Monday, August 31, 2015

My computer is hooked up on cable - now I have a IPad - how do I get WI-FI?

My computer is hooked up on cable - now I have a IPad - how do I get WI-FI? - 1

Read more: My computer is hooked up on cable - now I have a IPad - how do I get WI-FI?

How to bypass school firewall without downloading anything?

Well known proxy websites are all blocked and so is the keyword "proxy". Are there any hidden websites like that or things like browserling? I'm using a school ipad so… And this is probably not possible, but I'm trying anyway.

Read more: How to bypass school firewall without downloading anything?


This is going to sound very… Selfish as I realise there are children in Africa starving, but bear with me…


My parents are quite strict, and they think I spend to much time on Instagram, the only social media I am allowed. But, if they realized how much more the other kids in my year are on it, they might loosen up. Anyway, they have taken away my Ipad because they don't want me to go on Instagram. But all my music and everything else is on there, including memories and videos from my two deceased horses, and those videos i used to watch every day. I want to buy new music and I say to them that i won't go on Instagram. But they don't believe me. How do I get my Ipad back?


What are some things i can do for fun?

I am 13
I don't live in town so i can't go anywhere
None of my friends live near me
My parents don't want me using electronics anymore
My little brother and I always argue so it needs to be something I can do alone.
I read a
Out but my parents think o spend all my reading time on my iPad for some reason.
Added (1). I mean I read a lot not out
Added (2). Thank you so much MsBittner! I will definitely be trying out some of those crafts!

Read more: What are some things i can do for fun?

How to lose weight fast?

I weigh 150 lbs and I'm a 12 year old. I need to lose weight because school starts in 2 weeks and I wanna lose enough weight to be 90-100 lbs. How do I get there and stay there? I'm always on my iPad sitting around, I'm always watching tv, eating whatever I can find, and not very active cuz I can't ride a bike. How can I change all of this?! Help!

Read more: How to lose weight fast?

How to add another email address to an existing account?

How to add another email address to an existing account?
Added (1). On an iPad?

Read more: How to add another email address to an existing account?

Disabled ipad problems?

My uncle bought a ipad from someone on craigslist and he set a password on it. Long story short his daughter disabled it forever. When i plug it into the computer it says eroor code 43. I have looked up all the solutions and none of them work. I need help!

Read more: Disabled ipad problems?

Is it better to be more assertive or more easy going?

I had this "friend" who would do everything without warning or even asking me. Like messing with my food, saying we were going to hang out even though i didnt want to, and he would use my devices without asking me. He even tried to scan his finger so he could access my iPad. On several occasions I vigorously told him not to use my stuff without asking me and he got mad at me for telling him off. Then when I tried to be easy going i let him use my phone so that he could text his girlfriend because his phone was broken, only to discover that he was pretending to be me the whole time in an effort to keep her from breaking up with him.

Read more: Is it better to be more assertive or more easy going?

Is there any sleeves specially made for the Ipad Air (1st and 2nd gen)?

A lot a sleeves in the market were made for the older Ipads, so it let the Air dance around once inside…

Read more: Is there any sleeves specially made for the Ipad Air (1st and 2nd gen)?

Is it ok to let the cops in without a search warrant?

Is it ok to let the cops in without a search warrant? - 1
Added (1). I let them in cuz i have nothing to hide. They said they were looking for an stolen ipad and some other items. I know my rights i coulda said no but, i wanted to cooperate and like i said nothing to hide im not a thief… But it seemed to me like they were looking for something else something bigger cuz it wasn't a thorough search. Anyways my question is did i do wrong by letting them in?

Read more: Is it ok to let the cops in without a search warrant?

Sunday, August 30, 2015

This is for females?!

How would react if you want on your boyfriends iPad and saw pictures and a video of his ex girlfriend! These pictures where before I was even in the picture. But when I saw them I kinda got upset cause she was young (23) yrs old and thin a beautiful! I'm not ugly but I do have a little weight on. I know they only dated like 3 months. I'm 37 and my bf is 40 we been together for 7 lived together 1 month. I didn't even say anything to him. Need your advice!

Read more: This is for females?!

How to block someone on messages on an iPad Air?

A girl is being really mean to me. She insulted me and my friend and said that I don't care about anyone but myself, and once i threatened to tell a teacher, she started acting all nice and apologizing. I waanna stay away from her. How do i block her on messages, if that's possible?


Read more: How to block someone on messages on an iPad Air?

Why it funny to watch fat kids fall over?

Like on youtube fat kids fallin down stairs or fallin of there bikes. Mah brother usman was watchin them on mah ipad n luaghin really hard so why its so funny?

Read more: Why it funny to watch fat kids fall over?

Can school track web history when I'm at home?

So I have a school iPad and I use it for most things other than my phone but I'm wondering if they can track my web history while I'm at home. They have this account thing in the settings that blocks us from downloading certain apps in App Store but can they see history

Read more: Can school track web history when I'm at home?

I am connected but I get an error when I load up the internet?

I thought I may have accidentally installed malware so I scanned my computer with MalwareBytes a few times and removed everything it said was a virus to make sure however now when I load up the Internet I get an error saying "this webpage is not available DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NO_INTERNET" even though I am connected, I'm using my iPad to post this and need an answer quick! Please help.

Read more: I am connected but I get an error when I load up the internet?

Macbook or Ipad air?

Im getting any macbook or an Ipad air 2. Which
one do you like or prefer best

Read more: Macbook or Ipad air?

Any anime sites that work for ipad with as few intrusive ads or popups as possible?

No apps. Just websites.
kissanime is having host issues now.
Huge selection like kissanime.
also i want the video to load at a decent speed and not take forever.
Added (1). Also no sites like animecrave that limits the videos for not having an account.
Added (2). Nevermind the limit, but id rather not have to make an account on a temporary if i dont have to.
Added (3). Just remembered; no mirrors if possible. Sorry its a lot but the seemingly best anime site on the web is down. Im kinda desperate until its back up.

Read more: Any anime sites that work for ipad with as few intrusive ads or popups as possible?

I cannot download attachments on my ipad?

I cannot download attachments on my ipad?

Read more: I cannot download attachments on my ipad?

How to get my up ipad to unfreeze?

My ipad is stuck on the apple screen and I cant get it off. I tried to hold the buttons down, at the same time, for ten seconds but it didn t there another way?

Read more: How to get my up ipad to unfreeze?

Best iPad/iPhone app to backup photos?

What I am looking for:
-free or paid app
-can store unlimited or a lot of photos at full resolution
-choose the photos I want to back up
-can add from an album
-ability to not have to select each photo individually (there's a select all button)
-ability to import back to camera roll, again not having to select each one individually
-option for auto back up, or atleast auto when I open the app

I'm not looking for:
-monthly payment

Thanks in advanced.

Read more: Best iPad/iPhone app to backup photos?

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Why can't I upload my Flickr images to Instagram?

So I usually upload a photo to Flickr on my laptop then I download it through the app with my iPad so I can then upload it to Instagram. Now, before, Instagram only allowed square photos. Recently they've updated the app, allowing landscape and portrait photos. When I went to upload a photo (without using a 3rd party app to have a white background), the app shut itself down. I uninstalled it, re-installed it, switched my iPad on and off,etc; but still nothing.

Read more: Why can't I upload my Flickr images to Instagram?

Can t remember my password for email to access on my iPad?

Can t remember my password for email to access on my iPad?

Read more: Can t remember my password for email to access on my iPad?

I blocked and removed a contact from Skype and now I want to undo it help?!

I blocked and removed a contact from Skype and now I want to undo it help?!
Added (1). I blocked and removed a contact from Skype on my iPad and now I want to undo that but their contact won't come up to unblock it What do I do?

Read more: I blocked and removed a contact from Skype and now I want to undo it help?!

Dad is way to srict?

He grounded me for getting a 90 in chemistry. I try so hard in chemistry but my teacher is horrible and only cares about her paycheck, btw im in honors chemistry and a sophmore. My freshman year was 7 As and 1B and now my dad is saying no phone, no tv, no ipad, no computer except for studies. He says as soon as i get home everyday, its eat then study until i go to sleep. Even kids in my class complain about how my teacher doesnt even teach. And no i cant transfer because there is no other teacher in my school that teaches Honors Chemistry. Dropping the class to go to a on level chemistry class will give me a 10 on my transcript for the class. My dad only wants 100 and expects way to ******* much. He doesnt even let me tell him why i have a 90 in the class, he just keep saying GO STUDY, STOP ARGUING, YOU RE GROUNDED FOREVER. Kids in my class usually have 70-90 in the class. And he keeps saying DONT COMPARE YOURSELF TO THEM. If a class is doing bad don t think its the class when really its the teacher that just cares about speeding through units and meditating half the day.

Read more: Dad is way to srict?

IPad mini screen moving on it's own?

So, I have an iPad mini. A while ago, the screen started moving on it's own/clicking things when I wasn't touching it. We fixed it, and then later it shattered. I recently replaced the screen again, and now it has been doing it again. We have spent a lot of money on this, any idea what the problem is, or how to fix it? THANK YOU!

Read more: IPad mini screen moving on it's own?

How to get avatar/photo on iPad?

Hi, I've been thinking I would quite like an avatar or a photo but I don't know how. I looked it up and it said I needed to hover the cursor over edit preferences, but I am on my iPad and so when I pressed edit preferences I couldn't find anything that worked. Beside my photo space there is an edit button but when I pressed that nothing happened. So what should I do?

Read more: How to get avatar/photo on iPad?

Do you have a iPad, iPod or iPhone? - 1

I have a iPad mini 2, iPod 4th Generation, iPod 5th Generation and a iPhone 4s. What do you have?

Read more: Do you have a iPad, iPod or iPhone? - 1

Is the roblox app for iPad good?

Is the roblox app for iPad good?

Read more: Is the roblox app for iPad good?

How to switch characters on Crossy Road?

Okay, this may sound like the dumbest question on Earth, but how do I switch characters on Crossy Road? I'm using an iPad and I can't find the "blue button with a chicken in it" that everyone is telling me about!

Read more: How to switch characters on Crossy Road?

Are there any social media apps like Kik or Skype out there that don't require wifi?

Are there any social media apps like Kik or Skype out there that don't require wifi?
Added (1). -I have an iPad

Read more: Are there any social media apps like Kik or Skype out there that don't require wifi?

Friday, August 28, 2015

Tracking a stolen iPad?

Is it AT All possible to track a iPad without using the find my iPhone/iPad feature? I'm asking because whoever has take the iPad has turned off wifi and the connections so I can't track it through find my iPhone/iPad… BUT, might some very very very very very smart individual know some other way that I could locate it? If I called it and the person didn't answer, could I get a location that way or just SOMETHING?!


Read more: Tracking a stolen iPad?

I accidentally turned on chromecast?

It's 2:00AM. Everyone is asleep. I was watching netflix upstairs on my ipad and I accidentally pressed chromecast. I heard the tv downstairs playing the movie at full blast and I quickly turned the volume down. I switched the video back to my ipad. But is the tv still on? I remember that when you turn on chromecast, I think the tv stays on. I cant go downstairs because everyones asleep.

Read more: I accidentally turned on chromecast?

How to fix this issue?

So I temporarily disabled my Instagram account for about a week. When I tried to recover it, it told me that my account was disabled due to a violation of terms. I didn t do anything wrong. I can log in to that same account through my iPad, Safari, Internet, etc. But I can t access it through my personal phone. It won t even let me create a new account. It keeps telling me I violated terms even when I try to create a new account. Can anyone give me any info on how to fix this?

Read more: How to fix this issue?

How long can you leave a dog alone for?

I'm asking this question again as I forgot to mention some details.

I'm planning on getting a puppy (German Shepherd) some time around Christmas, which is when I have a break, so I'll be able to spend 1 month and a half taking it to puppy school, getting the puppy familiar with my house, training it etc.

However, once my break ends I need to go to school from 9 AM - 4 PM, though one of my family members will be home by 3. If they can, I will ask one of my family members to take the dog to work maybe once or twice a week so it won't be at home alone for too much of the week and I will also be home all day for the weekends. In addition, i'm planning on leaving the dog in my backyard, which is fairly large and I will also leave it with toys to keep it entertained. Once I come back home, I will be sure to let the dog back inside and take it on a long walk. I intend on letting the dog sleep inside as well so it will only be outside during daytime when no one is home.

So is leaving a dog outside for a maximum of 6 hours, for 4 days of the week too long? I've seen a few people say that they leave their dogs for 8 hours plus. Thanks for taking the time to read and answer!
Added (1). All your reasons are very reasonable, except for arguing that the dog might get stolen, or hurt by predators. I live in Australia, it is extremely uncommon for a dog to be stolen and there are no predators where I live. Just making this clear! And as for digging it's way out, if my backyard is secure enough that can be prevented? Oh and when I go off to university, I'll positively be staying at the same house as in Australia they don't have campus living like in America.
Added (2). I also know that getting a dog fully trained in 1.5 months is not possible, I was implying that the dog would at least have started training.
Added (3). Last update. I'm also thinking about installing a dog door so that the dog may go into the house if it pleases. As for the weather, my backyard has area for shade and shelter if hot or raining. I've heard that plastic kid pools are also a form of entertainment and good for hot days? I'm really trying to do my best to make this as suitable for the dog as I can because I've always wanted a German Shepherd, and I'm trying hard to research before committing to anything. So nothing is confirmed yet!

Read more: How long can you leave a dog alone for?

Can I open a Word etc. Document on an ipad?

Can I open a Word etc. Document on an ipad?

Read more: Can I open a Word etc. Document on an ipad?

Ideas to write in a wedding card?

Not looking for generic but more like ideas.

Dunno what's the custom to write in wedding cards if I'm going to customize it.

E.g. Is it okay to write about how the bride and groom got together.

And when I'm closer to one than the other, should I try to keep it so it targets both or is just one of them okay?

E.g. I know the bride much better, if I want to write things more personal, it's very easy. But I don't have as much to say to the groom.
Added (1). E.g. I know the bride much better, if I want to write things more personal, it's very easy. But I don't have as much to say to the groom.
Added (2). Geez, I don't know where all these assumptions are coming from. I never said I wanted to write a story. I only had two lines in mind.

Also, I know my English isn't great and even worse using an iPad but that doesn't really matter. Do want a block of soap for Christmas or a box of Lindor or that game that your other friend already brought you or money or something well thought out?

What Beatrice and Katt are telling me is that they prefer a block of soap, a box of Lindor or some duplicate item
Added (3). At the end of the day, if it's my wedding, I rather have one thing that is not perfect but more meaningful than like 100 of similar things.

Like I mentioned already, saying just Congratulations and signing it typical because you're writing it for acquaintances. Yeah, the person that works near you who you only talk to during work, a few text messages here and there and not even a meal a month. Or your aunt's son in law's brother's wedding, yeah that guy you only see during family reunions.

Read more: Ideas to write in a wedding card?

I have just replaced my iPad 2 screen but it doesn t swipe, the home button works?

I have just replaced my iPad 2 screen but it doesn t swipe, the home button works?

Read more: I have just replaced my iPad 2 screen but it doesn t swipe, the home button works?

Getting Caught for Proxy?

On the school ipads that are controlled by all that cert crap through boces and lightspeed, can I get caught for trying to bypass their filters? I want to download Wattpad but it keeps saying SSL error and it's super annoying like what the **** it's a reading app lol I downloaded this vpn thing someone recommended and it is asking me if I should install it and it's allowed to access security info. I've already gotten I trouble for doing this kind of thing on a school ipad before a while back but is the vpn thing really a big deal? Or will it not work anyways because I am already connected on a home network? Thanks, not a big deal, just figured any advice is appreciated.

Read more: Getting Caught for Proxy?

I have just replace my iPad 2 screen?

And it comes on but I can't swipe it to open, I have reset it via the home and top button so I know the home button works but it still the same problem, any ideas anybody?

Read more: I have just replace my iPad 2 screen?

If I make a backup of my iPad, then restore it can I still use the backup I made earlier?

If I make a backup of my iPad, then restore it can I still use the backup I made earlier?

Read more: If I make a backup of my iPad, then restore it can I still use the backup I made earlier?

Thursday, August 27, 2015

How to pin a tab on google chrome for iPad?

I can t figure out how. Thanks.

Read more: How to pin a tab on google chrome for iPad?

Population limit on virtual villagers 4?

People are saying 40 but I have 47 already…
Added (1). On iPad

Read more: Population limit on virtual villagers 4?

I have deleted litrally everything on my ipad, but there is still no free space?

Im really really pissed off because i deleted all my pictures and videos just to get 1 app. And its still frikin telling me theres not enough space, i even deleted the new ios update. I deleted EVERYTHING including all apps, still telling me there isnt storage. WHAT IS THIS?

Read more: I have deleted litrally everything on my ipad, but there is still no free space?

Has anyone switched from an android tablet to a ipad mini 2/3?

I had a ASUS Nexus 7 FOR A YEAR and unfortunately, its kaput now. I loved it - used it everyday. I loved the sound quality and the picture was amazing. I looked up Samsung products and I'm not really all that interested in them. So I was thinking of switching to the iPad even if I've never been an Apple product customer.

I guess what I'm really wondering is if anyone has switched from an Android tablet to an iPad tablet.
Is it better? How is the sound? Picture/video quality any good?
also, can you use google+ and all that other google sh!t on an iPad?

** I mostly use the tablet for taking pictures/videos, watching movies and listening to music **

Read more: Has anyone switched from an android tablet to a ipad mini 2/3?

How to get off schools bandwidth?

I am in high school and we have ipads for learning. Unfortunately the school has an MDM program on the iPad and is able to lock us into apps using the Casper focus app. They can also block apps (like snapchat) if you are on the wifi. Therefore I cannot go on apps that are blocked if I am hooked up to that wifi. How can I get rid of the MDM profile and get off Casper focus? I already have a VPN so I can go on snapchat but I need help with the other stuff.
please no sarcastic answers and don't say "well you should be paying attention in school" because I am I just need help with this so please help me!

Read more: How to get off schools bandwidth?

Selling an iPad with 4G?

So I'm trying to sell my iPad air 2 and the guy quoted me $250 if it just has wifi and $350 if it has 4G. I don't understand this stuff at all so I don't get how I can sell my iPad to someone and then them use my data? I've seen multiple people selling electronics online with 4G on it but they are selling it to a stranger. If the iPad is still connected to my carrier can't they go and charge a whole bunch of stuff to my account? I don't understand!

Read more: Selling an iPad with 4G?

I think my foot may be broken or fractured?

Yesterday my son dropped an IPad on my foot. The corner landed right in the middle of my foot. It immediately started hurting and I couldn t put any weight on it. Today, the bruise is a little bigger and darker and it still hurts to walk or move my toes and even the lightest touch hurts really bad. It would be my second metatarsal bone if that helps at all. Are these bones easy to break?

Read more: I think my foot may be broken or fractured?

Whats a good ipad for me? - 1

So Im a college student. I'm familiar with technology. I have an iphone 6. I need help of getting an ipad i need it for school to use it to read ebook, download docs, use google drive for a class that we have to use. 😐 and social networking. And do homework on it. I have a computer buts its a family desktop so i cant take it to school.ðŸ˜Â'😐 advice please on choosing an ipad?! I am not longer an android person i had a samsung phone and tablet and both suck! Slow. (No offense).ðŸ˜Â" please help. Thank you. Please no rude answers. POINTS!

Read more: Whats a good ipad for me? - 1

What Apple products do you have? - 1

I have an Ipad Air 2 64gb and Iphone 5S 32gb.
Added (1). I also got an Ipod Shuffle 4g 2gb.

Read more: What Apple products do you have? - 1

PowerPoint alternative?!

We need to make an original power point for computer apps, and I was planning on using prezi, but someone heard me talking about t and decided she wanted to do one, too. The only way to get a 100 is if yours is 100% original, so are there any other cool apps or websites I can use? I normally use an iPad to work from, if that helps you at all. Thanks!

Read more: PowerPoint alternative?!

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Any free working vpn for Ipad and PC?


I am in China and everything is blocked especially Google and Captcha codes.

Read more: Any free working vpn for Ipad and PC?

Is My Apple I-pad Usage Wrong:?

I-pad mini 2,5 says 3.5 GB used and 9.2 GB free, but below when It shows what usage Is on, (such as apps) only adds up to around 1GB?

Read more: Is My Apple I-pad Usage Wrong:?

How to speak like a robot?

I'm taking part in a school drama evening, and I will be playing an IPad and I have no idea how to speak like a robot. Help?

Read more: How to speak like a robot?

Buyer has paid but it is not available on PayPal?

New to ebay and paypal.
I'm selling an ipad for £200. It says buyer has paid but it's pending balance in PayPal.
I'm going to send it at the post office tomorrow morning, when will the money become available to withdraw? How do I prove to paypal I've sent it? I need the money tomorrow so I can send it

Read more: Buyer has paid but it is not available on PayPal?

Ipad storage seems strange…Help?!

My iPad Mini says that 3.5G has been used, with 9.2GB free storage, but when I look below where it displays which apps and stuff take up storage, they only amount to around 1GB, leaving 2.5G of storage unaccounted for?

Read more: Ipad storage seems strange…Help?!

Are there any FREE and GOOD video editing apps for Apple devices?

I ve tried many apps. So far, the best is Video fx live but you have to pay for almost everything on it. I tried videolicous but you get the advertisement at the end of your video for the app. I want to be able to write text on the screen and also record audio over the top of a clip with the audio muted. I would download imovie but on my iPad it says free but you click on it then it s says not. I don t sabt to have to keep the clips in my camera roll either. Any suggestions even if the app can t record audio over the top or text on screen?

Read more: Are there any FREE and GOOD video editing apps for Apple devices?

Moviestarplanet app… Help?!

Ok, so I wanted to pay for a month vip on the msp app, using a google play gift voucher, since I don't have access to a credit or debt card, a prepaid card or a paypal account. I installed the app on my phone, but ever since I did that, it just kept force closing. I uninstalled a few games to see if that would help, but still it kept force closing. I don't have access to another device like a tablet or ipad so can someone please help asap?
Thanks if you do.

Read more: Moviestarplanet app… Help?!

I cracked my iPad, how do I fix it?

I ve been using my grandma s iPad until I get a new computer she has an LG iPad, well it was sitting face down on the couch and I got up really quickly and accidently pressed on it while getting up and I heard a cracking sound and when I turned it around it was cracked straight in the middle and the one side buttons won t work. I don t know what to do, it was an accident, can I get it fixed & where should I get it fixed? And how much do you think it would cost?

Read more: I cracked my iPad, how do I fix it?

My iPad isn't working with my macbook air?!

when plug it in it says charging and then not charging again and again! How do i fix it?
Added (1). The usb chord works with a plug/socket just not the computer

Read more: My iPad isn't working with my macbook air?!

Why is this happening?

I was sleeping at a (now ex) friend who was going on my iPad. I didn't really think much of it but little did I know she had been snooping around my stuff and found a picture (I don't feel comfortable saying what it was -it's not nudes btw) and instead of consulting me she took a photo of it on her phone when I was asleep and sent it to my mum. Let's just say she never told me she saw it but when I came bone my mum was in tears. She was so upset and I had no idea that my friend had showed her until later on when i happened to see the messages.

Basically now whenever my mum walks up the stairs I get horrible flashbacks From that day. I can distinctly remember what happened and everytime my mum walks up the stairs I instantly think that the same things gonna happen again. I also panic whenever she enters my room even for the simplest of things in case she'll find something else even thought there's nothing to hide. Same goes for my iPad and phone, if anybody asks to borrow them I just can't do it. It's taking over my life and I hate being like this. It's like that memory is constantly in my mind and every possible thing just gets compared to what happened on that day to the point where I'm even scared to talk to my mum. Why is this happening to me?

Read more: Why is this happening?

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Can I use my iTunes Account in another country?

I have an iPad Mini which I have bought and used in Australia and have probably spent $400 AUD on TV Shows, Movies, on iTunes. There is a chance that in a year I will move back to the UK, but I'm worried, because I would then need to use the British iTunes rather than the Australian iTunes, which it might not recognise. So if I move back to the UK, would I still be able to buy iTunes gift cards, etc in the UK on an iTunes Account I created in Australia?

Read more: Can I use my iTunes Account in another country?

Does anybody think it's weird that I like to have my Spyro plush with me when I do certain stuff?

I'm an adult and a huge Spyro fan. I like to have my Spyro plush with me when I play video games on my PS3, DS lite, DSi, DSi XL, or 3DS XL, do something on my iPad or iPod touch, watch movies and YouTube videos, and have him on my bed when I'm sleeping. I don't take him with me out in public though. He just stays at home.
Added (1). No one bothers me about it. I'm just big time into Spyro. Not only is it my favorite video game franchise, but Spyro himself is my favorite video game character. Also, I wish some company in America would start making official Cynder plushes. I don't have a few hundred dollars to have one custom made for me.

Read more: Does anybody think it's weird that I like to have my Spyro plush with me when I do certain stuff?

Can they sue me or is she obligated to get her money back?

I posted an AD for my iPad in a 4 sale group on Facebook. A lady was interested and bought it for 150$ . Now she's saying that the iPad doesn't work & she's locked out on iCloud. The iPad was in perfect condition with me and it was factory reset so it was fine, is she obligated to get her money back or can she sue me?

Read more: Can they sue me or is she obligated to get her money back?

Email search does not work?


The email search does not work anymore when I access email via Chrome or IE on Win 7 computers.

It does work on my iPad.

Any fixes?

Read more: Email search does not work?

Free apps for vine edits?

Hi so I just need some free apps for ipad and iphone for making vine and instagram edits. Thank you!
Added (1). I would prefer apps that dont leave watermarks too XD

Read more: Free apps for vine edits?

Should i get an ipad air 2 right now?

I currently have the ipad mini but it is very very slow. I heard hat there will be no ipad air 3 launch this year, is it true?

Read more: Should i get an ipad air 2 right now?

IOS 9 beta help! PLEASD Help?

okay so my iPad just restarted and now says iOS 9 beta expired. WTF DOES THAT MEAN. I can't use it so how do I fix this. Now. My phone is also on iOS 9 but it says iOS 9, not iOS 9 public beta. Will my phone do the same thing. Will I eventually be able to use both. Please help. I'm really nervous.

Read more: IOS 9 beta help! PLEASD Help?

My iPad won t charge unless it is turned off?

So this has been happening for a week it also charges so slow it s so annoying what shall I do also I have a iPad Air is this normal it never happened before

Read more: My iPad won t charge unless it is turned off?

I have nothing to do because I'm bored?

So, I just came home from the first day of school and there's nothing to do. I'm trapped inside my room, I can't do anything else outside of my room. I'm not interested in television and I don't have a PC - I'm using my iPad. I can't text my classmates because they're offline. Help

Read more: I have nothing to do because I'm bored?

What is shared between Apple devices when the devices share the same Apple ID?

I own an iPod touch, and my school just got new iPads. To get my iPad tomorrow I m going to need to have an Apple ID to give them. Would it be smarter to create a new Apple ID, one for my personal iPod and one for school? What all will be shared between the devices if they have the same Apple ID? Pics? Music? Apps? Websites? Anything else?

Read more: What is shared between Apple devices when the devices share the same Apple ID?

Monday, August 24, 2015

Is not wanting kids bad?

This world is going down hill, so many violence and my kids won't know what it's like to own a CD, a VHS.nothing everything will be on a ipad or something like that. Why would I bring a kid to suffer? It's not fair:( but at the same thing I do wanna meet (her) or (him) and give him all my love.i'm 26. I am gay and want to have children by 33.

Read more: Is not wanting kids bad?

Deleting apps from iPad but memory is decreasing instead of increasing?

Deleting apps from iPad but memory is decreasing instead of increasing?
Added (1). So basically I wanted to download an app but it said I didn't have enough memory. I had 600+MB. I deleted loads of photos and about 15 apps. The memory went DOWN instead of UP. I now have just over 400MB.
What shall I do?

Read more: Deleting apps from iPad but memory is decreasing instead of increasing?

Is it okay for str8 men to kiss each other?

Last night me and my friends played truth or dare using an app from my IPad, we were all guys and then it was my turn and I chose dare, the dare was to kiss anyone on my right! So I kissed my friend on my right and it was so gross! Is it okay to do that?

Read more: Is it okay for str8 men to kiss each other?

What is the difference between an Ipad and a computer?

What is the difference between an Ipad and a computer? - 1

Read more: What is the difference between an Ipad and a computer?

Why are people so against kids growing up too fast?

I've been reading many articles online that say kids are growing up too fast. One was even titled "10 is the new 15" because kids act more like teens now. These articles also insinuate that this is a bad thing, but, personally, I don't see what is so bad about it. I think the earlier people leave childhood behind the better. What do you think?

Read more: Why are people so against kids growing up too fast?

Can I update my iPad 2 to iOS 7?

Or can we only get the latest version? IOS 8?

Read more: Can I update my iPad 2 to iOS 7?

Pros and cons of jail breaking my iPad mini?

will I loose all my pictures and apps?

Read more: Pros and cons of jail breaking my iPad mini?

Apple iPad 2nd generation 32GB, Forgotten passcode, identification, and email. Help?!

alright, so I've had this iPad 32gb for like the longest time ever, and i stopped using it, so it was just somewhere in my house, just chilling by itself, lol. Not touched or used, for like forever. Basically to the point, i haven't used my iPad for so long that i forgot my passcode, and i id, and my email. I think not knowing the emal, is the worst case scenario so I'm kinda in a shitty situation. If anyone can help, would be wonderful. Thank you

- FA

Read more: Apple iPad 2nd generation 32GB, Forgotten passcode, identification, and email. Help?!

Is there an app where I can extract audio from a video, leaving the video with no sound (for free)?

Is there an app where I can extract audio from a video, leaving the video with no sound (for free)?
Added (1). It can be for iPhone, iPod, or iPad.

Read more: Is there an app where I can extract audio from a video, leaving the video with no sound (for free)?

Pros and cons of jailbreakint me iPad mini?

Will I lose all my pictures and apps if I jailbreak?

Read more: Pros and cons of jailbreakint me iPad mini?

Sunday, August 23, 2015

A free app for iPad mini so that i can download youtube videos?

It must work

Read more: A free app for iPad mini so that i can download youtube videos?

Best washing machine to wash horse rugs?

I have a huge horse rug and it doesn't fit in my household ewashes… Not to mention my other rugs get horse hair all over the washing machine… They sometimes turn up out of the washer well but I normally have to rewash them. The ones at the laundry mat (there is a pets section) sucks… It fits my rugs in it but it doesn't clean them!

Anyone have a washing machine to recommend?

This was typed on my iPad so sorry for any auto corrected words! 😂ðŸ˜Â

Read more: Best washing machine to wash horse rugs?

I want to buy a $300 iPad just to jailbreak it?

Is it worth it?
I don't want to jailbreak my iPhone, because I use it for school and such. But I would like an iPad just to jailbreak it and have fun.

Read more: I want to buy a $300 iPad just to jailbreak it?

Do i have breast cancer?

Okay, so im only a teenager. Recently, i was casually playing on my iPad and it was laying near my ribs. Well my arms brushed against my breast and i felt a sharp pain. When i went to go take a look, there was a red thing on my nip! I didnt know if it was a pimple(disgusting. I know), or if i somehow got an infection or got hurt there cause i was at a amusement park before i noticed this. I waited a few days and the pain went away, but its still there. When i feel it, it feels a bit hard. Is it possibly a tumor or something? Or just an infection or a pimple or what? Im freaking out here >.

Read more: Do i have breast cancer?

My ipad keeps freezing and reloading on safari?

It's been cracked like three times.
Added (1). It froze again. I try to ask a question, and it reloads after freezes so I lose what ive written.

Read more: My ipad keeps freezing and reloading on safari?

Final fantasy 1 ios battle encounter framerate drop?

i decided to continue playing some final fantasy 1 on ios but when i went into a battle the little animation showing there was an encounter took way long than it should have, any suggestions?

Read more: Final fantasy 1 ios battle encounter framerate drop?

Ipad has 0 bytes left?

My ipad has 0 bytes left no matter how much stuff I delete. After digging deeper, I found that there are like a million files under diagnostics and usage. Any way to delete these? Thanks
Added (1). sorry ipad is ipad 2, jailbroken running on ios 7.1.2 because I already tried syncing it all the sources on cydia don't work anymore

Read more: Ipad has 0 bytes left?

Should I jailbrake my ipad?

I have a ipad mini and its software is 8.0.2
I was wondering if i should jailbrake the ipad

Read more: Should I jailbrake my ipad?

How to download minecraft pocket edition free on my iPad?

How to download minecraft pocket edition free on my iPad?

Read more: How to download minecraft pocket edition free on my iPad?

Does it matter if i have a physical or electronic textbook for college?

Hey guys,
So college is starting next week, and i already have an assignment (my English teacher told us to read 2 articles that we might have a quiz on it the first day). And my other classes i have to buy all these book, one of them was like $180 on ebay. So i thought well throughout my live i never really bought music CD or videos games, cause i just pirate them online. So i thought i should do the same save up some money. Only problem is idk if its better to have the textbook itself or and electronic version, like do teachers mind whether you have the text book on your ipad or laptop in class. And can anyone tell me what the pros and cons are for each of them (physical or e-books)
Added (1). ok, just so you know am not buying the e-book am just gonna download it from piratebay or something. ( I just don't wanna spend money) and if i have to get a physical text book i would rent one, but i won't be able to mark stuff in it i guess.

Read more: Does it matter if i have a physical or electronic textbook for college?

Saturday, August 22, 2015

What is the cheapest iPad I can get?

What is the cheapest iPad I can get?
Added (1). I want an iPad for 2 reasons: Twtich TV and Hearthstone. Please tell me the cheapest version of iPad I can get that can run both of these please.

Read more: What is the cheapest iPad I can get?

In my iPad how to doable highlighting?

In my iPad how to doable highlighting?

Read more: In my iPad how to doable highlighting?

I forgot the password to my school ipad?

How can I fix this
Can I bring this to the apple store
Do I have to bring it to the shool

Read more: I forgot the password to my school ipad?

How to delete photos sent to me on email attachments to my iPad?

How to delete photos sent to me on email attachments to my iPad?

Read more: How to delete photos sent to me on email attachments to my iPad?

Surface 3 vs IPad Air 2?

So I m trying to decide if I should buy a surface 3 or an iPad Air 2 for college. If anyone can give me their opinions on both tablets that would be great or maybe personal experiences? Which would you suggest?

Note: I won t be using the tablet for everything since I have a great laptop. The tablet is just so I don t have to carry my heavy laptop with me on campus at all times. I probably won t be using the tablet to type essays or do projects or anything like that. It ll be mostly used as a resource for me to study from and have quick internet access and probably for recreational purposes as well.

Read more: Surface 3 vs IPad Air 2?

How to delete photos that were attachment to my email on an iPad?

How to delete photos that were attachment to my email on an iPad?

Read more: How to delete photos that were attachment to my email on an iPad?

Can't connect to wifi?

I had wifi on my iPad this morning. Working fine. But when I came home last night it wouldn't connect. It's that way on my iPad, phone, iPod, and my dads laptop. I know I'm putting the right password in, but it keeps saying it's incorrect, no matter how many times im putting it in. My sisters iPod and my moms tablet are connected and working fine. I don't know what it is.

Read more: Can't connect to wifi?

School aloud to access private info?

So we got school ipads that have MDM device management profiles on them. It says they can monitor global http proxy, and wifi. It has also been screwing up our apple ID. If they really wanted to im sure they could look at your person info. Is this legal?

Read more: School aloud to access private info?

Facebook chat message preview?

I'm using an old version of Facebook because the new one requires messager which is very annoying. But just yesterday it stops displaying message content my friends send. All it says is "XXX send you a message". Usually, as we all know, it should say "Peter: hello". I'm using an iPad if that helps. Thanks

Read more: Facebook chat message preview?

What happen to Manga Bird?

So I hav this app on the iPad, it s call manga bird. For some reason it won t show all the genres it had before. And when I searched it up on the App Store, it didn t show up. So what happened? Did they stop it?

Read more: What happen to Manga Bird?

Friday, August 21, 2015

Best role playing games?

Role playing games like Game of Thrones:Ascent on IPad and the Choice of Games series. Not so much like Skyrim or WoW, less running around completing quests more reading and deciding how your character does things. Choices of dialogue that determine how the story goes

Read more: Best role playing games?

I have a lot of video in my iPod and my iPad. Can Best Buy geek squad transfer that to DVD?

I have a lot of video in my iPod and my iPad. Can Best Buy geek squad transfer that to DVD?

Read more: I have a lot of video in my iPod and my iPad. Can Best Buy geek squad transfer that to DVD?

I want to add an email to my exiting one I want to do this from my iPad can i?

I want to add an email to my exiting one I want to do this from my iPad can i?

Read more: I want to add an email to my exiting one I want to do this from my iPad can i?

Is it still illegal to jailbreak an iPad?

Is it still illegal to jailbreak an iPad? - 1

Read more: Is it still illegal to jailbreak an iPad?

How to get my iPad screen to rotate?

How to get my iPad screen to rotate? - 1

Read more: How to get my iPad screen to rotate?

Can I do live draft on iPad?

Can I do live draft on iPad?

Read more: Can I do live draft on iPad?

If I log into Skype on a computer will my videos transfer over from Skype on my iPad?

My friend passed away and he left me a few video messages, but I can't save them on my iPad. If I log into a different device, my phone or laptop, is there a way I can download them?

Read more: If I log into Skype on a computer will my videos transfer over from Skype on my iPad?

How to factory reset iPad mini?

My friend gave me her old iPad mini because she got a new one. She forgot her passcode and I tried doing a reset using my iTunes (which is preferred), but while it's updating and restoring, iTunes gives me a message saying that iTunes can't connect to the iPad because I need the passcode. Are there any alternatives? How do I do a hard reset?

Read more: How to factory reset iPad mini?

Ipad update to iOS 8?

I didn't bother to update my iPad Air 1 when iOS 8 came out since it seemed mostly the same as iOS 7. Now I think I will finally update, but I am wondering, will my app data and other things transfer over or will they be deleted? Will I still have all my photos and stuff? Thanks.

Read more: Ipad update to iOS 8?

In terms of religion, how do you sign out on all your devices?

I asked this in the Password and Sign in category and got flooded with spam.

How do you sign out on all your devices? I used to visit Y!A on my school iPad…

Read more: In terms of religion, how do you sign out on all your devices?

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Suggestions for iPad organizer app?

Requirements: (1) Sync with PC and update in either. Use Word or text editor. (2) NOT cloud based. I once had a Palm with these capabilities--something simple to create and update lists.

Read more: Suggestions for iPad organizer app?

Will i lose anything on Ipad 2 when i change my iCloud account?

Hi everyone, i wanted to change my iCloud account because i needed to backup my data on the other account. And i already connected to someone's account. So will i lose anything like game data, photos,? Please answer, thank you.

Read more: Will i lose anything on Ipad 2 when i change my iCloud account?

When i open Game Center on Ipad 2. All i see is a white screen? How to fix it?

Hello everyone, my game center been working fine days ago, but today i seem to can't connect to game center when i play games but when i open Game Center at my home screen, all i see is a white screen. Please answer so i can fix this problem, thank you.

Read more: When i open Game Center on Ipad 2. All i see is a white screen? How to fix it?

I lost my iPad, is there a way to disable it?

I either left my iPad in my school locker or its somewhere in my house. I have maybe 5 alarms set because I'm a heavy sleeper. If I lost the ipad at my house, then I'll hear the alarm, but if it's at school then all the alarms will blare Nightmare by Avenged Sevenfold starting at 4 am-ish until 6 am. Is there a way to disable the alarms or shut off the iPad without having it with me?
Added (1). Or maybe somebody can tell me when the alarms would automatically stop after starting? I use the clock app that comes with the device.

Read more: I lost my iPad, is there a way to disable it?

I have lost my ipad and want to change my password?

I have lost my ipad and want to change my password?

Read more: I have lost my ipad and want to change my password?

Would you recommend iPad Air 2?

Would you recommend iPad Air 2?

Read more: Would you recommend iPad Air 2?

Bad breath that wont go away?!1?

i tried everythingggggggg… I went to the denitist for help, i tried these probiotics thats supposed to help with bad breath, i tried these essential oil things, breath mist, gum, dry mouth melts, mouthwash, toothpaste, toungue scraper, tounge gel, jsut everythin… Nothing works… I dont know whats wrong with me… Its getting in the way of my scoila life and my confidence… Ive been suffering for 4 years now… And im only 16:( i cant live my life like this. I really need help.
Added (1). sorry bout the typos its hard to type on my ipad.

Read more: Bad breath that wont go away?!1?

My ipad air charger is broken?

my ipad air charger is broken and it will not charge my ipad. I checked the connection and there was a little dent but nothing bad so I don t think that could be the cause. My ipad is dead so I cant reset it or anything like that. I tried holding the home button and sleep/wake button with the charger plugged in buts that s not working is there anything else I can do

Read more: My ipad air charger is broken?

If I manually delete my songs from my iPhone will they get deleted from my iPad?

I don't have enough storage for my apps lol and I'm gonna buy an iPod but I don't know if I delete them they will automatically get deleted from my iPad? Or will they get removed from my iTunes on my computer?

Read more: If I manually delete my songs from my iPhone will they get deleted from my iPad?

When is the new Ipad gonna come out?

If so what will it be called?

Read more: When is the new Ipad gonna come out?

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Is it possible to transfer purchased apps to a different account?

I have an iPad, and in the App Store, I purchased some apps using my dads account, so he would put in his password to buy it. Then I set up my own account, so now it asks for my password. But the apps that have been purchased using my dads account, ask for his password when they need to be updated. Is it possible to transfer them over to my account, so I won't need his password anymore?

Read more: Is it possible to transfer purchased apps to a different account?

Why does my iPhone 5s charge but not my iPad?

I have a 3rd party charger. I don't have the original one and I need my iPad for work

Read more: Why does my iPhone 5s charge but not my iPad?

How my son got more money than sense?

My son has brought a £100 pound watch and a £200 phone a iPad and a laptop and Spent £100 on camping gear if not more and £60 and £70 trainers and one off those Apple TVs and a 3d TV and he is only 16 years old
Added (1). Has mas my son got more money than sense I was ment to say

Read more: How my son got more money than sense?

Free apps for movies and TV shows?

A free app to watch TV shows and movies on my iPad please!

Read more: Free apps for movies and TV shows?

Can an IPad be used for hacking just as well as a laptop?

No particular reason for asking just a curious thought into capabilities of today's portable devices.

Read more: Can an IPad be used for hacking just as well as a laptop?

Is my son a model child to have?

He is 16 and has brought everything from a £100 pound watch to running is own motobike to a 3d TV to a iPad and laptop and smartphone even know he has got away with not turning up to work before and he hardy does many hours anyway yet he still gets over £700 a mounth sometimes and all the girls find him cute and he is populour and he don't care about friends becuse he is always making new female friends and he likes to go own about how his celeb crush called him babe and follows him on Twitter he did have a best friend but he ditched him to be friends with a girl

Read more: Is my son a model child to have?

Why won't my iPad back up to my computer?

I downloaded some music on my family's desktop computer and put it on my iPad. I am trying to back up the iPad onto my laptop (different apple ID's) and it won't download the songs. ITunes says my computer isn't authorized even though I authorized about five times. I've tried unplugging the iPad and restarting both devices, but nothing has worked!

Read more: Why won't my iPad back up to my computer?

Frustrating Bluetooth Keyboard Problem?

I just got a new bluetooth keyboard, which is SUPPOSED to be compatible with iPad 2 (what I have). I follow the instructions EXACTLY, and nothinnf happens. The wheel next to "Devices" keeps spinning and spinning. The keyboard doesn t even SHOW UP as "unpaired" or "discoverable". When I had ios 6 this was never an issue. How do I fix?!

Read more: Frustrating Bluetooth Keyboard Problem?

How to remove everything from an ipad mini?

My father received an ipad mini from someone that has some business apps. So we want to remove those.

Read more: How to remove everything from an ipad mini?

Can you surf the internet with your ipad 2 cellular while inside a car that is moving?

Can you surf the internet with your ipad 2 cellular while inside a car that is moving?

Read more: Can you surf the internet with your ipad 2 cellular while inside a car that is moving?

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Is there any way I can learn to make an app using my iPad? At the time I don't have laptop?

Is there any way I can learn to make an app using my iPad? At the time I don't have laptop? - 1
Added (1). I can't use programs such as Xcode on iPad any recommendations

Read more: Is there any way I can learn to make an app using my iPad? At the time I don't have laptop?

Have gmail acct on iPad. CANNOT OPEN IT ON THIS COMPUTER?

Have gmail acct on iPad. CANNOT OPEN IT ON THIS COMPUTER?

Read more: Have gmail acct on iPad. CANNOT OPEN IT ON THIS COMPUTER?

Would you be upset if someone screamed at your kid even if it was for breaking something expensive?

I was hanging out with my boyfriend and some of his siblings and his little nephew was having a fit and in his rage he picked up my ipad and threw it down. I was so angry and without thinking I sprung up and shoved him alway from it before he could stomp on it and I was screaming in his face. Everyone was pissed off at me but i don't see why. It's not like i hurt him. Am i not allowed to feel a certain way when my property gets damaged? Am i supposed to smile and pretend it didn't just happen?

Read more: Would you be upset if someone screamed at your kid even if it was for breaking something expensive?

How to stop (apple) device syncing from the device being synced?

My phone is connected to a computer I don't use, meaning from the computer you can see my phone's photos, web data, and so on. How can I turn this off through my phone? By the way you can see my web history too. Im guessing this all goes under the "connection" category.

Read more: How to stop (apple) device syncing from the device being synced?

I hate my life and I want to die. Help?

I ALWAYS get the short end of the stick in life but for some reason everyone AROUND ME always gets the LONG end of the stick.
For example:

(- = me, and + = everyone else)

-I live in the US And I hate whats going on here
+But BILLIONS more live in other non-corrupt countries
-I never get anything new, everything I get is hand me downs, refurbished, etc
+But my friends/classmates always brag
about THEIR NEW stuff
-Everything nice I get just HAS to break
+But, again, everyone around me
somehow always has their NICE stuff IN SHAPE FOR YEARS
-I once did robotics class. Were split into two groups.
+My group used materials we had for years but the other group got NEWER AND TWICE AS MUCH MATERIALS AS WE HAD. NOT FAIR.
-My school did the iPad program.
+Last year everyone had iPad 2s but then the new 6th graders got new AIRS. Again not fair.
-Whenever I sign up for something, it then decides to go downhill. I signed up here when the green format was around but then a few days later THIS format
Another thing, I play on a Minecraft server but now due to a new update everyone hates, people are leaving.
+But when ANY-FUСKING-ONE ELSE signs up, the same can't EVER be said for them.
These are only a few.

Like, WHY is it ME that ALWAYS has to get the short end of the stick in life but EVERY-FUСKING-ONE ELSE always gets the LONG end of the stick?
Why is it ME that ALWAYS has to SUFFER?!
Why ME?

(extending in updates)
Added (1). I feel like I have a psychic power/emanation/curse that's SOMEHOW preventing ME from EVER actually getting the LONG end of the stick in life. I feel like I'm psychic because I'm always reacting to exact times, subconsciously noticing patterns, predicting what is going to happen, and other things.

And things aren't getting better. They're only getting worse.
Added (2). I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO ANYMORE! Its ALWAYS the short end of the stick for ME and NOTHING'S changing. I WANT things to change, but so far its been a YEAR and nothings better. And if its ALWAYS going to be this way, then I don't want to live anymore.

I'm thinking about signing up for a game of Russian roulette and hoping to get the bullet to end it all. What do I do?
Added (3). And DON'T give me answers like,"there are kids out there who have it worse than you" or "first world problems" BECAUSE I DON'T WANT THAT SHlT.
Added (4). Also, If you're going to tell me "be optimistic and positive",

Oh yeah, and any rude/mean/hurtful answers WILL result in a blocking.

(End of updates)

Read more: I hate my life and I want to die. Help?

How to spend less time on technologies and more time on studying?

I spend most of my day playing on my iPad(s) and watching on tv and less time on studying. And I want to stop playing, I don't know how. It's just that I'm addicted to it. I need help please?

- no camps

Read more: How to spend less time on technologies and more time on studying?

What's a good app for IOS, iPod iPad to edit videos?

What's a good app for IOS, iPod iPad to edit videos?

Read more: What's a good app for IOS, iPod iPad to edit videos?

Can I transfer an app off my ipad onto my iphone?

I have a music app on my ipad that has been taken off the app store. I was wondering if i could somehow transfer that app onto my iphone

iPhone 5s / iPad 2 / the app is called itube ( its a music app )

Hope that this is possible:)

Read more: Can I transfer an app off my ipad onto my iphone?

How to fix a jammed volume button on ipad?

I can't click the button and it doesn't make any sound. And the volume icon ISN'T on the screen. Also does apple charge if I go there to fix it?

Read more: How to fix a jammed volume button on ipad?

Making 3 hours in the car go by fast?

We are going to Churchill downs tomorrow,ive waited 4 YEARS to go! Its 3 hours away how do i pass the time in my car without jumping out of my skin?!

Read more: Making 3 hours in the car go by fast?

Monday, August 17, 2015

Why does the dropdown for sub account addresses contain the new one on ipad but not iphone or pc?

Why does the dropdown for sub account addresses contain the new one on ipad but not iphone or pc?

Read more: Why does the dropdown for sub account addresses contain the new one on ipad but not iphone or pc?

I hate my life and I want to die?

I ALWAYS get the short end of the stick in life but for some reason everyone AROUND ME always gets the LONG end of the stick.
For example:

(- = me, and + = everyone else)

-I live in the US And I hate whats going on here
+But BILLIONS more live in other non-corrupt countries
-I never get anything new, everything I get is hand me downs, refurbished, etc
+But my friends/classmates always brag about THEIR NEW stuff
-Everything nice I get just HAS to break
+But, again, everyone around me somehow always has their NICE stuff IN SHAPE FOR YEARS
-I once did robotics class. Were split into two groups.
+My group used materials we had for years but the other group got NEWER AND TWICE AS MUCH MATERIALS AS WE HAD. NOT FAIR.
-My school did the iPad program.
+Last year everyone had iPad 2s but then the new 6th graders got new AIRS. Again not fair.
-Whenever I sign up for something, it then decides to go downhill. I signed up here when the green format was around but then a few days later THIS format
Another thing, I play on a Minecraft server but now due to a new update everyone hates, people are leaving.
+But when ANY-FUСKING-ONE ELSE signs up, the same can't EVER be said for them.
These are only a few.

Like, WHY is it ME that ALWAYS has to get the short end of the stick in life but EVERY-FUСKING-ONE ELSE always gets the LONG end of the stick?
Why is it ME that ALWAYS has to SUFFER?!
Why ME?

(extending in updates)
Added (1). I feel like I have a psychic power/emanation/curse that's SOMEHOW preventing ME from EVER actually getting the LONG end of the stick in life. I feel like I'm psychic because I'm always reacting to exact times, subconsciously noticing patterns, predicting what is going to happen, and other things.

And things aren't getting better. They're only getting worse.
Added (2). I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO ANYMORE! Its ALWAYS the short end of the stick for ME and NOTHING'S changing. I WANT things to change, but so far its been a YEAR and nothings better. And if its ALWAYS going to be this way, then I don't want to live anymore.

I'm thinking about signing up for a game of Russian roulette and hoping to get the bullet to end it all. What do I do?
Added (3). Also, If you're going to tell me "there are kids who have it so much worse than you" or "be optimistic and positive",

Oh yeah, and any rude/mean/hurtful answers WILL result in a blocking.

(End of updates)

Read more: I hate my life and I want to die?

Reading someone's email?

I have a scenario I need assistance with: the librarian at the school I work for read another teacher's email on their assigned iPad after they turned it in at the end of the year. She didn't go digging for it, it just happened to be up when she was going through and wiping all the teacher iPads for the year. In the email, this teacher had written a friend discussing how she was thinking about running away with her child, which was against the custody agreement with her ex-husband (also a teacher in the system). The librarian felt it was the right thing to do to let the ex-husband know, in case the woman tried to do something. They are heading to court in the next few days and the ex-husband asked the librarian to write something up about the email (they didn't print it out). Can the librarian get in trouble for reading the email and then giving that information out? Serious responses, please.

Read more: Reading someone's email?

What charger is used for iPad 2?

I used my iPhone 5s charger to charge my iPad 2, and it was really slow to charge. What's the appropriate number of watts for an iPad2 charger? I've heard 10 and 12 but I don't know which one.


Read more: What charger is used for iPad 2?

Should i get an ipad air 2 or wait for the next model?

How long until the next model is released do you reckon?

Read more: Should i get an ipad air 2 or wait for the next model?

What is the best networking products for my internet connection?

I can't decide what is the best products to improve a better connection and speed for my internet. Also my family members use wifi for their laptop and ipads. I dont have any experience of networking and I cant decide what I need to improve on either buy a new modem, wireless usb adapter or motherboard with wifi. I dont want to buy one of each and just want to know what is the best solution, my budget is $350 slightly more or less is fine with me.

D-Link DSL-2870B N750 Wireless-N Dual Band Modem
• 802.11b/g/n standards
• Wireless speed: up to 300Mbps
(2.4Ghz) & 450Mbps (5Ghz)1

I have a ASUS USB-N10 NANO Wireless N150 USB Nano Adapter
802.11 b/g/n
Data Rate: 150Mbps

Also I have a decade old motherboard which I want to replace. Im not sure if its necessary to have a motherboard with wifi or just a wireless usb adapter.
Added (1). Also I have a ADSL2 connection

Read more: What is the best networking products for my internet connection?

Should i get an ipad air 2 or wait for the next model? - 1

Should i get an ipad air 2 or wait for the next model? - 1

Read more: Should i get an ipad air 2 or wait for the next model? - 1

Is there any game making software where I can make a Pokemon game for my iPad?

And yes I do have lots of programming knowlage

Read more: Is there any game making software where I can make a Pokemon game for my iPad?

Do you Have to have a sim card for an iPad air 2?

I'm looking to buy an iPad air 2 for things like netflix, youtube etc but only in my own home. Do I have to pay for a sim card even if its never going outside the house or can i just connect it to the router at home for free? Dont really want to have to pay for a sim when its never going to be needed

Read more: Do you Have to have a sim card for an iPad air 2?

Does this mean she was recording our Skype call?

I was talking to my ex last night and she was showing me this app on her iPad. She took a screenshot and I saw this in the top corner it says Skype (recording) I've never seen this come up while we were skyping before and it doesn't show up on my phone while we Skype. Could this mean she was recording me? Does this mean she was recording our Skype call - 1

Read more: Does this mean she was recording our Skype call?

Sunday, August 16, 2015

How to become more authoritative while babysitting?

I babysat two boys tonight and I slightly messed up. I got them to bed on time, wasn't on my phone, made sure they didn't watch T.V but one of the kids wasn't allowed to watch TV or play with any electronics. The sucker I am let the kid play on an ipad… I know i shouldn't have and I feel so guilty. The problem is that I have trouble saying no. It's absolutely awful and I'm not assertive enough because I'm scared that they won't like me. I know the parents rules are the most important thing after their safety and that's what's making me feel so bad. I really don't want one of the kids to say something because I let him watch a few videos and then I get fired. I'm so scared of getting fired because of that one rule. How do I be more authoritative and not let kids walk all over me? Thanks!

Read more: How to become more authoritative while babysitting?

How to downgrade my iPad Air from IOS 8.4.1 to IOS 8.4?

Every time I try to restore my iPad from IOS 8.4.1 to IOS 8.4 after downloading the correct restore file for 8.4 it just attempts to restore to 8.4.1, I had a problem and I had to restore from my previous jailbreak on 8.4 to 8.4.1 and I lost it, now when restoring it fails, others seem to be able to, anyone know why I can't?

Read more: How to downgrade my iPad Air from IOS 8.4.1 to IOS 8.4?

I can't get my iPad to back up through iCloud?

My iPad keeps telling me it hasn't backed up in like 7 weeks and it will back up when its connected to wifi, locked, and charging, but when I plug it in, it's connected to wifi and is locked it doesn't back up.

Read more: I can't get my iPad to back up through iCloud?

Why does my wireless slow down at time?

I am a host parent and I host an international student from China. So my problem is when he came and stayed with me, my internet always slow down and sometimes we both could not even get onto the internet. I have the best wireless router and very high speed internet. I called Verizon several times and they said my internet has no problem at all. And It indeed works perfectly fine when my student was going back to China in summer. In addition, my HP printer and Sonos also connect to the wireless, I tried to print something last night and tried to listen to music this morning, and they both cannot be connected to my Ipad or iphone. So I reset the router and all the sudden the Sonos is connected, the printer started printing, the internet goes to very high speed. I don't know what has happened to the wireless, but there must be something that slows down the internet. I am sure my student would go on to some Chinese websites, but is that a problem that impacts the internet? Please help! Or please tell me who I could call to get my problem fix. Thank you very much!

Read more: Why does my wireless slow down at time?

Apple product prices increasing this year? WHY?

I noticed all Apple products price tags have INCREASED, which began around earlier this year. Everything from Apple made accessories to iPhone and Mac just skyrocket and don't know why Apple is doing this?

I was pretty lucky to purchased a new iPhone last year before price changed. Now I need to upgrade my aging 13" Macbook pro and would also love an iPad mini but the prices are now INSANE! Even for a 13" pro model is still very expensive, otherwise I could shell out for 15" with better specs or at least able to upgrade the hardware on 13". With current prices, it seems impossible and felt like I'm forced to get lowest entry 13" pro.

Why Apple?! Who to blame?!


Read more: Apple product prices increasing this year? WHY?

What to look for when buying a used iPad Mini?

I bought an iPad Mini off of Ebay and wanted to know what are somethings you would look for when receiving it. From what I saw on the listing the iPad looked very good and I was assured it was working great. The only things I can think of is checking to see if the cameras and all the buttons work. Any help would be appreciated.

Read more: What to look for when buying a used iPad Mini?

Best place to buy a cheap replacement screen for an iPad Mini?

I just wanted to know if there's any place to buy a cheap replacement screen for an iPad Mini? I've looked on iFixIt and they have a complete kit with tools and everything for $80. Directfix has the screen alone for $40. (So far planning on getting this one)
I've seen some on amazon and eBay for around $20, but not too sure on the quality. If anyone has any experience with buying one please let me know. Thanks

Read more: Best place to buy a cheap replacement screen for an iPad Mini?

So children making their dolls have sex and recording it is normal now?

So I have a younger sister and this is well weird. So I came across a video my 11 year old sister had of her barbies having sex on my moms iPad. When I showed it to my mom she practically did nothing but my sister balled her eyes out. Was that the way my mom should have responded? Is this normal now?

Read more: So children making their dolls have sex and recording it is normal now?

IPad Air s cable not charging?

iPad Air is about two years old, and I bought additional things to keep the cable safe from bending. I also bought a supporter to put near the two usb ports and lightning cable. I also wrapped wires around to make sure it wont bend. The adaptor seems to be working, as i tried with another cable. Any help is appreciated. TIA

Read more: IPad Air s cable not charging?

Is there. Way to plug a controller up to the ipad to play minecraft pe?

Is there. Way to plug a controller up to the ipad to play minecraft pe?

Read more: Is there. Way to plug a controller up to the ipad to play minecraft pe?

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Is my autistic toddler very smart?

Well my son is 2 1/2 years old and he's delayed in speech at the moment. But when he was about 12 months he already knew his alphabets - meaning if I show him the letter and ask him where's A he'll point to it and so on. He taught himself how to use an iPad. He's an expert at using Netflix and YouTube and he knows how to pick his games so he can play it. Even if we go somewhere and he finds that there's an iPad he'll figure out how to manage it. To the point he knows how to fast toward shows as if he doesn't want to watch it.

Read more: Is my autistic toddler very smart?

How to post a photo on here when using an IPad Air?

How to post a photo on here when using an IPad Air?

Read more: How to post a photo on here when using an IPad Air?

Do you use Popcorn Time?

I came across today and tried Popcorn Time on my iPad. It works like a charm but is, of course, illegal. Do people use it anyway and should I use a VPN lik they suggest?

Read more: Do you use Popcorn Time?

How to sleep in fast if you're going to bet early?

I'm going to fly to America (10+ hours of flight) and I have to stand up at3:30 am. I wanna go to bed at around 7 pm and want to sleep at 8 pm. It's going to be hard because I normally go to bed at or after midnight. I'm going to swallow sleeping pills but I don't think that that alone can get me to sleep. I try to go to sleep at 9pm today, so it's going to be little better tomorrow at 7. I thought about going biking an hour before sleeping and then get home and go to bed as fast as I can so I stay tired of the biking. Please help. I have no idea how I'm goinG to do it.
Added (1). I want to go to sleep early so I'm not tired on the plane and can watch movies and play on my iPad. I'm probably going to sleep a little bit on the plane tho.

Read more: How to sleep in fast if you're going to bet early?

I can't get any songs on iTunes?!

I have the iTunes app on my iPad, but j can't get any songs for free. All of them cost something. But other people get sings for free?

Read more: I can't get any songs on iTunes?!

Why is my eyes red after taking a shower?

So right now at night time, I took a shower and saw my eyes were fine, then I put shampoo on my hair and wash it out, some waters gone into both of my eyes and no shampoo is in it. And I was done so I came out and my vision is blurry and it was gone already. I check the mirror and saw my eye was red! I was freaking out! So I quickly get dress, and put on some soothing (not relief) eye drops on my both of my eyes. My hypochondria is acting up and I was all paranoia, freaking out, screaming, and wanting to go to the E.R immediately. Finally I went here instead. I thought it was my allergic rhinitis from when I got diagnosed in 2013 or pink eye but I always wash my hands and my eyes or play my ipad for 10 hours. :p
So please help me! =(
Added (1). When my eyes was still blurry, I wipe it with my tower and then I talk to my mom and she said my eyes is red. So I got all the symptoms from hypochondria and started to have a heart attack. (An exaggeration only) I don't know if the shampoo got into my eyes ot not.

Read more: Why is my eyes red after taking a shower?

How to clean the back side of my iPad it has fingerprints and pen marks?

How to clean the back side of my iPad it has fingerprints and pen marks?

Read more: How to clean the back side of my iPad it has fingerprints and pen marks?

How much should I sell my iPad 2 16GB for?

It's physical condition is as good as new. The only thing that I feel would lower the price is that my dad had my first name etched into the back by Apple when he bought it for me.

Read more: How much should I sell my iPad 2 16GB for?

Tips on how to stop eating candy?

I'm trying to make a deal with my dad where if I stop eating candy an drinking soda for a year he'll buy me an iPad. I've tried this once a few years ago and it didn't last. I'm looking for tips on how to keep going the entire year. There would be exceptions like on my birthday and things like that but other than that its the entire year. Any answers would be appreciated.

Read more: Tips on how to stop eating candy?

Where do you find the best back to school sales?

Where do you find the best back to school sales?

Read more: Where do you find the best back to school sales?

Friday, August 14, 2015

How to remove scratches from my iPad Air 2 screen?

I have a few scratches on my iPad Air 2. Two of the scratches look like small grease marks that will not disappear and there is a large, scratch along the top of the screen. Is there any ways that actually work to remove scratches?

Read more: How to remove scratches from my iPad Air 2 screen?

Would this tote bag work good for school?

My school uses ipad's so I don't have to carry around text books, It will just be probably two 1in binders and a 1.5in binder plus some notebooks. Also my ipad and a lunch bag but I could just carry my lunch bag.
Added (1). I have a locker and will only actually be carrying this bag while walking to my car, into school, out of school, and into my house, So I am not concerned about my shoulders…

Read more: Would this tote bag work good for school?

How to avoid making my vision worse?

So ive been spending more time on the internet since i moved to my moms house which is 3 hours away from the rest of my family… I kinda dont play games i read and watch anime which require reading cause im not japanese…

So i was wondering what are good ways to spend time at home, i cant really go to places cause parents are strict and im only 12…

And how many hours maximum can you spend on screen everyday…

And is wearing glasses while playing my ipad help my vision by getting worse?
Added (1). Will playing on the laptop help? And should i tone it down on the reading because I heard from a science video that the brightness doesnt effect your eyes… But when your eyes move back and forth

Read more: How to avoid making my vision worse?

How to do text to speech From a cassette tape to my iPad?

How to do text to speech From a cassette tape to my iPad?

Read more: How to do text to speech From a cassette tape to my iPad?

I cracked my ipad mini screen bout I don't know were to fix it for cheap?

were do i fix my ipad for cheap?

Read more: I cracked my ipad mini screen bout I don't know were to fix it for cheap?

What is the best iOS for the iPad 2?

I have an iPad 2 with the old iOS 5.

I heard that the newest, iOS 8, will really slow down my iPad 2. And I don't want that, it's not worth all the amazing new features. So should I update it to iOS 6 or 7? Or just keep it at iOS 5? My iPad is currently really quick with iOS 5. I do not want to lose that.

Read more: What is the best iOS for the iPad 2?

Is the roblox app for iPad good and easy to use?

Is the roblox app for iPad good and easy to use?
Added (1). I just was to know if it is worth the storage space and fun.

Read more: Is the roblox app for iPad good and easy to use?

So I'm trying to do speech to text from a cassette to my iPad. Any Ideas how I would do that?

So I'm trying to do speech to text from a cassette to my iPad. Any Ideas how I would do that?

Read more: So I'm trying to do speech to text from a cassette to my iPad. Any Ideas how I would do that?

When I tried to get into my my e-mail on iPad and it say cannot connect to server. Help?

When I tried to get into my my e-mail on iPad and it say cannot connect to server. Help?

Read more: When I tried to get into my my e-mail on iPad and it say cannot connect to server. Help?

Do I need a laptop if I already have an iphone and ipad mini?

I currently have an iphone and ipad mini. Do you think I need a laptop? Or should I just attach a keyboard to the ipad mini. The case I have on it is really protective and super difficult to take off, so its going to take a long time constantly having to take the case on and off. If I do need one, which one would be the best? Please tell me your opinions.

Read more: Do I need a laptop if I already have an iphone and ipad mini?

Thursday, August 13, 2015

I don't know how to turn my iPad off, just sleep?

I don't know how to turn my iPad off, just sleep? - 1

Read more: I don't know how to turn my iPad off, just sleep?

Can I sell a horse for gems or money in the my horse app?

I no longer use a horse on my horse. Is there any way I can sell it for coins or gems? (Its on the my horse app on the iPad by the way)

Read more: Can I sell a horse for gems or money in the my horse app?

Things to do with your cousin when bored?

My cousin is staying over for the night and him and I are extremely bored.
It's almost 12 AM so I don't want to do anything too loud because of a fear of waking up my 3 month old sister and parents.
Any ideas of what we can do?
We've tried looking things up but nothing really has interested us so far.
We have a tv, keyboard, computer, and iPad on hand if that helps. Also a monstersac (giant beanbag).

Read more: Things to do with your cousin when bored?

How to transfer my casino games to my ipad with my user name for the game?

How to transfer my casino games to my ipad with my user name for the game?

Read more: How to transfer my casino games to my ipad with my user name for the game?

Anybody use the ring?

I found a pretty fashion ring holder for iPhone from a online store named onumall,it resources from,anybody use it,it seems that it would be pretty good at protecting iphone or ipad dropping

Read more: Anybody use the ring?

I'm trying to edit videos on my iPad. Any app recommendations?

I need an app that has lots of transitions as iMovie only has a few to choose from. Thanks for your help!

Read more: I'm trying to edit videos on my iPad. Any app recommendations?

Trying to backup my iPad?

So I m trying to backup my iPad because have pictures on there that are important to me. Problem is, is that my pictures are on the messages. And I forgot my Apple ID password and if I try to reset it, it won t let me. :( so if I backup my iPad, and put it on another Apple Device will my pictures be saved?
Please help I have pictures of me and my brother when he was little, and I don t want them to be deleted

Read more: Trying to backup my iPad?

Should i wash my hair?

My nephew doenst wash his hands after the toilet. When it happened 2 days ago he touched a ipad with a soft white case. He put the ipad on the pillow and i laid my head on it.

It this worth worrying about? I didnt lie excatly on the spot

Read more: Should i wash my hair?

Could she get pregnant this way?

So I know this is a stupid question but I am worried about it lol. Me and my gf both share an iPad (i bought it though) and I accidentally got a lot of semen on it (doin you know wat lol). I think i did an okay job of rinsing it with soap & water and a wiping with toilet paper, but I'm really worried if that's not enough.

yea yea i know she wouldn't get pregnant by touching the ipad with her hand, but I was worried if she would touch the ipad, and later touch her va**** for whatever reason.

Please I want to know if this will be a big problem or not. Thanks

Read more: Could she get pregnant this way?

Selling an iPad that's on a plan?

I have an iPad Air 2 that's on a plan. I want to sell it, I'm still paying it off through my plan, what would happen if I sold it to someone? But obviously wiped it and took the sim out

Read more: Selling an iPad that's on a plan?

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

What time should I go?

This may be a stupid question, but today I have to go to school to get my schedule & IPad and I really don't feel like seeing certain people. They're open from 10:00-6:00, so what time should I go?

Read more: What time should I go?

How to transfer photos to iPad mini from camera with memory card pro duo?

How to transfer photos to iPad mini from camera with memory card pro duo? - 1

Read more: How to transfer photos to iPad mini from camera with memory card pro duo?

How to print from my iPad?

How to print from my iPad?

Read more: How to print from my iPad?