Thursday, June 11, 2015

Which carreer path should I take?

I have been working at my current work place for the last 9 years but I have also been putting myself through community college for a career in biology. I have recently been accepted into the Surgical Technology program and I am so nervous to leave my current workplace because I am good at what I do which is marketing sales training on certain crm databases and iPad technology. They have provided me raises and an unexpected bonus but my boss has know about my desires in bio education for over a year Now and hasn't hired any additional team members. I accepted the spot avaliable in the program and now I have 2 months to prepare for the first semester. My life is going to change as I won't have a full time job… Set scheduled might have to work weekends… Please help! What would you do? TAke the pay cut and bust your ads in the program or stick with your current job and continue to be the best within that department.

Read more: Which carreer path should I take?