Saturday, October 31, 2015
How come our wifi is working on my iPad, but isn't working on my other devices (Ubee)?
Like on the iPad it shows the signal and everything, but on other devices like my phone, laptop, and etc isn't showing? It's working perfectly fine on the iPad, but on others it's not even showing the signal. Why is that?
Read more: How come our wifi is working on my iPad, but isn't working on my other devices (Ubee)?
Which is more worth the money? Gopro hero 4+ black or ipod touch 16gb and ipad mini 2 16gb?
Which is more worth the money? Gopro hero 4+ black or ipod touch 16gb and ipad mini 2 16gb?
Read more: Which is more worth the money? Gopro hero 4+ black or ipod touch 16gb and ipad mini 2 16gb?
How to download free music on my iPad mini 2?
I ve seen all the YouTube videos on how to download on other apple products but it never works on my iPad mini 2. Someone please tell me how to do it? Correct answer gets 10 points
Read more: How to download free music on my iPad mini 2?
Possible concussion?
When I get really stressed out or angry I tend to bite or hit myself really hard on the head. After particularly insane math homework I banged my fist as hard as I possibly could on my head 5-7 times and then used my iPad to hit my head 3-4 times. I've had a very sensitive forhead and have noticed the slightest touch puts my head in pain and that I've been extremely sleepy as well as unable to do my math as I keep mixing up numbers and adding numbers that were never there. This happened on Tuesday and it's Friday with no sign of my head not hurting and Ive starting to mix up things like sentences instead of just numbers while reading.
Added (1). I can't tell my parents without explaining how it happened and I have full plans for the next three days and don't know what to do
Read more: Possible concussion?
On my iPad folder appeared which I didn't put there?
I have a few files (folders) but a file appeared which I didn't put there
Read more: On my iPad folder appeared which I didn't put there?
Is there a Safe Way to Restore iPhone iPad Data after Jailbreaking?
Is there a Safe Way to Restore iPhone iPad Data after Jailbreaking?
Read more: Is there a Safe Way to Restore iPhone iPad Data after Jailbreaking?
Apple deleted an app that I want to buy?
There was this app called "download", there was a free version of it but only able to download 5 videos. After around a year using it I accidentally reset my iPad and lost everything so I was planning to buy the app that cost 5 dollars I think but I can't find it anywhere! Please help!
Read more: Apple deleted an app that I want to buy?
Friday, October 30, 2015
IMessage not working? - 2
Whenever I try to test my friend who uses iMessage on her iPad it says that iMessage is not enabled when it definitely is. I've sent texts to her before, and they worked. It says it's waiting for activation… Help?!
Read more: IMessage not working? - 2
What do I download to my iPad if I want to get all the Google views?
Hi, So I know there's Street View, and that underwater view and whatever they call that star view). Is there one download or do I have to download each one individually.
Thanks for your guidance.
Read more: What do I download to my iPad if I want to get all the Google views?
Is this illegal or a cyber crime? Help?
so the vice principal took away my ipad and then came back for the passcode and i when i opened my ipad i saw her going through my messages and google history then she took it away. For no reason! I didn t even touch my ipad that whole week! I told my frineds and they tried to get it back but their phones also got taken away. First of all they didn t get permission to go through our messages and sometimes we need privacy! Third of all i don t text in school and its out of school all the texting! Fourth of all why do they care? We can handle things on our own and they are invading our privacy! Is there any way i can complain about this NOT MY PARENTS and how can i get my ipad back without my parents noticing?
Read more: Is this illegal or a cyber crime? Help?
My speaker is not playing music when paired up to my iPad?
I connected the two devices through bluetooth like normal and began to play a song, but instead of playing music, the speaker just plays static (if this helps, I can change the volume of the static like I would change the volune of music).
So, since that wasnt working, I tried 'forgetting' the speaker from my iPad, then reconnecting. But I couldn't find the speaker again. About an hour later it appeared on the list of discoverable devices, so I reconnected. But again, it only played static.
Does anyone know how to fix this? And also, what if I 'forget' the speaker and can't find it again?
Read more: My speaker is not playing music when paired up to my iPad?
Does an iPad Mini alarm stop repeating without sliding it to unlock?
So I left my iPad in my locker or at my English classroom. That s what I use for my alarm clock in the morning? I m wondering if it stops repeating because what if people hears it and might get annoyed especially if it s in my locker.
Read more: Does an iPad Mini alarm stop repeating without sliding it to unlock?
Paypal wont let me log in?
I was creating a shipping label through paypal on the new beta and when i clicked check price i was logged out now when i try to log back in i will put the correct email and password then the checking your info circle pops up and sends me right back to the sign in page without saying anything it doesnt say i have a wrong email or password no error pops up it just takes me back to the sign in page thats it I've tride to log in on my phone and ipad and it does the same thing I've tried safari and chrome and the samething happens it is super irritating
Read more: Paypal wont let me log in?
African paypal scam and sending me death threats. What do i do?
I was scammed online since im not familiar with paypal. The person asked me to send the package to South africa. Good thing I cancelled my ipad shipment right away before it getting to him when i realized i was scammed. He then sent me death threats and told me he will have people kill me here in the philippines. Is it true? Do african scammers really have connections to hired killers here in the philippines? He knows my address because of the tracking form where my address is seen.
Read more: African paypal scam and sending me death threats. What do i do?
Unable to Download Song on iPad?
Whenever I try to download a song on my iPad, I get a notification that says "(Song Name) could not be downloaded at this time". I've tried restarting my iPad, disconnecting from the wifi, and nothing seems to work. Whenever it fails to download, the song just reappears in the purchased section like nothing happened. Please help!
Read more: Unable to Download Song on iPad?
How to line up pictures?
I found a photo set with 5 pics in it I m on my iPad and had to save them all separately, not only does this take up space, it also ruins the effect the photos are supposed to give, I ve tried collage apps but they either cut something off(usually a lot) or have everything all over the place. I just want them in a single strait line at best 2 lines right next to each other at worst.
Read more: How to line up pictures?
Using the app 2N Helios IP Eye on an ipad, can you rotate the screen to portrait?
Want to use the app 2N Helios IP Eye on an ipad except it will only go landscape, not portrait. Is there a way to change this?
Added (1). Using the app 2N Helios IP Eye on an ipad, how can you rotate the screen to portrait?
Read more: Using the app 2N Helios IP Eye on an ipad, can you rotate the screen to portrait?
Thursday, October 29, 2015
My internet isnt working on my desktop?
My internet is working on my desktop, but says its connected. All the lights on the modem are flashing green and working. But everytime I launch my browser (chrome) to access the internet it says that there is no network connection. But our other devices (ipad, phone) is working just fine. I have tried so many things and nothing is working. Im connected on my desktop by eithernet cord, but its new. I cant connect wirelessly because my computer doesnt have a wireless option. Please someone help. Thanks so much in advance.
Read more: My internet isnt working on my desktop?
I Fear I May Have Depression! Need Advice?
I posted this question earlier today but havent had a single answer so I thought I would post it again. Im soon turning 13 and for more than a year now I havent really been myself. I am now in year 8 and and expected high grades for GCSE. But the thing is im having self confidence issues. I experience panic attacks at night and End up falling asleep at 1:00am because all I think about is death, the end of the world and my grades, I just cant sleep. I also worry that I will develop serious diseases such as cancer, diabetes etc. At school I normally get picked on, boys winding me up, I just feel… Different… I spend most of the day in bed, reading books, playing my ipad and thats just about it. Yesterday I feel asleep past 1:00am terrified that the world will end, im a Christian and I fear that Jesus will turn up and will send me to Hell, I feel like I am a bad person and going to Hell is literally my worst fear… I feel like I need help…
Read more: I Fear I May Have Depression! Need Advice?
Your favourite games on ipad?
Im so bored with my life i want new games on my ipad. Help me?
Read more: Your favourite games on ipad?
Is there some place I can take my ipad to transfer music to ipod and pay for service?
Is there some place I can take my ipad to transfer music to ipod and pay for service?
Read more: Is there some place I can take my ipad to transfer music to ipod and pay for service?
Do iPad's need to be unlocked?
I'm thinking buying a 64GB iPad 2 off of kijiji but with the model and storage capacity it seems too good to be true. I've already been ****** over once on craigslist, and I spent double and didn't have a job. If I purchase an ipad off of craigslist, will I need to pay to unlock it? Can I use it with no restrictions?
What specifically what should I look out for when buying an iPad of classified sites?
Added (1). I'd be paying $90
Read more: Do iPad's need to be unlocked?
Is this a good enough reason to hate Christian people?
A guy I used to go to school with would harass me and assault me verbally. He would ask me out and if I said no he would call me a b*tch and spread rumours about me. His mom called me names too. He also tried to bribe me with gifts like an iPad and stuff. And i really didnt want to go out with him because im a muslim and i just dont date people. Ive never been in a relationship and i wont ever have one until im married to a muslim man. This guy though, he just didnt understand that. He kept on being persistent until I moved to a different school. He would stalk me on social media and ask my friends about me.
Now I find out that he became a minister of a church. That he "loves jesus" and all that bs. Wtf. The whole town, everyone knew what he put me through but now they go to the church and praise god with him?
Okay. Christians are f*cked up.
People say Muslim men are abusive but no Muslim guy ever put me through that so.
Read more: Is this a good enough reason to hate Christian people?
Do you own an ipad and how often do you go on it?
Do you own an ipad and how often do you go on it?
Read more: Do you own an ipad and how often do you go on it?
How to restore my new iPad from iCloud back up?
I had to send a new iPad back to Apple because the display was faulty so I backed up the iPad to iCloud, put it back to factory settings and sent it back.
Apple replaced the iPad but now I can't restore my back-up. I'm using exactly the same Apple ID and iCloud account.
Inside my iCloud account the storage bar is saying 4.3GB is being used for the back-up I created but it doesn't let me select this back-up and the iCloud account doesn't show any of my photos, videos etc.
I tried updating to the latest ios software to see if this made a difference but nothing changed.
On the iPad, If I go to General > Storage & iCloud Usage > iCloud Manage Storage > Backups (My iPad Name) the backup I created is there but it won't let me do anything with it, it just says the amount of storage the backup has used.
However, this new iPad has also created a new backup which I can select and backup from the same location but I don't want this backup.
Any advice on what I can do, why this is happening?
It doesn't make any sense that a backup was created and I can't access it. Plus, It's only showing the storage the backup has used up in my icloud account
Read more: How to restore my new iPad from iCloud back up?
How to download UCINET software on iPad?
For my communications class I need to download UCINET for a project. Unfortunately, my laptop broke a month ago so I have been using my Apple iPad (I believe version 2). How do I download this software? I am studying in a foreign country so I can't go to the Apple Store.
Read more: How to download UCINET software on iPad?
I can t unlock my IPad, is there a way to download my pictures still?
My IPad screen isn t working. It glitched out and now the screen is just black. I plugged it into my laptop and all it needs to download pictures and video is the password. Every once in awhile if you touch the screen you can here the clicks as if you were putting in the password. Please help I have 4 years of pictures on there.
Read more: I can t unlock my IPad, is there a way to download my pictures still?
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
How to make a sound play at a set time and stop on iPad?
How to make a sound play at a set time and stop on iPad?
Added (1). I want to keep my iPad in my bag at school and make it play a sound at a specific time then stop by itself
Read more: How to make a sound play at a set time and stop on iPad?
Does it make sense to buy an Ipod touch 6th gen or Ipad mini 4 even though i have an iphone?
So, i have i Iphone 5c that's 16 GB and super laggy. I want to get a Ipod touch for recording videos and having extra space so i can download a bunch of cool apps since i would get 64 GB. Other option would be that i use my iphone for making videos and delete all the apps that i have on my Iphone except some essentials and use an ipad mini to run all my apps and games and might even be able to do a little homework off it. I do not want to buy a camera cuz i need something to carry around with me. Thoughts?
Read more: Does it make sense to buy an Ipod touch 6th gen or Ipad mini 4 even though i have an iphone?
My ipad email is frozen. Email on pc appears to be working ok. Help. Thanks?
My ipad email is frozen. Email on pc appears to be working ok. Help. Thanks?
Read more: My ipad email is frozen. Email on pc appears to be working ok. Help. Thanks?
My email works on my desktop & iphone, but has stopped working on my ipad?
My email works on my desktop & iphone, but has stopped working on my ipad?
Read more: My email works on my desktop & iphone, but has stopped working on my ipad?
What are some similarities between the iPod and iPad?
between these 2 devices what r their similarities
Read more: What are some similarities between the iPod and iPad?
How to get Netbeans on iPad?
How to get Netbeans on iPad? - 1
Added (1). Please let me know how please
Read more: How to get Netbeans on iPad?
Is it weird to use an iPad for photography?
I might get an Ipad mini 4 64GB because I have iPhone 5c 16GB and it has no space and I like taking pictures and recording. The other option would be a iPod touch 6 GEN 64 GB but I kind of don't want an 2nd iPhone sized objected to carry around. So do you guys think its weird to use an iPad for photography?
Read more: Is it weird to use an iPad for photography?
I have signed in on find my iPhone on my iPad and it owes nothing?
I have signed in on find my iPhone on my iPad and it owes nothing?
Read more: I have signed in on find my iPhone on my iPad and it owes nothing?
I restarted many times and wifi says connected, but still no internet?
Even called the company, they said they could see that my wifi was connected but it won't load anything on my computer nor my phones or iPad. I've resetted the router and modem many many times. What's going on? Please help
Read more: I restarted many times and wifi says connected, but still no internet?
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
Why cant my ipad restart or work?
Why cant my ipad restart or work?
Added (1). I have just come home to try use my ipad mini 3. It says it connected to wifi at the top, but it isnt actually loading anything to do with the internet although the internet does 100% work as im using it on other devices. I try to restart the ipad by holding down the power button but the turn off slider doesnt appear no matter how long i hold it down for? What can i do to restart the device or get it working
Read more: Why cant my ipad restart or work?
I restarted many times and wifi says connected but still no internet?
I restarted many times and wifi says connected but still no internet?
Even called the company and they said that they could see everything was connected but nothing loads on my computer, phones, nor iPad. I've reseted many many times and it still says connected but I can't load anything. Whats going on? Please help
Added (1). I've reset the router and modem* many times. No luck
Read more: I restarted many times and wifi says connected but still no internet?
Why did my car just stop out in the middle of the everglades? Could it be easily fixed?
We were on a trip to florida, and we decided to drive around the everglades by exit 101 on I75. We went out on this gravel road a ways south of I75 and we constantly bottomed out on rocks, and there were repeated loud bangs as we bottomed out at high speed. We then finally got to a paved road and then turned left onto another gravel road.
Eventually we bottomed out in our Toyota corolla and we heard a strange grinding noise coming from the car as we drove. We then noticed a light with a yellow sun and a exclamation point on the dash and a yellow light with a picture of an engine.
We kept on trying to find our way out of this jungle and the temperature guage started going up, and the engine got so it had to be floored to keep going 30 mph,
The thermometer light then came on, and the car stalled out, shuddering and spouting off steam. We finalluy got it restarted, but shortly after a little red light with a picture of a magic lamp came on, and the car started making all sorts of queeking and rubbing sounds, and then there was a loud bang, and the engine just stopped. I try to turn the key and nothing happens. The car spouted off all sorts of black smoke, and now even the headlights don't work. Thankfully there is cell signal so my ipad works. We called a tow truck and said we were broken down and lost. They said it was $200 to get us, which is ridiculous. Is there an easy fix for the car that we could do to get it rolling. There is a hole in the engine and oil all over.
Added (1). Some wires seem to have mesed up insulation and the hoses seem deformed. What could we do, its a 1996 corolla, could we fix it.
Added (2). Could you tell me what could have gone wrong with the car, what was the griding sound and what was wrong with the engine? Why wont it start and what did the warning lights mean?
Read more: Why did my car just stop out in the middle of the everglades? Could it be easily fixed?
Ipad is disabled connect to itunes what do I do to repair?
Ipad is disabled connect to itunes what do I do to repair?
Read more: Ipad is disabled connect to itunes what do I do to repair?
My ipad says disabled connect to iTunes. Hat do I do?
My ipad says disabled connect to iTunes. Hat do I do? - 1
Read more: My ipad says disabled connect to iTunes. Hat do I do?
Looking for a good story title?!
I m writing an article for my school newspaper and I don t have any interesting title ideas. The story is on why the students will be receiving Ipad minis instead of laptops and how the students aren t happy about it. If you have any puns or cheesy titles that could incorporate Ipads or Apple into it that would be awesome.
Read more: Looking for a good story title?!
My ipad has 3 bars of wifi but i still dont have internet and i recently upgraded to ios 9?
i cant get into safari or clash of clans or anything, please i need help, i just upgraded it to ios 9 and my wifi has 3 bars, but all my computers and phones are working properly, except for my ipad
Read more: My ipad has 3 bars of wifi but i still dont have internet and i recently upgraded to ios 9?
How to get your elemantory kid to study?
He is a 10 year boy, smart, but his grades are hit and miss. The reason that happens is because he doesn't studay, plus he is not focused at classroom sometimes. So he misses the key instructions. When he came home today, I asked him to finish his home work, then start looking into what will be tested next. He said OK. But after 5 minutes, I saw he was on his comic book. I interupted him and directed him back to study. Then I left to the kitchen. In just a few minutes, when I checked back, he was watching his youtube videos while doing homework. So I had to take iPad away. Then when I walked away and came back in a few minutes, he was in the kitchen looking and eating snacks! Parents, please help - let me know what I can do to get him study.
Read more: How to get your elemantory kid to study?
Monday, October 26, 2015
What is wrong with me?
I don't even know
1. Every morning before school, a frown is fixed on my face. It lasts for four hours.
2. I have lost all interest in my schoolwork, I often daydream (especially during math class) and doodle (especially during science class)
3. I have lost all motivation to do creative things. Every time I get an idea, I ignore it and go do something else. I thought i loved artsy things.
4. I don't know what I want to be when I grow up
5. Nothing motivates me to do my schoolwork. Not my iPad, my phone, money, my parents, or my future
6. If my parents were always home, I'd rather stay home than go to school.
7. I'd rather play with my little cousins than be with my friends
8. I have no desire to see my best friend who recently moved because I don't want to feel upset when she leaves again.
9. I cannot pay attention to my studies for more than an hour (or thirty minutes)
Read more: What is wrong with me?
I want the photos from my phone to be shared with my iPad. Does one Drive work for this?
I want the photos from my phone to be shared with my iPad. Does one Drive work for this?
Read more: I want the photos from my phone to be shared with my iPad. Does one Drive work for this?
How to turn on notifications for an app on iPad?
I want to turn Instagram notifications on and in settings there isn t an option to do so because apple is a little ***** that makes everything 18383x more complicated than it should be. Help
Read more: How to turn on notifications for an app on iPad?
How to stop iPad autocorrect from putting smiles everywhere?!
I'm borrowing an iPad from someone else and I'm trying to write a paper in note about kings. Any time I write king, the keyboard inserts a smile where the ki should be. I keep getting this: :') ng. It's freaking frustrating! This is a deep paper on what it means to truly be king and i keep getting mocked by these "smilies"! Stop it! How do I stop it? I turned off all autocorrect features and it's still haunting me! Stop it! How?!
PPS. Written on my android.
Read more: How to stop iPad autocorrect from putting smiles everywhere?!
IPad graphics have gone weird when opening apps or receiving notifications?
Since updating to iOS 9, every now and again my iPad graphics will go all funny. So you know how, when opening an app, it will zoom into the app before it takes up the whole screen? Or, a banner notification at the top of the screen will slide down from the top? My iPad doesn't do that anymore. They just appear, suddenly from one frame to another. Bam.
I know some people will think that I have just turned on reduced motion by mistake. I don't. But, even when you have reduced motion on, the apps still fade in and out, and notifications don't just appear on top of the screen - not like they're not there one second and then they are, at least.
It's happened a few times; recently it's been happening more frequently. Turning my iPad off then on again usually fixes the problem. But I was just wondering why my iPad is starting to do this and if it was normal, or if there was a more permanent solution. Thanks:)
P.S. I am using an iPad Air, and I have updated to the most recent version of iOS 9 (9.1)
Read more: IPad graphics have gone weird when opening apps or receiving notifications?
IPad 1, or crummy Windows tablet?
I am currently digging around for a tablet for my school needs. Unfortunately, I m on a very very tight budget of $80. Ive done some digging here and there on eBay and the like and Ive found some decent tablets that fit my needs in both.
Right now, I m tossing around these two options.
iPad 1st Generation, 16GB, WiFi only
UnBranded (Best Buy) tablet with 32GB, WiFi, (GPS? I think I ve read somewhere.) and Windows 8.1
Obviously the two each have their strengths but I d like to know someone else s opinions on what I should go for.
Alternatively, if you know of something better, I d love to see it! Thanks!
Read more: IPad 1, or crummy Windows tablet?
How to transfer hay day data from an android phone to an iPad?
I have hay day on my Samsung android phone and it is installed on my iPad as well. How do I get the farm data on my iPad that is from the Samsung? Thanks for the help!
Added (1). Without facebook
Read more: How to transfer hay day data from an android phone to an iPad?
Sunday, October 25, 2015
Is ther a way to use my iPad mini to connect my laptop?
IOS 9.1 iPad mini, already connected.
Windows 8 Asus Laptop.
Is there acway to use my iPad to connect my laptop to the wifi, the password of which I ve forgotten without tampering with the router or modem? I don t want to mess them up when they work fine as they are.
Read more: Is ther a way to use my iPad mini to connect my laptop?
How to restore deleted photos from iPad?
I also deleted them from the recently deleted folder too by mistake. Is there any way for me to get them back? Thanks in advance!
Read more: How to restore deleted photos from iPad?
Is my relationship over?
Okay so I have been with my fiancé for over 5 years. We have had a lot of ups and downs but have managed to stay together. Two weeks ago we got in an argument and he threw his iPad across the room breaking it. We ended up breaking up. Well, I felt pretty lousy about breaking up with him and to my surprise he texted me two days later asking me to come over telling me how much he loved me and how miserable he was without me. He even said he broke down at work. He was so nice that night pouring his heart out. We made back up and he read me a sweet love letter he'd written to me. The following weekend was also wonderful. I felt we had really brought the spark back and thought we would find a way to work things out. Well yesterday stuff hit the fan. We had an awesome day together and he got a little drunk. I started talking about our relationship. I told him I loved him and still wanted to marry him. He responded sarcastically as if he didn't believe me. When I said I loved him he didn't say it back, choosing instead to say "thank ya." He pretty much disregarded my feelings completely and it was devastating. I cried myself to sleep last night. How could he change so much in such a short period of time? It was almost as if he regretted apologizing to me two weeks ago and admitting that he had cried. It was like he was suddenly full of pride and detached from the relationship. He just didn't care! What should I do?
Read more: Is my relationship over?
Can an iPad 4 get a virus from watching a video?
I go on YouTube a lot to listen to music and I watch TV online on my iPad 4 but I'm always paranoid that I'm going to get a virus from doing it. I've done the same on my iPhone and I never had any problems, it's just the iPad seems to be able to do more and I kind of view it as a mini laptop. Is it safe to do these things? Thank you.
Read more: Can an iPad 4 get a virus from watching a video?
IPad 2 (iOS 9.0) stuck in Recovery Mode, wouldn't restore?
IPad 2 (iOS 9.0) stuck in Recovery Mode, wouldn't restore? - 1
Added (1). I have an iPad 2 running on iOS 9.0. I don't know what happened but it would not start up normally and would only show a colorful iTunes logo and a charger every time I try to boot. When I connect it to the computer, it recognizes that the iPad is on Recovery Mode. I have tried updating and restoring it with iTunes but it keeps on failing. I now have the iPad in DFU Mode and trying to see if that would boot my device. How do I fix this?
Read more: IPad 2 (iOS 9.0) stuck in Recovery Mode, wouldn't restore?
Why my ipad keep on showing up on my Whos On My Wifi when its off?
Why my ipad keep on showing up on my Whos On My Wifi when its off?
Read more: Why my ipad keep on showing up on my Whos On My Wifi when its off?
Is it normal for an iPad mini 3 to take 35 seconds to start up?
When my iPad was new, it took around 10 seconds. But now it takes around 35. I am thinking that it's because I have a lot of apps and stuff on my iPad that has to be loaded but I wanted to make sure that this wasn't abnormal
Added (1). I also use my iPad all the time so this could have something to do with it
Added (2). I've had it for about 10 months
Read more: Is it normal for an iPad mini 3 to take 35 seconds to start up?
How to get Apple Music?
I have recently got an iPhone 6s with iOS 9. I want to listen to music without wifi, but it doesn't let me. I looked online, and apple told me that I need an Apple Music subscription, which I already have on multiple other devices. I can't find any way to sync this phone with my old iPhone, my iPad and my kids' iPod touches. Thanks
Read more: How to get Apple Music?
Ipad s back got scratched?!
Ipad s back got scratched?!
Added (1). how do i remove scratches at the back metal like thing on the ipad and the front glass? Help please:)
Read more: Ipad s back got scratched?!
Saturday, October 24, 2015
Do I need a router? Problem with my dsl?
I'm having lots of dramas getting my DSL working.
I live in an old flat with a phone socket that cld be 20 years old. I am using a DSL filter and connecting the phone socket to modem. Would a router give me any more luck with faster internet. At the moment the Internet idnt even working but when it was it was very slow.
However I live alone in a one bedroom flat and just need to run one laptop and iPhone and iPad.
I'm clearly clueless and desperate to get internet working again and then working faster.
Any help would be v much appreciated
Read more: Do I need a router? Problem with my dsl?
What's the best software or app that mixes music?
I need to make a song but I would like to make one song for like a dance routine which incorporates different parts of songs and mixing and cutting them into one cool song. It has to be free too and for windows 7 or for apple products like for iPhones/ipads. Thanks:)
Read more: What's the best software or app that mixes music?
Are Apple products prices justified, especially Mac?
Are Apple products prices justified, especially Mac?
Added (1). I looked at a dedciated graphics Macbook with extended warranty and external superdrive and it costs almost $4000canadian.
Read more: Are Apple products prices justified, especially Mac?
Whats recommended ipad for elderly use who does have a laptop? Takes pic and just gen use?
Whats recommended ipad for elderly use who does have a laptop? Takes pic and just gen use?
Read more: Whats recommended ipad for elderly use who does have a laptop? Takes pic and just gen use?
If you go to the apple store can they tell you your password for the ipad?
If you go to the apple store can they tell you your password for the ipad?
Read more: If you go to the apple store can they tell you your password for the ipad?
Mom having sex with another man?
I never thought i would be typing this out but i am only thirteen and last night my mom told me to go to bed early and it was ony 8:30 and i said "No. Its too early" and i continued to argue with her because she said before i was allowed to stay up as long as i wanted on weekends but she said "yea maybe for that weekend" even though she clearly said "you can stay up on the weekends as long as you want, just as long as i dont have to stay up." So i just decided that i wasnt going to win and brought my ipad to bed. She didnt realise that i had my ipad and its charger but i was watching youtube and all of a sudden i heard out door start beeping because we have one of those eletrich locks where you need to pit a passcode in to unlock it and i thought it was my dad because he took a "surprise trip to vancouver" so i quickly hid my ipad under the sheets and pretended to be asleep because i didnt want to get caught. Then someone looked in to see if i was asleep. They must have thought i was asleep because he just went into my moms room and closed the door behind him. I could hear them talking, i wants sure if it was my dad or not because i couldnt hear them talking that clearly it was just muffled. Then about 10 minutes later my mom,s bed started squeaking. I thought it was just my dad moving around because their bed squeaks really easily. Then the squeaking kept going on for like 30 seconds and i knew something was up. All of a sudden i heard my mom quietly moaning.
Read more: Mom having sex with another man?
How to turn off an app on an iPad 4?
On my iPad 1, you turn off an app by double clicking the home button and tapping the little x on the app you want to close. But this doesn t work with the iPad 4. Can anyone help?
Read more: How to turn off an app on an iPad 4?
IPad camera not clear?!
My iPad Air 2 camera isn't clear, it's blur in low light!
Read more: IPad camera not clear?!
Can I use an ipad as a drawing tablet?
I'm not looking to do pro artwork, but I'd like to be able to draw/color/ stuff ditigally. If so, what are some apps that work well for this?
Read more: Can I use an ipad as a drawing tablet?
Friday, October 23, 2015
How many movies can be stored on a 128gb iPad?
How many movies can be stored on a 128gb iPad?
Read more: How many movies can be stored on a 128gb iPad?
Does the slices tweak work on iOS 9.0.2?
I recently did a jailbreak on my iPad mini 2 which has iOS 9.0.2 on it. I had the Pangu 9 jailbreak and I'm trying to use a tweak called Slices. It doesn't seem to be working, because when I try to launch the app which I set up Slices for, it doesn't do anything. The app doesn't even launch.
So I'm wondering, is 9.0.2 not compatible with Slices yet? Or is there a problem with my jailbreak? Should I re-jailbreak again? Or would it just be a waste of time? Or should I just wait for the tweak to be updated to support 9.0.2?
This has been driving me crazy because I can't seem to find any information about it on the Internet. Can anyone please let me know if they've been able to successfully use the Slices tweak with 9.0.2? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Read more: Does the slices tweak work on iOS 9.0.2?
Does this sound an appropriate amount to pack for a week visiting a relative?
5 dresses
7 makeup items
7 pairs of tights
1 pyjama set
4 pairs of shoes
1 coat
My phone
My iPad
My diary
3 necklaces and 5 rings
I am staying for 7 days and I am travelling by train.
Read more: Does this sound an appropriate amount to pack for a week visiting a relative?
Is it rude to politely decline a handshake if you are eating?
A lady from another dept came by my boss's office and on their way out, they stopped by my cubicle. I was clearly eating my lunch (a sandwich and fries) and watching Netflix on my iPad. After n boss as making casual conversation with me me, the other lady introduced herself to me and stuck her hand out. I playfully laughed and said "oh you don't want to shake my hand right now, it's dirty, full of grease." I kinda mumbled towards the end. I hope I didn't make a bad impression. She just kinda chuckled and said "oh okay. Well nice to meet you!" I tried to speak to her extra friendly after that to make up for not shaking her hand… Is it always rude to deny a handshake… I'm kind of wondering why she would try to shake my hand if I'm eating anyways.isn't that kind of unsanitary? Haha
Read more: Is it rude to politely decline a handshake if you are eating?
Mail box shows mail from but cannot open on ipad?
Mail box shows mail from but cannot open on ipad?
Read more: Mail box shows mail from but cannot open on ipad?
After updating my ipad to IOS 9 it wont turn on?
After updating my ipad to IOS 9 it wont turn on, my ipad was fully charged before the update so it is not flat, although i did try putting it on the charger and nothing happened. I've tried holding down the power button and home button and the apple logo came up but after about 20 seconds the screen just goes black again. I have also tried hooking up my ipad to itunes and yet again nothing happened. Im running out of options and im extremely frustrated someone please help
Read more: After updating my ipad to IOS 9 it wont turn on?
I have a with my with my ipad?
I have iPad My key pad has com in the middle of the screen what i should to do?
Read more: I have a with my with my ipad?
Thursday, October 22, 2015
Apple IPad, why is my Apple Ipad switching itself off when I am using it?
Why is my Apple IPad switching itself off when I am using it?
Each time I am using my Apple IPad, it switch off itself, especially when I am browsing the internet. So why is this happens? What can I do?
Read more: Apple IPad, why is my Apple Ipad switching itself off when I am using it?
My iPad fell and now it won't work?!
Literally the only thing i can do with it is turn it on/off
Read more: My iPad fell and now it won't work?!
AppStore not letting me download an app? DETAILS?
Hi! I erased my iPad 1st generation iOS 5.1.1 all settings and I now wanna download a free app (btw the app is called: Video Download Browser by Jing Gao). I have downloaded that app before a long time ago before I erased the settings and now I wanna download it and it keeps saying item not available in the US store. I changed the location to Canada and Qatar too, but it still says the same message. I even tried signing in with other apple ids but no use. I have downloaded it even using a US store location apple id but i dont know shy its saying that now.Why? How can I download it again with no problem? Please help a.s.a.p. THANK YOU!
Read more: AppStore not letting me download an app? DETAILS?
How to sync my iPhone and iPad contacts?
On my iPad I can send and receive messages from iMessage and basic phones but on my iPad it just shows numbers. How can I get it to show my contacts?
Read more: How to sync my iPhone and iPad contacts?
Does my son need a reality check?
He is populour and all the girls find him cute and he his friends with his celeb crush who follows him on Twitter and so do these other celebs and he lives in a big house with his own sky box and 3D tv and iPhone 6, iPad and he buys clothes off his celeb crush too and has his own personal attractive hairdresser he even hugged his celeb crush who finds him cute but my son has seemed to be getting a attitude lately but don't know why
Read more: Does my son need a reality check?
Should I upgrade to iOS 9.1?
Should I upgrade to ios 9.1 from iOS 9.0.2 for performance improvements and longer battery life? Do you recommend it? I have an iPad mini 2 16gb by the way.
Read more: Should I upgrade to iOS 9.1?
Cracked my iPad mini?
I've had my iPad mini for almost two years and I just cracked it. As I was sitting on the floor I was on it then I turned it off and kind of tossed it face up on my rug. Well when I picked it up I seen it shattered! Wth? I've done Way worse things to it how did this crack it? I've dropped it multiple times face down and face up on rug and on hard wood but THIS cracked it?
Read more: Cracked my iPad mini?
Wednesday, October 21, 2015
My data is at risk on my iPad, what can I do?
I have a message that indicates that I have a potential Threat! How can I remove this message?
Read more: My data is at risk on my iPad, what can I do?
Got new iPad, can T get mail, password didn t work, out of. Patience, h e l p?!
Got new iPad, can T get mail, password didn t work, out of. Patience, h e l p?!
Read more: Got new iPad, can T get mail, password didn t work, out of. Patience, h e l p?!
Facebook app on iPad closes when I m trying to watch a video. Any ideas?
Facebook app on iPad closes when I m trying to watch a video. Any ideas?
Read more: Facebook app on iPad closes when I m trying to watch a video. Any ideas?
How to fix this problem on my IPad mini?
My IPad mini is stuck in headphones mode and won't project any sound, how do I disable headphone mode?
Added (1). Headphones phone I mean
Added (2). Plus, I don't even own headphones
Read more: How to fix this problem on my IPad mini?
Can the account holder see what movies/show you watch if you are using a HBO GO on an iPad?
Can the account holder see what movies/show you watch if you are using a HBO GO on an iPad?
Read more: Can the account holder see what movies/show you watch if you are using a HBO GO on an iPad?
IPad mini 1 vs iPad mini 3?
So I want a new I pad but for business mostly for keeping notes looking things up and PDF files (and clash of clans ) do I really need a 4 if that's what I'm using it for I don't think so but I don't know also what's the diffrentn betwine mini and air
Please don't make fun of my spelling
Read more: IPad mini 1 vs iPad mini 3?
How to get rid of Natwest Secure Safe on my iPad?
I honestly regret letting Natwest put this feature in as it's such a hassle whenever I use my debit card online.
I have to type in card details (even though I already do it once on the website I'm using my debit card from, eg Amazon) and my long code, you know with the "enter the 3rd letter; the 5th letter" etc
Thanks if you can help:-)
Read more: How to get rid of Natwest Secure Safe on my iPad?
My IPad screen is turning all light green then turning off for some reason?
Ok I never dropped my iPad, though it's my school iPad and it is used so that might be the problem and I have homework so I need some quick methods or something that will work
Read more: My IPad screen is turning all light green then turning off for some reason?
What is the best way to get Windows Movie Maker files to my iPad mini?
So I create Vines using WMM. Usually I upload my finished edits to Youtube, where I donwload it the video with a 3rd party app on my iPad. This method is simple and effective, btu the quality is FAR inferior to the original file (i.e. 10mb----->1.5-2mb). I know you can possibly change the file format when you save it on WMM, but I only have one option: .wmv.
Anyway how to solve this, or should I switch software? If I should switch, what softare´s the best? (Has to be free)
Thank you:)
Read more: What is the best way to get Windows Movie Maker files to my iPad mini?
Tuesday, October 20, 2015
My IPad Mini 1st generation wont turn or charge?!
my Ipad mini 1st gen wont turn on or charge. Ive literally tried everything. When i put it in DFU mode i can restore it but once the bar is finish loading it turns off and nothing happens. It doesnt charge or turn on! Since the apple logo appears during the restore i know the screen is working and when i plug it in on my computer my computer doesnt detect it. What can i do?
Read more: My IPad Mini 1st generation wont turn or charge?!
Does iPad automatically upload to icloud?
I've never started an iCloud account or uploaded anything to iCloud, I'm selling my iPad and have wiped the iPad but not sure if I've made an iCloud account without knowing
Read more: Does iPad automatically upload to icloud?
I downloaded a Vpn adblocker and now my internet doesn't work, what do I do?
I downloaded a vpn adblocker app on my iPad and it was amazing for 2 weeks until today. Now my internet doesn't work and I read that that means the proxy server is down and I can't use the Internet as long as I'm in that profile. I don't know what to do and I'm freaking out please please help!
Read more: I downloaded a Vpn adblocker and now my internet doesn't work, what do I do?
Please vote for me to win an ipad?
it is a cake making contest, please vote for me
Read more: Please vote for me to win an ipad?
Read more: Please vote for me to win an ipad?
Slow and Inconsistent Internet at night lately?
Lately my Internet has been wonky at night since last Tuesday. I'm using a college internet and I've noticed that its only slowing down at night but is quite fast during the day.
Even when there were a lot of people sharing the wifi in the past at night, my internet would still be fast. I don't know what's going on. I've looked at my school's forum in a post from last Thursday where students say they have slow internet and that they had the technicians come over and check. I'm not sure what's the status so far. I don't know if it's my laptop having problems either. It seems my phone and Ipad are having no issues when it comes to wifi. Only my laptop seems to have trouble maintaining a decent latency.
Do I need to do a system restore or is this just the school internet? I'm so confused and just frustrated.
Read more: Slow and Inconsistent Internet at night lately?
Ipad Air 1 or Ipad Mini 2?!
I'm deciding on which one to get for Christmas which one do you think is better any why?
I'm drafting more towards the Ipad Air 1 because it's bigger.
What are the pros and cons of them both?
Read more: Ipad Air 1 or Ipad Mini 2?!
Ipad or any other tablet. What is the better choice?
I am thinking about getting a tablet in the next few weeks. I have a 4th gen ipod, and I can not update it. I can not use anything over 4.2 ios. The ipad starts around $400, and I know a lot of other tablets go for a lot less. They start at around $50. Some are even laptops the fold into a tablet, and cost less then an ipad. I want the tablet to watch youtube (i can't do that on the ipod anymore because I can't update it). I also want it to play games on it. I have a few video games that I play that have apps you can use on the tablet to level up, and get items for you games with. I just don't have a high enough ios on the ipod to use them. That is the mane reason I want a tablet. So with what I want to use it for,going online, and so I don't have to drag my laptop around, watching videos, and playing games on it. What would be best for me. An ipad, or another tablet.
Read more: Ipad or any other tablet. What is the better choice?
Is this router work well enough for my grandma to use?
the router is Linksys and the model is WRT54GS V.2
she has cox with a download speed of 5mbps and upload 1mbps
and she has 3 devices a iPad, windows Vista laptop and a Windows XP desktop
Read more: Is this router work well enough for my grandma to use?
My Sound bar won t go away on my iPad?!
My sound bar is stuck on max on my iPad. It has been like this for the pass week. I can t lower the volume because it will go back to max automatically. How do I fix this?
Read more: My Sound bar won t go away on my iPad?!
Monday, October 19, 2015
Where is the icon on the email page to send an email to a printer from my iPhone or iPad?
Where is the icon on the email page to send an email to a printer from my iPhone or iPad?
Read more: Where is the icon on the email page to send an email to a printer from my iPhone or iPad?
If I update will it update on both devices?
If I have an iPad and iphone they have the Same Apple ID account so if I update my iPad will it automatically update my phone
Read more: If I update will it update on both devices?
How to release storage space on iPhone iPad or iPod touch?
Ah~ My iPhone 5 gave me a warning "Its storage is almost full". I often delete things like photos, videos, chat history, messages and more I don't need from my iPhone, as well as my iPad Air. But I don't know how deleted cache, cookies and other junk files reappear on my iPhone and iPad. Does it seem so tough to completely delete data from iPhone iPad?
Added (1). iOS Optimizer, which designed for erasing photos, videos, apps, contacts, messages, cache and other junk files from iPhone iPad and iPod touch with ease.
Steps to Release Space on Your iPhone iPad iPod Touch:
Read more: How to release storage space on iPhone iPad or iPod touch?
Added (1). iOS Optimizer, which designed for erasing photos, videos, apps, contacts, messages, cache and other junk files from iPhone iPad and iPod touch with ease.
Steps to Release Space on Your iPhone iPad iPod Touch:
Read more: How to release storage space on iPhone iPad or iPod touch?
Any ways to free up iPhone iPad storage, release space on iPhone iPad?
My iPhone running very slowly and it crashes more frequently than before. I want to free up some space and deleted unwanted apps, photos and videos, but it still the same problem exists. I think there are much funk files still stored on the iPhone, it there any way to speed up my iPhone by cleaning up the junk files? How to speed up the slow iPhone by third-part iPhone speed up tool?
Added (1). iOS Optimizer - An iPhone Speed Up Tool â€Â" Speed up and Free Up Space on your iPhone
Download the iOS Data Eraser tool to free up space, storage on your iPhone before reading his guidance on how to free up space on iPhone 4/4s/5/5s/5c/5s/6/6s and speed up your iPhone.
Read more from:
Read more: Any ways to free up iPhone iPad storage, release space on iPhone iPad?
Added (1). iOS Optimizer - An iPhone Speed Up Tool â€Â" Speed up and Free Up Space on your iPhone
Download the iOS Data Eraser tool to free up space, storage on your iPhone before reading his guidance on how to free up space on iPhone 4/4s/5/5s/5c/5s/6/6s and speed up your iPhone.
Read more from:
Read more: Any ways to free up iPhone iPad storage, release space on iPhone iPad?
Windows XP on IOS 9.0.2 on ipad jailbroken is it possible?
I would like to install a Windows XP on IOS 9.0.2 on ipad jailbroken is it possible?
If so how, thank you in advance.
Read more: Windows XP on IOS 9.0.2 on ipad jailbroken is it possible?
Good animating apps?
I have an IPad and an iPhone and am trying to find an app for an upcoming history project. I have to do create a song and make a lyric video for it. I want it to find an app that will let me play the song in the background (most apps only allow songs from iTunes and not from the microphone app). Also in the lyric slides I want drawings of mine in there and beside them I will put the lyrics. Does anyone know how to do this? Would Imovie be best?
Read more: Good animating apps?
Please check my grammar?
I have good Internet computer skills, and ability and flexibility in operating computer applications. This has been proofed when I was I.T officer at the Deakin branch and also assisted on the computer class for more than two years.
It is also the part of my customer service duties which I have done greatly to help patrons with IT related queries, which include web, blog, email, Facebook and YouTube channel creations, internet searching, Microsoft programs such as Microsoft Word, Excel, Accesses, PowerPoint and Publisher, Printing one and both sides, photocopying also part of my duties.
When I was I.T officer I have published signage on main screen, posted events on our events calendar, updated RFID scanner, statistics, teaching computer one on one and assisted customers with IT related queries such as wi fi, iPad, eBook and so on.
Read more: Please check my grammar?
Sunday, October 18, 2015
Will a metal detector detect my IPad?!
I m having a school trip, but we aren t allowed electronics. I want to take photos of my friends using my iPad but I m not sure if they can find it, or not
Read more: Will a metal detector detect my IPad?!
Is this considered theft and can I get the police involved?
My heroin addict 21 year old brother stole my fiancés xbox and sold it at game stop. He now refuses to pay us back for the system. I can't force him to pay us, but he does need to face some kind of consequence. Am I able to file a police report for this? I know it seems extreme, but this isn't the first time he has stolen from us and others (we're talking jewelry, medication, ipads, etc.) without any punishment. He needs to figure out he can't keep doing this and just get away with it.
Bottom line: Can I file a police report for theft?
Read more: Is this considered theft and can I get the police involved?
Can I jailbreak an iPad that has other apes installed?
Can I jailbreak an iPad that has other apes installed? - 1
Read more: Can I jailbreak an iPad that has other apes installed?
How to print in Microsoft Word on an ipad?
I have a hp photosmart c4750 printer and need to print word and Excell documents. This printer doesn't have airprint capabilities. How can I print my documents?
Read more: How to print in Microsoft Word on an ipad?
So my ipad stoped working ( it just frooze and then it turned off forever) what do i do?
So my ipad stoped working ( it just frooze and then it turned off forever) what do i do? - 1
Read more: So my ipad stoped working ( it just frooze and then it turned off forever) what do i do?
Should I get a iPad Air 2 or iPad Mini 4?
Should I get a iPad Air 2 or iPad Mini 4? - 1
Added (1). to buy
Read more: Should I get a iPad Air 2 or iPad Mini 4?
I cant configure my ipad 2 cause the touch screen doesnt work?!
I cant configure my ipad 2 cause the touch screen doesnt work?!
Read more: I cant configure my ipad 2 cause the touch screen doesnt work?!
Can I jailbreak an iPad that has other apps installed?
I what to jailbreak my iPad but it's not a new one and it has other apps installed. I have iOS 9.0.3. Can I still jailbreak
Read more: Can I jailbreak an iPad that has other apps installed?
Saturday, October 17, 2015
Anyone know a cheap screen recorder for the iPad?
Anyone know a cheap screen recorder for the iPad?
Read more: Anyone know a cheap screen recorder for the iPad?
Is a 16 gb ipad good enough for me?
Need help deciding between 16gb or 64 gb ipad mini 4. I dont plan on storing music, videos, or photos on it. All i want is something for seaching the web alot and watching youtube vids. The games dont impress me to buy them so i dont think ill buy any games because i hate mobile games. Is 16gb good or should i get the 64gb?
Read more: Is a 16 gb ipad good enough for me?
I have Word on my iPad. I need to upload my cv on job websites but I can t as I am using an ipad?
I have Word on my iPad. I need to upload my cv on job websites but I can t as I am using an ipad?
Added (1). Are there any other writing apps that can be used so I can save my cv to my iPad then upload onto websites?
Read more: I have Word on my iPad. I need to upload my cv on job websites but I can t as I am using an ipad?
Updating iOS 8.4 to iOS 9 problem?
HI guys, i have a problem with my iPad 4 when i accidentally press the software update button, i dont know anything about updating an iOs, my Current Ios version is iOS 8.4 after i press the update button i thought everything would be fine but then it stuck on one image saying that i need to connect my device to iTunes, but before i connect it to my iTunes i did some reseach about how to update iOS 8.4 to iOS 9. And got some answers so when im trying to connect my iPad to my iTunes something wrong happen, my iTunes can't detect my device and my device is keep restarting like it will restart and then it will show the same image saying connect to iTunes and it will restart again. I really dont know what to do, i have some information on how to update but im stuck on the very first step, please help me with this.
Read more: Updating iOS 8.4 to iOS 9 problem?
Why does the iPhone 6s Plus cost so much more than the iPad Air2?
Ipad air2 128gb wifi + cellular = $830
Iphone 6s plus 128gb = $950
Please someone tell me why.
Read more: Why does the iPhone 6s Plus cost so much more than the iPad Air2?
Help I pad In coldish?
Ok so I accidentaly left my ipad in my dad's car at work right now the temperature is 56F and it's night and I can't go get it cause it takes a long time to go get it. So I just wanted to know if it was ok to leave it there? Will it damage my ipad? Help!
Read more: Help I pad In coldish?
My fiance is no longer trusting me because he thought that im cheating?
Hi, I would said that I'm a very beautiful women. I have countless numbers of ex-boyfriend. As I got older, I got more mature and have learned a lot from my experiences. I got into couple serious relationship but it doesn't work out. Finally I found a man that I really love and plan to have future with him. He is different from other man. He doesn't spoiled me, he control my spending, he makes me happy and he is doing everything to improve my life. We been together for a year then we got engaged. About 4 months ago we went on vacation in another country. Our hotel was super luxury and we had an amazing time there. Just about a week ago, one of my ex (that I haven't talk to in 3 years) texting me with picture of the same hotel and said, "Guess what! I'm back to our favorite hotel! What a good memoriesss!". I wasn't aware that my iPad is linked the text in my phone and I deleted the text on my phone because I think he is annoying and I dont want to talk to them. Not knowing that my boyfriend saw everything from the iPad! He also saw that I'm also talking to my other ex boyfriend that is a lawyer about my lawsuit that I'm having right now. That ex also asking me personal question about me and my boyfriend. He is an open minded because which my boyfriend is not. My boyfriend is a SUPER jealous person! After he founds out that I deleted the text and talking to 2men at the same time. He got very upset, disappointed and lost trust in me. I never cheat on him but he doesntbelieve me
Read more: My fiance is no longer trusting me because he thought that im cheating?
Cant continue to live like this… Depressed?
23(female) no friends, no love life or anything.
I am dealing with an extremely dysfunctional and toxic family. I have dealt with so much.
I have been depressed for so long and is tired of dealing with it.
I bought a car today after saving up from my job… And the car was a lemon the motor went bad as soon as I got home, or should I say the motor was already bad.
I lost my $700 and now I am back at square one. I have to stick around this bullying family. On top of that my brother sold my iPad that I won last month.
I have no money, the plan was to get the car, work a second job, save up all my money and move out of state. Now I have to walk 8 blocks to a part time job.
I am wasting. My life is pretty much over. I have no friends, no life whatsoever. I tried. I got ripped off and it hurt because I have no more money and has to face them everyday.
Read more: Cant continue to live like this… Depressed?
How to get rid of memories?
I m 13 and I love pandas. So I searched for panda wallpapers for my IPad. Then I heard from a friend a really cute panda called teru panda. So I searched it and accidentally typed teri panda. It came up with something that I will be forever scarred by. It came up with something very disturbing-it said "museum of sex". And right underneath it, there was a picture of a butt in some sort of torture device for sex because this guy or girl was behind her and I don t know because I immediately left the page.
Please tell me how to get rid of the memory because I think it s scarred in long term now and I don t want it there. Please no bully and give legit real answers. Thank you
Read more: How to get rid of memories?
Friday, October 16, 2015
Do I need to put virus protection on my iPhones and iPad to stop hacking from occurring?
Do I need to put virus protection on my iPhones and iPad to stop hacking from occurring? - 1
Read more: Do I need to put virus protection on my iPhones and iPad to stop hacking from occurring?
Bernese Mountain dog is chewing everything in the house! (10 months old)?
Our Berner is chewing everything he can reach, which is a lot as he s a big dog! Including expensive items such as ipads, headphones, shoes, only to name a few.
He s barely ever on his own as we all work part time, but he ll chew things in other rooms of the house where we re not watching him or if we even leave him half an hour while we re in the shower.
He has plenty of toys and we try to keep things out of reach but it s getting out of hand as he s detroying the house, eating with window ledges and carpets. We d hope he would ve stopped this by now.
Please help, all advice appreciated
Read more: Bernese Mountain dog is chewing everything in the house! (10 months old)?
Is there an ipad app to get a faster shutter speed?
Is there an ipad app to get a faster shutter speed? - 1
Read more: Is there an ipad app to get a faster shutter speed?
Where is the ability to remove all spam and trash emails in bulk?
Where is the ability to remove all spam and trash emails in bulk?
Added (1). Where is the ability to remove all spam and trash emails in bulk in the new iphone and ipad iOS apps?
Read more: Where is the ability to remove all spam and trash emails in bulk?
I have makes a backup from my iPad but it is encrypted. How i can turn that of in itunes?
I have makes a backup from my iPad but it is encrypted. How i can turn that of in itunes?
Read more: I have makes a backup from my iPad but it is encrypted. How i can turn that of in itunes?
What is the shutter speed of the original ipad mini camera?
What is the shutter speed of the original ipad mini camera?
Read more: What is the shutter speed of the original ipad mini camera?
I get angry too easily! What do I have?
I'm a 14 year old guy. I would say maybe once a week maximum, I have tantrums because of small things.
For example, yesterday, I was showing a gaming video to my sister and my mom started saying "This is so stupid, I can't wait to get your report card if this is what you watch". My mom continued. Then my sister gave me back the iPad because she knew that it she kept watching it, my mom would call her stupid. Then I started screaming and crying in my bed because I waited like 30 minutes to show my video and my sister even liked the video! I stay in my bed for an hour after these and start crying and swearing and have suicidal thoughts.though I would never attempt it.
Now, my mom says that I'm mental and it makes me not feel normal. I don't want to be put in a mental hospital.
I have a lot of stress and anxiety especially with school. I have to mentally prepare myself the night before it. I also have stress with grades a lot. Also, there's one friend who always picks on me and if I stand up he's like. Is baby ___ trying to stand up for himself. I have hobbies like figure skating. I don't have any special needs things. But these tantrums happen in my house only
I don't want to be known as the mental person and have to have someone taking care of me because I don't need it. Please help! This is ruining my future career in my mind.
Read more: I get angry too easily! What do I have?
Viewing movies from PC HD on Wi-Fi with HDMI TV?
I have numerous movies on my PC hard drive. I have many DVDs that can be read from my PC. I have Wi-Fi in my home. I have a TV with a HDMI input. I have a DVD player that does not play MP4s.
Any idea on HOW I could play something on my PC and see it on my TV (5m apart, wiring required?)
Read more: Viewing movies from PC HD on Wi-Fi with HDMI TV?
Thursday, October 15, 2015
How to turn off push notification on ios 9, ipad 4?
How to turn off push notification on ios 9, ipad 4?
Read more: How to turn off push notification on ios 9, ipad 4?
My iPad is not showing candy crush in the settings?
I downloaded candy crush on my iPad and it is not showing up in my settings so I searched it in my settings and nothing
Added (1). It's on there now
Read more: My iPad is not showing candy crush in the settings?
Why is my ipad camera blurry?
When I film myself doing gymnastics my ipad camera is blurry when I stop the video during the skill. How do I fix this, also when its sunny outside and I film videos it makes the camera quality worse, help
Read more: Why is my ipad camera blurry?
Why is the Amazon app doing this?
I will search for something (example: iPhone 6 cases) and there will be 100,000+ results. Yet it will stop letting me scroll down after a short while. Why is this happening? It s on my iPad mini 2.
Read more: Why is the Amazon app doing this?
IPad 3rd generation: Broken home button, locked with passcode. How can I restore it?
IPad 3rd generation: Broken home button, locked with passcode. How can I restore it?
Added (1). I've tried using RecBoot and Reiboot. With RecBoot, it says the iTunesMobileDevice.dll file is missing, which it isn't. When I use Reiboot, it just says "Connected,,Version:", and nothing happens when I click Enter Recovery Mode. My iPad is 3 1/2 years old. Can anyone offer any advice?
Read more: IPad 3rd generation: Broken home button, locked with passcode. How can I restore it?
Why can't I download an app on the App Store?
I know it has the little cloudy download symbol thing but when I try to tap on it, it loads for a couple of seconds then just goes back to the cloudy symbol, and it didn't download. I am using an iPad 2 or 3 with iOS 9.0.2
Read more: Why can't I download an app on the App Store?
Is virus on my apple device removable?
I accidentally downloaded a virus on my iPad through safari. I called apple tech but it would cost $30 to fix and I don t have that privilege. I reset it in hopes that maybe it would help but I don t know if the virus is still there? I m scared to log back into my device because it can access my passwords and private information. Please give advice:(
Read more: Is virus on my apple device removable?
Wednesday, October 14, 2015
Keeping baby occupied in the car?
My daughter is 5 months old. We're going to my husband's best friend's wedding this weekend. It's a 7 hour drive, and will be the longest our daughter has been in the car. She's been in the car for 2ish hour drives before, and has seemed to get bored pretty fast, even with toys. Does anyone have any suggestions for things I could do to keep her occupied for that time? We'll be making a few stops along the way, so we can get her out of her car seat for a few minutes, but in between stops, what can I do?
Read more: Keeping baby occupied in the car?
What would be the best device to buy between a mp3 player, a ipad or a ipod?
What would be the best device to buy between a mp3 player, a ipad or a ipod?
Read more: What would be the best device to buy between a mp3 player, a ipad or a ipod?
What is the difference between a mp3 player and a iPad and a iPod?
What is the difference between a mp3 player and a iPad and a iPod?
Read more: What is the difference between a mp3 player and a iPad and a iPod?
Using Go Fund Me Donation site? What kinds of things can you ask people to donate to?
Can you ask for people to donate for anything on Go Fund Me? Like anything from a new iPad to surgery expenses for a family member? Or does it have to be something for a great cause, not just asking for momey for anything you might want?
Is it wrong or illegal to use Go Fund Me if you are a YA who is looking for a little extra cash to get my first car? I saved almost enough for what I wanted, but wanted to use Go fund me to see if people would just donate the remaining amount I need for the perfect car lol, i just want to know if that can be done. Please Not a lecture on how i should just "work another job" or "save longer" or any of that. I get it. But if you can't give me info on the use of Go fund me, then please don't answer. Thank you!:)
Read more: Using Go Fund Me Donation site? What kinds of things can you ask people to donate to?
Does he really like me?
In school, my friend and I have science the same period but he is on the other team. One day, I was walking out of class and he runs up to me and shows me something on his iPad. I found this weird because most of his friends are in his class, and he is usually talking to them while walking out of class when the bell rings. Another day, he was playing with my hair bow on the bus while I was in the seat in front of him. If he does like me, how do I hint to him that I like him and how do I get him to ask me out?
Cheyenne Smith
Read more: Does he really like me?
What is the difference between IPad Air, IPad 4 and IPad 5?
What is the difference between IPad Air, IPad 4 and IPad 5?
Read more: What is the difference between IPad Air, IPad 4 and IPad 5?
Kim Kardashian Game?
Someone please help me!
So, I'm planning on getting married and already bought the dress. Now, I have to rent the venue in Italy for 7,500 cash. Does anyone know a cheat to get money quick and easy? Keep in mind that I am playing on an IOS IPad.
Read more: Kim Kardashian Game?
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
Is it cheap to attack someone while their sitting down? Only expierienced fighters please?
Hey so i have been doing martial arts for 3 years mma style and one guy in my old school hit me with an ipad while i was sitting down and started kinda slapping me and now he's like to me on facebook that i cant fight because he hit me with an ipad and started hitting me while i was sitting down and when i tried to get up the teachers pulled him off me i wasnt damaged at all and now hes saying that wasn't cheap i think its a move that all fighters who are true fighters consider a b***ch move and he was calling me a b**ch because he thinks somehow that he beat me up when it wasn't a real fight and its a cheap move so everyone that actually fights do you guys think its a cheap move or do you guys think he beat me up fait and square and i never had a real fight with him he just attacked me because i told him to shut up? Only expeirienced fighters please?
Read more: Is it cheap to attack someone while their sitting down? Only expierienced fighters please?
Does he want to talk to me?
So like a week ago, i was sitting in the hall with my friend on my ipad playing a cool rpg game. Lol, i was losing one of the battles and totally started to freak out because i almost beated that freaking boss!(damn). The i let out a weird scream/screech because i died. Then when i looked up, this guy in my literature class was walking by me and my friend, lol i think he heard my weird scream. But he slowed down by us and looked at me smiling, his face was sorta red and he looked like he wanted to say something to me but he didnt know what to say. My friend saw the whole thing! She was like "what the heck?" we had a sort of long eye contact, and he kinda laughed. Then he walked away still kinda looking back at me. The today, i was walking down the hall with my friend. I was talking to her about this book i wanted to read, then the guy passed by us. I wasnt paying him any attention but my friend said "did you see that guy back there? He walked by us and looked at you and smiled." then i'm like "well i saw him but i was too busy talking that i didnt notice" then she was like "yeah! He looked directly at you" then i thought "well this is weird because i never talked to him before, I rarely pay him or anybody any attention. So like whats up with this? Does he want to talk to me or something? What do you think?
Read more: Does he want to talk to me?
IPad 2 Update and Restore Problem 4.3.x to iOS 9.0.2?
I'm trying to use my old iPad 2 and when i checked it still had the iOS 4.3.x (unsure what version of 4.3 it was), so when I plugged it in my computer iTunes said it can be updated to iOS 9.0.2, so i downloaded it and everything went accordingly, but suddenly when trying to update it says Unknown Error Code (9), now my iPad 2's stuck in recovery mode, have already tried the following:
a) Restarting both my Windows computer and iPad 2
b) Tried using a Mac with a different downloaded update
c) Changed ports of my computer in which my iPad was connected to
and none of these have worked so far.
Anyone know how to fix the recovery mode loop or if it is even possible to update 4.3.x to 9.0.2?
Read more: IPad 2 Update and Restore Problem 4.3.x to iOS 9.0.2?
Is it okay to have 5 desktops for 7 people?
We home school are kids. Every member will have an iPad.
Read more: Is it okay to have 5 desktops for 7 people?
Can you run a homeschool with 5 kids have 2 computers and each having an iPad?
Can you run a homeschool with 5 kids have 2 computers and each having an iPad? - 1
Read more: Can you run a homeschool with 5 kids have 2 computers and each having an iPad?
My ipad is disabled it says connect to itunes what do i do?
My ipad is disabled it says connect to itunes what do i do?
Read more: My ipad is disabled it says connect to itunes what do i do?
Does interactive technology effect a child imagination?
Does interactive technology effect a child imagination? - 1
Read more: Does interactive technology effect a child imagination?
Should i buy ipad mini 4 or ipod touch 6?
Ive never owned an apple product before so i need help deciding, all i need is something that can search the web very good and watch youtube videos like a regular computer. I dont really care about music, photos, or gaming. I think the ipod touch can search the web, can it? Or is the ipad right for what i need it for?
Read more: Should i buy ipad mini 4 or ipod touch 6?
Is it ever acceptable to throw things in a relationship?
I got in a bit of an argument with my fiance last night. I was asking him questions about our future. I didn't lose my temper at all and maintained a normal voice as I spoke to him. He said one if the things I said to him "hit a nerve" and it caused him to get extremely angry. He cursed and threw his iPad (that I bought for him) as hard as he could against the wall and broke it and he cursed. I think our relationship is over, but he tried to make me feel guilty saying I'm all he's got and he wants to work things out. He even started crying a little and that just broke me. We have had a lot of ups and downs but I'm afraid that being physically violent crosses a line. I've never seen him like that before, although I know his father used to throw things when he was angry. Opinions?
Read more: Is it ever acceptable to throw things in a relationship?
Monday, October 12, 2015
Hi, How can I put my apple ipad on to itunes in my computer. Thanks Bill?
Hi, How can I put my apple ipad on to itunes in my computer. Thanks Bill?
Read more: Hi, How can I put my apple ipad on to itunes in my computer. Thanks Bill?
What to do, my daughter and I are Stranded on the roadside?, What happened to the Car? - 1
I was driving north on highway 71, and the transmission started acting up, and it was like "slipping" into low gear. In Carroll Iowa I stopped into one of those gas stations, and I told them that I don't know anything about the underhood components of my car, and that I am just a single mother heading north to Bemidji.
The one attendant said, "your low on transmission fluid". What the heck is transmission fluid? She then got out a clear milk jug of brownish yellow liquid, and poured it into my car.
She then closed the hood and I was on my way, by the time I had reached Auburn IA the transmission problem had rapidly worsened where the transmission made strange grinding noises, and the car had to be floored to keep going 30 MPH.
Eventually this lead to repeated engine overheats, that stopped the car until it cooled which seemed to get more frequent, and the car was guzzling gas
Then the little red magic lamp light, and the battery light came on, the yellow helicopter light started flashing, and the little thermometer light stayed on. I realized I had to press on since I was in the middle of nowhere and I would deal with all those warnings later.
The engine started making all sorts of squeeking and rubbing sounds shortly after the lights came on, and a few minutes later there was a deafening bang, and the car just gave out, and smoke started pouring from every opening on the car.
I am using my iPad, and I am asking this question while I wait,
Added (1). have called a tow truck, and it will be a while before I can be towed to storm lake. I was going to be headed from Clarinda to Bemidji, when this stupid hiccup happened. Was the liquid they poured in transmission fluid, and what the heck is transmission fluid. What the hell did the indicator lights mean. I know the gas pump light means low fuel, but what the heck is the magic lamp light or the helicopter light. The Car Is a 1998 Chevy Malibu,
Added (2). : There is a gaping hole in the lower engine and oil everywhere under the hood around melted hoses and wires. What could I do to get the car back on the road, are there any fixes we could do. I am currently on the roadside blowing a whistle, while my daughter twirls her flagline flag from band trying to keep visible to drivers and avoid being hit by a car round the bend. The blinkers wont work and the horn wont work, so this is my only method of letting other drivers know We are stranded.
Added (3). Did the station put in the wrong transmission fluid, could I sue THEM FOR CAUSING ME TO GET STUCK OUT HERE. How could I get the blinkers or horn working so we have to stand out on the roadside with a whistle and waving my daughter's old marching band flagline flag just so I don't get creamed by a big rig or some old fart farmer in his tractor. What am I to do, I cant even get the car shifted into neutral so it can be pushed. What exactly happened, and am I doing the right thing.
Added (4). Is there such a thing as transmission fluid, the tow people say yes, but I want to know if they aren't trying to trick me. Can you explain what happened and what to do, it could be up to two hours before the tow truck comes.
Read more: What to do, my daughter and I are Stranded on the roadside?, What happened to the Car? - 1
I've had this random throbbing headache for 3 days now?
I've had this random throbbing headache for 3 days now it started October 10th and now it's october 12th and it still hurts a lot. It hurts the worst when I'm standing. The pain is the back of my head. I'm 14 and I haven't done really anything at all, all week. I just watched videos on my iPad and layed down all weekend. When I get up there's a sharp pain then it goes away after like 5 seconds then I comes back and does the same thing over and over. When I'm laying down I don't feel it that much. I don't play any sports or anything so there hasn't been any physical contact with others.
Read more: I've had this random throbbing headache for 3 days now?
What can i do to fix my ipad?
so i was in a fight with my brother and he tried to take my iPad away but i wouldn't let him, he tried to take it from my hands and we pressed it too hard. Now when i turn in on i can only see black, white and grey lines, i tried tapping it and bending it, but nothing seems to be working. I would take it to an apple store but it's two hours away from where i live. So what should i do to fix it?
Read more: What can i do to fix my ipad?
How to use an Ipad effectively for note taking?
Not really an expert so is there any app or feature that will allow me to easily make notes or highlight these kinds of documents
Read more: How to use an Ipad effectively for note taking?
How to hide some of my jpg files on my iPad?
How to hide some of my jpg files on my iPad? - 1
Read more: How to hide some of my jpg files on my iPad?
Unknown email in recents on IOS?
could my ipad be hacked? I'm scared
Added (1).
Read more: Unknown email in recents on IOS?
Added (1).
Read more: Unknown email in recents on IOS?
What to do, my daughter and I are Stranded on the roadside?, What happened to the Car?
I was driving north on highway 71, and the transmission started acting up, and it was like "slipping" into low gear. In Carroll Iowa I stopped into one of those " fundraiser" car washes, and I told them that I don't know anything about the underhood components of my car, and that I am just a single mother heading north to Bemidji.
The one washer said, "your low on transmission fluid". What the heck is transmission fluid? She then got out a clear milk jug of brownish yellow liquid, and poured it into my car.
She then closed the hood and I was on my way, by the time I had reached Auburn IA the transmission problem had rapidly worsened where the transmission made strange noises, and the car had to be floored to keep going 30 MPH.
Eventually this lead to repeated engine overheats, that stopped the car until it cooled which seemed to get more frequent, and the car was guzzling gas
Then the little red magic lamp light, and the battery light came on, the yellow helicopter light started flashing, and the little thermometer light stayed on. I realized I had to press on since I was in the middle of nowhere and I would deal with all those warnings later.
The engine started making all sorts of squeeking and rubbing sounds shortly after the lights came on, and a few minutes later there was a deafening bang, and the car just gave out, and smoke started pouring from every opening on the car.
I am using my iPad, and I am asking this question while I wait,
Added (1). I have called a tow truck, and it will be a while before I can be towed to storm lake. I was going to be headed from Clarinda to Bemidji, when this stupid hiccup happened. Was the liquid they poured in transmission fluid, and what the heck is transmission fluid. What the hell did the indicator lights mean. I know the gas pump light means low fuel, but what the heck is the magic lamp light or the helicopter light. The Car Is a 1998 Chevy Malibu,
Added (2). : There is a gaping hole in the lower engine and oil everywhere under the hood around melted hoses and wires. What could I do to get the car back on the road, are there any fixes we could do. I am currently on the roadside blowing a whistle, while my daughter twirls her flagline flag from band trying to keep visible to drivers and avoid being hit by a car round the bend. The blinkers wont work and the horn wont work, so this is my only method of letting other drivers know We are stranded.
Added (3). Did the car wash put in the wrong transmission fluid, could I sue THEM FOR CAUSING ME TO GET STUCK OUT HERE. How could I get the blinkers or horn working so we have to stand out on the roadside with a whistle and waving my daughter's old marching band flagline flag just so I don't get creamed by a big rig or some old fart farmer in his tractor. What am I to do, I cant even get the car shifted into neutral so it can be pushed. What exactly happened, and am I doing the right thing.
Added (4). Is there such a thing as transmission fluid, the tow people say yes, but I want to know if they aren't trying to trick me. Can you explain what happened and what to do, it could be up to two hours before the tow truck comes.
Read more: What to do, my daughter and I are Stranded on the roadside?, What happened to the Car?
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