had important messages and pictures on there that I'll need. How do I get everything back?
Read more: How to get everything back on my IPad after having to reset it because of my passcode?
Saturday, June 20, 2015
How to save photos on iPhone and iPad?!
Ok, so I'm going on holiday soon and I will be taking photos on my iPhone 6.
Is there a way that the photos I take on my phone can simultaneously be saved to my iPad?
Once I'm back from the holiday I'd like to turn this feature off so all my photos are NOT visible on the iPad. Just the holiday ones.
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance!
Read more: How to save photos on iPhone and iPad?!
Should i update to ios 8.3?
i have an ipad mini 2 and idk if i should update it or not? Would it make my device slower?
Read more: Should i update to ios 8.3?
WIFI and bluetooth on my iPad 2 barely works?
I have an iPad 2 and the WIFI and Bluetooth only work if the device is less than 10 cm away from the modem or the Bluetooth device. Can I repair this myself using a Bluetooth/WIFI antenna from a store like ifixit. Should the WIFI and Bluetooth work normal from then on.
Read more: WIFI and bluetooth on my iPad 2 barely works?
Do minors legally own anything?
I'm talking about like stuff like computers, iPhones, stereos, tvs etc) bought by their parents and given to their child, is it true that everything that a minor has in their room belongs their parents? I know minors can own houses and stuff like that, but if something is given to THEM To have do they have the right to own it? Even money that they earned?
Added (1). Sorry people I'm on a iPad so I meant can't not can. Autocorrect I guess.
Read more: Do minors legally own anything?
How to stop facebook videos playing automatically on my ipad?
How to stop facebook videos playing automatically on my ipad? - 1
Read more: How to stop facebook videos playing automatically on my ipad?
Do TSA agents steal electronics going through conveyor?
Do TSA agents steal electronics going through conveyor? - 1
Added (1). My carry on was going through the conveyor, it stopped momentarily (maybe 30 seconds to a minute), later my ipad was gone which I thought was maybe stolen in the terminal, but I'm told things can actually disappear going through the conveyor. Does this actually happen?
Read more: Do TSA agents steal electronics going through conveyor?
Should I get an Ipad or is it a waste of money?
Okay so I'm mainly want an ipad to subsitute it with a notebook for college, kindle is also what i plan on using, and I like the idea of something slick and portable which is easy to access, Would you recommend getting one? How effecient would writing a document be on an ipad? How good is garageband on it?
Read more: Should I get an Ipad or is it a waste of money?
Can a thief actually use a stolen ipad?
A week ago my ipad mini was stolen and so far it hasn't shown up using the find function, it just shows disconnected. It's the newest model, wifi only, and is locked with a passcode. I have spoken with apple a couple times asking that they brick it if someone tries to use based on the serial number. I'm told they don't do that but assure me that it cannot be used again unless it is used under my icloud id. This means that a stolen ipad is totally useless, but I am not sure I but their explanation. Is this true, and if so, why the hell are people stealing ipads if they just brick? Infuriating!
Read more: Can a thief actually use a stolen ipad?
Friday, June 19, 2015
What to do about family fighting?
My mo, and grandma are constantly fighting over each of their "bitchy ness". They are constantly fighting over my brother and I being lazy…
First of. We aren't lazy we do what we can do to help. Whenever we sit down they go berserk saying how lazy we are. Like I'm sorry. You didn't ask for my help.
I'm honestly just getting tired of it and I'm really wrong. I've cried myself to sleep because I don't know what to do. Any suggestions? Please?
Added (1). My mom*
Added (2). My mom calls me lazy. When she comes home then up to her room for the rest of the day to play games on her iPad. I understand she works and all… But her job is pretty simple.
Read more: What to do about family fighting?
How to watch censored Game of Thrones on iPad?
I have found out about censored game of thrones on piratebay and vidangel, but vidangel requires invitation and I dont know if there is a way to get it from piratebay on an ipad. I wont be able to use my computer for a while so I was wondering if there was any way to use piratebay or any site to watch censored game of thones online with a jailbroken ipad.
Read more: How to watch censored Game of Thrones on iPad?
How to save a recording to the IPad without using a computer? Do we have to undergo Youtube?
How to save a recording to the IPad without using a computer? Do we have to undergo Youtube?
Read more: How to save a recording to the IPad without using a computer? Do we have to undergo Youtube?
Do ipad apps generate more revenue than iphone apps?
I heard that generally tablet apps get more revenue. Since ios is the best revenue generating market, or so I have heard, does ipad apps get more revenue than iphone apps? Or do they both generate similar amount of revenue?
Read more: Do ipad apps generate more revenue than iphone apps?
In the game Fallout shelter on iPad how do I use the stempak?!
My vault has bee raided twice and some of dwellers are injured How can actually use a stempak?!
Read more: In the game Fallout shelter on iPad how do I use the stempak?!
My I pad charges super slowly?
My iPad charges super slow it is not the charger because it works on other iPads. My iPad charges 70% slower than my phone. Once it died out side in our playhouse and we left it out there for months. I think that might have to do something with it. But why does it do this?
Read more: My I pad charges super slowly?
Buy the iPad Mini 3 or wait for the 4?
I'm interested in purchasing an iPad for school, and there is a sale going on with $50 off for Father's Day. Some are saying that the new iPad Mini 4 will be released this October. Should I wait or just get the iPad Mini 3 while a decent sale is going on?
Read more: Buy the iPad Mini 3 or wait for the 4?
What to do if a family member needs to pay you back for something they broke?
My aunts son ( my cousin) broke my iPad by accident, stepped on it and cracked half the screen. My cousin admitted to cracking the screen. The next day I tried using my iPad and it started moving stuff by itself like clicking on apps. I asked my aunt to pay for it but she denies it. She says my little sister is the one who broke it and Is just blaming it on her son, which is not true. She just likes to get away with things and is so cheap. What should I do? It is her son, her responsibility. Half the screen is cracked but the bigger problem is that it does weird stuff when in the home page
Read more: What to do if a family member needs to pay you back for something they broke?
So Ill be getting an ipad soon and I want to know what the best one to get is?
I want it to have a keyboard and a pen thing with it and yeah kind of like that please tell me what the best one you think is Thanks ^.^
Read more: So Ill be getting an ipad soon and I want to know what the best one to get is?
Thursday, June 18, 2015
I have a picture that I took on my iPad and I blurred it out, how can I un blur it?
I have a picture that I took on my iPad and I blurred it out, how can I un blur it? - 1
Read more: I have a picture that I took on my iPad and I blurred it out, how can I un blur it?
Should I catfish my ex who used me for sex then started to ignore me?
Ok me & my ex broke up in October due to my friend randomly cursing him out for being a asssshole to me anyways 2 months later in December he starts hitting me up saying he missed me & "this dickk is still yours" which started us having sex almost every weekend for months I was only doing it cause he would give me hope that he'll finally make me his gf again he would say if I keep pleasing him he'll cuff me again anyways we had sex one time last month & since that he's been acting werid he would ignore me for days when he use to call me every day even on his birthday last month he didn't wanna see me he even tho I got him a gift & offered him birthday sex he went to the strip club instead & last week he called me saying he missed me after ignoring me for a month he claimed he wanted to see me this past weekend but he ended up ignoring me again the rest of the week Anyways I see him on this dating site looking for new women now I even gave him my iPad a couple of months ago cause he said he'll get back with me if I gave him my iPad which never happened & he refuses to give it back to me & he's using my iPad to find new women cause he has no computer So SHOULD I CREATE A FAKE PROFILE TO TEACH HIM A LESSON & get my iPad back?!
Read more: Should I catfish my ex who used me for sex then started to ignore me?
Should my cousin really be homeschooled?
So my little cousin is homeschooled (now 6) and never went to school. He isn't dumb at all but he is very spoiled and acts very impolitely. The thing is; his mum thinks that people who go to school like me lose interest in learning and end up not having a job or anything! :( I have nothing against homeschooling but it's weird because he came on holidays in our country and was 3 weeks with absolutely NO education. His mum always moves from her home to Hawaii so, I guess this is why he is homeschooled. Also, they consider television as something bad but spending 5 hours on an iPad isn't?! It's just that at school, you learn loads of different things like politeness and how to work with others. (Btw, I do NOT want to offend homeschooled people.) I know that it's none of my business but it's worrying me.
Read more: Should my cousin really be homeschooled?
Somebody asked me for my iPad's part number?
I'm trying to sell my iPad and somebody asked me for the part number. This may sound incredibly stupid, but is an important piece of information? I have no idea what a part number is and the person said that it's so they know what kind of model they're buying, but I explained to them what kind of iPad it is, the generation, how many GB it has, etc. And they say they need to know it just in case I'm scamming them. It's not like a secretive piece of information like a social, right? Should I give it to them?
Read more: Somebody asked me for my iPad's part number?
How to send video from my iphone to my ipad?
How to send video from my iphone to my ipad? - 1
Read more: How to send video from my iphone to my ipad?
Unamplified desktop speakers?
I want a pair of stereo speakers that I can plug in to a desktop (or iphone, android, etc…) headphone jack, without batteries or a power supply- and not have to wear (i.e. Not headphones). I know this can be done- I found a 16 ohm speaker cabinet that could put out decent volume with the (30mw?) output of one channel of an iPad headphone jack, with clear sine bass response due to the cabinet's amplification. I am looking for a pair of speakers designed for this purpose with a lower impedance (4-8) designed for this purpose, but I don't know where to look, since most sources I see say "not enough power" or "the headphone jack only puts out line level", etc.
Read more: Unamplified desktop speakers?
ITunes video won t work?
I recently downloaded a movie off iTunes and I went to the video app and tried to play it. It didn t work so then I tried restarting my ipad and tried it again didn t work and it wasn t just one movie that didn t work it was all of them and I have perfect internet connection so why isn t this working and how can I get my movies to play
Read more: ITunes video won t work?
Where can I watch the Kuroko no basket OVAs on my ipad?
Where can I watch the Kuroko no basket OVAs on my ipad? - 1
Read more: Where can I watch the Kuroko no basket OVAs on my ipad?
Wednesday, June 17, 2015
I cant download new world on plants vs zombies 2?
It is on my ipad 2 and was fine before until i couldnt download the latest world update. So i deleted the game And redownloaded it (all progress lost). And now i cant even download anything. The only one i can play is the ancient egypt:( Anyone have the same problem or know how to fix this? Thanks a lot.
Read more: I cant download new world on plants vs zombies 2?
How to Help My Grandma With Her iPad While I Am At Home?
My 81 year old Grandma has an iPad Mini so that she can check her Facebook, Email, Messages, and FaceTime people. The only thing is that she does not know how to use it. She calls me over the phone, and I feel so bad that I can't help her with what she is trying to do. It is very hard to understand what she is talking about over the phone.
My question is, is there some sort of FREE PC Download that i can download so that I can use her iPad while I am at home on my Computer. So I can help her get to FaceBook and whatnot?
Read more: How to Help My Grandma With Her iPad While I Am At Home?
How to stream my iPad screen on my PC using the Liightning HDMI AV adapter thingy?
I have recently bought that, and I want to stream my iPad s screen onto my PC. I have called apple, but there phone service is dumb as hell. Please help
Read more: How to stream my iPad screen on my PC using the Liightning HDMI AV adapter thingy?
IOS 7.1.2 App Crashing?
IOS 7.1.2 App Crashing? - 1
Added (1). So I bought BTD 5 and at first it worked perfectly, then after a while it just repeatedly started crashing. My ipad is jailbroken ios 7.1.2. And I did actually BUY the game. I haven't installed any tweaks since. Can anyone help?
Read more: IOS 7.1.2 App Crashing?
What can I watch pretty little liars live tonight on in Ireland?
I'm sick of waiting till the next morning… So I'm wondering if anyone knows of any sites I can watch it airing live from America. Sites that will work on my iPad!
If you know of any please help me out!
Read more: What can I watch pretty little liars live tonight on in Ireland?
I have a message stuck in my outbox on the iPad. How do I get rid of it?
I have a message stuck in my outbox on the iPad. How do I get rid of it? - 1
Read more: I have a message stuck in my outbox on the iPad. How do I get rid of it?
So I like turned on VoiceOver, and then I tapped three times on the screen. Now it won't show the home page, I have rebooted it ( With homebutton and Lockbutton ) It shows an apple logo, but not the homescreen? Please help me, I'm desperate.
YouTube and Netflix aren't running on my iPad?
It worked three days ago but now it loads everything but when I click on a movie or video it just has the stupid twirling circle thing and it's annoying. It's not working and it's not my internet either because both Netflix and YouTube on my iPhone work perfect, help?
Read more: YouTube and Netflix aren't running on my iPad?
Remove music from iPad mini? Swiping doesn't work?
I am trying to remove an artist from my iPad, and even when I swipe an individual song, in thing happens. It's taking up a lot of space. I didn't even download them, it was my nephew. I don't even have enough space to update my iPad.
Read more: Remove music from iPad mini? Swiping doesn't work?
Is there an IOS or iPhone/iPad emulator for PC?
I want to play Fallout shelter but I don't have an iPhone or iPad and I don't intend to ever get one!
So is there a way I can play IOS apps on PC?
I have heard of a few different IOS emulators but I cant find any reliable source that says its legit and safe!
Read more: Is there an IOS or iPhone/iPad emulator for PC?
Tuesday, June 16, 2015
How to get mods for minecraft pe on the ipad without jailbreak or surveys? - 1
How to get mods for minecraft pe on the ipad without jailbreak or surveys? - 1
Read more: How to get mods for minecraft pe on the ipad without jailbreak or surveys? - 1
Why can't I add images on Wattpad story parts? (app version 6.3.0)?
I understand the new layout and where to add an image but when I do nothing comes up to allow it. This is on the newly updated app version 6.3.0 and it doesn't work on my iPad but does on my phone.
How do I fix this?
Read more: Why can't I add images on Wattpad story parts? (app version 6.3.0)?
How to get mods for minecraft pe on the ipad without jailbreak or surveys?
How to get mods for minecraft pe on the ipad without jailbreak or surveys?
Read more: How to get mods for minecraft pe on the ipad without jailbreak or surveys?
Was a smart TV the wrong choice for a couples 40th wedding anniversary?
So my brothers, sister and myself grouped togeather and bought a big TV for our mom and dad for their 40th wedding anniversary. Because we couldnt afford that much each, there was only certin tv's we could afford because of the budget. Since i am the youngest with no kids and on summer break, of course, i was left to go get the damn thing, they pretty much suggested it, then left me to do everything ( collect the money, buy it, get it home etc), so when i went to the store today to get it, the only ones they had were a option of 2, a smart tv, or a tv that needed something that costs 50 bucks that breaks every few months ( the boxes are known to break round the clock), which picks up more tv stations, so i chose the smart tv, which i thought was the best of them, and a great tv! I get it home and my brothers and sister go crazy at me for buying the damn thing beacuse they said our parents wouldnt be able to use it. They dont really use technology, dad has a mobile phone, mum dosnt, he cant text on it, just make calls, mum uses the ipad to go on facebook to look through her time line, thats it, so if given the smart tv, would they be able to use the basic tv settings that are with every tv? Or will it be harder to use?
Read more: Was a smart TV the wrong choice for a couples 40th wedding anniversary?
IPad storage with TV shows?
I have a iPad 2 (16g). I barely have any storage space on it. I want to purchase some tv shows, but don't want them all on my iPad at once. How can I individualy watch the episodes with ought downloading them all?
Read more: IPad storage with TV shows?
Can an ipad or tablet get internet anywhere? Im looking at verizon wireless specifically?
Can an ipad or tablet get internet anywhere? Im looking at verizon wireless specifically? - 1
Read more: Can an ipad or tablet get internet anywhere? Im looking at verizon wireless specifically?
Hi for everyone like to kill my self?
Police took my iphone and iPad for no reason I know they going to check my personal details and photos which is not nice someone know your personal life I don't know what I'm going to do but I'm really happy to kill my self soon I am fed up in this life there is no life for me any more I just feel sorry for my mother because I grow without my father
Read more: Hi for everyone like to kill my self?
What is the best tablet or ipad out there right now?
I am looking for one that can have Microsoft Office for typing up documents and such. Also just for general
internet usage such as social networking, email, browsing/research, watching videos. Perhaps
downloading a movie or two from time to time. I'd prefer one with an actual keyboard but I realize most of
them are screen touches? Sorry I am not a very technological person so I am not sure how these things
work. However I have seen someone add a keyboard pad to it to make it easier? Any suggestions on
which one to get?
Read more: What is the best tablet or ipad out there right now?
How to fix my Ipad Mini? It won t fully turn on?
So my Ipad Mini won t turn on. It is completely turned off but every minute or so it seems like it tries to automatically turn on and the apple logo appears for about a minute or so and then turns off. It consistently does this. When I plug it into my computer it doesnt detect it, even when the apple logo appears. What can I do to fix this?
Read more: How to fix my Ipad Mini? It won t fully turn on?
Monday, June 15, 2015
Surface rt 2 vs ipads?
can you prints on these two tablets
i hear that iphones are just to cheap high on price but cheap gadgets so which one u prefer
Read more: Surface rt 2 vs ipads?
I got ipad 2 and it's slow should I get iPad Air is it worth buying?
I got ipad 2 and it's slow should I get iPad Air is it worth buying?
Read more: I got ipad 2 and it's slow should I get iPad Air is it worth buying?
If I get a 100Mbps Router or Modem, will it increase my 30Mbps home internet?
If I get a 100Mbps Router or Modem, will it increase my 30Mbps home internet? - 1
Added (1). Our family has TWC Home Internet that runs 30Mbps Download Speeds and 5Mbps Upload Speed. The problem is that the internet has been acting up. I did a Ookla Speedtest on my phone and tablet, the phone has a stronger signal(33.93Mbps) than my tablet(22.84Mbps). I'm thinking of get a NetGear Router and/or Modem to increase the speeds. Will it help increase my speeds or are there too many devices on the internet?
We have: One XB360, 2 Laptops, 3 Phones, and iPad and Samsung Tablet
Read more: If I get a 100Mbps Router or Modem, will it increase my 30Mbps home internet?
IPad won't connect to wifi after resetting network settings?
IPad won't connect to wifi after resetting network settings?
Added (1). Okay so, i reset it because the wifi stops even if the connection is strong. It's annoying to have this problem every now and then. It's always like this since the latest update. Please show me steps on how to fix it. Thanks.
Read more: IPad won't connect to wifi after resetting network settings?
Hi. Is it possible to use a 3G sim card in a 4G iPad?
I recently bought an iPad which is a 4G, I am living in Japan but I will be going back to my country towards the end of the year and I am afraid that we may not have 4G. Is it possible to use a 3G sim card in my iPad?
Read more: Hi. Is it possible to use a 3G sim card in a 4G iPad?
Snapchat on ipad without camera?
Snapchat on ipad without camera? - 1
Added (1). I just got given an ipad but it only has a front camera and the ipad wont let me get snapchat, is there any possible way to get snapchat on the ipad
Read more: Snapchat on ipad without camera?
How to stay on top of the latest music?
Okay so as the title says, I want to become more… Efficient at keeping up to date with the latest music, mainly because it seems like everyone in my class knows all the new songs, who wrote them, and even their lyrics, all within a few hours! I feel pretty left out when I don't know the words to songs and I can't sing along with everyone else. My friend says to use iTunes but I'm not allowed on my iPad during the week so that wouldn't work. Are there any websites that I might be able to use that would help me learn what the new songs are?
Read more: How to stay on top of the latest music?
I want to sell my first gen iPad mini. I am wondering what I might be able to get for it?
I want to sell my first gen iPad mini. I am wondering what I might be able to get for it? - 1
Read more: I want to sell my first gen iPad mini. I am wondering what I might be able to get for it?
Sunday, June 14, 2015
What is the real application of Desktop PC these days?
I'm thinking Desktop PC is only good for gaming.
If you want to surf the net and do some light jobs, a laptop is good enough for you.
If you want to browse the internet on the way, you can do it with ipad or any tablets.
Also I've heard PC desktop sales is declining these days.
What is the real application of desktop PC other than PC gaming?
Added (1). yes that multiple monitor setup is a really good application. But I have a 21.5" monitor and this monitor is huge! How long your desk need to be in order to accommodate 3 monitors?
Read more: What is the real application of Desktop PC these days?
Can I record a video on my iPad and then put it on an iPhone?
I'm wondering this because in August I'm going to a concert and I may have to record with my iPad because my phone's camera is broken and doesn't let me take videos and other crap.
My uncle told me that he would get me an iPhone by then, but I'm making sure so I could get someone to fix my phone.
Read more: Can I record a video on my iPad and then put it on an iPhone?
My ipad battery is draining fast!
I have had my ipad for about 7 months and e battery would go from full charge to dead in like 6 hours. I have looked online for other answers and every other person with this problem has had it for about 3 years. I have the ipad 3rd generation model A1416.
Please help:)
Read more: My ipad battery is draining fast!
Please help:)
Read more: My ipad battery is draining fast!
Do you cover your webcam?
Do you cover your webcam? - 1
Added (1). on your
laptop, ipad or any device which has a webcam. In case someone is watching u
Read more: Do you cover your webcam?
Is there any new iPad's coming out this year? And if so, when?
I am looking at buying the iPad Air 2, but I was just wondering if there will be any new iPad products coming out this year that I should wait for instead? And if so, any idea when they are coming out,, and how much they would be?
I have seen rumours about a new iPad with a 12.9 inch screen coming out in Fall this year, but I can't find anything official.
Read more: Is there any new iPad's coming out this year? And if so, when?
How many gigabytes are there in 14 anime episodes of 24 minutes?
I want to know collectively about it, when watched online on iPad.
Read more: How many gigabytes are there in 14 anime episodes of 24 minutes?
I want to have a bible software or application on this my ipad?
I want to have a bible software or application on this my ipad? - 1
Read more: I want to have a bible software or application on this my ipad?
Do people in the Philippines want to steal from the rich?
Do people in the Philippines want to steal from the rich? - 1
Added (1). my friend has alot of electronics like ipads and iphones many of her things were stolen by someone who broke into her house some people think it was the made.
Read more: Do people in the Philippines want to steal from the rich?
I want to become a model?
so, I m only fourteen, but I was thinking of doing modelling as a hobby and just for fun while I m at school and later (maybe) considering it as a career choice. I want to model because it just ticks all the boxes for me. Beautiful clothes, models from all over the world, the opportunity to travel and meet new people as well as seeing beautiful and interesting destinations. Yes, I know that only top models experience this and I also know how tough and judgemental it is. I did my research.
I think I can model because:
I m quite tall (5 7)
I m skinny
I have a semetrical face
I m biracial. I have a more unusual look.
I have very good skin, my routine is crazy but it does the job.
I m very confident and polite. I also have no issues of travelling by myself or with a scout.
My only issues are that:
5 7 is just the limit for fashion models if I m correct. I also don t know if I will grown because I had my period at 11. I have grown since the, but I m feeling like Im defiantly slowing down. Also, I m not like those top fashion models body wise, Im more like a woman than a young boy body wise. (Think Gigi hadid appose to Kendall Jenner). So what do you think? Any advice on increasing my height etc?
Added (1). Sorry if this seems vain, also sorry about my punctuation and spelling, I'm typing for an iPad with autocorrect lol.
Also, I know how important school is. I would never leave school at a young age to model, because I know that modelling isn't a permanent job were as education will stay with you forever. Thank you if you answered and I will thumbs up all!
Read more: I want to become a model?
Saturday, June 13, 2015
Will it damage my Iphone 6 charger if I use it to charge an Ipad?
Will it damage my Iphone 6 charger if I use it to charge an Ipad?
Added (1). Recently, the gold at the end of my charger cable turned black, and it won't charge my phone anymore. It says that "This accessory is not supported by this device". I was wondering if this was because it was used to charge an Ipad. I remember it getting really hot after doing so.
Thank you very much!
Read more: Will it damage my Iphone 6 charger if I use it to charge an Ipad?
Portable Hotspot or Portable Wifi Antenna?
I have been thinking of getting a personal portable hotspot, such as one offered by FreedomPop or YourKarma, where there is a monthly allowance of free cellular data. As an alternative, I would be open to some sort of portable wifi antenna that would allow me to use a weak wifi signal to a wifi network I can normally connect to when the signal isn't weak. I have a $100 Amazon gift card to use for the purchase. I don't want to have anything that requires a credit card even as a "backup" after free data is used up.
I have been considering purchasing a portable hotspot, such as one from FreedomPop due to the free monthly data available, but have read many horrible reviews. I currently can't find YourKarma available on Amazon.
I currently have to go outside in front of the school I volunteer at to connect to an Xfiniti wifi network, as I am not allowed to connect to the school's secure network with any of my personal devices (iPad, and laptop). Inside the school, I can often detect the Xfiniti wifi, but am not able to actually connect to the Internet with it because the signal is too weak. I want to be able to get online to check or send email and have at least basic web access without having to go outside every time.
What is my best option? Please state your sources (even if it is just from personal experience). In case it matters, I am in the SF Bay Area, California. Thanks for your time.
Read more: Portable Hotspot or Portable Wifi Antenna?
Get great recording on iPod/iPhone/iPad?
I want to voice record a lecture but when I do the quality is really bad. How do I get great quality audio recording on my iPod or iPad?
Read more: Get great recording on iPod/iPhone/iPad?
Do Apple products like ipad and ipod need virus protection? If so what is a good one to use?
Do Apple products like ipad and ipod need virus protection? If so what is a good one to use? - 1
Read more: Do Apple products like ipad and ipod need virus protection? If so what is a good one to use?
How to win a game of magic: the gathering without dealing damage?
Hi, I have the Magic app on my iPad, and there is an achievement I want to get, win a battle without having dealed any damage. I have every card in the game. Which ones do I use and how do I beat him without killing him?
Read more: How to win a game of magic: the gathering without dealing damage?
Dreamworks Dragons: Rise of Berk?
I got a new email because I have been getting a lot of spam and I have a lot of crap. I did all the things of replacing Facebook log in email with the new one. But the thing is that I can't play it on my phone. I can still play it on the iPad but my phone is the main device I play games on. How can I get back into Facebook with the current game?
Read more: Dreamworks Dragons: Rise of Berk?
My ipad is disabled?! Help?
so bassically last week my ipad started asking for this password that i dont even know… Everytime i try something it keeps disabling it for longer… There isnt a apple store near me and i cant seem to find where to get some proper decent help can anyone help me please… My ipad is currently not usable?!
Read more: My ipad is disabled?! Help?
Cheap Ipads or something similar to an Ipad?
All the Ipads I can find are hundreds of dollars. Are there any under 100? Or something similar to an ipad?
Read more: Cheap Ipads or something similar to an Ipad?
Restore purchases in Mortal Kombat X for iPad… How does it work?
Just bought the 2,000 souls package for the MKX on my iPad & I don't regret of it but I do regret of two of the characters I bought with some of those souls, I got grandmaster sub zero, inferno scorpion, master of souls ermac & sun god kothal Kahn & I'm not liking the last two so far I think they're kinda boring so I'm wonder if I can get the souls I used to get them, that's my question so how does this work?
Read more: Restore purchases in Mortal Kombat X for iPad… How does it work?
1st time flying on plane?
In September I'll be flying from N.C to ARIZONA and I wanted to know if I could bring my iPad or iPod on board so I can listen to music on the way to Arizona
Read more: 1st time flying on plane?
Friday, June 12, 2015
What kind of radiation does Ipad with retina display emit?
I know the radiation comes from the wifi ( i think ) but does it emit electromagnetic radiation or microwave radiation?
Read more: What kind of radiation does Ipad with retina display emit?
All I get is connection to the server failed. My phone is fine just my iPad?
All I get is connection to the server failed. My phone is fine just my iPad?
Read more: All I get is connection to the server failed. My phone is fine just my iPad?
How to turn off private browsing on Apple ipad 2?
How to turn off private browsing on Apple ipad 2?
Read more: How to turn off private browsing on Apple ipad 2?
Is there a cheap third party HDMI adapter for lightning iOS devices?
I've been wanting to display my iPhone or iPad through a projector, but the only HDMI adapter I can find is the really expensive one made by Apple. Is there another option?
I recently had an idea, and if I'm on to something, please let me know. Since all iOS devices come with a lightning-USB cable, would there be a way to convert the USB to the HDMI? In other words, the sequence would be lightning-USB connected to USB-HDMI connected to HDMI. It was just a thought.
I've found a lot of HDMI-to-USB, but not USB-to-HDMI. Please let me know of a cheap replacement for the adapter!
Read more: Is there a cheap third party HDMI adapter for lightning iOS devices?
I want to watch supernatural full season 9 on my iPad free please tell me how can I do? Ty?
I want to watch supernatural full season 9 on my iPad free please tell me how can I do? Ty?
Added (1). I want to watch supernatural free full season 9 and 10
Read more: I want to watch supernatural full season 9 on my iPad free please tell me how can I do? Ty?
What to do if you are a major What-if thinker?
Always overthink things and literally worry myself out by thinking so much. It just makes me stressed out does anyone overthink as well?
Read more: What to do if you are a major What-if thinker?
I suspect my iPad is being spied on constantly?
So i got this ipad a couple of weeks ago and my parents seem to know everything that i do. It s to the point when I cant even text my friends naturally anymore. Like one time i downloaded an app that my parents didnt want me to have. They texted me and told me. I wasl like, "phh yeah, you saw it because you can look at my purchased apps!" And they were "theres other ways…" naturally i thought wtf and i know im being spyed on. Let me know if theres some way i can identify the software, and remove it descreetly in a way they will never find out.
Read more: I suspect my iPad is being spied on constantly?
How to earase all app data on an ipad?
My little brothers have an I-Pad (4th gen) One of their apps is disco zoo and they want tot start over. How can they delete the data for the app? If they uninstal and reinstall it, their progross is still saved, so what do you do?
Read more: How to earase all app data on an ipad?
How to download iOS 6 on iPad 3?
I have iOS 5.1.1 on my iPad 3 but there is an app that I want that needs a newer iOS. I want to download iOS 6, NOT iOS 7 or 8. When I go to software update it says to update to iOS 8. How can I update to iOS 6 without installing iOS 7/8?
Read more: How to download iOS 6 on iPad 3?
Thursday, June 11, 2015
Connected to wifi, but no internet access?
I have 3 smart-devices; an iPhone 5c, an iPad Mini and an HTC Inspire android. The Android and the iPhone connect to wifi/internet perfectly fine but my iPad shows that I m connected to wifi with a strong signal, but won t connect to the internet. It s only with my home router, too, because I m able to get internet access from any other signal I m connected to. I ve done the basic stuff (restarted my iPad/the wifi router, reset network settings, forgot the network and reconnected, changed the DNS) and I can t think of what else could be wrong. Has anybody ever had a similar problem and could you help me with mine? Thanks in advance.
Read more: Connected to wifi, but no internet access?
Why are app prices different from a phone and iPad?
I have an android phone and sometimes I go on my moms iPad. I notice that a
Some apps on my phone are free but when I go on the iPad it look at the same app it cost money to get? Example Toca kitchen 2 is free on my phone and on the iPad it cost 2.99. Why is it that way?
Read more: Why are app prices different from a phone and iPad?
Should I download IOS 8.3 for my current IOS7? I have an IPad Air 2 64G?
My software is working OK acually, but earlier I've read people in forums that owners should not take chances of IOS8 because some may end up in more glitches. Please if anyone could give me some heads-up.
Read more: Should I download IOS 8.3 for my current IOS7? I have an IPad Air 2 64G?
How to recover shredded photographs? I've run a programme but it didn't pick them up?
I was beaten badly by an ex and I saved photographs - I took them on an iPad then dowloaded them onto my computer - so that later I could show the police. It was a month later that I was able to show the police as he wouldn't let me leave the house - but my ex had shredded all evidence of the photographs from the iPad and apple mac computer.
A month later my face was still bruised but not bad so no one knows how bad he beat me up.
The police said they would be able to get the photos back but he is so good on computers that I thought they couldn't - and then he'd be getting revenge on me - I was too scared to chance that they wouldn't have the evidence.
2 years later I need these photos to prove that my ex is dangerous and shouldn't be allowed to see the children unsupervised. He is beating his girlfriend up she told me but she is now denying it - the kids don't want to see him alone they are petrified of him. They saw him beat me up and he tells everyone that he was acting in self defence which was a lie. The kids are not allowed to be witnesses in court.
The police are not involved so I can't get them to get these photos back - but I desperately need them for court.
I have run three different free programmes and recovered all deleted photos but he shredded them - please can anyone help? My kids lives are at stake - this guy is dangerous - he is a psychopath.
What about the iPad? I took some photos with Photo Booth. They were deleted not shredded off the iPad.
Any ideas?
Added (1). The recovered deleted photos were not the ones - they have not been found - so not all were recovered.
Read more: How to recover shredded photographs? I've run a programme but it didn't pick them up?
My battery percentage won't show up?!
My battery percentage won't show up even if I go to setting and general and usage it won't. It won't show even if I let iPad mini die. Could it be that the battery burned up or because I don't have anymore space? Help.
Read more: My battery percentage won't show up?!
Change iPad s model number?
Is there any way to change iPad model number? What I mean is somehow trick iPad to think it s another model. I need this because I bought my iPad in Dubai and it has no FaceTime app installed. I read that this is because all apple iDevices which are bought in UAE has letters AE at the end of their model number while iDevices bought from USA has LL at the end of model number (for example: my iPad s model number is MH1C2AE/A while the one from USA is MH1C2LL/A). Because my iPad has those 2 letters AE there cannot be Facetime app on it if it s not Jailbroken (I already have it jailbroken but I would really like to find a way to have Facetime and non jailbroken iDevice). Is there any way to change those 2 letters?
Read more: Change iPad s model number?
Can I retrieve my notes and photos from my iPhone 5s from my iPad?
Can I retrieve my notes and photos from my iPhone 5s from my iPad? - 1
Read more: Can I retrieve my notes and photos from my iPhone 5s from my iPad?
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