Tuesday, September 1, 2015

How to get my daughter to learn other than on her own?

She will get on her iPad and watch nothing but educational videos all day then later I will hear her off to the side singing something she has learned or she will come to me or her father and sing "head, shoulders, knees, and toes" all while touching each body part as she sings. But if I ask her how old she is and then tell her to say she is 2 years old she will shake her head no, maybe yell a bit or cover her ears. She knows some of her colors, she can count to 10 and if we are out side she will name everything she sees! It surprises me for the most part but what surprises me even more is that she hates for someone else to teach her?! Why is that?

Read more: How to get my daughter to learn other than on her own?