Friday, July 31, 2015
Is my daughter a spoilt brat? (This is not a joke, I m seriously desperate)?
I have 2 beautiful children, Both girls- one is 12 and one is 16, My 16 year old is caring, loving and considerate and she doesn t complain lots unless she is having an off day… But as much as I love her my 12 year old is the complete opposite- Don t get me wrong she does have a lovely side but when she is in a bad mood we all know about it. We had an argument earlier because it s the 6 week holiday and she was saying it s going to be this **** for another 4 weeks, we never do anything, it s crap, it s boring I hate it etc. Here s the thing, We take the kids on days out to the seaside and swimming and we get takeaways and spend about £50 on nice treats for dinner but she is always saying how we never go on holiday, how all her mates are on holiday in hot places like Egypt and Turkey whilst she s stuck at home, b she says it in more nasty ways which I m not even going to repeat, I pretend it doesn t bother me but it really does because she has a £250 iPad mini, an iPhone 5 and her very own windows 8 laptop, she always has 1 huge wardrobe full of nice clothes and she has nice expensive trainers like Nike huaraches and Adidas superstars and converse, This year on her birthday she got £200 and a £150 tracksuit that she moaned about wanting but hardly ever wears it, She has 3 meals a day and nice snacks and we give her money to go places for the day but it s never enough and it upsets me and my partner a lot and it's causing me and my partner to argue, please help!
Read more: Is my daughter a spoilt brat? (This is not a joke, I m seriously desperate)?
How to get a song I made on my iPad?
I made a remix of a song in my computer and it's saved in my hardrive but how to I get it downloaded in my iPad because when I try to upload it to SoundCloud it gets kicked off for copyright and I don't want to out it on YouTube because I can't download YouTube videos on to my iPad.
Read more: How to get a song I made on my iPad?
IPad versus Handheld device for kids gaming?
Hi there,
If my child has an iPad, is there any need for a handheld gaming device such as a Nintendo 3DXL?
Does the iPad offer the same gaming experience as the handheld devices etc and the same games selection?
Thanks in advance:)
Read more: IPad versus Handheld device for kids gaming?
I can't find the official Tinder app on my iPad's App Store. What can I do?
I recently got a new iPad with the iOS 8 model, so it is reasonably up to date. I then went into the App Store in order to try to download Tinder (the OFFICIAL app, none of these crap spin-offs they've done). So I type in 'Tinder' in the App Store… And every related app BUT the official app comes up. I tried every page, not there. I added 'for iPad' and 'official', you name it, not there.
It really bugs me, because it appears in the store on my old device, but the iOS is too out of date on that so it can't download on it, so on either device I physically cannot get it.
Why will it not show up on my iPad App Store and what can I do about it? Thanks for any information!
Read more: I can't find the official Tinder app on my iPad's App Store. What can I do?
What did you think the first time you saw an ipad or a tablet for the first time?
What did you think the first time you saw an ipad or a tablet for the first time? - 1
Added (1). the first time i saw an ipad i was really young and i thought how can you hold that? How can you hold it with one hand. I thought I do not want one.
Read more: What did you think the first time you saw an ipad or a tablet for the first time?
Laptop or iPad mini?
Which one do you think would be the best for.
-charge other devices
The laptops link is here so you can see it-
And the IPad mini is just a normal iPad mini 16gb.
Read more: Laptop or iPad mini?
How to get my family to butt out?
My family has been getting really overbearing lately. They have logged into my facebook account from their iphones/ipads and have blocked a lot of my closest friends and made it to where most of my posts can't even be seen by anyone but me. And have unblocked everyone that I had blocked. They are making me change everything about me because they don't like it. Whether it be who I hang out with, how I dress, what I do with my friends, what I post, what I do in my free time, what activities I can join, what jobs I can have, who I can date, or when I can quit something. Any advice how I can get them to stop being like this?I'm only 16, so I have to live with them for a few more years.
Read more: How to get my family to butt out?
How to get all my music off my I phone to my devices?ipad andLENOVA LAPTOP?
How to get all my music off my I phone to my devices? Ipad andLENOVA LAPTOP?
Read more: How to get all my music off my I phone to my devices?ipad andLENOVA LAPTOP?
Why Can't people hear me on facebook calls?
I just got an ipad and i called a couple ppl on fb but I couldn't hear them unless I hit this microphone That was slashed out and they couldn't hear me, is there a setting I need to adjust?
Read more: Why Can't people hear me on facebook calls?
Thursday, July 30, 2015
Can Ipads only receive imessages?
For example if someone texts me and they do not have a apple device will it still go through to my ipad?
Read more: Can Ipads only receive imessages?
How to recover a copy of an email I sent from my iPad on the 27/07/2015?
How to recover a copy of an email I sent from my iPad on the 27/07/2015?
Read more: How to recover a copy of an email I sent from my iPad on the 27/07/2015?
How to send a video from PC?
how do i send a video from PC to whatsapp,android device,iPad. When i send form email it say the file is so big i downloaded viber on PC but i didn't find any thing to download a video
Read more: How to send a video from PC?
I can't delete my synced photos?!
I accidentally synced photos on my iPad Mini. Then I deleted all of my picture folders on my laptop because I'm not going to use it anymore. I thought I was going to delete the synced photos later on the iPad.
But I couldn't. I tried to use methods to delete them on iTunes but it keeps saying that my "iPad is unable to sync because the folders are missing." but I permanently deleted all my picture folders on my laptop. Now I can never delete my synced photos. Is there another way?
If not, should I call the Apple Company for help?
Read more: I can't delete my synced photos?!
How to Enjoy DVD Movie on iPad Freely?
I want to transfer some DVD movies to my iPad so that I can enjoy them freely.
Read more: How to Enjoy DVD Movie on iPad Freely?
What's worthier: buying a ipad mini 3 for school or buying a iphone 6?
What's worthier: buying a ipad mini 3 for school or buying a iphone 6?
Read more: What's worthier: buying a ipad mini 3 for school or buying a iphone 6?
When you get an IPad fixed?
When you have a cracked old generation IPad and you go to the Apple Store to get it looked at and they give you a new one will it be the updated recent Ipad or still an older generation one?
Read more: When you get an IPad fixed?
IPad will not receive emails also home computer has a pop acct?
IPad will not receive emails also home computer has a pop acct?
Read more: IPad will not receive emails also home computer has a pop acct?
Things have gone from bad to worse. What do I need to do?
So it all started in January 2015. I was home for a few more days of vacation before I had to go back to school and I found pictures of my dad with another woman on his iPad while I was playing a game. I got curious so I found out more about this mystery woman. It turned out that my dad had been talking to her for a few months before and had met her while on a business trip in a different country. After finding out about it I was devastated and wanted to tell my mom right away. The only thing that kept me from doing so was my little sister who is 9 yrs old. I don't want her to grow up without a mom or dad so I've kept quiet.
Going forward to February was a time that things started to go south with my older sister (22 yrs old I'm 20 yrs old) They involve her being kicked out after a number of things that went wrong. Moving forward again to July 2015. Everything that has happened before this I believe has been building up tension in my parents relationship. A few days ago my mom shared a text with me that she got from my dad. In it he said that he "wouldn't be around for much longer anyway…"
With him saying that to her it makes me want to tell her about my dad's cheating just so she can be ready for when he does leave. My mom already has some suspicions and I think I should tell her I just don't know how to bring it up. They have been married for 23 years. It's just really hard to imagine them apart.
Read more: Things have gone from bad to worse. What do I need to do?
Wednesday, July 29, 2015
Any good games for ipad IOS 5.1.1?
So i have an IOS 5.1.1 which is really old and laggy and you cant really play the games every one is talking about. I really want to play the new IOS 8.0 games but i dont have an IOS 8.0, ao any good games for my horrible IOS 5.1.1?
Read more: Any good games for ipad IOS 5.1.1?
I need ONE night vision LIVE footage camera for my front door area?
I am a single woman who recently moved from a condo to a house. I have a home alarm system but I would like to purchase a camera for my FRONT-DOOR so I can see LIVE footage of who is there before I open the door. I HAVE windows above and on the sides of my front door so I can set up the camera in one of the WINDOWS instead of putting it outside so the camera doesn't have to be waterproof but I would like for it to have NIGHT VISION. I am not tech savvy so I would like the installation to be SIMPLE and the live footage viewable from my iPhone or iPad. Any suggestions? I only need ONE camera. My subdivision is safe but I would like the added security of knowing who is at my door before I open it. Please and THANK YOU!
Read more: I need ONE night vision LIVE footage camera for my front door area?
Can eyesight improve for me?!
Hi im 13. So lately I am starting to worry about my eyesight. I use my phone and ipad alot. I use alot of screen time. I can barley see thing 1-2 feet away it is very blurry. I was wondering if i stopped using not as much screen would my eyesight get better or stay the same? I am really worried about me eyes. Manly my eyesight is cause by screen is there ways for my eyesight to get better as in less blurry when i see things please comment some tips to.
Read more: Can eyesight improve for me?!
My nephew is addicted to his iPad?
My nephew was only 3 years old when he discovered what technology was he is now 5 years old and I'm his 15 year old uncle who wants him to have a fun life since it's my job to do that but the last time I wanted to play outside with him he said "NO":( I was upset and was able to tell that he lost interest playing sports with me, back when he was 2 years old he would always enjoy playing with me I was 12 at the time and we would play until the street lights would turn on stop by for ice cream when our day of fun finished but that was 3 years ago now every time I see him he is glued to a stupid screen, i later gave up on him right after I knew he would want to play MINECRAFT or Five Nights At Freddys or Goat Simulator. I miss my old nephew every night I lie down on my bed and remember the good times we had together. The one thing that makes me angry is when the iPad dies he gets so mad that his face turns red and tells me to charge it, while the iPad charges he doesn't even tell me if we could play outside, he just sits on the couch with his arms crossed and waits for the iPad to charge I even ask him if he wants to play outside and he says "No thank you". I hate technology so much that my father asked me if I wanted an iPhone I rejected his offer I'm using my dads iPad right now for this question though. So how can I solve this situation? My sister is pregnant and I don't want my niece or next nephew to end up like this one. Thanks:)
Read more: My nephew is addicted to his iPad?
How to make a really nice book cover on my IPad? (IPad Air if it's important)?
How to make a really nice book cover on my IPad? (IPad Air if it's important)?
Read more: How to make a really nice book cover on my IPad? (IPad Air if it's important)?
Still heartbroken, what can I do?
I'm extremely sad. I was dating this guy and everything was great. He made time to see me but something told me he was playing me. He would take forever to answer my text messages. We had sex and the condom broke so I took plan b which made me very moody. One day while I texted him he took hours to text me back. When he finally did text back I told him I was upset that it took him that long respond. He didnt text back after. When I called him he didnt answer. Then after the second call he did, he picked up the phone and said "who's this?". Remind you I was already emotional because of the plan b so I was infuriated when he did this and I kept calling until he blocked me. We havent spoken since. What can I do to get over this?
Read more: Still heartbroken, what can I do?
How to get bigger breasts?
Hello everyone! I know that i should be confident in my bidy, but im not. ); i was anorexic for a while and am a size 0. My ribs are quite noticeable when i wear bathing suits or tight clothing so i was hoping developing some sort of breast would be good to maybe hid it. Im trying to recover so no hate please. I honestly have no clue as to what size i am but i can just fit into training bras and whatever the smallest size is, probably me. Thanks for any advise! Xoxo
Added (1). Ew my typing was so bad wow, im using my ipad for it sorry. And im 14 years old, weigh about 100 lbs and am about 5'3"
Read more: How to get bigger breasts?
My Instagram is not working?
My Instagram is not working. Whenever I try following people or like photos, it says Action Blocked. And then they will tell me to give feedback and report why it's an error. I tried deleting the app and then reinstall but nothing seems to work. I even tried restarting my iPad. But nothing. It doesn't work on my android phone either. Its been happening for 2 days already. I don't want to make a new acc. I would appreciate the help. Thankssss
Read more: My Instagram is not working?
Delete photos from camera roll on phone from ipad?
is it possible to delete the pictures on my phone camera roll from my iPad? If so how? Need fast answer
Read more: Delete photos from camera roll on phone from ipad?
Tuesday, July 28, 2015
Need a good app which downloads HD videos?
I'm an editor on vine and the apps that I use (iPad/iPhone) are quite low quality and I need an app which I can dowload good HD, high quality videos to my camera roll, need help please
Read more: Need a good app which downloads HD videos?
Parental restrictions with iCloud?
My mom put restrictions on my iPod so I can't get some apps but for school next year I get an iPad. If I sign into my iPad with the same iCloud as my iPod will my iPad then have parental restrictions on it to?
Read more: Parental restrictions with iCloud?
How to increase my internet speed?
I'm currently trying to install a 36GB onto my PS4 via LAN cable into my router. I ran an internet speed test, resulting in a 1.25 Mbps download speed, 0.41 upload, and a 294 ping.
No other devices are attached, everything is up-to-date, the modem and router have been reset, and I'm using an OpenDNS DNS. However the download is going VERY slow. I appreciate All answers!
Added (1). I cannot scan for the fastest DNS, as I am currently on my iPad. If anyone felt like being kind, it would be great if you could scan for me. I am located in Falmouth, MA
Read more: How to increase my internet speed?
A way to prevent elderly parent from constantly resetting login information?
My MIL is not great with technology and is most likely in the early stages of dementia, and we have tried everything to help her remember her login for sites, emails, etc by writing it down in a notebook.
The problem is that she will lose the notebook and reset her password and username so she can access her account, and will then forget it again and reset it again, so that when she has a problem, we re unable to get in and see what the issue is. Half of the time she doesn t even tell us and will lie about it or claim to forget that she did it. We have tried setting Chrome to remember her login information but she ignores the prompt and resets it anyway. Even going so far as to call her doctor s office and ask them to change it for her.
She primarily browses the web on her ipad using the Chrome app. Is there a way to prevent her from constantly resetting her information? Perhaps something that will prompt for a master password which only my So will know so he can manage it? I thought there might be some sort of child-proofing plug-in or app we could use that would do what we need it to.
Read more: A way to prevent elderly parent from constantly resetting login information?
Adult or cowardly thing to do?
My little brother (age 6), who I hadn't seen in 3 weeks (since the 4th of July weekend), and I (male, 24) were at a Ross discount store in Visalia, California. We saw 2 beanbag-type chairs (for sale) and decided to sit down and rest and also look out for our mother who had disappeared from sight. My phone's battery was too low to make a call.
My brother was concentrated on his iPad mini and I was kind of people-watching. After a few minutes of sitting down, some teenage-looking female walked by and noticed us and stopped and told us "you cannot sit there." I saw my little brother sit upright (whereas before he was leaning back) after hearing her. I could only see the back of my brother's head but I imagined he must've had a surprised look on his face with his eyebrows raised, eyes and maybe mouth open.
For a second or two, I thought about how to react. I then put my hand on my brother's back as I began to get up and told him "let's go."
This happened 2 days ago and I still wonder whether I did the "adult" thing by not arguing, not asking questions, not making a big deal, or if that was the cowardly way to react.
I automatically assumed she was a store employee, but I later realized I wasn't sure, because less than 10 minutes after that, after walking around the store a little more, my brother and I walked outside of the store and there she was on the phone and walking away slowly.
I wonder whether I was really setting a good example or if it was a bad example for my bro.
Read more: Adult or cowardly thing to do?
What could be wrong with my internet?
I have comcast Internet with a modem and router. A few times a week my ipad will say I have no Internet connection so I unplug the modem and turn off the router for a few seconds then turn it back on and every thing is fine.
Read more: What could be wrong with my internet?
How to get the Nick Jr app in Spanish on my sons ipad while living in the USA?
How to get the Nick Jr app in Spanish on my sons ipad while living in the USA?
Read more: How to get the Nick Jr app in Spanish on my sons ipad while living in the USA?
How to check my itunes money balance on my Ipad?
How to check my itunes money balance on my Ipad? - 1
Read more: How to check my itunes money balance on my Ipad?
What numbers to call to get a free iPad?
Idk what numbers to call to get free iPad I have try everything
Read more: What numbers to call to get a free iPad?
Monday, July 27, 2015
What should i spend my money on? - 1
Im 13 and my iPhone upgrade isn't due until december which my parents will pay for so I'm not worried. My iPad mini 1 is cracked and only getting worse. Im entering 8th grade. Should i save my money for a car. Its not like my family is struggling with money I would just feel better if i helped. Or my final thought is that i should save for a computer for junior/senior year of high school plus college. Thanks
Read more: What should i spend my money on? - 1
Downloading Whatsapp for iPad mini without jailbreak?
Mine is IOS 8,3, I also have WhatsApp on my iPhone Version 2,12,2, I was wondering if there is a way that work to download the app into my ipad?
Read more: Downloading Whatsapp for iPad mini without jailbreak?
Steam can't connect?
Ok this is what I did and happened before I cant connect to steam.
- Made 4 accounts with same email address.
-Click on a scam link and scanned with malware bytes. And found 2 Trojans and deleted them
-Got new Modem with new Wifi password
But after sometimes I got the new modem i cant access my account. It always say can't connect to steam.
This is what I did
-Made new account with same email address but suddenly when signing in my new account it says can't connect also.
But I changed my password in Ipad safari.
I tried signing in but it always say incorrect login. Even thou i typed the right password and username. The Recaptcha is correct but won't let me get signed in.
What is causing this?
Read more: Steam can't connect?
Whats better to get for gaming and music, a ps vita or an ipad?
Whats better to get for gaming and music, a ps vita or an ipad?
Read more: Whats better to get for gaming and music, a ps vita or an ipad?
Why does my internet turn off at 9 o'clock?
My internet on my iPad just automatically turns off and I can't watch anything on it and it annoys me
Read more: Why does my internet turn off at 9 o'clock?
How to film your iPad without jailbreak or computer?
How to film your iPad without jailbreak or computer?
Read more: How to film your iPad without jailbreak or computer?
How to delete songs from an iPad Shuffle from a computer that it's not synced with?
I synced my iPod Shuffle to a computer, but I now no longer have access to that computer. My iPod is also full, and I want to delete some songs to make some space for new ones. However, the computer I am trying to download the new songs on won't let me delete the songs that are already there to make more space (probably because they are synced with a computer already). Is there anyway to delete songs without having to restart my whole iPod? Because I don't want to have to download 530 songs again.
Read more: How to delete songs from an iPad Shuffle from a computer that it's not synced with?
How to serve my purpose?
I m 14. At my age, some people want to be rock stars, pop stars, teachers, footballers. None of its real. But I know what I AM going to do. I am going to save the world, even if it means sacrificing everything, you may not think I mean that, but I do, I would give up anything and everything to save the world. Even if everyone thought my nemesis saved the world, I wouldn t care, so long as it was saved.ive never been this driven before. How did we **** up the world this bad, seriously?
"If all insects died out, within 50 years all life on earth would be dead. If all humans died, within 50 years life on earth would flourish.". In my opinion, life is a series of distractions, we get so caught up in politics, our friends, the life of someone who we ve never even met, that we get distracted from the destruction we are creating. Just now, I m on my iPad typing this, it s charging. The light s on. I am destroying the earth while talking about saving it. We get prepared from nursery. Nursery to primary school, primary to secondary, secondary to university, university to a job, a career. And when we reach a stable position, we don t know what to do, because we ve been taught to prepare.
I am going to save the world. I just have one problem. I haven t the faintest idea how. Please help me.
Read more: How to serve my purpose?
"If all insects died out, within 50 years all life on earth would be dead. If all humans died, within 50 years life on earth would flourish.". In my opinion, life is a series of distractions, we get so caught up in politics, our friends, the life of someone who we ve never even met, that we get distracted from the destruction we are creating. Just now, I m on my iPad typing this, it s charging. The light s on. I am destroying the earth while talking about saving it. We get prepared from nursery. Nursery to primary school, primary to secondary, secondary to university, university to a job, a career. And when we reach a stable position, we don t know what to do, because we ve been taught to prepare.
I am going to save the world. I just have one problem. I haven t the faintest idea how. Please help me.
Read more: How to serve my purpose?
Does give you serious viruses?
I've only been on once and on my Ipad mini but then I realized that it had movies on cams and that werent on dvd (currently in cinema) so I wondered if It gave you viruses or strange effects?
(Sorry for bad grammar)
Read more: Does give you serious viruses?
Sunday, July 26, 2015
Are scars(or fresh cuts) supposed to burn?
So I had recently cut myself(don't tell me not to I dont need a lecture) and cleaned myself up. Then I went downstairs and watched a show on my iPad. Then my fresh cuts and one or two of my old cuts started to burn. Is that normal?
Read more: Are scars(or fresh cuts) supposed to burn?
What would be my best option for receiving Internet On my Apple iPad?
My iPad has 64 gigabytes and I'm wanting internet to stream videos online., which service should I go through ( cable isn't an option), and around how much would this cost monthly?
Read more: What would be my best option for receiving Internet On my Apple iPad?
How to use an iPad 2 as a graphics tablet?
I can't afford a normal graphics tablet atm so I figured there's a way for me to use my iPad instead so what apps can I use to see my computer screen on my iPad. (I don't have a Mac if that makes a difference)
Read more: How to use an iPad 2 as a graphics tablet?
My Ipad keeps going back to icons screen after I click for it to go to facebook. Why?
My Ipad keeps going back to icons screen after I click for it to go to facebook. Why? - 1
Read more: My Ipad keeps going back to icons screen after I click for it to go to facebook. Why?
Wife claims there was no affair. We are seeking lawyers to decide if we want to divorce?
I'm 32 and she is 29. She is Chinese and I'm Aussie. Married for 4 years, together for 7 and no kids.
She works in a Chinese real estate firm. Their job entails taking clients out to dinner and buying them gifts to befriend them.
I have a pattern of checking her phone on and off because my trust is not the best plus I'm curious to know about her work (she doesn't like to discuss anything about her work with me). For the longest time, she has come home to relax and do her own thing with barely talking to me. I couldn't understand but my parents sided with her that I should let her relax after work and let her play her phone etc. I argued that it was creating distance between us.
At the start of our marriage she refused to kiss me because of an incident when we were engaged where I was considering breaking up and went to dinner with another girl. But nothing happened between us and I only took her out one time.
My has done much more. Dinners alone with different young Chinese guys here saying it is for work. It looks like she got close to one guy and she has been out to dinner a couple of times with him. Her company offers a financial reward for referrals so she bought him an ipad and encouraged him to go out shopping.
I snooped her chat history to find this out. I misinterpreted the meanings and thought they were having an affair. So I got really upset. She brought home a meal from him that he had cooked and left at her company… It looks and sounds off.
Added (1). So I followed the advice of another poster and asked for an explanation. She told me all about the work connections with him and how it was purely business. Then proceeded to say that she won't explain hersekf anymore and that her heart was dead to me because every day I left crazy or upset messages on her chat program. I would send them as I wanted to articulate what I wanted to say.
Added (2). Now she is talking about needing time next week to decide if she wants to move out and wants to see a lawyer. I have been documenting etc. She doesn't know I'm seeing a lawyer next week for advice on property. I have recorded her offering up one of our properties to settle.
I'm taking it slowly now. She found the excuse again not to kiss me… Because of the online messages. For the oast six months she has gotten worse in her swearing at me. Abusing me.
Added (3). When I addressed the problems, she accused me of a cycle if violence where I would send nagging messages conveying my hurt feelings and pretty much telling her I thought her ways were hurtful or that I didn't trust her. And then trying to make up with her. So up and down.
Added (4). Still it didn't sit well with me to have her going to dinner with another young guy, sitting around with him to teach him real estate and then bringing food home from him. If he was a young student or there was a bigger age gap maybe I could understand but they are of a similar age. I told her before that I never accepted how dhe wanted to run around with a colleague at the start of our marriage and got her to stop it.
Added (5). I see she is still with me. We don't talk much. She is still affectionate to a degree. What set alarm bells off for me was her up and down behaviour when we went away. And then after we got back she wanted a couple of days space and I hadn't sent anything bad to her for days!
Added (6). Love is supposed to feel good and it is supposed to flow smoothly. And joy. I don't know if backing off will let her stay here or if she is just talking with no actions. I'm seeking action to be on the safe side. She is my first love so my close friend told me I am too deeply in love and that everything is being driven by money and not love. There's no sense of efforrs to closeness. I mean we have not much time for each other due to work and she doesn't make space for me because we have loans.
Added (7). The close friend also claimed I'm being mentally abused. I suggested to my wife that we should go out somewhere because I was getting upset at her social life with clients on Sundays without me. Going nice places and attending bbqs when I was working. I went alone to check out an island because she didn't feel like going with me. I wish we had time to go out together to restaurants or soend time together more:( but she says I'm harassing her and leave her alone.
Read more: Wife claims there was no affair. We are seeking lawyers to decide if we want to divorce?
How to Fix My iPad Mini Lighting Cord? (iPhone 5, 6 Lighting Cord)?
Hi, recently my iPad mini charger (iPhone 5, 6 charger) have not been work I've been having to replug my charger multible time in my iPad mini i tried shut off my iPad to see if that was the case but then I tried my dad's charger and it worked… It is starting to annoy me having to replugging it over and over again. I don't know what to do and I don't want to spend $10 and I don't want to go all the way to Radio Shack to buy a new one. So if can i can get some answers to fix this problem that would be awesome, Thanks.
Read more: How to Fix My iPad Mini Lighting Cord? (iPhone 5, 6 Lighting Cord)?
How to reset iPad Air 2?
I recently disabled my iPad Air 2 by entering the wrong password too many times. I already tried to connect it to iTunes to reset it and the error code (-39) popped up while trying to go this route; I have no idea what this means. It says something about checking my network connection which I am sure is great and shouldn't be causing any problems. I don't mind if it factory resets because I have most of my important files saved under my iCloud. Any help or solution would greatly be appreciated, and thanks in advance. (:
Read more: How to reset iPad Air 2?
How to record Skype video calls in my iPad Air?
How to record Skype video calls in my iPad Air? - 1
Read more: How to record Skype video calls in my iPad Air?
Can the iMessage app on the apple PC & iPad also receive the green text messages?
I was wondering if the iMessage app on the PC or an iPad (basically not on the iPhone itself) can receive messages from non-iPhone users as well (green messages)?
Read more: Can the iMessage app on the apple PC & iPad also receive the green text messages?
I cracked my iPad 4th generation screen?
Is there any legit shops that repair it for a reasonable price? Because I don't wanna pay $250 for a fix from apple
Read more: I cracked my iPad 4th generation screen?
Saturday, July 25, 2015
How to as a Christain avoid idolatry?
I play video games, go in my Ipad and watch youtube alot as forms of entertainment because i hate being bored so very much. But at the same time i know God is my first priority and i love him above all things. Im very confused can someone help me to have a clear understanding?
Read more: How to as a Christain avoid idolatry?
How to make a short cut to a web page on an iPad?
How to make a short cut to a web page on an iPad?
Read more: How to make a short cut to a web page on an iPad?
Can you get Netflix on a sky box?
I know that you can't but can I somehow connect my iPad too my TV and play Netflix and it come on the TV? Or could I do anything else?
Read more: Can you get Netflix on a sky box?
Is there a program where you can write something on one device and edit it on another?
Like say i had a story in the works and i don't always have my laptop with me, is there a way where if i edit the story on an iPhone/iPad it also shows up on my laptop?
Read more: Is there a program where you can write something on one device and edit it on another?
Am I outdated for using iPad 4?
I bought this in 2013 and now they're alread on iPad Air 2, am I outdated and btw my iPad still looks very new.
Read more: Am I outdated for using iPad 4?
Gadget insurance claim problem. Have receipt but under someone elses name?
Hi guys please help
I bought an ipad off someone in person and he have me the receipt and signed a paper that he sold it to me. It is faulty now after 2 years.
Now i want to claim gadget insurance on it. I have the receipt from pc world but not a proof of purchase which includes an imei number and name of the person.
Which gadget insurance is ok with my situation and what is the best thing to do.
Please let me know if you need more info
Read more: Gadget insurance claim problem. Have receipt but under someone elses name?
What colors would best match these all black shoes?
I'm a male with an athletic build. I wear slim pants with the end of the legs pin rolled. Here's a picture of the shoe I recently bought.
I couldn't upload the pic using my iPad so here's the link:
Read more: What colors would best match these all black shoes?
I couldn't upload the pic using my iPad so here's the link:
Read more: What colors would best match these all black shoes?
I have wifi on desktop but cannot get it on ipad or direct tv?
I have wifi on desktop but cannot get it on ipad or direct tv?
Read more: I have wifi on desktop but cannot get it on ipad or direct tv?
IPad mini 1st generation or iPod touch 6g?
I'm stuck between ipad mini(original) and the iPod touch 6 gen, I just want something to listen to music with,, and watch youtube and movies with. Which one should I get?
Read more: IPad mini 1st generation or iPod touch 6g?
Cant download Instagram On My iPad Air?
I keep searchimg "Instagram" And It Doesnt show Up.
Read more: Cant download Instagram On My iPad Air?
Friday, July 24, 2015
Is it safe to carry around a camera in Barcelona?
I'm going there on a solo trip soon, and I would like to take a lot of pictures so I have good memories of the trip. My ipad actually takes wonderful outdoor pics, but I realize it's kind of big to carry around (although more compact than my other camera). Is it safe to bring it with me to the outdoor tourist spots?
Read more: Is it safe to carry around a camera in Barcelona?
Can you download games while offline?
Hello, this is most likely a stupid question but i need to know. If i paid for a game on my ipad and it was downloading and my internet turned off, will it continue to download?
Read more: Can you download games while offline?
How to tell how many songs are on my iTunes when using my iPad/iPhone?
My song count hasn t been there since the new update. I ve seen ways to get it on your PC, but what about iPad/iPhone?
Read more: How to tell how many songs are on my iTunes when using my iPad/iPhone?
My iPad air 2 was just stolen about 5 minutes ago. Can you track it even though its offline?
the thieves just drove past me and grabbed my iPad and drove off at probably 90mph
Read more: My iPad air 2 was just stolen about 5 minutes ago. Can you track it even though its offline?
I hate life and want to die?
I ALWAYS get the short end of the stick in life. For example:
-I live in the US And I hate whats going on here
-I never get anything new, everything I get is hand me downs, refurbished, etc
-Everything my family gets just HAS to break
-I do robotics class. We're split into two groups. My group uses materials we had for years but the other group gets NEWER AND TWICE AS MUCH MATERIALS AS WE HAVE. NOT FAIR.
-My school does the iPad program. Last year everyone had iPad 2s but now the new 6th graders got new iPad AIRS. Again not fair.
-Whenever I sign up for something, it starts to turn for the worse. I signed up here when the green format was around but then a few days later THIS format.
These are only a few.
I feel like I have a psychic power/emanation/curse that's making everything turn for the worse wherever I go. I feel like I'm psychic because I'm always reacting to exact times, subconsciously noticing patterns, predicting what is going to happen, and other things.
And things aren't getting better. They're only getting worse. And whenever people say that things will get better, time passes, and things only get worse.
I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO ANYMORE! It's ALWAYS the short end of the stick for me and nothing's changing. I WANT things to change, but so far it's been a YEAR and nothing's better. And if it's ALWAYS going to be this way, then I don't want to live anymore.
I'm thinking about soaking myself in gasoline and setting myself aflame to end it all. What do I do?
Added (1). And DON'T give me answers like, "There are kids out there who have it so much worse than you," and,"at least you have this/that" because I DON'T WANT THAT SHÆT EVER.
Read more: I hate life and want to die?
Is it good to use Synthesia to learn piano?
I really want to learn how to play the piano, which is my goal to be professional pianist if possible someday.
i use Synthesia on my parents iPad mini to play. Is it good start to learn to play the piano with synthesia?
I don't have any piano, and i can't afford one and also a piano tutor. I'm just a student and I'm too young to
make money. My parents doesn't want to buy one and also we are looking for a bigger place to live in so wouldn't mind asking them. But i believe learning the piano sooner will be the best.
i do have a grand piano in my home in the philippines but i don't think I'm going back there for a long time because of school but i do plan to use it when i learn how to?
sorry for my bad english still learning
any advice
Added (1). dd
Read more: Is it good to use Synthesia to learn piano?
Is this illegal in the UK?
First of all this may be slightly long winded, after moving out of my fathers house at the beginning of this month after a row I took an iPad that was bought for my birthday by himself. He's threatening to go too the police saying I stole his property and so on. Not only that but money that I said I'd give him for rent I recalled back because in the past he'd threatened to not pay the rent and didn't want it to be stolen from me and within good reason. He has said this is 'fraud' because I said I would give him the money before the argument. I'd just like to know if any of these situations are a criminal offence.
Read more: Is this illegal in the UK?
Why does punishment have to be so DULL MISRABLE AND BORING?
last night I sneaked out ( WHILE GROUNDED ) came home late and told my mum to f--- off, my mum said she isn't putting up with my bad behaviour any longer, this weekend I will be LOCKED UP in my bedroom as a punishment,
NO entertainment, I will eat in my room and will only be let out for bathroom breaks, otherwise my bedroom door will be LOCKED with a key at All times
I HATE being locked up its so boring, I CANT stand being caged up.
Read more: Why does punishment have to be so DULL MISRABLE AND BORING?
I received a new modum today. My computer is working fine but my ipad will not let me connect?
I received a new modum today. My computer is working fine but my ipad will not let me connect?
Read more: I received a new modum today. My computer is working fine but my ipad will not let me connect?
How to access nanostation from netgear router?
Now I know how to do it though the computer attach the Ethernet cable change the IP address but I would like to do it through the router without having to disconnect the Internet, that way I can do it even through my iPad.
Read more: How to access nanostation from netgear router?
Thursday, July 23, 2015
Transfer iTunes money to Amazon or PayPal to buy a PC game?
I just bought a $15 iTunes gift card and credited it to my account on my iPad 2, but when I went to buy the app I wanted, it told me (and it only told me when I was about to buy it!) that the app required an iPad 3 or higher. Now I want to get the pc version (which is $14.99) but I can only pay with either Amazon or PayPal. I was wondering if there's a way to hook up my iTunes account to either of these and buy the game through that. Please help!
Read more: Transfer iTunes money to Amazon or PayPal to buy a PC game?
How to hard reboot a ipad?
How do I do a hard reboot on a ipad?
Also about how much would it cost to fix a ipad screen? Mine is busted: /
Read more: How to hard reboot a ipad?
Worried about my wife's new client?
I am 32 and she is 29. We have no kids. She is Chinese and I'm Australian. She works in a major real estate firm. I recently found out that one of her clients is a young guy in his early 20s. He introduced a cient to her. To repay him, she bought him a new $500 ipad a few weeks ago. I seen chat history back and forth that was fairly benign until last night when I seen him message her joking about being a potential husband if she is looking…
Anyway, as it turns out she brought home containers of food. That guy cooked her a home cooked meal as thanks. My wife admitted that she had been out with him a few times for dinner.
What do you guys think should be my next step to handlle this? Because it just seems to get worse with her as the years roll by. We argued so many times. She often verbally abused me. Made cruel jokes to me etc.
On Tuesday I am seeing a lawyer so I can decide on what is the best course of action if I decide to separate. Yesterday morning she was mad over a small argument from the night before and swore at me again. Saying f… You. I also have a counselling session booked for myself.
She laughed at me tonight when she seen me upset at bringing home food from this guy.
Someone tell me what am I supposed to feel? Because it looks like they like each other. I think he is treating her as a girlfriend. She reckons he knows she is married. She also laughed at my suggestion that maybe they like each other.
The lack of respect is enormous in my eyes.
Added (1). I am not an abuser! Did I fail to mention the number of times she has sworn at me? She made nasty jokes at me?
Read more: Worried about my wife's new client?
My IPad 1st gen screen is not working?
When i press the on button, the screen lights up black. The touch screen is working because when I slide the screen at the bottom where the slide to unlock thing usually is I can hear the sound that means it is unlocked. But the actual screen itself just lights up black. I have tried Holding down the power button to turn off and leaving it over night to see if it fixes itself but have had no luck.
Im not sure how it happened but i left it on for about 20 minutes and when i came back it was like this. Please Help!
Read more: My IPad 1st gen screen is not working?
Why my iPad switch off when I watch videos on video player?
Why my iPad switch off when I watch videos on video player?
Read more: Why my iPad switch off when I watch videos on video player?
How to change colours on my iPad pressed something?
How to change colours on my iPad pressed something?
Read more: How to change colours on my iPad pressed something?
How to download a movie for free then watch it without wifi on iPad?
Hey y'all! I am going Texas next week, and I was wondering how can I download a movie for free, then sync it to my iPad. I have a long flight ride and I wanted to watch movies without wifi
Read more: How to download a movie for free then watch it without wifi on iPad?
Is $300 realistic to sell my iPad?
So quick sum up. I'm in dept to my dad 200$ as he bought me a computer for school purposes. The deal was that id sell my iPad and pay him back the rest (I paid 300 of the computer and he paid 200). I wanna get a fitbit charge, and that costs 130 but my brother gets it with discount since he works at Best Buy.
I wanna sell my iPad for 300 since I've seen the same model and memory size going for more on kijiji. Do you think I can sell my iPad 4 16gb for 300 with a keyboard case? It has absolutely no scratches or cracks, and I have the original box. It will come with the wall block and wire.
I Really want to get this fitbit! I know it will help me stay on track and I've already got 40 saved (I know not a lot.) but I'm 13 and I can't get a proper job yet. And my parents won't let me dog walk, but I'm not really into babysitting. What do you think I should do? Can I sell my iPad for 300? Is that realistic? Check kijiji Ottawa and look at posts for iPad 4th gen 16gb for proof. Thank you! Gaby
Read more: Is $300 realistic to sell my iPad?
Anime or American Comedy?
Anime or American Comedy? - 1
Added (1). Lol. The only shows I watch on TV are all American comedy, but I hardly watch tv. But on my iPad/Computer, I watch anime.
Read more: Anime or American Comedy?
Wednesday, July 22, 2015
Has anyone tried using a 29W USB-C power charger from MacBook to charge an iPhone or an iPad?
Has anyone tried using a 29W USB-C power charger from MacBook to charge an iPhone or an iPad?
Added (1). I mean by connecting the 29W USB-C power adapter to a USB-C to USB cable and then hooking up and iPhone or an iPad on that. Would that work and would that speed up the charging time for the iPhone and the iPad?
Read more: Has anyone tried using a 29W USB-C power charger from MacBook to charge an iPhone or an iPad?
Best wifi range extender?
I recently have started a new internet subscription with Talk talk, and while its fast 2 feet away from the router, when you go further away to my bedroom not so much.
I need a range extender (that's wireless so doesn't have to have a huge cord running from the router, but can be plugged into a power socket) it needs to have WiFi and Ethernet as it will go to A computer, a PS4, an Ipad, an Iphone and a laptop.
Both the computer and the PS4 definitely need Ethernet and it would also be nice to have it for the laptop but not necessary.
Also if it helps i live in Britain, so american things aren't really an option unless you can get them here.
And if possible the cheapest one you can find that doesn't have really bad reviews as i am already paying a lot for the internet itself.
Read more: Best wifi range extender?
How to fix an iPad battery?
I've been having this problem for a couple of months now where I put in the charger and the battery doesn't charge. It only charges when I switch off the iPad so this means I can't use it while it's charging which pisses me off. Is there a way I can fix it at home?
Read more: How to fix an iPad battery?
Tuesday, July 21, 2015
How to toughen up my nine-year-old?
He is an only child and hasn't been around a lot of boys and I admit, I babied him a little as a toddler but now he won't play sports, he won't do flips on his trampoline, he won't even jump off anything higher than 2 feet. I just don't want other kids to have a reason to make fun of him. I have tried to toughen him up but I'm afraid I come off more as critical of him instead of encouraging and I don't want to make him feel bad about himself. My husband refuses to put him into karate or anything like that so idk what to do. I took away his xbox and iPad and told him he needs to play outside instead but idk if that will help at all? :\
Read more: How to toughen up my nine-year-old?
How to edit a picture like this?
Do I need a computer? Or can I use my iPad with an app? Click the link to see what I m talking about

Read more: How to edit a picture like this?
Read more: How to edit a picture like this?
My new iPad will not accept my bank cards?
I've checked with the bank and they have said that there is no problem with my cards at all. Whenever I put in my details for my cards it always says that payment is or cannot be accepted? Please help
Read more: My new iPad will not accept my bank cards?
I can't receive e-mails?
my account was hacked I've changed password on laptop iPhone and iPad can send but not receive I'm waiting on some urgent e-mails re flights etc
Read more: I can't receive e-mails?
IPad 2 with 3G drains way too fast?!
My iPad 2 with 3G drains way too fast and I have tried everything to improve the battery and slo turning off 3G but still drains too fast any help?!
Read more: IPad 2 with 3G drains way too fast?!
Will Earth ever run out of unexplored places and unknown animals?
I want to raise my kids like I was raised, exploring the woods and going camping. Will earth ever run out of wilderness? Is it still possible for me to raise my kids without the use of an iphone?
Read more: Will Earth ever run out of unexplored places and unknown animals?
Im so confused & don't know where I stand - what would you do - does he even like me?
My guy of 4 months was home from the army last week & we had a lovely time. He brought me stacks of presents and we had a lovely week. The issue is - hes always moody. He bought us theatre tickets cos I spent a bit on his birthday & he really kissed me hard (he missed me) but after 4 months still have to ask him for sex. (hes always been like this so no changes) but I noticed he now takes his phone to the bathroom when hes on it & in his dressing gown in bed. Ive been cheated on & this is plain odd 2 me & he knows that. It may be cos he knew I went through his phone once.
He popped out for food for us & took his ipad & his phone? Now is it cos he knows I will nose at them? He spent a fortune on presents for me when he got home cos he was working at Wimbledon & he said 'I love you, you know' when he got home. I was in bed & noticed him using his phone away from me & closed it when he realised I was awake so I asked him ''Are you cheating, cos you know my ex did, I'd rather be single than go through that again' He just went crazy & said 'no for F***s sake, your making me annoyed' ive asked him before once & he said its insulting to him. But when we got together he said he likes dirty sex (great) but its never materialised & when I ask for sex I get it maybe once or twice
Added (1). i like dirty sex so was looking forward to it but hes nothing like that.
I don't know if hes all talk or what? He loves BJ all the time though & would rather them than sex & stimes when I moan he finally gives n but its fast and over quickly with no enjoyment for me.
He is a lovely guy with huge heart but im so confused. I just want my boyfriend to fancy me willingly. When we says bye he hugs me, no eye contact & quick kiss like he don't care but when hes home he said 'missed me so much.
Added (2). He likes staying in bed a lot which I think 'great lets fool about' but he just likes hugs & that's it. He seems to really care cos he makes plans for our future all the time & he just got me expensive theatre tickets for early birthday present. But im scared he just wants company cos lonely when home. He has told me hes been cheated on too & only relationships hes had in last few yrs are 3 months long & they dump him. Maybe cos his attitude sucks - we've been together 4 months now!
Added (3). What am I meant to do? Hes waited years to get with me & now we together he says 'Im your guy, im never letting you go, I love you' He has habit of staring at me when im not looking and he rubs my head affectionately & when we do have sex he stars right into my eyes. Is he using me or just not upto an active sex life? But he talks so dirty when we go together, now he doesn't act on it, its disappointing & I saw male enhancing tablets in his cupboard used so has he got a problem? Im so confused
Read more: Im so confused & don't know where I stand - what would you do - does he even like me?
Monday, July 20, 2015
Do you believe that their has been a degradation of class and morality in the western world?
By that I mean the surge in support for same-sex marriage, pro-lgbt propaganda, legalisation of marijuana and drinking culture. People seem more and more apolitical and narcissistic. It seems traditional values are scorned and dismissed as old-fashioned and repressive. Everywhere I go, I see tattooed, bearded and pot-smoking idiots who seem more concerned with themselves and their internet profiles than the real problems in this world. Do you agree with me? What is bringing about this malaise?
Read more: Do you believe that their has been a degradation of class and morality in the western world?
Can I do virtual school on my iPad?
I am going to virtual school but I don't really want a laptop… Could I use my iPad? Thank you
Read more: Can I do virtual school on my iPad?
I am going to kill myself?
I ALWAYS get the short end of the stick in life. For example:
-I live in the US And I hate what's going on here
-I never get anything new, everything I get is hand me downs, refurbished, etc
-Everything my family gets just HAS to break
-I do robotics class. We're split into two groups. My group uses materials we had for years but the other group gets NEWER AND TWICE AS MUCH MATERIALS AS WE HAVE. NOT FAIR.
-My school does the iPad program. Last year everyone had iPad 2s but now the new 6th graders got new iPad AIRS. Again, not fair.
-Whenever I sign up for something, it starts to turn for the worse. I signed up here when the green format was around but then a few days later THIS format.
These are only a few.
I feel like I have a psychic power/emanation/curse that's making everything turn for the worse wherever I go. I feel like I'm psychic because I'm always reacting to exact times, subconsciously noticing patterns, predicting what is going to happen, and other things. And things aren't getting better. They're only getting worse. And whenever people say that things will get better, time passes, and things only get worse.
I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO ANYMORE! It's ALWAYS the short end of the stick for me and nothing's changing. I WANT things to change, but so far it's been a YEAR and nothing's better. And if it's ALWAYS going to be this way, then I don't want to live anymore.
I'm thinking about soaking myself in gasoline and setting myself aflame to end it all. What do I do?
Read more: I am going to kill myself?
What do I do with a locked iPad?
Long story short i found an ipad on my plan seat and the flight attendent just said to wait till we board b/c it was probably from a previous flight. I did and didn t know what to do so i just went home tired and confused. Now I m here and I don t know what to do with it. Do i sell it? Can i even sell it?
Added (1). By the way its an iPad 2 or 3 i think? And its completely locked. Like even with the reset and everything.
Added (2). OKAY Yeah every seems to think i stole it, though i don't want it So i'll just dump it and call it a day thanks everyone for telling me what i SHOULD'VE done instead of advice that could actually be applied NOW.
Read more: What do I do with a locked iPad?
Can you photoshop on ipad iPhone or xbox one need to know asap?
Can you photoshop on ipad iPhone or xbox one need to know asap?
Read more: Can you photoshop on ipad iPhone or xbox one need to know asap?
Sims Freeplay v 5.14.1 cheats on iPad?
Is there any money or LP cheats for Sims Freeplay v5.14.1 on iPad?
Read more: Sims Freeplay v 5.14.1 cheats on iPad?
What's the easiest way to download YouTube videos to my iPad?
(Preferably through an app called Best Video but any other video downloader method will work)
Read more: What's the easiest way to download YouTube videos to my iPad?
My iPad mini with retina display is only 720p? Help?
So I bough the iPad mini 2, but the resolution is only 1024x768. My ppi is 192. I double checked the box and I do have the iPad mini 2 and my model # is a1489. I can only watch YouTube videos in 720p, what's wrong with my iPad?
Read more: My iPad mini with retina display is only 720p? Help?
No longer attracted to apathetic husband?
we have been married for 15 years, no kids. Over the years my husband has been become lazy, apathetic and whiny. He has no goals or ambition other than for the toys he buys himself. Every time we have moved or made some type of life change, it was me who initiated it and started the ball rolling. He spends most of his time lying around on the couch with his ipad or xbox.
He makes good money, but I do as well. I do recognize I have flaws - i have ADD and am messy, and he has always claimed he is a neat freak. But instead of helping me organize or clean up, he just dumps all his stuff on top of mine. There have been times I wanted to go through everything and start getting rid of stuff and organize but I can't get him motivated to help me.
He's been complaining about his job for the past 8 years that he hates it and he's going to get laid off. He's still there and has done nothing to fix the situation.
He does work out or exercise at all. He says it's my fault because I won't go to the gym with him (even though I do exercise and am in very good shape).
As a result of all this I am repulsed at the thought of having sex with him. There is no masculinity to attract me. I have told him this and he improves a little bit and goes back to where he was. Because that's who he is. He is very attracted to me and wants to continue the marriage. I am at a loss because I feel terrible breaking my vows since there is no abuse or cheating. What do I do?
Added (1). it should say he "doesn't work out"
Read more: No longer attracted to apathetic husband?
I forgot my password for my apples ipad how can i reset it?
I forgot my password for my apples ipad how can i reset it?
Read more: I forgot my password for my apples ipad how can i reset it?
Sunday, July 19, 2015
My iPad keeps jumping. Can t enter my pass code?
My iPad keeps jumping. Can t enter my pass code?
Read more: My iPad keeps jumping. Can t enter my pass code?
How to delete items from my ipad to get more space without losing items permanently?
How to delete items from my ipad to get more space without losing items permanently?
Added (1). Please provide instructions
Read more: How to delete items from my ipad to get more space without losing items permanently?
I need birthday card ideas for my bf?
My bestfriend is turning 13 in 2 weeks and I really want to give her a card and present that is unique and special. She gave me for my birthday a card with pictures of me from her iPad and a toy plush penguin because I want a pet dog. I want to give her something just as important (or funny) back to her… Any ideas?
Read more: I need birthday card ideas for my bf?
My sound is not working properly on my iPad?
My sound is not working properly on my iPad?
Added (1). My sound is not working properly on my iPad. I can hear Siri talking that I can't listen to music or hear sounds on any of my apps
Read more: My sound is not working properly on my iPad?
Do you love or like or dislike your iPhone and/or iPad?
Do you love or like or dislike your iPhone and/or iPad?
Read more: Do you love or like or dislike your iPhone and/or iPad?
How to get snapchat on my iPad!
I have an iPad but I ont know which version it is:/
I keep looking for snapchat in the AppStore and I can't find it! My mates have it on their iPad and iPods and stuff but I can't get it!
At fist I thought it was because I needed a software update it I'm all up to date with my software updates so can someone please tell me how to get it!
Read more: How to get snapchat on my iPad!
I keep looking for snapchat in the AppStore and I can't find it! My mates have it on their iPad and iPods and stuff but I can't get it!
At fist I thought it was because I needed a software update it I'm all up to date with my software updates so can someone please tell me how to get it!
Read more: How to get snapchat on my iPad!
How much does it cost to repair a iPad mini screen in England?
How much does it cost to repair a iPad mini screen in England?
Read more: How much does it cost to repair a iPad mini screen in England?
I have just shot some of ipads and won one i downloaded it but now my computer is freezing?
I have just shot some of ipads and won one i downloaded it but now my computer is freezing?
Read more: I have just shot some of ipads and won one i downloaded it but now my computer is freezing?
Why won't my iPad mini charge?!
I've had my iPad for almost 2 months and out of no where it just doesn't want to charge anymore. I see that it is dying so I plug it in, and it gets the symbol that says it's charging, but instead of charging the percent of the battery goes down until in eventually dies. I have no idea why it started doing this, ive bought 4 different chargers and same thing. It's been doing this for about a week. Please help if you can. Thank you.
Read more: Why won't my iPad mini charge?!
What to do late at night?
im 13 years old so i cant do much. Since im on summer vacation i stay up late/all night. I have a phone, laptop and a ipad. But i get bored cuz everyone is sleeping. Anything i could do?
Read more: What to do late at night?
Saturday, July 18, 2015
Read more: WHY WHEN I CLICK PHOTO NOTHING Hppends (On iPad)?
Can t send or receive mail. In mail app on iPad?
Can t send or receive mail. In mail app on iPad?
Read more: Can t send or receive mail. In mail app on iPad?
How do property abandonment laws apply to borrowed property?
In north carolina, how would the laws apply to something like for example if you borrowed an iPad from your boyfriend then you broke up how would the law deal with that? I'm trying to get my stuff back from my ex but she told me I have three days to get it or it's abandonment of property and legally hers. Is she right or do I have legal precedent?
Read more: How do property abandonment laws apply to borrowed property?
Is it the charger that stopped working or my iPad?
Is it the charger that stopped working or my iPad? - 1
Added (1). A few people, also myself, were charging our devices in this room that we were currently in. Fast forwarding, I had to attend an event and when I came back into the room, my friend had my "block" but no cord (which we later found). When I went home the charger was working just great. But when I went into the bathroom, I was at 2% so I decided to charge it in that outlet. I turned off the light. The iPad turned off. Did my iPad die? Did my charger fail? No outlets work, even the computer. Help:(
Read more: Is it the charger that stopped working or my iPad?
Whats best to get- a wire which brigs your ipad screen on the tv or apple tv?
To use for netflix but also movie streaming websited like movietube ect will apple tv support websites like that?
Read more: Whats best to get- a wire which brigs your ipad screen on the tv or apple tv?
Stuck home button on the iPad?
I dropped my iPad and the home button seems to be stuck inside. Any ways to get it out without going to the Apple Store? Thanks!
Read more: Stuck home button on the iPad?
What would you do if you found an ipad on the street?
What would you do if you found an ipad on the street? - 1
Read more: What would you do if you found an ipad on the street?
How to downgraded iOS using shsh blogs?
i already save my shh blogs from my tiny umbrella and what do I do next to downgraded my iPhone. I running iOS 8.4 and iOS 8.3 already saved shh blogs. Apple has close iOS 8.3 already. I need to know how to downgraded back to iOS 8.3 thanks a lot
Read more: How to downgraded iOS using shsh blogs?
Friday, July 17, 2015
Bypass lost mode on iPad?
I clean planes at the airport and found an iPad. It's in lost mode and gives me a message saying call this number if lost. I've called he number multiple times so I could try and return it but can't anyone… So I'm keeping it. How do I bypass the lost and erased screen?
Read more: Bypass lost mode on iPad?
Ipad Air 2 or Nvidia Shield Tablet or Nvidia Shield Portable?
So i can't decide which one to buy and i like gaming.
Read more: Ipad Air 2 or Nvidia Shield Tablet or Nvidia Shield Portable?
How much longer will it be before the original iPad (the iPad 1) will be completely unusable?
I have the original iPad (the iPad 1) and I'll be updating to an iPad mini, but I don't know when. I don't have the money right now. How much longer will it be until the iPad 1 is so far out of date that you wouldn't be able to use it of litterally ANYTHING (not even the internet) anymore?
Read more: How much longer will it be before the original iPad (the iPad 1) will be completely unusable?
Recommend some good offline iPad games please?
I usually travel a lot and I am without internet. Can you please help me recommend some good iPad games that work without a internet connection? Thanks in advance:)
Read more: Recommend some good offline iPad games please?
How to keep my iPad mini safe during a trip?
Basically going on a residential in a few days where I do activities all day and I stay at a youth hostel for 5 days. I really wanna bring my iPad because I know I will be bored and may need it anyway but I'm worried somebody might steal it. I will be staying in a room with 1 other person and I will have a backpack with me. What is the best thing to do to keep my iPad mini safe and prevent it getting stolen? Should I discreetly put a small lock on my bag zips each time I go to sleep so no1 jacks it?
Read more: How to keep my iPad mini safe during a trip?
Is my Insatgram account hacked?
I try logging into my Instagram accounts and the say "sorry we couldn't connect to our login server, please confirm you have an Internet connection and try again in a moment". I tried disconnecting and connecting to my wifi, still nothing worked. I powered off and restarted my iPad, still didn't work. I deleted Instagram and redownloaded it, still nothing worked. I know there is nothing wrong with my internet connection cause my friend who I share 1 out of 2 of my accounts with says it doesn't work for her either! So to make it clear, I have 2 Instagram account and neither of them work! What is the problem? Is Instagram updating? Cause that seems like the only obvious answer right now but I'm still not sure. Please and thank you! :)
Read more: Is my Insatgram account hacked?
How to leave a message on web server after reading with a device?
How to leave a message on web server after reading with a device?
Added (1). Using iPad mail; after deleting from the iPad it will also delete from server, back to question. Server is
Read more: How to leave a message on web server after reading with a device?
Thursday, July 16, 2015
Will Ipad connect to open network automatically?
I have an IPAD 2 on IOS 8, i wanted to know if it will connect to an open network automatically when there is one or do I have to manually click it? I just do not want my Ipad connecting to random networks I do not know.
Added (1). ---Answered---
Read more: Will Ipad connect to open network automatically?
I have my oldest iPad for 23 560 000 minutes. I have password. What can I do?
I have my oldest iPad for 23 560 000 minutes. I have password. What can I do? - 1
Added (1). It got locked for 23560000
Read more: I have my oldest iPad for 23 560 000 minutes. I have password. What can I do?
IPad for University? Which stylus pens are the best ones? IPad Air 2 or iPad mini 3?
IPad for University? Which stylus pens are the best ones? IPad Air 2 or iPad mini 3?
Added (1). iPad for University?
I’m going into my second year and have noticed the trend of iPads and stylus pens. I’m beginning to find them quite convenient and compact so I’m opting for this. I only wonder who else uses this method of note taking. Which stylus pens are the best ones? IPad Air 2 or iPad mini 3? Please give me your input I’m lost in the sea of endless iPad information
Read more: IPad for University? Which stylus pens are the best ones? IPad Air 2 or iPad mini 3?
I forgot my passcode on my ipad air 2?
I can still get in by touch id. But don t remember the passcode at all! I dont have a computer i can connect to at all! I just got back from vacation and i wrote it on a piece of paper. I looked everywhere for the paper i cant find it anywhere! I think I dropped it on one of the airplanes. Or airport. What i do now?! Do i go to a guy that works with ipads?! Or do i go back to verzion store? Thats why i got it from! Help wat do i?
Added (1). Where*
Read more: I forgot my passcode on my ipad air 2?
Can I get a software on iOS to create a fighting game for free?
I've been having the idea of making a fighting game for about 2 years now. But I have no pc or Mac. All I have is a iOS devise (iPad mini) I want to make one so bad for free.
Read more: Can I get a software on iOS to create a fighting game for free?
My cousin is sleeping over. Any ideas on what to do?
my little cousin has to sleep over and stay all day tomorrow bc my aunt is working. She's 8 (almost 9) and I'm 13. She's so annoying. She doesn't listen and is always trying to follow me. And she gets on my moms nerves to sometimes. I've given her hints that I'm not a fan of her and to leave me alone for awhile and she gets it but doesn't care. She brings toys to play with when she comes bc I don't have any and she also has an iPad that she can play on and we watch tv but she gets bored after like 10 minutes of all of that. So do you guys have any tips and things she can do to keep her entertained and not annoy me?
Read more: My cousin is sleeping over. Any ideas on what to do?
Does the regular iPad Mini have iOS 7 OR 8?
I have an ipod 5 but its completely done the storage is literally full and I wanna buy another apple product. IS The iPad Mini worth it? Does it have iOS 7 OR 8
Read more: Does the regular iPad Mini have iOS 7 OR 8?
Dropped my iPad in water about 7 hours ago and I'm just doing this now, will it work?
Dropped my iPad in water about 7 hours ago and I'm just putting it in rice now, will it work? My mum doesn't know but she's kill me 😰. The sound works but the screen has gone pitch black, what do I do… I can't pay for it, I don't have any money. Please use sources xx thanks xx 
Read more: Dropped my iPad in water about 7 hours ago and I'm just doing this now, will it work?
Read more: Dropped my iPad in water about 7 hours ago and I'm just doing this now, will it work?
Can I still send texts from my ipad after I get an android?
I am concidering purchasing an android phone for my next upgrade. The Only problem is I love the fact that I can send text messages from both my iphone and ipad. As long as I don t remove my phone number from my imessage account will is still be able to send texts from my ipad when i get an android
Read more: Can I still send texts from my ipad after I get an android?
Is there a to.mp4 converter for mac?
I recently recorded my iPad using my Mac. I want to upload the video to youtube, but the video is format. Is there any way to convert the video to.mp4?
Read more: Is there a to.mp4 converter for mac?
Wednesday, July 15, 2015
Clash of clans village?
I have a clash of clans account that was originally linked to my dads game center but then i got a new ipad so i had to go through the tutorial and set up a village so i could link my old village but now whenever i log in it pops up asking me if i want to link that village, i dont and i want to link to bluestacks so i can play on my pc but whenever i try it just says ive got the wrong account logged in what should i do?
Read more: Clash of clans village?
IPad home button is a little loose. What could be the reasons? Should I take to App Store?
IPad home button is a little loose. What could be the reasons? Should I take to App Store? - 1
Added (1). The button also lost the click sound. I used for one and a half years iPad Thanks!
Read more: IPad home button is a little loose. What could be the reasons? Should I take to App Store?
How to install different language on my ipad?
How to install different language on my ipad?
Read more: How to install different language on my ipad?
How to transfer photos from android ipad to my pc?
How to transfer photos from android ipad to my pc? - 1
Read more: How to transfer photos from android ipad to my pc?
How to keep my playlists on my iPad and iPhone filtered by tittle?
I use Spotify both on my iPad and iPhone. I use a lot of playlists to sort my music, but can never keep the playlists filtered by tittle. It's really annoying to keep filtering the playlists.
Read more: How to keep my playlists on my iPad and iPhone filtered by tittle?
Is the IOS 8.4 update full of glitches?
I updated 2 the IOS 8.4 and my iPad keeps freezing. It is charged all the way. Is this normal?
Read more: Is the IOS 8.4 update full of glitches?
Itunes won't let me backup my ipad mini because the backup is corrupt or incompatible?
what does that mean and how can i back it up?
Read more: Itunes won't let me backup my ipad mini because the backup is corrupt or incompatible?
Can you get a keylogger on an iPad from opening an e-mail on gmail?
If I open up an e-mail from my gmail account on my iPad, can I get a keylogger? I had an ex who I was trying to get a keylogger on my devices.
Read more: Can you get a keylogger on an iPad from opening an e-mail on gmail?
Weird people staying at my house made my wifi secure can they see what I do on the internet?
So these really weird people staying at my house for a week secured my un secured wifi via an iPad. Because they set it up, can they see what I'm doing online?
Read more: Weird people staying at my house made my wifi secure can they see what I do on the internet?
Tuesday, July 14, 2015
Why does my iPad charger burn me? Is that normal?
My iPad charger block can cook salmon, is that normal?
Ps is told my sister to touch it! Lol
Read more: Why does my iPad charger burn me? Is that normal?
How are you doing with your tablets ( Ipads, smart phones. Ect) Moses had 4 tablets, he broke 2?
How are you doing with your tablets ( Ipads, smart phones. Ect) Moses had 4 tablets, he broke 2? - 1
Read more: How are you doing with your tablets ( Ipads, smart phones. Ect) Moses had 4 tablets, he broke 2?
Hey guys. I went to reset my ipad. But in the process I got stuck at the apple logo. Help?
Hey guys. I went to reset my ipad. But in the process I got stuck at the apple logo. Help?
Read more: Hey guys. I went to reset my ipad. But in the process I got stuck at the apple logo. Help?
Things to Do to Pass Time?
Tomorrow, I'm going to be an office messenger at my high school and throughout the day, I have to collect and send notes to various classes and I also have to do some errands for the school office. However, I have to sit down on a table all day when I'm sending notes/doing errands and I'm not allowed to bring my phone/iPad etc. And I'm only allowed to read, finish homework or draw things on paper.
I've already finished my homework and I'm planning to bring a book but it's probably too short for it to last me the whole day. Any recommendations on how to pass time? Best recommendations will be given 5 points.
Read more: Things to Do to Pass Time?
Relationship, drugs, help:?
So I've been seeing this guy for about two months now and things are getting serious. We spend almost every day/ night together we talk everyday we both made sure we're on on the same page about what we want and things were going great. Until the other night. At the very beginning when we were just friends, wehadnt done anything, I brought up the subject of drugs letting him know that if he ever chose to do any hard drugs that I didn't want to be around him. He completely understood and said he cared about me to much to lose me over that. (He admitted that he had tried drugs in the past) anyway his friends were all planing a night out which I was invited to. But as the iPad is connected to his phone so I could see all the messages which they all started saying they're getting some pills and speed. And to my surprise he agreed and said hell try and find some. Then one of the messages was 'that was close ally(me) was playing on the laptop' 'And?' 'She hates drugs, but zero fucks given by this guy!'
Fwi I didn't see the messaged at the time they were being sent I saw them when he was asleep on the couch. So I went to sleep and in the morning packed my stuff and left. I didn't say anything and he won't know until he gets home. So what should I do now. I really really like this guy he's been amazing to me in evert other way but I will not be in another relationship with a guy on drugs. I've been through it once and it was horrible. Please any advice is greatly papappreciated
Read more: Relationship, drugs, help:?
How to find out how much gbs i have left in my iPad Air that i bought 1 year ago?
When i bought it it had 16gb
Read more: How to find out how much gbs i have left in my iPad Air that i bought 1 year ago?
IPad Air 2 or iPod 5?
This is probably one of the most toughest decision I've made in my 14 yrs of life. XD Anyways, my mom said that she would buy us one electronic of our choice although I don't know the price range though. So I automatically new I wanted a new iPod. I've been wanting one for awhile now. So we went to Wal-Mart and I saw the iPod that I wanted but I also saw the iPad that changed everything for me. All of a sudden I didn't know what I wanted and I couldn't get both. (Good thing I have a week to think about it) I'll be using which ever one I get for iOS gaming. The iPod is small but it's fun to play on. I've never had an iPad before but I do have a friend who has one and she does all of her gaming on her iPad. What's your opinion on it?
Read more: IPad Air 2 or iPod 5?
Should I just forget about him?
So I've been friends with this guy since 7th grade (And liked him since 6th) but now middle school is over and we are going to separate high schools (I know I'm young please no negative comments). He told me he liked me two days before school ended (he said "I think we should go out") but he is the kind of person that isn't a big deal for and I didn't really say anything. Anyway the next 2 days we didn't talk that much but when we did it was definitely more "romantic." And the last day we were supposed to hang but he ended up ditching me to hang out with another girl (and others) that he likes bc the people that were coming too "weren't his type" (it was originally just 2 of us). We planned it for awhile. When summer started things got a little "steamy" lol idk I'm like 2 but we were always in a pseudo sexual kinda relationship it just got more open with words like babe and such. But before at the beginning of summer he tells me he is going out with this girl he liked for awhile and while we were talking (as more than friends) I just assumed they broke up (his longest relationship was 3 months so I didn't bother to ask) but he just stopped texting me out of the blue. We used to text daily but then he just stopped responding. Idk I feel like I should just forget about him. I got a kik for him (he only uses and iPad) and i just really wanna delete it but then he will never be able to text me back. I feel like **** without him. Maybe he literally can't text me back idk!
Read more: Should I just forget about him?
Ipad mini 2 16gb or Ipad mini 64gb?
I am deciding if I should get an Ipad mini 2 16gb or Ipad mini 1 64gb. Which one would you recommend? I just need a little help. Thanks!
Read more: Ipad mini 2 16gb or Ipad mini 64gb?
Monday, July 13, 2015
How to put an imovie file somewhere else?
i made an imovie video on my iPad. It is 30 minutes long and takes up 6.7 GB. I have deleted everything that i can in order to make this video. I currently have 113 MB available so i cant email it or message it anywhere because there isn't enough space. I cant even send it to the photos app. Whenever i plug my iPad into my computer it says error syncing with imovie. So i cant put it onto the computer. I want to get it off of my iPad so i can re download all my apps that i got rid of and return my life to normal. Is there anything else i can do with this video because its starting to get annoying. I cant play any games and i cant take pictures/videos because there is no room. What should i do? And please don't suggest that i download some kind of video sharing app because i don't have room for any apps. I have literally deleted everything except this imovie video. Thanks for the help.
Read more: How to put an imovie file somewhere else?
What colour smart case for the iPad Air?
I have a space grey iPad Air, I am wondering what colour smart case would be best.
Read more: What colour smart case for the iPad Air?
How much would I get for an iPad mini 2 with a cracked screen?
I'm looking to sell my iPad mini 2, it's works perfectly and I've had if for about a year but it's got a cracked screen, how much could I get for it?
Read more: How much would I get for an iPad mini 2 with a cracked screen?
Is my ipad microphone dead or do I still have chances?
Is my ipad microphone dead or do I still have chances?
Added (1). Hello,
I dropped my ipad on water and despite it didn't turn off I immediately found that I had a problem with the speakers and the mic.
The speakers are now ok but the mic makes a weird noise. Does this mean that it is broken or that it still has water that hasn't evaporated yet? Do you think there is any chance it comes back? Thanks in advance!
Read more: Is my ipad microphone dead or do I still have chances?
Can an IPad air 2 charger/USB be used to charge an IPhone 5C?
Can an IPad air 2 charger/USB be used to charge an IPhone 5C?
Read more: Can an IPad air 2 charger/USB be used to charge an IPhone 5C?
Pour water on iPad and it's acting out?
Okay I accidentally poured water on my water and when I tried to face time, they could hear me but I couldn't hear them. So I shut it off and turned it on again. So I took video to see if anything is wrong with my microphone and I couldn't hear nothing at all! Should I put it in rice?
Read more: Pour water on iPad and it's acting out?
How to get out of the contract?
So I want an iPad instead of a phone for various reasons. So I want to get out of the contract, but I am only 7 months into it, and I learned I HAVE to pay an early termination fee, which is like $350. But its too much money, and we dont want to give it to somebody else. Any help? My phone provider is Sprint.
Read more: How to get out of the contract?
How to get reds wing on terraria on ipad please tell me?
How to get reds wing on terraria on ipad please tell me?
Added (1). Terraria is a mobile game like minecraft please please tell me how to get reds wing on ipad
Read more: How to get reds wing on terraria on ipad please tell me?
Model MC496ll can be updated to iOS 7?
iPad Model MC 496ll is updated only to ios 5.1.1.Vibe reader requires ios this model of iPad can be updated to ios7? How?
Read more: Model MC496ll can be updated to iOS 7?
Will deleting the iCloud account from the iPhone delete the account on the Ipad as well?
I want to delete it in settings by pressing the red button but will it also delete the account on the iPad too?
Read more: Will deleting the iCloud account from the iPhone delete the account on the Ipad as well?
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