Wednesday, September 30, 2015
How to upload video from a camera, to my ipad mini?
How to upload video from a camera, to my ipad mini?
Read more: How to upload video from a camera, to my ipad mini?
My ex's GF comes before our kids?!
Alright so my ex husband and I have never seen eye to eye since the split. My daughter Alisha's birthday is in a week and he bought her a lolly… A LOLLY. He basically drove his car right infront of our driveway,his girlfriend glaring at me and the kids and his stepdaughter on her new IPad! Alisha was so upset.Later that night he asked if Alisha wanted his step daughters Diana-Mae's half empty Chanel no5 perfume! HALF EMPTY!
My ex's GF Cassandra always drives Diana-Mae to our house for the little one to start on my kids… Diana-Mae always brags about how 'Daddy Number 6' always buys her designer bags and how she's getting an iPhone 6s! But once Cassandra came to pick up Diana-Mae and all she talks about is what designer gear she's getting.So his daughter get a lolly and 1 spray of Chanel no5! BUT he gives his girlfriend all the designer gear she could think of
Read more: My ex's GF comes before our kids?!
I'm career conflicted?
Hey guys, here lately I've been a bit stressed. I'm 19 years old and I'm trying to figure out what the heck I want to do with my life. I'm looking for an exciting career that will make great stories and also be very rewarding. I'm stuck between Commecial diving or A career as a lineman, my father has already gotten ahold of few people in Spokane Washington (regarding my Lineman option) and has even found a place for me to stay for free (my Aunts friends neice) plus, my Aunt has even offered to play for the lineman classes, but, I'm also thinking about a career as a Commercial Diver. I've just been so confused about this. Any answers would be greatly appreciated.
Added (1). My appologies for the few spelling errors, I'm using an iPad and it's a pain to type with.
Read more: I'm career conflicted?
Can I use my iPad Air for web development?
-for front end web development
-pros and cons
Added (1). there is something wrong with my laptop and I can't afford a new laptop until december. So I need something that I can use temporarily for web development
Read more: Can I use my iPad Air for web development?
My iPad Air s battery went flat and its continuously flashing?
My iPads battery went flat, now I m charging it but it first showed the empty battery with red lines, then the white screen with the logo appeared and then it went black with the load icon then back to the white screen. This keeps happening so I tried to restore it by pressing the home and power button together for a while, a black screen came up with the iTunes logo and a charging wire image? I replugged the charging wire and now it s back to the White and black screen flashing. Please help!
Read more: My iPad Air s battery went flat and its continuously flashing?
IPad does whatever it wants?
Ever since I got it a few months ago my iPad mini just kind of does whatever it wants. It moves the screen, opens apps, zooms in and out, types for me, exits things out, etc. It's a constant thing. Is there anything I can do to fix it or do I just have to take to Apple?
Read more: IPad does whatever it wants?
AIT Reception Fort Leonard Wood?
Shipping to Fort Leonard Wood tomorrow for AIT. I'm a split op going to AIT, not coming directly from Basic Training. Does anyone know what reception is like for a split op soldier going to AIT? I'd like to know how long you're usually there for and if I should expect to keep my phone/iPad or will they be taken? Do I have to go through all of the stations (med/dental/vision/shots/paperwork/ect) like I had to when I went to reception last year for basic?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Read more: AIT Reception Fort Leonard Wood?
How is the iPad being used to improve teaching and learning in classrooms?
How is the iPad being used to improve teaching and learning in classrooms? - 1
Read more: How is the iPad being used to improve teaching and learning in classrooms?
Why will my wifi only connect to one device?
Last week my wifi suddenly stopped connecting to multiple devices. Before I could have my PS3, roku, phone, iPad, and another phone connected but now it will only connect to one and I have to sit and unplug everything from the wifi and the other box, wait a few minutes, then reconnect it all multiple times for it to pick up the wifi. I wanted to connect my new printer to it too but I can t if I want the PS3 to be on. What can I do to fix it. The easiest most simple solution/answer the better. Thank you!
Read more: Why will my wifi only connect to one device?
Is their a charge to my bt broadband account to play tetris on my ipad?
Is their a charge to my bt broadband account to play tetris on my ipad?
Read more: Is their a charge to my bt broadband account to play tetris on my ipad?
Tuesday, September 29, 2015
All photos on Instagram appear pixelated for me?
It happened suddenly. Every photo I see on Instagram, including my own uploaded ones, appear pixelated and low quality. I can remember them not being this way before.
I did a hard reset on the iPad and
uninstalled/reinstalled Instagram, none
of those fixing the problem.
Read more: All photos on Instagram appear pixelated for me?
My sonic comics are Gone from my library. How Do I get them back?
I installed The sonic comics app on my iPad 2, then after a few updates I found out that it was deinstalled after reinstalling The comics that I bought were gone.
Read more: My sonic comics are Gone from my library. How Do I get them back?
IPad 2 as second monitor from windows 8 laptop?
So if you haven't guessed from the title. I would like to use my iPad 2 as a second screen for my laptop.
I would like to use a cable so I can use duel display when I am not near an internet point.
The thing is, is there such as cable that can enable me to do this?
Or simply, is there a second monitor app for my iPad and Laptop that uses Bluetooth?
Read more: IPad 2 as second monitor from windows 8 laptop?
To old of a IPad for ios9 help?!
So I have a iPad3 which obviously makes it so I can't use ios9 multitasking gestures I was wondering if there is a ap or a way to get these gestures?
Read more: To old of a IPad for ios9 help?!
Why i cant open my instagram?
Last night i logged out my instagram from my friend ipad because she wanted to use hers. After that i logged in mine again and it couldnt open. It was blank then it crashed and it suddenly its expelled back to the home page. I thought its because of the app. I then asked my friend to use hers but she could log in hers. I tried my moms account and so did hers. I tried to log in my account on my phone and same thing happened. I tried with my friends phone but its still same. I tried to change the password, its changed on website but when i use app its still like that. I wonder what happen and how do i fix it? My ex used my account on his phone when we were still together. Idk has he logged it out or not. Do you think he might do something on my account that caused this problem on my ig? Please help!
Read more: Why i cant open my instagram?
Ipad Experiencing Issues?
When i plugged in my dad's ipad to charge, the ipad suddenyl blacked out and had the screen show a layered image of white, whitish yellow, grey, and such as that. It will shine until the screen turns all white and bright, then turn back to the layered image. We have tried turning it off and it wouldnt respond other than locking its screen, please help us
Read more: Ipad Experiencing Issues?
How to communicate with God?
I'm having trouble with my family, it's been happening for the past 8 years and I want everything to get better.
Will he listen to me and try to help?
Added (1). Can I talk to him through my iPad? Like write down a prayer? Or is that impossible?
Read more: How to communicate with God?
Can I downgrade my iPad from iOS 9 without a computer and without deleting everything?
My iPad has been acting up with iOS 9.0.1 and I want to downgrade it. But I dont have a computer. And I dont want to delete everything. Is there anyway I can downgrade it?
Read more: Can I downgrade my iPad from iOS 9 without a computer and without deleting everything?
Monday, September 28, 2015
Will you buy the iPhone 6s or the iPad Pro? Why or why not?
Will you buy the iPhone 6s or the iPad Pro? Why or why not? - 1
Read more: Will you buy the iPhone 6s or the iPad Pro? Why or why not?
Should I return my hard worked for iPad?
So I got an ipad from staples at the end of August and unfortunately sometimes it lags on ios 8.4 and today I was playing a game and it crashed. It is also only 16gb. Sometimes the interface lags a bit and the animations are not that smooth. It is kind of different than what I saw on the reviews. I do not want to downgrade to an older ios 8 version because it restores all my data and loses all saved progress. I also do not want to update to ios 9 because it is 1.1 GB to update and thats too much I currently have only 5.5 GB of space left. I am wondering if I should return my ipad and get an ipod or a samsung tablet. Thanks.
Added (1). It is an iPad mini 2 with ios 8.4 from Staples
Read more: Should I return my hard worked for iPad?
What's wrong with Spotify?
I have an android phone and an IPad mini. When I try to listen to Spotify on my phone, I can't click on any choice of mine. It says I have to have Spotify premium choose my own songs. On the other hand, when I listen to Spotify on my IPad I can click on any song I want without spotify premium. Is there something wrong with Spotify or is this happening only because I have two different brands of devices?
Read more: What's wrong with Spotify?
If a iPad its locked on its iCloud will the pawn shop still take it?
If a iPad its locked on its iCloud will the pawn shop still take it?
Read more: If a iPad its locked on its iCloud will the pawn shop still take it?
Will IOS devices like IPhones, Ipads, ipods, or macs die off in the near future?
Will IOS devices like IPhones, Ipads, ipods, or macs die off in the near future? - 1
Read more: Will IOS devices like IPhones, Ipads, ipods, or macs die off in the near future?
Is my relationship worth it?or should it stay dead?
I've been with this girl for 2 years almost. I can say I've always been crazy for her and loved her a lot, despite the fact I couldn't show it to her. Our story was AMAZING. I was really happy for 8 months.
Once she met a new guy friend that was really down on her, this is what happened = She lied to me about going out with her girlfriend to go to dinner with him.- I broke up with her, and her best buddy told me about her past and how she cheated on her previous bfs etc.Eventually love was stronger, so i wanted her back, but i had to live trough knowing they were always together at school, and always hanging out/ her going to his house.- That guy ended up kissing her, wich i found out by snoopin trough her ipad.- My condition to stay with her, was to her never speak to that guy again, and tell him off for disrespecting our relationship… But she set it all up, playings rolls with him to fool me. She eventually stoped talking to him, till one day i came to her class and caught them sitting together laughing… So i left again and she promised to never speak to him, and to give me time to get the trust back, on the condition she never lies to me again… One day, she left her fb open on my laptop so i went on it… She was talking to this guy (B) and everytime i asked her what she was doing, she said " nothing ". When i asked her to screenshot her fb, she deleted that convo and sent me a we broke up, but she added back all the boys back in contacts.
Read more: Is my relationship worth it?or should it stay dead?
Can I use an iPad as a phone and make calls?
Could I just swap the SIM card from my iPhone (AT&T) into an iPad that supports cellular data?
Read more: Can I use an iPad as a phone and make calls?
Is there an appropriate time to stop helping a sibling?
My boyfriend has issues with his sister and her family at times. She is engaged and has 3 kids and one of them were just born recently. The problem is she has no job, no car(because she wrecked it on purpose), and her fiance has a seasonal-unstable job. My bf and his mom (they both have full time jobs) has reached out to them often BUT she has wrecked her car as well and her kids broke my bf's truck dash and cracked the screen of an iPad that I bought him for Christmas. My bf says she doesn't try and make it up to them and just dusts it off.
This makes me not want to buy the things that I want to for my bf and the whole situation will put him in a bad mood at times.
If you were in my boyfriend's shoes what would you do?
Read more: Is there an appropriate time to stop helping a sibling?
IPad is disabled, connect to itunes? - 2
My iPad is disabled and I can't enter the password! What am I supposed to do now?
Read more: IPad is disabled, connect to itunes? - 2
How to add a flashlight app to my iPad mini?
When I bought this iPad mini it did not have flashlight capability. I want it now. My iPhone does have that capability, but I can t seem to find how to activate that feature on the iPad. The bottom swipe up menu doesn t even have the flashlight icon, and nothing seems to enable it, not even updating iOS.
Please help!
Read more: How to add a flashlight app to my iPad mini?
Sunday, September 27, 2015
I set up a second email address to use with an ipad and I can't find it?
I set up a second email address to use with an ipad and I can't find it?
Read more: I set up a second email address to use with an ipad and I can't find it?
Ios 9? Should I update?
Does updating to ios 9.0.1 delete and lose all saved progress? And does it fix some ios 8.4 problems? Should l update on my iPad mini 2?
Read more: Ios 9? Should I update?
Will i lose or have to resign in paid apps obtained using another id if I update my ipad iOS system?
Hi, I want to update my ipad iOS system but the problem is I have lots of medical paid apps that I got from another person who bought them by them signing in and downloading it on my ipad. I can't lose these apps because they r very important And i need them in med school. I wanted to know if I update the ipad will I have to resign in for these apps to open,, of which I don't have the id and password or is it safe to update and these apps will stay intact the way they are
Read more: Will i lose or have to resign in paid apps obtained using another id if I update my ipad iOS system?
So… Any one out there know if there is going to be a iPad Air 3 least this year (2015)?
So… Any one out there know if there is going to be a iPad Air 3 least this year (2015)?
Read more: So… Any one out there know if there is going to be a iPad Air 3 least this year (2015)?
How to remove a icloud account off of a ipad 4 gen ios9?
How to remove a icloud account off of a ipad 4 gen ios9?
Read more: How to remove a icloud account off of a ipad 4 gen ios9?
My teacher accused me of Plagarism?
I had to do a History on a topic of my choice, I chose apple because I grew up with Apple companies. My dad had an Apple Newton tablet in the 90's. I had one of those old CRT iMacs. I even had the iPad 1 since launch day. So I know alot about Apple and so does my Dad, he met steve in 2003. So I literally put down all my knowledge about Apple onto paper and spent pretty much the whole weekend on it. 8AM Saturday to 7PM that night and the same on sunday, also I finished it off halfway through monday. I handed it in Tuesday the next day, and she read through it and told me the next morning INFRONT OF THE WHOLE CLASS that I'd taken all this information off the internet, and when I asked her for where she had seen the same information, she just told me to get out the room. I'd never do anything like this, and she's always been pleased with work I have handed in. My dad knows I didn't copy anything because for one, while I was growing up, he'd tell me about Apple, he even took me to one of those keynote events when I was like 11, in 1998. Seeing Steve Jobs up their talking about his new products was something I'll never forget.
How do I prove her wrong? I said "Ring my Dad if you don't believe me", so she did that. And she argued with my dad saying I was a lazy student and that I "Should put more effort into my work" My dad got annoyed with her, because he was working in the kitchen,
Added (1). and in our kitchen we have one of those doors on the walls so that you can pass food and drinks through, and he was working on the kitchen table and if you look through that door, you can see next doors computer, he checked up on me through the door, and saw I hardly used the computer. Yeah I logged into it, but I wrote my essay IN PEN not using the word to type it up.
She told me not to come back into class until I've done a proper job, but I give up,
Added (2). I give up, because I know that if I hand something over to her again, she's just going to throw it back in my face. She told the principal, and obviously, he's not going to accuse the teacher of lying, because you know how schools are, the teacher is always right.
I'm literally wanting to punch the wall right now.
Added (3). I remember growing up I got my first computer which funny enough wasn't an apple one, it was windows 98. I always reseached about Apple, and when youtube came out i was watching videos on apple. When Steve jobs died me and my dad were quite upset about it because he meant alot to us
Read more: My teacher accused me of Plagarism?
Macbook Pro or Ipad 3?
So I'm planning choosing between these two for some tech aid and use for my studies. I don't do heavy editing, just a few photo shops and that's it, I use MS office most of the time and have a lot of e-books.
Which do you guys think is more cost effective, useful, and reliable? Cheers!
Read more: Macbook Pro or Ipad 3?
Can my school see my deleted pictures on a school iPad?
Can my school see my deleted pictures on a school iPad? - 1
Read more: Can my school see my deleted pictures on a school iPad?
How can music increase sexual desire?
I noticed when I listen to certain music (I'm mainly a country music kind of woman for the record) I get a higher sexual desire. I love the initial feelings, but then I remember that I'm not in a committed relationship (I'm against one night stands and causal sex). Certain songs on the radio and my iPad just get me in the mood. How can music increase sexual desire?
Read more: How can music increase sexual desire?
My iPad got hacked. How is that possible?
I took photos of pages from websites as I was going to report terrorism. Few days later, photos on iPad are gone.
Added (1). I looked in photo gallery. They are gone. Where else could they be?
Read more: My iPad got hacked. How is that possible?
Saturday, September 26, 2015
FIFA 16 not working?!
I have an iPad 2 with version9.01 I think. But this FIFA 16 ain't downloading cause whenever I try, it says, your device is not compatible.
Read more: FIFA 16 not working?!
I am wondering how do i download music to my ipad?
I am wondering how do i download music to my ipad? - 1
Read more: I am wondering how do i download music to my ipad?
Apple ipad or HP/DELL tablet?
Please tell me what is better. What are the advantages and disadvantages of apple and HP/DELL
Read more: Apple ipad or HP/DELL tablet?
How to move my pictures from my iPad to my computer?
How to move my pictures from my iPad to my computer? - 1
Read more: How to move my pictures from my iPad to my computer?
Why is kik zoomed in?
so, I use an iPad and I understand Kik is an iPhone app but I can download it. A the thing is, the app itself is zoomed in. I can't click the log in button because it doesn't show, only half of the kik page shows - the sign up button. Help? Before I got to get to the log in page but then it said to prove you're not s robot, click all the pictures that are cars but I couldn't even see half the pictures.
Added (1). And it's not because it's an iPhone app, I used countless iPhone apps before and it worked perfectly fine
Read more: Why is kik zoomed in?
ADULTS: what do you hate about today's generation and teenagers?
This is what i hate: i hate most of these crappy singers like miley cyrus, kanye west, justin beiber, selena gomez, one direction & all these talentless assholes. Most people are famous for nothing! Like hoe kardashians & all the shows, movies, books today are sh*t! These damn teenagers are addicted to their phones & the internet! For gods sake, 6 yr olds nowaday have ipads/ ipods!& phones! Children & teenagers are so spoiled and feed off their daddy's $$. These dumb pointless apps like twitter instagram vine and facebook are so stupid and just drama. Teenagers & damn 8 year olds can't complete a sentence without throwing the f bomb or a cuss word in! These stupid dances nowadays and songs like nae nae and quam crap. Every song is so autotuned & nowadays a song has to have a beat drop or whatever to be considered cool and nice or else its boring! What happened to the good ol fleetwood mac and barenaked ladies? Im sick of this justin bieber one direction crap! I'm 46 & Im damn sick of this generation & the kids and teenagers of it. The generation of spoiled brats and damn technology. I'd be good with just cellphones we dont need all this other twitter crap. These kids wouldnt survive a day in the 70s when you had to work for a cent instead of having everything handed to them. They have no respect for adults. There are only few decent actors such as brad pitt, & few more this generations screwed & sometimes im glad ill be dead before the next ****** up generations come
Read more: ADULTS: what do you hate about today's generation and teenagers?
What is that iPad game where you drive a little car and escape the cops?
What is that iPad game where you drive a little car and escape the cops?
Read more: What is that iPad game where you drive a little car and escape the cops?
Netflix pretty little liars season 5?
So I watched every episode of pretty little liars and now I'm up to season five I looked up when it will be released on Netflix and it said June 10 but it is now September and it is not on there. Does anybody know when pretty little liars season five will come out on Netflix?
I watch it on my iPad if that makes a difference.
Read more: Netflix pretty little liars season 5?
Friday, September 25, 2015
I was sat on the floor playing on my Ipad and I randomly started to tense my leg muscle at the bottom, it could go further than I thought and I kept going tighter… I could feel the muscle getting smaer, and it started to feel weird. Suddenly I felt lots of pain from my leg when I had stopped, and I was lying on the floor in pain and I cant move my leg, I am now sat with a hot water bottle on me and I cannot mover it, it really really hurts, what have I done?
Added (1). please answer quickly, I don't know what to do
Read more: MY LEG Really HURTS?
I can't remember my e-mail password and I can't access my e-mail on my phone or ipad?
I can't remember my e-mail password and I can't access my e-mail on my phone or ipad?
Read more: I can't remember my e-mail password and I can't access my e-mail on my phone or ipad?
Would a ipad 3 (1gb memory) work for sims 3 from steam?
Would a ipad 3 (1gb memory) work for sims 3 from steam?
Read more: Would a ipad 3 (1gb memory) work for sims 3 from steam?
How to share my music on both my computer, my ipad and ipod?
How to share my music on both my computer, my ipad and ipod?
Added (1). How to share my music on both my computer, my ipad and ipod? When I buy music from iTune it's easy and it happens automatically but when I add music to itune from a CD it only stay on my computer. I would like this music also on my other devices. Thanks
Read more: How to share my music on both my computer, my ipad and ipod?
My iPad fell on my mouth and there s a small bump on it now? How to get rid of it?
When it fell the edge hit my mouth:( do i just put ice on it? It swelled slightly.
Read more: My iPad fell on my mouth and there s a small bump on it now? How to get rid of it?
Its there any way to get on wattpad when your server blocks it?
I'm useing a school ipad and it blocks wattpad, does anyone have a way to get on wattpad without using the main site or something that will help me without getting in trouble with school?
Read more: Its there any way to get on wattpad when your server blocks it?
Ios 9 downgrade or game hack?
hello guys i have ios 9 and playing nba 2k15 on my ipad air 2. I want to hack sp points but i couldnt find any for ios 9 and also its not possible to downgrade ios 9 to 8.4 for jailbreak since apple blocked it. Do you know any way to hack game on ios 9, get free in app purchase or to downgrade to 8.4 and then i jb?
Read more: Ios 9 downgrade or game hack?
Have you ever updated your iOS 8 iPhone/iPad/iPod? Why or why not?
I didn’t because I didn’t agree with the features of the design on the iOS 9. I feel like they need more improvements. However, I still like it. I like how this and that works, how this and that is here, etc. But I don’t like this and that, this, this, nor that. Still on iOS 8 😎
What about you?
Read more: Have you ever updated your iOS 8 iPhone/iPad/iPod? Why or why not?
Thursday, September 24, 2015
How to sign out of a gmail on google app on ipad?
How to sign out of a gmail on google app on ipad? - 1
Read more: How to sign out of a gmail on google app on ipad?
Why are App Store downloads not working at all in iOS 9?
Sheesh I was hoping iOS 9 would restore the App Store on my iPad Air.
I upgraded from iOS 8.1 and the downloads are STILL not working.
Urgh Apple what's the point of releasing a new iOS version if it is not going to fix bugs?
Anyone know how to make app downloads work properly in iOS 9?
I don't want to have to connect my iPad to iTunes every single time I download apps. So irritating.
Apple fix this!
Read more: Why are App Store downloads not working at all in iOS 9?
Ipad scam/virus seriousness?
I was recently was looking for iron man 3 online for free. And i stumbled upon a website that had a popup saying my location, and that i had to pay. I know its a scam and stuff, but should i be worried that if it knows my location, it can acces my apple ID and stuff? Im on my ipad ios9 by the way
Read more: Ipad scam/virus seriousness?
What is making my wifi bad?
I have an iPad 2 before I uploaded iOS it was fine but then I uploaded iOS and now I always have a one bar or the wifi goes out on mine only my mom and my dads are fine they did not update the iOS is it the iOS
Read more: What is making my wifi bad?
I cannot on my ipad after updating?
I cant on my ipad after updating to ios9, this is the first time this has happen
Read more: I cannot on my ipad after updating?
Will there be iPad Mini 5?
Before Mini 4 was being released… There was alot of rumour thats this would be the last Mini and it would get a fresh upgrade and farewell
Read more: Will there be iPad Mini 5?
How to get fifa 16 if device is incompatible?
i wanted to get fifa 16 on my ipad mini, but it says that i cant download it because my i device is incompatible? I tried tongbu and vshare but it didnt work so is there any other way?
Read more: How to get fifa 16 if device is incompatible?
How to make a document template on an iPad?
I'd like to make a template that I can make easily accessible (shortcut on home screen?) and also have the ability to email it to someone.
Read more: How to make a document template on an iPad?
My calendar on cell phone disappeared. The one on iPad still there how do I sync them?
My calendar on cell phone disappeared. The one on iPad still there how do I sync them?
Read more: My calendar on cell phone disappeared. The one on iPad still there how do I sync them?
Wednesday, September 23, 2015
Reacurring dream about going to the bank to get cash?
I always get currency that does not exist like a 13 dollar or a 6 dollar bill. I remember also geting a 22 dollar bill. In my personal life, I have learned that I like more of things that don't get a lot of attention. Like instead of liking the hit song, I like the other song from that same artist that no one really knows of and doesn't get as much air play. My iPad is filled with a lot of music and movies that most people don't know. Can the dream be a reflection of that kinda hipster personality of mine?
Read more: Reacurring dream about going to the bank to get cash?
I need a browser that still works with ipad ist gen?
cant usr faebbook without safari crashing. And app store doesnt give me the option to get older version of an app. I need help please
Read more: I need a browser that still works with ipad ist gen?
IPad Air 2: 16gb or 64gb? Read for details?
I already have a iPhone 6 64gb and a 256gb Macbook Pro. I am just wanting an iPad for basic web browsing, music (I only have like 2.5gigs of music), ect. Just basic functions when I'm in bed, or at the library at school between classes.
16gb would be the cheapest and more affordable but almost everyone says to go with 64gb but I feel like my iPhone would suffice for everything else.
Read more: IPad Air 2: 16gb or 64gb? Read for details?
Will the ipad air 2 price decrease after ipad pro launch?
Im thinking about getting an ipad air 2 sometime this week, but i know that the pro will come out soon. If the price is going to decrease, how many weeks after the pro launch will it take for the price to go down?
Read more: Will the ipad air 2 price decrease after ipad pro launch?
What would be a good internet speed for us?
We have an iPad, iPod Touch, iMac, Xbox 360, and Xbox One in all. We do a lot of web browsing, e-mailing, a HUGE amount of YouTube, and medium-level online gaming. Were moving to a new area, and forced to use Metrocast (we have Comcast right now with 30 mbps internet). But they only offer 1.5, 5, 20, or 75 mbps in the new area. Any advice?
Read more: What would be a good internet speed for us?
What is the best iPad to get?
I am planning on buying an ipad, and don't want to make a mistake on which one to get. I like smaller ipads because they are easier to hold for me, but I'm not sure which ipad has the best qualities. I will also be using it for digital art (anime). Can someone tell me which is the best?
Read more: What is the best iPad to get?
Why does everyone want everything to be bigger?
Bigger phones, bigger cars, bigger houses, etc. When it was time for me to get a new iPad because the iPad 1 is out of date, I decided to go smaller by getting the iPad mini, told my dad and my brother, and my brother got me the iPad mini 3. I wanted an iPad mini because it's lighter in weight. Now my dad uses the iPad 1 because I don't need it anymore. I also was looking for a new backpack because I needed one for light travel and my old mini backpack was falling apart. I didn't want a full sized backpack that is required for school, so I went looking for something smaller and eventually found the size I wanted and threw my old mini backpack out. So while other people are thinking big for certain stuff they want or need, I'm thinking small for certain stuff I want or need.
Read more: Why does everyone want everything to be bigger?
Where does an ipad hear from?
I need to know where the microphone responsible for picking up sound is located on the standard ipad.
does anyone know? If you know where the speaker is on an IPhone, that's also helpful. Thanks.
Read more: Where does an ipad hear from?
Tuesday, September 22, 2015
Would it be a good idea to get an iPad for university?
I'm currently in my first year at uni (studying Graphic Design and Multimedia), but I was just wondering if it would be a good idea to buy an iPad to take to lectures with me? It's a 30 minute walk from my accommodation to my campus, so I'm not too happy lugging my MacBook around with me.
Read more: Would it be a good idea to get an iPad for university?
IPad 3 getting too much slow and laggy?!
Hi, I have an Apple iPad 3 16 GB. The problem is that it always becomes slow and starts to lagg.It also gets hang ps sometimes…
Read more: IPad 3 getting too much slow and laggy?!
My bookmarks and favourites have disappeared from Safari?!
I have an IPad mini and I updated it recently to iOS 9. But when I updated it, I found out that I lost all my book marks and favourites from Safari. All my history is still there. I've done all the resetting the app and refreshing everything but they still haven't come back. Please help.
Read more: My bookmarks and favourites have disappeared from Safari?!
Instagram Direct iOS 5? (Read)?
Hi. My iPad is iOS 5.1.1 and it doesn't let me update the software by the way.instagram is v4.1.4 and there is NO direct feature whats so ever. I have tried updating it and tring to download apps that have insta direct but they dont work or they don't support iOS 5. I have tired webstagram on safari but that doesn't work either. Are there any apps or a solution(s)? By the way, I have already contacted Apple Team about this and they said to contact instagram itself and I have already sent an email to Instagram Team. Thank You
Read more: Instagram Direct iOS 5? (Read)?
Cannot access my mail. Using iPad Air ingreece?
Cannot access my mail. Using iPad Air ingreece?
Read more: Cannot access my mail. Using iPad Air ingreece?
How to Recover Lost Data on iOS Device?
Recently, I made something wrong to my iOS devices namely iPad. I deletely some music and videos data files by mistake. I am so regret now. I am curious to know how can I recover my lost data on my iOS device ipad?
Read more: How to Recover Lost Data on iOS Device?
What can I do to shrink my video files?
I have tried a multitude of things and either the file is small but the quality is terrible (super pixelated) or the video only shrinks down a few MB. I just want to shrink 1-2 GB files to around 600-800 MB. With quality good enough for an iPad air. (quality doesn't have to be HD but as clear as possible).
Read more: What can I do to shrink my video files?
What is this on my iPad screen & how do I get rid of it?
My iPad mini never used to have this on it. I let my young kid play with it one day & after he was done with it, it was there. It's real annoying & id like to get rid of it. It's a white/clearish square with a dot in the center of it that when clicked opens some type controls. It's real annoying & if you know how to get rid of it let me know.
Please take a look at the photo. Top left corner.
Thank you

Read more: What is this on my iPad screen & how do I get rid of it?
Please take a look at the photo. Top left corner.
Thank you
Read more: What is this on my iPad screen & how do I get rid of it?
Airdrop with ipad mini and old mac? How to do it?
Airdrop with ipad mini and old mac? How to do it?
Read more: Airdrop with ipad mini and old mac? How to do it?
Monday, September 21, 2015
Pc connection problems?
Hello, so we got a new PC so now the old one is in my room but im having trouble connecting to the internet. Im currently using Windows Vista. Please answer the questions below
1: Do i need an ethernet cable to connect to the internet?
2: Why cant I view nearby wifi networks to connect too? For example: on my ipad, i could go to settings>wifi>select a rotuer to connect too. But i cant on my pc, it says: you are currently not connected to a network. Then i press connect to a network and it says windows cant find any networks. Why and how do i fix this?
3: I have a netgear router(and a shaw router, but my netgear dosn't have a permanent spot) i want to connect it to the computer but the yellow cable says: connect to router, and the other one says: connect to modem. Will plugging it into one of the wall ports work? (Just wondering but i only have a phone port for some reason?)
4:I have a short ethernet cable and i have tried connecting it to the netgear router and pc but nothing happens. My brother said i need to connect the router to the modem via yellow ethernet which says that while connecting the gray ethernet to the pc and netgear router, will it work if the netgear is connected to the modem but the ethernet is connected into the wall?
5: How do i connect to a modem? I have shaw and what i think is the modem dosn't have any plugs (all are being used and have stickers saying: do not remove) but there is space on my (supposedly) router.
thanks! Running out of characters
Read more: Pc connection problems?
Is anyone having trouble updating to ios 9?
I just updated my iPad to ios 9, and it seems that it is finished updating, But all i get is bar that says, "slide to upgrade." When I slide, I get the "enter passcode" thing. When I enter my passcode, I get a black apple logo on a white background with a loading bar underneath. When it loads, the screen goes black, then white with the logo, then really bright, and then back to the "slide to upgrade"
Read more: Is anyone having trouble updating to ios 9?
How would I connect an iPad mini to my HDTV to record gameplay?
How would I connect an iPad mini to my HDTV to record gameplay?
Read more: How would I connect an iPad mini to my HDTV to record gameplay?
Is having an iPhone AND an iPad a waste?
I have an iPad mini 2 right now, and I use it much more than my broken Android phone. I was thinking about getting an iPhone, but would that basically just be a smaller iPad? Overall would it be a waste of money?
Read more: Is having an iPhone AND an iPad a waste?
Should I update my iPad to iOS 9? Been getting mixed reviews?
Should I update my iPad to iOS 9? Been getting mixed reviews?
Read more: Should I update my iPad to iOS 9? Been getting mixed reviews?
After upgrading to iOS9, iPad2 stuck on 'slide to upgrade'?
Once I am done with sliding, it will ask me for the ipad password, then an Apple logo will show up with an update status bar underneath. Each time the status stops at the 1/5 location, and after a few seconds, the same white screen with "slide to upgrade" on the bottom will show up. The same procedure will go forever. If I connect the device to iTune on my desktop (as many have suggested, including Apple Tech bulletin board), I will be asked by iTune to hit 'ok' on iPad, but because iPad is stuck, the 'ok' panel never shows up. Because of that iTune never displays the device.
Help! I am urgently needing to get something out of my IPad -- medical prescription, Help will deeply be appreciated.
Read more: After upgrading to iOS9, iPad2 stuck on 'slide to upgrade'?
How if you have dalod kim kardshian on your ipad?
How if you have dalod kim kardshian on your ipad?
Read more: How if you have dalod kim kardshian on your ipad?
Can I take my AT&T SIM card from my iPhone 6 Plus and use it in a Cellular iPad Mini 4?
Can I take my AT&T SIM card from my iPhone 6 Plus and use it in a Cellular iPad Mini 4?
Read more: Can I take my AT&T SIM card from my iPhone 6 Plus and use it in a Cellular iPad Mini 4?
Which new ipad should I get?
I have an iPad 2 that is aging pretty fast. It runs slow and freezes a lot and I need more storage. I don't want the iPad pro, but the air, air 2, and mini 4 all sound very appealing. Is there one that you would recommend?
Read more: Which new ipad should I get?
Sunday, September 20, 2015
What kind of punishment does she deserve?
So for the next 2.5-3 moths my little sister(Dylan-she's 13)is living with me(I'm a 27 year old guy) because our parents are abroad and it past 2 weeks so yesterday I dropped her off for school like normal, and after her second period the principal calls me and tells me that she and a couple of her friends snuck out of school! And the cops are looking for them so he asked me to come to the school, that was probably the most humiliating thing that has ever happened to me! I had to leave my own job (I'm a high school principal) I was sitting in the office with two more parents, when they came into the office I could slap Dylan in the face! She wasn't expelled or anything but she does have detention for the next two weeks! When we got into the car I told her that she will receive her punishment at home! When we got home I took all of her Electronics away (iPhone,laptop,iPod, iPad and I even took the TV off the wall) and I am still not satisfied I don't know how else to punish her! One of my friends told me to spank her but I am against that! I think that a kid will NOT learn their lesson if you will beat their *** up! So I called my parents and I told them what is going on and they told me that I am the adult now and I need to decide what punishment should I give Dylan but I really don't know what punishment should I give her it has to be pretty bad! I want a punishment that will show her that I'm not a person to mess with!
Read more: What kind of punishment does she deserve?
Is it possible to get an app or the like to watch live soccer (especially EPL)?
I'm in Australia, I have a Sony Bravia smart TV, I also have an iPad if this helps.
I also have a subscription for a Smart DNS Service to unlock geo-blocking and I have a subscription for a VPN if this would help solve this.
So is it possible or do I just need to buy Foxtel?
Read more: Is it possible to get an app or the like to watch live soccer (especially EPL)?
How to add the fantasy football icon to my iPad icons?
How to add the fantasy football icon to my iPad icons?
Read more: How to add the fantasy football icon to my iPad icons?
Is there a way I can put back on the iPad apps if they were deleted?
Is there a way I can put back on the iPad apps if they were deleted?
Read more: Is there a way I can put back on the iPad apps if they were deleted?
How to simply block someone on Google+. I'm on my iPad mini?
How to simply block someone on Google+. I'm on my iPad mini?
Read more: How to simply block someone on Google+. I'm on my iPad mini?
Doy ou know, that Ipad pro will have mouse option?
Doy ou know, that Ipad pro will have mouse option?
Read more: Doy ou know, that Ipad pro will have mouse option?
Ipad air vs ipad air 2?
Ok im getting a ipad but which one is better i really dont care about the screen. But what the difference between the two should i pay $100 more or is ipad air the same then the ipad air 2
Read more: Ipad air vs ipad air 2?
How to stop messages from going to other devices from iCloud?
So, whenever I text someone, the message always goes to my parents phones from iCloud. And whenever my parents text someone, it always goes to my iPad. How do you stop this?
Read more: How to stop messages from going to other devices from iCloud?
Are some of these iPad versions phased out?
Ok, I am no expert in gadgets, and when I stumbled on this website:
I saw that some of the versions are not listed. Like, iPad Mini3, and the iPad first version…
Read more: Are some of these iPad versions phased out?
Saturday, September 19, 2015
What is a new apple iPad mini 2015 version worth?
What is a new apple iPad mini 2015 version worth? - 1
Read more: What is a new apple iPad mini 2015 version worth?
Should I buy an iPhone 6 or an iPad Air 2?
At the moment I've got an iphone 4s and an iPad 2.
Read more: Should I buy an iPhone 6 or an iPad Air 2?
I updated my ipad mini 1 into ios 9 and now it wont open?
i tried updating it to ios 9, right when the start up was almost finished, the screen froze. I tried to restart it, but then "slide to update" keeps on popping on my screen for many times. Need help asap
Read more: I updated my ipad mini 1 into ios 9 and now it wont open?
Where can I watch the Big Bang Theory on the iPad for free?
hi! Can you suggest me some free websites where I can watch the Big Bang theory? I don't want to create an account, hd would be nice, and, if possible, can it be on the iPad?
Read more: Where can I watch the Big Bang Theory on the iPad for free?
What is a new iPad mini worth ( I won it at a spur comparison )?
What is a new iPad mini worth ( I won it at a spur comparison )?
Read more: What is a new iPad mini worth ( I won it at a spur comparison )?
How to deal with watching a child s future be destroyed by family?
I have a very young brother. I know how damaging excessive (and i mean EXCESSIVE) screaming is on a toddler's brain in making them into a ghetto person. I have a family member who screams his lungs out every second of the day at the child. If my brother asks for, lets say, food or to go to the bathroom he screams. If he leaves his room he screams. And when i say scream i mean on the opposite side of the house with ear plugs in and my door closed it feels like he's screaming at maximum force right next to me. He screams at others as well… Now lets get to my mother. I just cant. Shes so ******* stupid - he literally hits, screams and degrades her every day. And its ******* hilarious because she tries to make him happy after he repeatedly disrespects her xD Also my mom works a day shift and I'm too young to drive him to daycare so he learns nothing. He's almost four. All he does is watch the violent cartoons they now play on cartoon network (not really that violent but for a toddler too much like teen titans go, ESPECIALLY UNCLE GRANDPA) and get screamed at for nothing. He has no authority figures or father, the person who watches him sits on her ipad all day and doesn't discipline him. What do i do? I want to leave but im too young to get a job. After three years of trying to help I've gained no support and my mom is "trying to avoid conflict" with him instead of helping her son. I feel so disgusted. How do I get the **** out of here?
Read more: How to deal with watching a child s future be destroyed by family?
How to transfer a Pages file from iPad to Mac without having the iPad?
How to transfer a Pages file from iPad to Mac without having the iPad?
Read more: How to transfer a Pages file from iPad to Mac without having the iPad?
Ipad charger is ripped, should I get new one?
Its slightly ripped near the end, and you can see a bit of wires but it still works. Should I just tape it up or get a new one? I can't really afford to get a new one because I don't have a job (i'm 14)
Read more: Ipad charger is ripped, should I get new one?
Hey which is the best program to jailbreak for ios 9, ipad 3. Please it should be in english?
Hey which is the best program to jailbreak for ios 9, ipad 3. Please it should be in english?
Read more: Hey which is the best program to jailbreak for ios 9, ipad 3. Please it should be in english?
IPad mini has a virus?!
IPad mini has a virus?!
Added (1). I was watching bob's burgers on this site called too nova, and all of a sudden this thing pops up and says my iPad has 3 viruses! Is this even possible on an iPad? What do I do? Do i go to apple?
Read more: IPad mini has a virus?!
Friday, September 18, 2015
How to insert audio in a PowerPoint presentation on an iPad?
Hello, I m doing a project for school and I only have an iPad at home. I need to insert an audio recording in my presentation. My teacher showed us how to do it today but she used a laptop and it had an audio option under insert. But now I m at home with my iPad and when I clicked insert there is no option for just audio. The only options that came up were pictures, camera, videos, etc. Thanks everyone!
Read more: How to insert audio in a PowerPoint presentation on an iPad?
Don't know what to do?
So I went on my sisters boyfriends iPad and found that he has been looking at the Ashley Madison site and I don't know what to do about it? I have known for quite a while now…
Read more: Don't know what to do?
How to view files from adobe ideas (ipad) in mac laptop? (using creative cloud)?
Hi:) I was wondering, how do i view my files transferred from my ipad on my laptop? It's on my laptop now because i used creative cloud. The screenshot/saved photo just won't do because it ruins the quality.
Read more: How to view files from adobe ideas (ipad) in mac laptop? (using creative cloud)?
Is there a real danger in buying off-brand apple adapters? (Especially VGA MDP/thunderbolt)?
I need to connect a projector with VGA port to MacBook. Apple offers adapter for $29 while there's tons of offers with adapters for even from 1/4 to 1/10 that price… But since I'm paying for both projector and Mac, I don't want to burn any of those.
Is using cheaper counterparts safe? I'm certain that using third party chargers for iPhones can be dangerous, but what about such accessories?
Read more: Is there a real danger in buying off-brand apple adapters? (Especially VGA MDP/thunderbolt)?
Does iPad high speed lightning USB and charger really work? If so, will it charge a lot faster?
Does iPad high speed lightning USB and charger really work? If so, will it charge a lot faster?
Read more: Does iPad high speed lightning USB and charger really work? If so, will it charge a lot faster?
Is the iOS 9 update really worth it and why or why not?
Is the iOS 9 update really worth it and why or why not?
Read more: Is the iOS 9 update really worth it and why or why not?
Wireless printer will not work with usb or wireless?
So i was trying to print something wiressly but it wouldn't appear on my ipad. I tried to do it wiressly so i removed the printer from the device management from the Windows control center. But once i trued to reinstall it, it told me to connect with usb. I plugged it in but nothing happens it stays on the screen. So now my printer will ot connect wiressly or with usb. How do i fix this?
Added (1). Btw i forgot to mentions its a hp deskjet 2540 series
Read more: Wireless printer will not work with usb or wireless?
I no longer have a print icon on my IPad and IPhone, after I had router problems?
I no longer have a print icon on my IPad and IPhone, after I had router problems?
Read more: I no longer have a print icon on my IPad and IPhone, after I had router problems?
Ipad 2 screen cracked and unresponsive, how do I back it up?
So about a month and a half ago, I cracked the screen on my iPad 2. Well I had a bunch of family pictures and videos and a bunch of other person apps, games, etc. On it. So I go to back it up to iTunes so I can just have everything to be safe, but when I go to back it up, it says that I need to enter my password on the device or else I can't back it up. Ive already searched for other ways and ive only hit dead ends. Is there any other possible way I can save at least my pictures and videos (maybe a third party app) onto my pc? I don't want to lose everything. Or could I get a keyboard for my ipad and do that? I have no idea. All I knoe is that I don't want to loose all my data. Could I even take it to a tech place where they could just replace the screen so I can use it? Thanks for you're answers!
Read more: Ipad 2 screen cracked and unresponsive, how do I back it up?
My iPad storage is messed up help?
So here's the thing. I have a 12 gb iPad Air. I have used up 5 gb, not 10, and yet it says I have 10 gb used up. (Picture for proof) does anyone know how I'm able to get back that 5 gb that is lost for some reason?
Added (1). It wouldn't let me add a pic for some reason so no pic for proof but please someone help!
Read more: My iPad storage is messed up help?
Thursday, September 17, 2015
Is there another way to take a screen shot on the iPad other than home + power button?
Is there another way to take a screen shot on the iPad other than home + power button?
Read more: Is there another way to take a screen shot on the iPad other than home + power button?
I have an ipad air 1. Should I upgrade to ios 9. Does it make my ipad lag?
I have an ipad air 1. Should I upgrade to ios 9. Does it make my ipad lag? - 1
Read more: I have an ipad air 1. Should I upgrade to ios 9. Does it make my ipad lag?
IPad mini stuck in recovery mode and my computer won't reset it?
I have an old iPad mini (first generation) that I want to boot up again. Since purchasing and last using the device I have switched apple id's, and thus I wanted to just wipe the whole thing and start over with its factory settings. When I turned the thing on, I realized I didn't know the passcode anymore, so I googled what to do and what I found told me to put it into recovery mode and reset it through iTunes. I was intending to wipe it anyway, so I was totally cool with doing this.
I connected the iPad to my computer and did everything it told me to do. I downloaded the newest software and then clicked restore. It extracted the software alright, but when it tried to "prepare ipad for restore" it gave me an error message and just stopped. It went right back to the beginning. I figured I would try it again before worrying, so I did, and it did the exact same thing. What I noticed is that when it goes to prepare the ipad for restore it looses the serial code. I don't know if that's important but I'm guessing it probably is.
Then I started thinking of all the passcodes that I could have had, and I'm pretty sure I remembered what the passcode was, so I tried to take it out of recovery mode in order to just get into it the normal way. It won't let me out of recovery mode. I tried everything the internet told me to do (except tinyumbrella because I don't trust sketchy software) and it wouldn't get out of recovery mode.
I just want to use that damn thing. Help.
Read more: IPad mini stuck in recovery mode and my computer won't reset it?
What is the name of that british prank show played out by a magician?
I can only remember two of the pranks he did in it. One he got a mother to bring her claustrophobic daughter to a sauna (located outside). He and the daughter then went into the sauna. He pretended the door was stuck and the only way he could get it open was by magically putting his hand through the glass. The second one he was pretending to work in some sort of tech store. A girl customer came in and he claimed there was a problem with her phone in which he could not give it back to her so he did his little trick making it look like he had put her phone into an ipad and showing it to her on the screen. Leaving her confused. Is this familiar? If so what do you call this show?
Read more: What is the name of that british prank show played out by a magician?
How to remove mail and attachments from the mail app?(ipad)?
I have 800 mb of mail and attachments on my storage for no reason. I deleted all the mail and all the trash.It's still there…800mb. I tried deleting my account and adding it back but it still won't work. Please help what do i do?
Read more: How to remove mail and attachments from the mail app?(ipad)?
Why does my facebook chat, or skype keep going down, when the internet is up?
My skype and facebook chat for example keep going on and off in my laptop. But in games like league of legends or csgo, i never lose the connection. And also, in my ipad, the connection is good and doesnt drop. What could be wrong with the internet and my laptop?
Read more: Why does my facebook chat, or skype keep going down, when the internet is up?
I have a Apple iPad that was stolen how do I disable it? Or find location of it?
I have a Apple iPad that was stolen how do I disable it? Or find location of it?
Read more: I have a Apple iPad that was stolen how do I disable it? Or find location of it?
Survey: What is more useful a tablet or Ipad and what are the benefits of each?
Survey: What is more useful a tablet or Ipad and what are the benefits of each? - 1
Read more: Survey: What is more useful a tablet or Ipad and what are the benefits of each?
How to transfer your asphalt 8 progress on your ipad to your computer?
How to transfer your asphalt 8 progress on your ipad to your computer?
Read more: How to transfer your asphalt 8 progress on your ipad to your computer?
Why iPad 2,3,4 don't get the slide over multitasking feature on iOS 9?
Why iPad 2,3,4 don't get the slide over multitasking feature on iOS 9? - 1
Added (1). I know that the iPad air 2 is the only iPad that got the split screen multitasking but why the iPad 2,3,4 is not getting the slide over multitasking feature that both the iPad air's get and the 2 recent iPad mini the iPad mini 1st gen also not getting the slide over feature
Read more: Why iPad 2,3,4 don't get the slide over multitasking feature on iOS 9?
Wednesday, September 16, 2015
What Apple Product should I get that does not cost too much money?
I already got the iphone 5s and Ipad Air 2nd.
Read more: What Apple Product should I get that does not cost too much money?
How to pirate stuff on my school's wifi network?
I'm in college, and my school doesn't exactly "block" you from pirating media. We have to bring our own routers to use in our dorm rooms, but we just have to plug them in to use our own wifi networks, (so we get free internet as long as we have our own router/network set up). But I've been told that if they detect pirating software on your computer, (like BitTorrent) that they can shut down your personal network. Is there any way I could get around this. In high school I used "VPN Defender" on my iPad to get past blocked games on our schools wifi, so could I do something similar with my Macbook Pro?
Read more: How to pirate stuff on my school's wifi network?
What should I get? Apple IPad Pro or MacBook?
What should I get? Apple IPad Pro or MacBook?
Read more: What should I get? Apple IPad Pro or MacBook?
How to grt rid of school restrictions on the iPad they gave me?
I can't even get on YouTube.
Read more: How to grt rid of school restrictions on the iPad they gave me?
I want to watch the Manchester United game tonight but I haven't got bt sport?
I haven't got a laptop. Only an iPad, is there a way?
Read more: I want to watch the Manchester United game tonight but I haven't got bt sport?
Can I get a refund on best buy?
I just bought an ipad mini 3 yesterday from best buy and honestly I made up my mind I don't want it anymore. Lol
Wondering if i can go get a refund?
Read more: Can I get a refund on best buy?
How to play clash of clans on school?
well I have a school ipad that the school gave me when we start our school year. We are not supposed to put games on the ipad because its "school properties" so they put restriction password on and we usually find out way to find it
well lets get to the point so on the ipad i downloaded clash of clans the other day and it downloaded like normally but when i play it its on the loading screen forever and thats cause they have internet restrictions so i wanted to know i way i could get bypass throught that restriction and play my game without needing to use my phone hotspot
Read more: How to play clash of clans on school?
Would you rather have an IPad Pro or a new GF/BF?
Would you rather have an IPad Pro or a new GF/BF? - 1
Read more: Would you rather have an IPad Pro or a new GF/BF?
How to get rid of the restrictions on my school pointed IPad?
Please don t give me a bunch of ****. Just answer the question please.
Read more: How to get rid of the restrictions on my school pointed IPad?
Tuesday, September 15, 2015
IPad Pro as external monitor?
Does any one know if the brand new iPad Pro is supposed to be also used as external monitor display for other devices such as MacMini etc? That would be pretty awesome.
Read more: IPad Pro as external monitor?
Great stopmotion editing apps for ipad or iphone?
I am going to start backup at making stopmotions and i use Imotion for ipad but i want to edit my stopmotions. Any apps for me?
Read more: Great stopmotion editing apps for ipad or iphone?
Can you get in trouble for this?
okay so I m a student and apparently my teacher had an iPad recoding audio and visual video in the back of the room… (I don t know why), so he got our conversation with my friend. My friend and I had said some sexual things about our teacher (he s attractive), and such. WE DIDNT KNOW AT THE TIME… So if he went home today and watched the video, and heard those, if he reported us could we get in trouble? Serious answers please!
Read more: Can you get in trouble for this?
What app best suits my needs?
What app best suits my needs?
Added (1). I am in need of an app for an iPad for a fleet of workers - 8 - 10 - who can document various sites in london with gate systems.
What we require, is a case study type app. Something simple and idiot proof, create an account or location, or link it to an existing job sheet, add images, text, information, faults, solutions, repair work etc. Save it, GPS location, date time stamp etc.
Something we can dig out if we need an update on a job where Service max fails.
Read more: What app best suits my needs?
Any way to move music from my PC to my iPad? Music is in My Music folder of PC?
Just got a hand-me-up iPad from my daughter. I know nothing of Apple prods and don't really want to - just want to copy my music over without going through their Music Store. Thanks!
Read more: Any way to move music from my PC to my iPad? Music is in My Music folder of PC?
Is over 700 picture taken to much for lesx than 4 days?
I know this is a stupid question, anyway
We stayed in Disneyland for 3 days and spent only a few hours there every day and we spent one day walking in Paris and went to the Eiffel Tower
I end end up taking more than 700 pictures on my iPad, and then I ran out of space and said that last time I took more than a thousand pictures and did not run out of space and then my dad said he only took around 200 pictures
And that 700 pictures was too much, 790 pictures of what?
( sorry for stupid question and any spelling mistakes and if my question did not make sense)
Read more: Is over 700 picture taken to much for lesx than 4 days?
How much could I sell my iPad mini 1 for with flappy bird installed?
How much could I sell my iPad mini 1 for with flappy bird installed?
Read more: How much could I sell my iPad mini 1 for with flappy bird installed?
Can my school track what i do on my ipad?
So my school gives us ipads for notes and stuff and if i download an app from safari on private search and delete it later, can they find out?
Read more: Can my school track what i do on my ipad?
Where is the serial number?
I got an IPad/Chromebook Agreement from school. On the contract it says to write the serial number, where is it? Is it on the paper?
I didn't got the iPad yet.
Read more: Where is the serial number?
Monday, September 14, 2015
I want an Iphone (At least an iPhone 4) but I already have a iPad mini?
I dont want to be spoiled or anything. Its just that I can carry my phone around more and take cute pictures. Whenever I go somewhere I leave my iPad mini at home, because I would not want to carry it around everywhere I go. My birthday is coming up too.
Read more: I want an Iphone (At least an iPhone 4) but I already have a iPad mini?
IPad/HDMi TV connection help?
I have bought the Apple 30 Pin Digital AV Adapter, and I have an HDMi cable. I have tried to connect my SONY TV to my iPad. When on the correct HDMi output, I get the error message "Unsupported Signal. Please Check Device Output." Any clue on how to fix this error message, and get my iPad to appear on my TV?
Read more: IPad/HDMi TV connection help?
Is this virus legit?
Ok so me being the otaku anime loving nerd that I am tried to read a ciel x Sebastian fan fiction. When I tried to download it this thing popped up like a notification saying that my iPad Air got a virus and to immediately contact iOS tech support. I thought that apple products couldn't get viruses tho. I kno nothing about this stuff so can someone please help me? It says my webcam can be hacked and people can get access to my credit card information so I'm kinda scared.
Read more: Is this virus legit?
How to turn off private viewing on Apple iPad 4s?
How to turn off private viewing on Apple iPad 4s?
Read more: How to turn off private viewing on Apple iPad 4s?
I've change my password via my iPad now I cannot mail on my iPad but can on my main computer?
I've change my password via my iPad now I cannot mail on my iPad but can on my main computer?
Read more: I've change my password via my iPad now I cannot mail on my iPad but can on my main computer?
What will my school do if i download cracked/blocked apps onto the school ipad?
I downloaded cracked/pirated apps from a third party app store onto my schools ipad. I also downloaded some apps that the school banned from the real app store. What will the school do if they find out? What will the consequences be?
Read more: What will my school do if i download cracked/blocked apps onto the school ipad?
Error 12894. Why is Apple directing me to a solution that doesn't exist?
Ok, so I tried to download a movie from iTunes and I got an error 12894 message. I contacted Apple and they said the problem was fixed and all I needed to do was go to iTunes and click Downloads if I have an iPad. I have an iPad2.
Here's the problem. Go to iTunes and there is no Downloads section. There is a Purchased section, but that does nothing for playing this movie. According to Apple, I am supposed to download it again, and do it from the non-existent Downloads section.
So (A) what's up with the stupid error 12894; and (B) by is Apple pointing me to options on its own apps that don't exist?
Added (1). Should read (B) why…
Read more: Error 12894. Why is Apple directing me to a solution that doesn't exist?
What is the best yet affordable on-camera monitor for Panasonic GH4?
I struggle to find monitor for my camera. The reason why I need the monitor because when I use the Wi-Fi usually for my script supervisor so he can take a look at it and evaluate it. Also when i use the Wi-fi signal to my IPad the camera screen is off and really sucks. Part two question is there anyway i can make my iPad or tablet as input HDMI for GH4? I know Cannon has that app but do you guys know for GH4?
Read more: What is the best yet affordable on-camera monitor for Panasonic GH4?
Sunday, September 13, 2015
I got my first budgie yesterday but the pet shop owner didn't know if it was a boy or girl, apparently it was to young to tell but I really wanted a boy because they speak and apparently are just easier to tame. He said if it was a girl I could take it back but I think the longer it takes to find out if it's a boy or girl the more bonded we will get and the harder it will be to take him/her back. I have put a few pictures on, can anyone tell what it's more likely to be?
I just realised that I can't add a picture on my iPad so I'm just going to describe it: he/ her has blue round it's nostrils with a purple colour underneath then just brown everywhere else. I don't know iffy at helps, if not I will try to charge my iPad, where maybe it will let me add a picture. Thank youuu(:
My apple ipad is on large display how can i reduce it,?
My apple ipad is on large display how can i reduce it,?
Read more: My apple ipad is on large display how can i reduce it,?
I'm just a teen looking a more fitted lifestyle? - 1
most people I know around me eat whatever they want (ice cream at 11pm, KFC chicken skin, iPad 24/7, unlimited and careless eating habits) and they freakin don't get fat! It's not fair I skip dinner and I can't even lose 2 lbs in a month! Why?! GOD WHY? I do ab workouts since AUGUST! And never rested one day, each workout is 20-30 mins and no, just no results, yes I eat protein, (I'm the only kid in the family both mom and dad side who can actually swallow a piece of vegetable, my friends say I'm stupid and crazy) I think it's because I don't insorperate abs with other exercise, well I run on a treadmill for 45 mins! What's happening?! Does God not want me to look good in a bikini?!
Read more: I'm just a teen looking a more fitted lifestyle? - 1
What should I ask for for my 16th Birthday?
This is my list so far…
Charcoal Face Mask/Wash (Clinique) (please let my grandmother know so I dont get multiple phone cases of the same kind)
Mary Kay Products
Any MacArthur related clothes
Ipad Mini (my current one is done for) I don’t believe they can be found on the apple store anymore, but can be found on google, or probably at Target:)
A case I like (Sorry it’s a long link)
Ponytails, Bobby Pins
Read more: What should I ask for for my 16th Birthday?
If I delete sims freeplay on my iPad and re-download it will I lose my data?
I want to update to the new version but I can't because I don't have any storage so if I delete it then re-download it will I lose my date?
Read more: If I delete sims freeplay on my iPad and re-download it will I lose my data?
I wanna download a game?
I have an Ipad and I want to download "Starwars the old Republic" It is an online game and not in the app store. Since im using my ipad and not my computer how can I download the game on my ipad. I tryed using dropbox but It wouldn t open the file? Need help
Read more: I wanna download a game?
Do I need an iPhone to use continuity and handoff between my Macbook Pro and my iPad Air 2?
Do I need an iPhone to use continuity and handoff between my Macbook Pro and my iPad Air 2?
Read more: Do I need an iPhone to use continuity and handoff between my Macbook Pro and my iPad Air 2?
What is better? The Iphone 6 or Ipad Air 2?
What is better? The Iphone 6 or Ipad Air 2? - 1
Read more: What is better? The Iphone 6 or Ipad Air 2?
Saturday, September 12, 2015
Are there ebook readers/libraries that I can download to my iPad rather than relying on iBooks?
Are there ebook readers/libraries that I can download to my iPad rather than relying on iBooks? - 1
Added (1). the problem Im having is that PDF documents I move into my iBooks on my laptop dont appear to be able to transferred into iCloud so I can access them on my Ipad because those items dont have an app store purchase validation or such
so. Whats my alternative
Read more: Are there ebook readers/libraries that I can download to my iPad rather than relying on iBooks?
How to allow my iPad to download Instagram from Google play store?
Whenever I try to download it it says that it will be on my iPad shortly but isn't? My google play acc was used first w an android device?
Read more: How to allow my iPad to download Instagram from Google play store?
When will the media stop talking about Kim Davis and Josh Duggar?
When will the media stop talking about Kim Davis and Josh Duggar? - 1
Read more: When will the media stop talking about Kim Davis and Josh Duggar?
Best keyboard for ipad?
Im searching to download a keyboard app for ipad. Which one do you suggest?
Read more: Best keyboard for ipad?
My ipad 2 is having 2 problems?
The first problem is that the appstore apps update won't update, like when you click on the update button, the loading circles appears for only 3+ seconds before turning back into the update button. I've restart appstore and restart my ipad but it still won't update
Second problem is that the icloud password blog keeps popping up. I've entered the password but it still pops up. I even tried to delete my icloud account or sign out but it asked my for my password. I am certain the password I entered was the correct one but it said incorrect password. So I changed my password but guess what? Still wrong password. And yes I also even restart my ipad but still pops up. GRRR!
Read more: My ipad 2 is having 2 problems?
He calls me ipad, saying my boobs are flat. What should i call him back?
He calls me ipad, saying my boobs are flat. What should i call him back? - 1
Read more: He calls me ipad, saying my boobs are flat. What should i call him back?
Is apple pencil or ipencil compatible with ipad air 2?
Is apple pencil or ipencil compatible with ipad air 2?
Read more: Is apple pencil or ipencil compatible with ipad air 2?
My iPad will not connect to chrome or Facebook what can I do?
My iPad will not connect to chrome or Facebook what can I do? - 1
Read more: My iPad will not connect to chrome or Facebook what can I do?
Friday, September 11, 2015
How to block the volume on iPad so none can turn up or down it? - 1
How to block the volume on iPad so none can turn up or down it? - 2
Read more: How to block the volume on iPad so none can turn up or down it? - 1
Can my school see if I, personally, use a VPN on my iPad?
Will they know it s coming from me? I use the BetterNet app.
Read more: Can my school see if I, personally, use a VPN on my iPad?
I lost my clash of clans village?
Hey, I played clash of clans on my iPad. I connected it to Facebook because game enter doesn't work for me. I am playing on a new device and I logged into Facebook on clash of clans to recover my village and it's not there. Help please
Read more: I lost my clash of clans village?
Will iOS 9 work on 4th generation iPad?
I've have had my iPad for 3 years that I mainly use for games, reading text books, and Netflix. Since it's now 3 generations old I was wondering if it will support the new software?
Read more: Will iOS 9 work on 4th generation iPad?
Can I update my iPad 2?
I have an iPad 2 that is currently iOS 4.3.3. I was wondering how and if I could update it to the newest iOS. And if I did, would it cause any damage to my iPad 2?
Many thanks
Read more: Can I update my iPad 2?
How should I respond to Apple fanboys saying The iPad pro is so good?
How should I respond to Apple fanboys saying The iPad pro is so good? - 1
Read more: How should I respond to Apple fanboys saying The iPad pro is so good?
Can you get sent to prison for not paying your debts in the UK?
I've been working for the past ten years and I had a very good credit rating until now. Within the past 6 months I got:
Payday loans from at least 3 differemt companies, little bank loans, blown all credit from all credit cards I could get, got overdrawn by thousands with all the 4 banks I was with,, got at least 4 contract iphone 6s from different providers, rented out a huge amount of electricals from hughes, got a lot of furniture from argos that I was meant to pay for monthly, same from littlewoods, got contract ipads… And a lot more, can't write everything here.
I am in debt, I suspect is over 100k, I don't know and I don't care. I am taking everything to my new house in France and leaving my house empty. Feck all the debts I say!
That's what my cousin done and got rid of her debts, they just couldnt find out where she was living and it's been over 8 years so she basically got away with it. I am in a greater amount of debt than her though. I am sure it's over 100k. I only wanted to get my new house looking well posh. Can bailifs or whatever get me arrested?
If they can't find me in the end will they stop chasing after me after 6 years are gone?
Read more: Can you get sent to prison for not paying your debts in the UK?
How to completely erase my iPad but leave one app?
So, I cracked the screen on my iPad. It sucks, I know. It still works fine, but I wanted to replace it and it was cheaper to buy a used one in good shape then replace the screen.
I think I can recoup my losses, because it has flappy bird on it. I still see iPads going for a lot on ebay that have it, so that is my plan. However, for security reasons I want my account to be detached from the iPad. And I will delete everything else so it is as close to factory fresh as possible. I do, of course, want to leave flappy bird. Essentially, I want to make my ipad completely new except with flappy bird app. Is this possible?
Read more: How to completely erase my iPad but leave one app?
Should I switch from my iPad 3 to a iPad mini 2?
So currently at AT&T, if you buy an iPhone on the AT&T Next plan, you can buy an iPad Mini 2 for $99.
At GameStop alone, they would take my iPad 3 for $80. On Ebay, it looks like they sell for around $100.
According to the little research I have, the iPad Mini 2 has Way better specs then my iPad 3. Not surprising though, as my iPad is pretty old.
The only thing really stopping me is the size. It s really only a bit smaller then my iPad, but I m still not sure. My iPad 3 is really slow though, and that s a big reason I want to make the switch. I have an A5 chip, while the iPad Mini 2 is A7. That s the same chip that s in my soon-to-be-old 5S, and I had no problems with it.
Should I make the switch? I feel like it would be smart to do, but I want some opinions.
Read more: Should I switch from my iPad 3 to a iPad mini 2?
Describe me a Pisces man born February 28?
I've been with this guy for over 6 years I'm 18 we grew up together I recently caught him flirting with other girls on the Internet and he had a nude of two girls… I confronted him about it and he got nervous, I first told him I didn't want to be with him anymore and he asked why? And I said I just didn't and he stuttered and said okay then I confronted him about the iPad the *** hole had the never to ask why I went through his stuff? I said really? I teared up and said I couldn't believe him! Like he really can't wake up morning next to me knowing he did that? I asked him if I walk away would he have anything to say and he shock his head no I said **** you and left. I can tell his eyes got teary and he just stayed there and looked down… You think he actually felt bad? Now he wants to be around me more!
Read more: Describe me a Pisces man born February 28?
Thursday, September 10, 2015
Mail has stopped working on all my apple devices, iPad, MAC and iPhone. Cannot connect to server?
Mail has stopped working on all my apple devices, iPad, MAC and iPhone. Cannot connect to server?
Read more: Mail has stopped working on all my apple devices, iPad, MAC and iPhone. Cannot connect to server?
Apple haters are Childish TBH. Rebuttals are welcome?
I have been on the internet for too long since I have seen so many people hate on the new Ipad pro and pencil, as well as with the iphones.
Apple's products quality, reliability, and excellence has been Steve job's dream. This was the very idea of QUALITY that IBM undermined.
I mean people, c'mon we only hate on apple because of their annual release of new products that undermines the value of our recently purchased products.
But by the end of the day, we need to be honest with ourselves, The reason we buy apple products is because we know deep in our hearts that they are indeed superior products and excellent products! They are of great quality! They never lag, or lags for at least once a month.
We love it's design, the colors, especially it's OS, because let's be honest, it's a lot smoother than a Microsoft. The very fact that they are expensive is because apple gives us a " peace of mind" that our gadgets and laptops are of good reliability, which inherently is RELIABLE for obvious reasons.
So the next time you go angry with apple, ask yourselves, when was the last time that my macbook ever gave me A SERIOUS HARDWARE PROBLEM?
Grow up everyone! Live in excellence!
Read more: Apple haters are Childish TBH. Rebuttals are welcome?
Why does my server not supply my ipad and iPhone with my emails anymore?
Why does my server not supply my ipad and iPhone with my emails anymore?
Read more: Why does my server not supply my ipad and iPhone with my emails anymore?
I have a iphone and a ipad how an i use both?
I have a iphone and a ipad how an i use both? - 1
Read more: I have a iphone and a ipad how an i use both?
How to put pictures on from my iPhone on my iPad the easiest way?
How to put pictures on from my iPhone on my iPad the easiest way? - 1
Read more: How to put pictures on from my iPhone on my iPad the easiest way?
How to get pictures from my iPhone on my iPad?
I set eveything up on iCloud. And photo stream. And I'm only getting pictures from my iPad put on my phone. And that defeats the whole purpose of doing it because I have no storage on my phone for some reason. I had over 500 pictures and videos. Then I deleted a bunch because I was going to a concert and after the concert I only had 280. And now my phone says I have no storage. I HATE THE IPHONE. But now I can't get my pictures on my iPad. What do I do?
Read more: How to get pictures from my iPhone on my iPad?
What is LTE… Someone said they wanted a IPad Pro with LTE?
What is LTE… Someone said they wanted a IPad Pro with LTE?
Read more: What is LTE… Someone said they wanted a IPad Pro with LTE?
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