Monday, June 8, 2015
Problems with free college/ university?
1. What about those who had to repeat a year? Two years? Five years? How about second degrees?
If you say that those who take more than X number of years to complete college needs to pay for the extra years- wouldn't that make "less privileged" pay? Doesn't that defeat the original purpose?
2. Does this mean we cannot have for profit or private college anymore?
I am not the only one seeing the toxic combo of for profit + government money right?
What if a college accepts everyone who fits the free college criterias just to scam money out of govt?
What about colleges who bribe students into it (eg: come to XXX and we'll supply you with an Ipad for your educational needs)
3. Useless majors - do you really want the government to fund sociology and gender studies?
4. Dropouts - what if someone decided to drop out after spending two years at college at taxpayers' expense? Do they have to compensate?
If they don't wouldn't that make people less motivated to graduate on time?
How about someone who comes back after dropped out and then drop out again only to come back again? How many times do the taxpayers have to put up with this?
5. Is it fair that those who've not received a college education pays for your college education? (this is a counter argument for those who say that since up to high school is free - why not college - because everyone goes to high school, but not everyone goes to college)
Read more: Problems with free college/ university?