Monday, November 30, 2015
How much would iPad 2 16gb sell for?its in great condition?
How much would iPad 2 16gb sell for? Its in great condition?
Read more: How much would iPad 2 16gb sell for?its in great condition?
Why did My Ex Treat me like this IS IT CAUSE IM UGLY?
I catfished my ex this weekend i made this fake profile with this really hot girl and talked to him for 2 days then set up a date and once he saw me instead of her he started laughing and was like "DAMN I THOUGHT I WAS GONNA MEET A REAL HOTTY TODAY WTF" and then was like" i can't believe you did all this just to f**k me and get your iPad back i was really getting into that girl f**k you" he told me the only way i was gonna get my iPad back was to give him some(since i catfished him) so he took me to his house and i did what i had to do but honestly it felt like r@pe he just bent me over with no kissing or foreplay at all and just went in it dry like a savage:( he didnt even wanna kiss me i had to sneak a kiss i felt so ugly and unwanted:( he DIDNT EVEN COMPLIMENT ME OR TREAT ME NICE LIKE HE DID WITH MY FAKE PROFILE ***** HE KEPT CALLING HER BEAUTIFUL AND DID NOT ONCE CALL ME BEAUTFIUL:( IS THIS NORMAL FOR ME TO BE JEALOUS? He treated her like a queen and me like a ugly piece of a$$ am i ugly? 
Read more: Why did My Ex Treat me like this IS IT CAUSE IM UGLY?
Read more: Why did My Ex Treat me like this IS IT CAUSE IM UGLY?
IS PC going to be extinct?
In my city, all the major computer shops complain that they do not have enough customers these days. AMD sales also declines in their Processor for consumer market. I do understand all of these troubles are caused by ipads and all those tablets. Most people do not use Computer anymore because they only need to use the internet and those teenagers are crazy with the selfie photos using smartphones and social media. The only people left are PC Gamers and Designers who only use computer power for their jobs. So what do you think, is PC going to be extinct like the dinosaurs?
Added (1). Me myself, I use PC for internet marketing and I have to use Photoshop heavily. Can use imagine using tablet for editing photos?
Read more: IS PC going to be extinct?
Men: Do you like the White or Black iPad better?
Trying to decide which one to get my fiance. I don't want to ask him directly otherwise I'd be giving away the surprise gift!
Read more: Men: Do you like the White or Black iPad better?
I have 1 desktop computer, want to get an ipad, will I have to pay?
broadband to use 2 computers in my home. Thank You computer people, I, as you can tell, is horrible with anything electronic!
Read more: I have 1 desktop computer, want to get an ipad, will I have to pay?
Curently having buyers's remorse on a new ipad air 2 i just bought. Should I just return?
I was never excited on getting an ipad to be honest. The only reason I picked one up was because of the black friday deals in store. 170 dollars off of ipad air 2 64gb. Now that I have it I just do basically the same thing as with my iphone 6. Play clash of clan, browse, tinker with it some more. Rinse, repeat. Obviously the feeling of overjoy is absent. Lol
I'm trying to figure out if I should get a refund, but I'm kinda hesitant because I got a good deal out of it. I was considering getting a ps4 but I don't really have any game that I fancy at the moment.
Read more: Curently having buyers's remorse on a new ipad air 2 i just bought. Should I just return?
Sunday, November 29, 2015
Can I use an iPad for a job application?
My laptop is too slow and I need to do applications online. Could I use my iPad for this?
Read more: Can I use an iPad for a job application?
Should I get iPad Air or iPad Air 2 and tell me why?
Should I get iPad Air or iPad Air 2 and tell me why?
Read more: Should I get iPad Air or iPad Air 2 and tell me why?
Is it worth selling my iPad 2 and get iPad Air tell me why?
Is it worth selling my iPad 2 and get iPad Air tell me why?
Read more: Is it worth selling my iPad 2 and get iPad Air tell me why?
Sprint account says -10?
just logged in to look at ipad plans and my last bill was about $200, and i pay again on 12/18/15 in which it automatically takes it out of the bank so i don't forget. But it says "Total due= -10.00" does this mean it didn't take $10 out, or that they're giving me $10? Or?
Read more: Sprint account says -10?
How to hack Respawnables? With no jailbreak iOS Ipad?
How to hack Respawnables? With no jailbreak iOS Ipad?
Read more: How to hack Respawnables? With no jailbreak iOS Ipad?
Who to get money at age of 15?
I want to get money to buy a labtop but all i can get from 2sr a day and the laptop cost 2000sr, i need it in month
Anyway i have ipad, but i do not have credit card and i am donot want to find work out of home
Read more: Who to get money at age of 15?
Why does the VLC player app on my iPad keep pausing when playing?
I'm trying to watch a series that I downloaded on my iPad. The files are in mkv format, but whenever I play them on my iPad. It does this thing where the video (Not the audio) pauses for two seconds before. It is very irritating and I would to know how to fix the problem.
P.S. It does not do the pausing when I play it on my iPhone.
Read more: Why does the VLC player app on my iPad keep pausing when playing?
Is the iPad mini 4 worth getting?
I have an iPad 2 but that's pretty old now and lots of things have broken like the microphone and camera. Plus it's only 16gb and most of the space is taken up with ios7. It's starting to get really slow and as Christmas is near I was wondering about getting a new one.
Read more: Is the iPad mini 4 worth getting?
Saturday, November 28, 2015
Why is my Grandpa so mean to me? Any solutions?
Me and my cousin's house is really close to each other, and I usually go there for WIFI. I only have a mom. I normally go there on a basis, but lately my Grandpa has been really mean and I cry. I'm 13. He had an incident where he fell and he claims that I said he had a seizure but I really didn't say that. My little cousin can prove that. He claims I lie and time to time I do it, yet he acts so mean. My little cousin and my older cousin tell there mom but I don't know what she does. When I normally go to there house, it's usually him watching over. He's from my Uncle's side. Please tell me why he's so mean! I don't do anything bad to him! I just sit down play my Ipad and i'm quiet! He normally kicks me out… Please help. Thanks!
Read more: Why is my Grandpa so mean to me? Any solutions?
Is ipad mini 2 wifi and the ipad mini 2 cellular the same size.dimension?
im buying a ipad mini 2 case and wondering if they are the same
Read more: Is ipad mini 2 wifi and the ipad mini 2 cellular the same size.dimension?
What do the coloured squares next to the WiFi meter on an iPad mean?
I want to know what this means so that if there is a problem I can fix it!
Read more: What do the coloured squares next to the WiFi meter on an iPad mean?
Dealing with anorexia?
So I usually don't eat lunch and school and I think my friends and teachers are starting to catch on… New we're on a trip and were provided with food. And I just picked at it and teacher was watching me and he said that if I don't eat he will start getting concerned… So I ate half a pizza slice (remorsefully) and I have the rest to my friend. He came up to me and asked me of I ate the pizza and I told his yes but my friends ratted me out… Then he asked me if I ate breakfast and I told his yes ( which I remorsefully did…) and I told him I had a donut… He told me that that's not enough food for the whole day( trip was from 8:30-2:20… I think he is starting to notice. In addition, he thinks im a perfectionist. Now can I get him to think I'm fine? Mind you he does cross fit so he is well educated on nutrition and being healthy.
Secondly, my friends think I'm depressed. How do i get them to think I'm fine as well?
Added (1). Sorry for the spelling errors, I was typing on an iPad
Read more: Dealing with anorexia?
How to get photos from my laptop onto my ipad?
I have a Acer laptop and an Apple iPad, I've already put the photos I want onto my laptop and I usually email them to my iPad but as I have 57 photos it will take a long time. Is there a way to get them across quicker
Read more: How to get photos from my laptop onto my ipad?
Friday, November 27, 2015
How to separate music by years they were released on an iPad 2?
How to separate music by years they were released on an iPad 2?
Read more: How to separate music by years they were released on an iPad 2?
What should I ask for?
Sooo Christmas is in about 28 days and many people have been asking me what I want.
These are some things I already have
IPad mini
Phone (screen is cracked though)
I was thinking shoes and clothes but idk
Information about me
I'm 13 I'm a girl, um I can be girly and tomboyish it depennds on my mood.
BTW, I really need ideas quick. Please no rude answers. Thanks.☺ðŸ˜Â
Read more: What should I ask for?
These are some things I already have
IPad mini
Phone (screen is cracked though)
I was thinking shoes and clothes but idk
Information about me
I'm 13 I'm a girl, um I can be girly and tomboyish it depennds on my mood.
BTW, I really need ideas quick. Please no rude answers. Thanks.☺ðŸ˜Â
Read more: What should I ask for?
okay so i went to sleep with my ipad plugged into the charger next to my bed then i wake up 8 hours later its BURNING like i couldnt even hold it for more than 1 second. So i take the charger out and i take the case off. The ipad looks perfect so i put it on a table and let it cool down. And now its normal temp again but its not turning on. And i tried holding the home button and turn off button together doesnt work. I dont wanna take it to apple. Anyone know any tricks? The screen is just all black and its i put it on charger rn for 30 minutes and its not turning on
What program do you use on your ipad to draw for DeviantArt?
What program do you use on your ipad to draw for DeviantArt? - 1
Read more: What program do you use on your ipad to draw for DeviantArt?
I have a serious procrastination problem. I literally cannot stop procrastinating. Look at details?
I DO see the consequences of things, and do realise that I am f**king up my GCSEs and my life. I have tried getting rid of my computer, iPad etc, but this still doesn't work. Even if there literally is nothing else to do I will just sit and do nothing. I really need to do my work, but I have absolutely no motivation. For example, I have a speech on nuclear energy in three days and an entire country case study on North Korea due in in two days. I have not started either of them. Using a reward system also doesn't work.
Read more: I have a serious procrastination problem. I literally cannot stop procrastinating. Look at details?
Something wrong with 5 month old iPad Air?
So 5 months ago I bought an iPad Air, it was working perfectly fine till November. One day I went on a game and this horrible noise what had some sort of tune to it came out. I thought it was just the game so I closed it, it happened the day after then after that it went back to normal again, but tonight I think there's something really wrong. I was on the game, pixel gun 3D again, it froze like it usually does so I closed it, came back on, and a horrible screechy noise came out, I clicked the home button and it went away. To see if it was the iPad or the game I tested it on you tube, it did the same there to. Help, what should I do? Is it the iPad or is it the IOS9 update?
Added (1). The iPad is still working fine except it's just the sound.
Read more: Something wrong with 5 month old iPad Air?
Is it possible to add more gigabytes to an IPad?
Is it possible to add more gigabytes to an IPad? - 1
Read more: Is it possible to add more gigabytes to an IPad?
Thursday, November 26, 2015
What is difference between ipad and nextbook flexx?
What is difference between ipad and nextbook flexx? - 1
Read more: What is difference between ipad and nextbook flexx?
Why did my iPad restart itself?
I was on my iPad few moments ago, and suddenly it restarts itself, showing the bright Apple logo.
Read more: Why did my iPad restart itself?
I want to buy a ipad mini that is $ is 16gb is that a good deal?
I want to buy a ipad mini that is $ is 16gb is that a good deal?
Read more: I want to buy a ipad mini that is $ is 16gb is that a good deal?
Games like School Days for iPad?
I wanted a game for IOS that you can play as a student and do stuff in a school, like go to your classes on time adm participate in class and go to lunch where you have to pay to buy it then go home and do homework and stuff. A game like that please?
Read more: Games like School Days for iPad?
I copied some notes in my iPad but, nothing happened. Will something bad happen?
I copied some notes in my iPad but, nothing happened. Will something bad happen?
Read more: I copied some notes in my iPad but, nothing happened. Will something bad happen?
I have a ipad 4 but would it be worth upgrading to an ipad mini 4?
I have a ipad 4 but would it be worth upgrading to an ipad mini 4? - 1
Read more: I have a ipad 4 but would it be worth upgrading to an ipad mini 4?
How to get songs from youtube to my iPad using my iPad?
How to get songs from youtube to my iPad using my iPad? - 1
Read more: How to get songs from youtube to my iPad using my iPad?
Can I connect my iPad mini to my Phone? - 1
Can i connect my iPad mini to my phone to get signal for wifi or anything else? Any suggestions on things to get the internet without a cellular iPad?
Read more: Can I connect my iPad mini to my Phone? - 1
Is Walmart Portrait studios pics any good/ Or Ipad pics are better?
Is Walmart Portrait studios pics any good/ Or Ipad pics are better?
Read more: Is Walmart Portrait studios pics any good/ Or Ipad pics are better?
I'm nervous about this college field trip?
So I'm a sophomore in highscool and like in 1 week my class is going to a field trip to a college that's like 2-3 hours away from our school. We won't be coming back home until later on at night time around 9pm cuz it's a long drive back and plus after we're finish with the campus tour we are going to this place where there's arcades and games and the whole class is going out for pizza. So the whole thing is gonna be all day.
None of my friends are going to the field trip and I'm So shy. It's mostly the popular kids with groups of friends so yeah.well maybe there's 2 kids I know that are nice but I'm still not sure. Plus we don't have to be in chaperone groups. Just roam around with any friend. What do I do?
I'm supposed to get my menstrual cycle around the time I'm going to the field trip and I get horrible cramps and heavy flow. Can't wear tamponds
Do I bring my school backpack (obviously with no books) to this field trip? Cuz I'm planning on bringing my iPad to use for the long drive and some water with snacks and money just incase. Or is that too weird to bring to this type of field trip?
Also I have to go cuz my parents are making me go plus I already paid for it and there's no refunds.
Read more: I'm nervous about this college field trip?
Wednesday, November 25, 2015
Fast WiFi but Slow Streaming Speed?
So this is a problem that has just arisen with my iPad. Until about two days ago I had no problem streaming Twitch, YouTube, and Netflix on my iPad. Now, despite having the same internet speed (25 Mbps on the SpeedTest app) I cannot for the life of me stream a single video. And I know it has to be on the iPad s end, as my iPhone has no problem streaming using the same WiFi.
Anyone know how to fix this or what might be the problem?
Read more: Fast WiFi but Slow Streaming Speed?
My wifi is not letting me onto a certain website?
I won't go into detail on which site it is, but when I try to use it, I get a restricted location message. I get this message on my computer, iphone and ipad.
I know it's my wifi because I switched to another wifi connection earlier and it worked. Is there a way to fix this?
Read more: My wifi is not letting me onto a certain website?
Games console advice?
I have a 7 year old and a 4 year old and with Christmas fast approaching, I am faced with a problem. We are not a gaming family. My husband and I don't know anything about it. My 4 year old is anti TV, computers, Ipads, anything technological. He loves colouring, arts and crafts etc. But… My 7 year old is now asking for a console, because his friends play games and talk about it. I have always said no… But now he has a plan… He is going to as Santa and then surely he won't be denied it.
I am so scared that this steals away part of his childhood simplicity. What if this causes more problems in the long run. We have limited time for everyday things as it is and spend our lives running around, how do people manage gaming without giving up something else.
Am I doing him an injustice by leaving it another few years? At least until he has had some time to improve on reading, writing, etc?
Constructive advice only please
Read more: Games console advice?
How to find out what generation or model ipad I have?
I was given an ipad by my sister in law a couple years ago. I need to find a case for it since my kids are now using it and need a little protection and ability to prop up. How can I find out model it is?
Read more: How to find out what generation or model ipad I have?
IPad air 2, which one is better? New one or refurbished one?
IPad air 2, which one is better? New one or refurbished one?
Read more: IPad air 2, which one is better? New one or refurbished one?
IPad Black Friday deals?
Ok so basically I have 165 dollars and I really want an iPad so I was wondering if there are any deals on iPads this year for under 165
Read more: IPad Black Friday deals?
I updated my jailbroken iPad Air 2?
It used to be jailbroken on iOS 9.0.2. But I updated to iOS 9. And I had a theme on iOS 9.0.2 and it didn't stick but the theme that was on the status bar stuck. Right now I'm not jailbroken and the theme stuck for the status bar. It's annoying. WHAT DO I DO? Please Help.
Read more: I updated my jailbroken iPad Air 2?
Anyone know a good case for theiPad Mini 4?
Anyone know a good case for theiPad Mini 4? - 1
Added (1). A lot of cases on Amazon say "compatible with the iPad mini 4" in their descriptions, but when I scroll down to the comments the customers complain that it didn't fit for them. Any suggestions that won't cost me more than $30?
Read more: Anyone know a good case for theiPad Mini 4?
Tuesday, November 24, 2015
What are some of your first world problems?
Like today i was watch Netflix on my IPad and the internet stopped working!
Read more: What are some of your first world problems?
When I sync my iPad to my pc does it sync the photos/vids?
I have to completely restore my iPad because there is 36 gab of "other"space. When I sync it to my computer do all of my photos and videos sync as well? After I reset my ipad I want to restore the backup onto it so I have all my stuff - how do I do that? Thank you
Read more: When I sync my iPad to my pc does it sync the photos/vids?
Is ebay trustworthy?
bought an ipad on the 20th, it still hasn't even been shipped yet and i'm just curious if ebay is really trust worthy? Cause i've heard bad things about ebay and i'm scared i just wasted nearly $200
Read more: Is ebay trustworthy?
My ex hit me? Should I not let him see our son?
We share a 4 year old son together. We've been split up for a couple months now. Ever since our break up, he went MIA from time to time. The other day it was our son's 4th bday party. I invited him and he didn't show up which ruined my sons mood for the entire party.
The next day I went over to my ex's house to confront him. We got into a really big argument. He was hungover and kept yelling at me to leave. Which made me even more mad so I kept yelling at him more. He then told me to shut up, pushed me on the couch and choked me then busted open my lip. I ran out the house and drove off.
Now, he's calling me and apologizing to me about what happened. I'm still completely tramatized about what happened. I have no idea what to do now. He face timed our son on the IPad and asked if he wants to sleep over at his place. I told my son he couldn't go and now he's upset at me. I don't how to tell him what happened. I covered up my bruises with makeup so he can't see and I just told him I fell on the stairs and hit my mouth. But he's begging me to go but I'm just so angry and hurt right now I want to cut my ex's life out of our lives completely. What should I do? My son loves his dad so much and it would crush his entire world if I try to take his dad away from him. My ex was a great dad before the break up. I'll give him that. But recently he's been all about himself and my son is to small to see through all his excuses on why he can't see him sometimes. Ugh, what to i do?
Read more: My ex hit me? Should I not let him see our son?
New iPad Air 2 or a used Macbook Air?
I hate Windows 10 so I'm moving to Mac. I will have an iMac 5k retina for professional photography and graphics work but also want a relatively cheap device to browse the internet, send some emails and watch (mainly youtube) movies and documentaries on in any room of the house.
Which would be better? Or is there a bigger tablet that I could get (better for
movies) for the same price?
Read more: New iPad Air 2 or a used Macbook Air?
I don't want my iPad synced with my phone?
I am getting an iPad and in not sure what happens when you set it up do you HAVE to enter a phone number for it to be connected to? And is it better to set up a new iTunes account just for the iPad because I don t want all my apps to be on there because other people in the family will be using my iPad at times so I don t want my messages, kik, Twitter and all that on there I just want it to be set up new, not connected to a phone number or have the apps I have on my phone. Is this possible? How do I do it?
Read more: I don't want my iPad synced with my phone?
Determine display dimensions (height, width, diagonal) using PPI? - 1
Apple iPad Air display has a total of 3, 145, 728 pixels with aspect ratio of 4:3 at 264 pixels per inch. Determine its display dimensions (height, width, diagonal). Confirm your results with iPad Air specifications.
Could you explain how to do this? I thought I had an idea, but the "4:3" is throwing me off… I'm not sure if it's even needed. Thank you!
Read more: Determine display dimensions (height, width, diagonal) using PPI? - 1
Does this seems and sounds gay to you?
Okay so I know this girl who has an ipad and a computer. And for the wallpapers on her ipad and computer, she has a collage of anime, japanese cartoons, girls. Like there's these anime girls and it's a collage of their breasts and of them wearing bikinis. Basically, she has a collage of hot girls in bikinis as her wallpaper. She's an "otaku" atleast that's what she said. To me, it seems very gay and she even has drawings of naked anime girls on her bedroom wall. I try telling her to stop but she said that those girls were "hot.":/
Read more: Does this seems and sounds gay to you?
Would you recommend buying a refurbished ipad mini from best buy or Apple?
Is it safe to buy a refurbished Ipad?
Read more: Would you recommend buying a refurbished ipad mini from best buy or Apple?
Monday, November 23, 2015
Apps to listen to music offline for free?
I am using an iPad and I want to listen to music on a road trip which is like 5 hours long and I can only use my iPad so is there any free apps I can download to hear music offline for free? There are some apps that I can download for free but I would have to pay to listen offline. I need everything to be free. How can I use YouTube offline for free if there aren't free apps?
Read more: Apps to listen to music offline for free?
Ipad air or ipad air 2? Which one to buy?
I plan to buy an Ipad this coming black friday.
Ipad air 32gb 394 dollars with tax
Ipad air 64gb 495 dollars with tax
I rarely game heavily on tablets/phones but I play clash of clans most of time. When I had a tablet back then I noticed I mostly use it for social media such as FB, and storage for my reference e-books and documents.
Honestly, on day to day basis, is the ipad air 2's performance necessary for everyday task or ipad air is enough for the job? I'm asking this because 100 dollar difference between the two is enough to consider. But I'm willing to spend that 100 dollars if there's any features that breaks the deal tho.
Read more: Ipad air or ipad air 2? Which one to buy?
Dropped my iPad and the screen is black?
It won't turn on and I have all my data and work on it! :(
I've tried slapping the back a couple of times, and even restating it by pressing the wake/sleep and home button for a long time but nothing seems to work. I plugged it in my charger, and there are sounds but this time it repeats that weird ding over and over again which is weird. I don't have any money right now and I need this iPad to work again ASAP. Any help please? D:
Read more: Dropped my iPad and the screen is black?
Where in the Netherlands can I repair my iPhone and iPad?
Where in the Netherlands can I repair my iPhone and iPad?
Read more: Where in the Netherlands can I repair my iPhone and iPad?
How to find an image I already have saved on my iPad online?
How to find an image I already have saved on my iPad online?
Read more: How to find an image I already have saved on my iPad online?
How to find the same image that's in my iPad photos online?
How to find the same image that's in my iPad photos online?
Read more: How to find the same image that's in my iPad photos online?
I am 14 and getting an ipad air on Saturday. Give me some ideas what I Could do on it?
I am 14 and getting an ipad air on Saturday. Give me some ideas what I Could do on it?
Read more: I am 14 and getting an ipad air on Saturday. Give me some ideas what I Could do on it?
What are some fun adventure games for an iPad?
What are some fun adventure games for an iPad?
Read more: What are some fun adventure games for an iPad?
Sunday, November 22, 2015
NFL Livestream help?
I live in New York and I need help finding a live stream to watch the Philadelphia Eagles play, the live stream also need to be playable on a iPad.
Read more: NFL Livestream help?
Can an IPhone see the history of an IPad if they are connected to the same gmail/email?
Can an IPhone see the history of an IPad if they are connected to the same gmail/email? - 1
Read more: Can an IPhone see the history of an IPad if they are connected to the same gmail/email?
My IPad has stop working is ther any quick remedy?
My IPad has stop working is ther any quick remedy? - 1
Added (1). My i-Pad want turn on, Ive plugged it in to be recharge and there's no response… I know for
certain the battery was well charged up. There's no life in it, the screen is totally black and blank?
Read more: My IPad has stop working is ther any quick remedy?
I think my iPad got hacked?!
I was just browsing my iPad when a pop up appeared saying something along the lines of "Apple wants to make you a millionaire. This is not a joke! Click OK for more info." OK was the only option given to me, so obviously I didnt click on it. Instead I tried closing safari. I pressed the home button several times but it was not working, so I powered my device off. When I turned it back on a few minutes later, I opened safari to see if it was still there, but it was open to a new website with a blue screen. I immediately closed the app and powered down my iPad. Is it hacked? What do I do?
Read more: I think my iPad got hacked?!
Is my time on electronics bad?
I spend around 7.5 hours on a school day on iPad/TV/ps4 and 10 hours on the weekend.
I am a bit chubby but I am not weak and I enjoy P.E in my school. I get good grades and I am above my age when it comes to my thought process ( I think like an adult, not a child). My mum is fine with this but me stepdad is constantly nagging me saying I get no excercise and that I spend way too much time on screens. What should I say to him?
Read more: Is my time on electronics bad?
Best ps4 headset around $100?
I'm looking for a headset that I can use with my ps4, ps3, iPad, and computer. I've been having trouble with my on-ear headphones breaking and hurting my ears so I'm looking to try over-ear headphones. I had some headphones that the band broke on the other day and I think they were too small so I need some that won't break for a long time. I could pay around $150 if I needed to, but that's my max. I know that's a lot of specifics, but I've never bought a headset like this before so anything you could tell me about them is appreciated.
Read more: Best ps4 headset around $100?
In 90 weeks, my iPad Air has never backed up. I have plenty of iCloud space?
In 90 weeks, my iPad Air has never backed up. I have plenty of iCloud space?
Read more: In 90 weeks, my iPad Air has never backed up. I have plenty of iCloud space?
Does this mean he likes me?
Theres this guy I've liked for a year and lately he's been doing things that kinda make me wonder if he likes me back, but I'm not completely sure because he's kinda flirty. So anyway last night we had this monthly get together at someone's house and i was sitting in the living room with my friend and he came in late and peeked in the living room and he waved and smiled at a person next to me and he smiled at me too, once and then he made goofy face and I thought maybe he was doing it at the girl next to me because we barely talk except for these get togethers but he was looking straight at me so I smiled and looked away. And we were looking through videos on my friend's ipad and my other friend recorded herself on it so I jokingly said "ew delete it!" and he laughed way harder than he should've bc they have a history and he thinks she's nuts. Later he was talking to my sister and he or she brought up the fact that I only talk to him here even though we go to church together every week and he began to list all the people I talk to except for him. I never talk to him cause he always seems too busy with his friends and girls drooling over him but apparently he wants me to come up to him even when he's with his friends. Sometimes I flirt with him and vice versa and there's other things he's done in the past but like I said he's a flirt so I didnt take it seriously. So does he like me or is he maybe starting to? Thanks!
Added (1). And I dont want to ask any of my friends about it cause they all like him and my one friend still isnt over him so i try not to talk about it. Also he never responds to my texts or snapchats but he always talks to me in person and always makes sure he hugs me.
Read more: Does this mean he likes me?
Where can I play cityville at?
On my computer. I can't find it on facebook anymore and it doesn't work on my ipad or iphone.
Read more: Where can I play cityville at?
Someone help my ipad mini is at black screen?
but is fully charged i went onto skype and into a call but i aciddently pressed siri then my skype turned blue o decided to turn my ipad off and now it's at black screen i waited until the batteries shut off (a day) and i pressed the home button it didn't come on but i can hear the siri sound.
Read more: Someone help my ipad mini is at black screen?
Saturday, November 21, 2015
All devices connect to WiFi but none can reach internet. Connecting via ethernet cable works fine?
All devices connect to WiFi but none can reach internet. Connecting via ethernet cable works fine?
Added (1). I have not made any changes to my home network. All my devices -- laptop, iPhone, iPad -- can connect to my home WiFi but when connected via WiFi, they cannot access internet. If I perform nslookup, the DSN request times out. My wireless router is a Linksys E2100L. All computers connected to the router via ethernet cable can get to the internet just fine. Is it time to buy a new wireless router?
Read more: All devices connect to WiFi but none can reach internet. Connecting via ethernet cable works fine?
What Are Some High quality Ipad Apps To Record Your own Music On?
What Are Some High quality Ipad Apps To Record Your own Music On?
Read more: What Are Some High quality Ipad Apps To Record Your own Music On?
What is Paint Tool SAI?
I've heard that lost of people use this tool to draw. I downloaded a free version for mac because I wanted to try digital art, and I used this really old bamboo tablet with it. None of the drawings were very nice to look at… XD The tablet I used didn't have a screen (it was pretty old), so it was hard for me to see what I was doing- that was probably part of the issue. Right now I use Pen & Ink on my iPad, which works pretty well, but I would like it more if it had more brushes and tools.
Anyways- I really want to try this program out, so if I could get a few details on what the program is like, what kind of tablet would be best with it that would be so great. Also, if you know of another good digital art program I could use that is better than Paint Tool SAI or is easier to use, that would be awesome.
Thank you in advance!
Read more: What is Paint Tool SAI?
My ipad light is so dim I can hardly see the printing?
My ipad light is so dim I can hardly see the printing?
Read more: My ipad light is so dim I can hardly see the printing?
Babysitting two difficult kids. Help?!
Later tomorrow evening I am babysitting two very difficult kids. Although I have done this before, they are really hard to handle. First, both of the kids I am babysitting are brothers, one is 8 and one is 6. They both hate each other. They fight often, which starts as a funny wrestling match, then turns into one kid biting, screaming, and pulling at hair. The mother tells me to put the kids to bed at 8:30. However, the kids are so energetic they refuse to go to sleep. The problem is, the kids like me, and will not go to bed because they are so eager to play with me. I have had days when they stayed awake until 12:00 AM because they are so hyper. I have tried most options to contain them. I have tried bribing them, which never works, I have threatened to call their mother, I have fake-called their mother, and tried to watch TV with them, but nothing works. The eight year old likes to play on his ipad, the 6 year old likes to play with me, but the eight year old gets sad if he plays on his ipad for 3 hours and is bummed that I do not hang out with him. When I say to the 6 year old I am going to hang out with the 8 year old, he gets angry and freaks out. They always ask for gummy bears, and I usually give it to them to keep them quiet. However, the sugar hypes them up, keeping them awake for 2 more hours.
I feel really bad when the mother comes back at 11:00 PM and sees that her children are not asleep yet. I need a way to make them tired so they go to bed.
Please help,thanks
Read more: Babysitting two difficult kids. Help?!
Should I get the 16gb or 32gb iPad mini 2?
I am going to get an iPad mini wifi-only for Christmas. But I'm wondering if I should get a 16gb or 32gb. My uses will be games, surfing the net, photos, and school apps.
Read more: Should I get the 16gb or 32gb iPad mini 2?
Can you change an infants family in sims freeplay?
I was wondering if you could do like a surrogacy type thing with a baby because I have a two woman and a two man household but the game won't let them get married… The partner bar is full, I was wondering if I could get a married straight couple to have a baby then change the parents to the gay couples?
Added (1). I also need to know how, I play sims freeplay on my ipad
Read more: Can you change an infants family in sims freeplay?
My iPad froze and I tried rebooting it and all that and it still won't work, what do I do?
My iPad froze and I tried rebooting it and all that and it still won't work, what do I do?
Read more: My iPad froze and I tried rebooting it and all that and it still won't work, what do I do?
Friday, November 20, 2015
Does Amazon's HD Fire tablet need virus protection? Or is it like the ipad?
Does Amazon's HD Fire tablet need virus protection? Or is it like the ipad?
Read more: Does Amazon's HD Fire tablet need virus protection? Or is it like the ipad?
Does Amazon's HD Fire tablet need virus protection? Or is it like the ipad? - 1
Does Amazon's HD Fire tablet need virus protection? Or is it like the ipad? - 1
Read more: Does Amazon's HD Fire tablet need virus protection? Or is it like the ipad? - 1
I want to connect an ipad mini to tv, how do I?
My girlfriend has an ipad mini and wants to watch it on her TV. I know about the $50 lightning to hdmi cables which is absolutely ridiculous. I also see $20 lightning to USB cables, would these carry audio to the TV as well? And if I did have to go with the lightning to hdmi cable, is there anywhere to get cheaper ones than $50?
Read more: I want to connect an ipad mini to tv, how do I?
Where is it better to buy an ipad from: the apple store or Wal-Mart?
I need a tablet for school and I decided to go for the ipad however I don't have piles of cash to throw away so I'm trying to get it for as cheap as I can.
Read more: Where is it better to buy an ipad from: the apple store or Wal-Mart?
Which is better to buy: Ipad mini 2 or Ipad mini 3?
Which is better to buy: Ipad mini 2 or Ipad mini 3?
Read more: Which is better to buy: Ipad mini 2 or Ipad mini 3?
Why Do My iPad Chargers Stop Working Really Quickly?
My dad has probably got me about 10 chargers already! They just stop working within a few days or if im lucky, a few weeks! Why are all of my chargers so bad! Is there any way to make them work longer, im so frustrated!
Read more: Why Do My iPad Chargers Stop Working Really Quickly?
Two bronze Messi's in FIFA 15?
I was opening bronze packs in FIFA 15 on my iPad when I came across a 52 non-rare bronze ST Messi and and a 49 non-rare bronze GK Messi! Is this a glitch? How much do you think they would be worth on the transfer market?
Read more: Two bronze Messi's in FIFA 15?
How to download a video from Facebook from my iPad? Thanks?
How to download a video from Facebook from my iPad? Thanks?
Read more: How to download a video from Facebook from my iPad? Thanks?
Chrome is on my ipad how to put it also on desktop?
Chrome is on my ipad how to put it also on desktop? - 1
Read more: Chrome is on my ipad how to put it also on desktop?
What's the difference between the ipad mini 2 and the ipad mini 3?
What's the difference between the ipad mini 2 and the ipad mini 3? - 1
Read more: What's the difference between the ipad mini 2 and the ipad mini 3?
Thursday, November 19, 2015
Why is my ipad losing battery while charging?
Basically, when i plug in my ipad to the charger, it takes forever for it to charge fully, and when i use the ipad the percentage decreases slowly while charging! I've had my ipad air now 1 1/2 years. This started happening recently, is the battery for the ipad becoming bad?
Before anyone asks, yes i use the charger that came with it, the cubed one. And i've even tried my sisters ipad charger and its still the same so its not the chargers. So any advice on what i should do and will i be able to chance the battery for the ipad?
Read more: Why is my ipad losing battery while charging?
What is this hardware called?
I've seen many times in movies and animes people drawing with a stylus I think on the surface of a hardware that looks like an ipad, and anything they draw appears on their computer screen… I've been searching all noon and I can't find it anywhere… All I found was tablets made especially for drawing but they didn't use computers… Anyone know what this hardware is called?
P.S. An example of this hardware is in the anime Sakurasou no pet na kanojo (the pet girl of Sakurasou) where mashiro uses it to draw her manga
Read more: What is this hardware called?
Is it still worth buying an iPad mini? - 1
I want to buy a cheap tablet and I really need it to be Apple because I want it linked to my iCloud account. I found that I can buy the first iPad mini for $200 online. I really like the size of the iPad mini. All I would need to use it for is photos, YouTube, Netflix books a few small games and iMessage. Is it worth it?
Read more: Is it still worth buying an iPad mini? - 1
A new teacher just punched me?
A new teacher just punched me?
Added (1). a subtitude teacher showed up. I forgot my book so i took a picture of the pages of the book with my ipad. Suddenly he accused me of secretly playing games and just punched me in the chest! I told him that he cant do that but then he kept punching me saying you dropout!( ironically i always get an A). The principal didn't care when i complained. Should i tell my parents and make him loose his job?(my dad is a prosecuter) or sue him of assault or just beat him up at his house with my pals?
Read more: A new teacher just punched me?
If I have just wifi and no PC, can I activate my iPad and use iCloud to back it up?
If I have just wifi and no PC, can I activate my iPad and use iCloud to back it up?
Read more: If I have just wifi and no PC, can I activate my iPad and use iCloud to back it up?
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
How much would a crack this small cost to fix?
I have a small, thin (and barely noticeable) crack going across the bottom of my iPad mini (idr which one it is). I want to get it fixed before it could possibly get any worse. Anyone know about how much it would cost and a good place to fix it? Preferably places in scarborough 
Read more: How much would a crack this small cost to fix?
Read more: How much would a crack this small cost to fix?
How to get apple to stop synching downloads to all my devices?
I recently got an ipad, and started using it as my main device. I also have an ipod touch 5th gen which I'm currently using only for music.
My problem is that anytime I turn on my ipod apps I installed to my ipad start automatically installing themselves onto my ipod. I don't ever charge either of them on my computer, so I know it isn't itunes synching them, and I have everything of icloud turned off. So it shouldn't be that either.
This wasn't that big of a deal until randomly music started playing on my ipad and I opened the music app up and all of my songs I NEVER synched to my ipad are on my ipad. Not once has my ipad been plugged into my computer, so this shouldn't be happening. I wouldn't have two devices if I wanted the same **** on both of them, that would be pointless. I don't want music or anything else I put on my ipod to be on my ipad there has got to be a way to fix this.
Read more: How to get apple to stop synching downloads to all my devices?
Should I get an Ipad Pro? - 1
I already have a Macbook Air 13 Inch and I wanted to get a Ipad Pro for you know… Games and Entertainment and stuff. I also use Youtube EVERYDAY so I would like to watch videos on my ipad and play games in the bus every morning. So the question is Should I get one or not? Thanks Have a nice day
Read more: Should I get an Ipad Pro? - 1
Satechi USB Type-C Hub will work on Apple Ipad pro?
Satechi USB Type-C Hub will work on Apple Ipad pro?
Read more: Satechi USB Type-C Hub will work on Apple Ipad pro?
Ipad Pro or Black Ops 3?
I just wanted to ask you which one should I buy. I love playing games (espicially FPS) so I would love to have both but I can only choose one. If there are any COD fans out there can you tell me the cons and pros about buying black ops? Thanks! Reply to me if you have any quetions:D
Read more: Ipad Pro or Black Ops 3?
I forgot everything how do I reset it?
Okay so I got an iPad and I put a passcode on it then I forget the pass code and I also forget apple ID and apple email I have no idea how to restart it and I also forgot the password to install apps I need help please help me on how to restart or unlock it
Read more: I forgot everything how do I reset it?
I can hear vibrating sound in my room?
I'm laying in bed and I can quick vibrating sounds and it's freaking me out becsuse I don't know what it is, I've checked all the electronics in my room, it's not my phone because I'm using it now, my iPad is turned off, my laptop is under my bed and has been off for months so can't be that, It can't be my tv or my sky box or tv remote. It's really windy outside and my windows always open but I don't think it's coming outside because it sounds to close and bold, sometimes the vibrating is really loud and I have a small room and it's hard to figure out where it's coming from? It's creepy
I know this sounds so sad but please leave serious answers hahaha
Read more: I can hear vibrating sound in my room?
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
I need a site that that will let me play mincraft for iPad online no Download?
I need a site that that will let me play mincraft for iPad online no Download?
Read more: I need a site that that will let me play mincraft for iPad online no Download?
How to find TV password?
My dad just got a new Sony Bravia Tv, and he wanted me to set it up so we could stream from our device. I believe I know how to do it, but on my iPad it's asking for a password to connect to the tv. How do I find this password? Thanks!
Read more: How to find TV password?
How to get an iPad pro free I really want one I have never had an apple product?
How to get an iPad pro free I really want one I have never had an apple product?
Read more: How to get an iPad pro free I really want one I have never had an apple product?
I have to go out soon and it's raining in cold and dull London. Should I wear?
My leopard print shower jacket that is cold and thin, or a wet suit, snorkel and flippers?
Read more: I have to go out soon and it's raining in cold and dull London. Should I wear?
Problems with my wired internet connection?
Hey there,
Soooo Ive run into a problem thats been affecting me the past few days and Ive come asking advice, anyways Ive got your average ADSL modem that is pretty decent however for the past few days whenever I try to use the internet on my PC (My only electronic that is connected to the modem via ethernet cable) it never works, when I try opening firefox and searching for google it errors out just like all my other internet pc apps but heres where it gets strange, the whole time my pc wont go to google it actually says that my internet connection is fine and it looks normal but I still cant access it:( buutt when I try connecting to the internet through my ipad it works just like normal:/ Im pretty frustrated as I need my pc for uni.
Any help would be appreciated:)
Read more: Problems with my wired internet connection?
Will the Apple iPencil work on other versions of the iPad?
Will it work on an iPad mini 2? I've only seen people draw with it on the iPad Pros.
Read more: Will the Apple iPencil work on other versions of the iPad?
I have a disabled ipad I bought it thinking I could get it unlocked now here I am?
I have a disabled ipad I bought it thinking I could get it unlocked now here I am?
Read more: I have a disabled ipad I bought it thinking I could get it unlocked now here I am?
My wifi keeps dropping out?
My computer, phone and ipad simultaneously lose the wifi connection. It takes anywhere from 5 seconds to 5 minutes for it to reconnect. They all show the wifi name with full bars, but are unable to connect. I have no idea what the problem is. I've restarted the router and all that, but the problem persists.
Read more: My wifi keeps dropping out?
Can I transfer my game data from my phone onto my new iPad?
I am picking up my new iPad tomorrow. I have been playing games on my phone and I m really far so I don t want to start over. I was wonder if I will be able to transfer the memory of these games onto my iPad. I would like to have them on the iPad so I can see them better and so my phone isn t so clogged up.
Added (1). I have an iPhone 5c so it will be apps from the apple store.
Read more: Can I transfer my game data from my phone onto my new iPad?
Monday, November 16, 2015
Looking for a 19 inch 1280x1024 or a 20-21 inch 1600x1200 monitor?
So I'm looking for a new screen to replace my 17 inch 4:3
monitor that isn't one of those rectangular widescreens.
Unfortunately, you can no longer buy square or 4:3 monitors on
the high street anymore, so I'm searching the net for some.
Please don't answer this saying "just buy a widescreen" or "move
with the times" or whatever. If I just wanted a standard 1080p
hd monitor I could just pop down to Currys and have a look
I'm asking for monitors of the above specifications, because
they are two of the tallest screens you can buy (even a 24 inch
16:9 screen isn't as tall as the ones mentioned in the title).
I spend a lot of my time internet browsing, reading documents
and using legacy applications such as Microsoft Office. An 16:9 hd monitor is useless for me, I've never used an application that benefits from such a large amount of horizontal pixels.
Added (1). Hstro - I have tried rotating my 21.5 inch, 16:9 monitor, but it just wasn't for me. The monitor felt so tall and thin. It was so tall I had to crane my neck to look up and down. Really, I've used a 19 inch 5x4 monitor before, and that felt very tall but also significantly wide enough. I like the square shape of 4x3 and 5x4. 16x9 just feels too short in landscape and too short in portrait.
Added (2). Don W - Yes but if I rotate it I find the monitor becomes so tall I have a stiff neck. Again, 4x3 or 5x4 is better in portrait as it will still maintain a fairly square shape, a bit like using an ipad in portrait. 4x3 is definitely better than 16x9 in portrait.
Read more: Looking for a 19 inch 1280x1024 or a 20-21 inch 1600x1200 monitor?
How to connect my HP4635 wireless printer to my ipad?
How to connect my HP4635 wireless printer to my ipad?
Read more: How to connect my HP4635 wireless printer to my ipad?
What apple product should i get?
I am thinking of getting the Ipod 6G
But should i get a ipad or another apple product?
(I already have the kindle fire HD But it has the amazon appstore)
Read more: What apple product should i get?
IPhone 6 and iPad mini 2?
I have an iPhone 6 but was thinking of getting iPad mini 2 for Christmas, reasons being that I find my laptop isn't ideal for my college work as its too big and I don't like using my phone for games so it would come in use but is it worth it? Does anyone have both iPhone and iPad? Do you feel the iPad is necessary?
Read more: IPhone 6 and iPad mini 2?
How to move textedit files to iPad?
Hello, I need to move some textedit files from mac to iPad, how do I do this?
Read more: How to move textedit files to iPad?
Video/music downloader/Chace on apple ipad, iPhone or ipod?
one that doesn't use Wi-Fi to listen to
Read more: Video/music downloader/Chace on apple ipad, iPhone or ipod?
Can ipad pro be used as a wacom tablet for photoshop?
iPad pro + Apple Pencil
with pressure senor. It should be able to work as a wacom tablet for Adobe Photoshop
does it? Or can I? With some kind of an app?
Read more: Can ipad pro be used as a wacom tablet for photoshop?
I dropped my ipad and it went to a black screen how could i fix it?
I dropped my ipad and it went to a black screen how could i fix it? - 1
Read more: I dropped my ipad and it went to a black screen how could i fix it?
Sunday, November 15, 2015
Can you use an iPad Air case For an iPad Air 2?
Can you use an iPad Air case For an iPad Air 2?
Read more: Can you use an iPad Air case For an iPad Air 2?
Why Does my iPad 2 keep crashing on apps and safari?
Why Does my iPad 2 keep crashing on apps and safari?
Read more: Why Does my iPad 2 keep crashing on apps and safari?
I don't think I trust my husband to babysit the children, what do I do?
I'm mixed and my husband is a typical white man, I'm tired of him. We have four young kids. He's so annoying all the time. He leaves the cabinets open and leaves the milk out and when I point it out he just laughs it off.
I'm 27 and he's 29 and very immature with his silly jokes. He works very hard and when he comes home from work I have to listen to his nonsense after looking after the kids, house and cooking. I get annoyed just looking at him. I usually leave him to babysit when I do grocery shopping or something. The other day I went to do my hair with my hair and we had a couple of drinks after. I came home around 11 pm and my two year old daughter was still up playing on his ipad, I was horrified since I gave clear instructions to put them to bed at 9 pm latest. When I told him this he just said with a grin on his face they were just watching TV. I would rather my mom babysit but she works so I can't always have her. I am now worried about leaving the kids alone with him since he can't do anything right, what do I do?
Read more: I don't think I trust my husband to babysit the children, what do I do?
Microsoft surface pro 4 or iPad pro for study?
Microsoft surface pro 4 or iPad pro for study? - 1
Read more: Microsoft surface pro 4 or iPad pro for study?
Is getting an iPad mini worth it when I already own an iPhone 6?
I do have a laptop but it s too big to be doing college work on, I don t like having games on my phone because I feel a phone isn t for games. I was thinking of getting the iPad mini 2 as it s cheaper than the 4 and I don t find the 4 worth it but as the mini 2 is 195 on Amazon was seeing whether it s worth owning an iPhone a laptop and an iPad? What do you guys think?
Read more: Is getting an iPad mini worth it when I already own an iPhone 6?
How long could you last without a cell phone, ipad/computer, TV or internet?
How long could you last without a cell phone, ipad/computer, TV or internet?
Read more: How long could you last without a cell phone, ipad/computer, TV or internet?
Should I go to school tomorrow?
Yes I know weird question but!
Its Monday 😂 Not my reason
Ok anyway so my mum has given me the choice to stay home tomorrow but I kind of wanna go because my friends and… I have P.E tomorrow first up and we're playing 1 rugby game then jump in the pool for free time
I don't want to go because my family never usually… Have family time,
The weekends I'm usually out with my friends (beach,shops, go karts, paintball ect…) and if not I'll be in my room exercising or on my iPad (YouTube, music or Netflix) or on a walk, shopping spree, hiking, outside, pool, etc…
Anyway I know that's not a real reason but it's Monday and I only have subjects I don't actually need and maths but I'll catch up long story short
Soooooo… Stay home or go to school?
(Sorry for the longest question in the world 😂😂)
Read more: Should I go to school tomorrow?
Synching photos from apple computer to IPad?
Synching photos from apple computer to IPad? - 1
Read more: Synching photos from apple computer to IPad?
What is the refresh rate of the iPad Pro?
I was wondering what is the max frame rate (hz) of the iPad pros 4K screen. I know the previous iPad models have 60hz but I wonder with all those pixels and the fast gpu does it have more or less than 60hz?
Read more: What is the refresh rate of the iPad Pro?
I dropped my iPad 2, Help?!
i dropped it on the floor and now it has a blue screen when i turn it on, it won t go away, how can i make it work again, thanks
Read more: I dropped my iPad 2, Help?!
Saturday, November 14, 2015
Why won't my iPad charge anywhere Else but my house?
I have been to 5 different places and it will not charge at any of those
Places but it will charge at my house what is the problem?
Read more: Why won't my iPad charge anywhere Else but my house?
Should I jailbreak my iPhone 3GS, 4S or IPad mini?
Should I jailbreak my iPhone 3GS, 4S or IPad mini? - 1
Read more: Should I jailbreak my iPhone 3GS, 4S or IPad mini?
IPads going in a loop?
My iPad 2 has turned itself off since last night because the battery was low, I left it on charge for the whole night like I normally do. But when I went to turn it back on in the morning the red battery sign was still on and when watched it. The apple logo came up and the iPad turned on for about 2 seconds but then turned back off to the battery sign. It s going in a loop, I tried plugging it in the computer but nothing helped. I don t want to take it to the Apple Store as the store is far away. Any suggestions?
Read more: IPads going in a loop?
How to download Pokemon 3ds games on a Nintendo DS emulator on my iPad Air 2?
How to download Pokemon 3ds games on a Nintendo DS emulator on my iPad Air 2?
Read more: How to download Pokemon 3ds games on a Nintendo DS emulator on my iPad Air 2?
How to fix an iPad that won t come on after dropping?
How to fix an iPad that won t come on after dropping?
Read more: How to fix an iPad that won t come on after dropping?
Friday, November 13, 2015
What is the frame rate of the IPad Pro?
I was wondering what is the max frame rate (hz) of the iPad pros 4K screen. I know the previous iPad models have 60hz but I wonder with all those pixels and the fast gpu does it have more or less than 60hz?
Read more: What is the frame rate of the IPad Pro?
How much would a new screen for iPad Air one cost?
It's the first generation iPad Air
It received one small crack and that spread out and more cracks have formed.
It's out of warranty as I've had it a year and a half.
How much would it cost to replace the screen
In UK pounds please
Read more: How much would a new screen for iPad Air one cost?
How much woulda new iPad Air screen cost?
A while back my iPad screen received one hair line crack, over the months it has slowly started to spread out and more cracks have formed and it looks a bit of a mess.
It'd the first Apple iPad one out of warranty, had it for a year and a half.
How much would a new careen cost
In UK pounds please
Added (1). I meant screen
Added (2). I meant how much would a screen cost not careen
Added (3). It's an Apple iPad Air
Read more: How much woulda new iPad Air screen cost?
I have a macbook pro, my internet provider is Verizon idk if you need to know that.
I can go to and I can sign in but after I do I get a blank window that just says blocked.
This happens with all the computers in my house and every internet browser I use. I can log in on my iPad and phone though but I really want it on my computer because I pay for HD.
Please Help ASAP
I can go to and I can sign in but after I do I get a blank window that just says blocked.
This happens with all the computers in my house and every internet browser I use. I can log in on my iPad and phone though but I really want it on my computer because I pay for HD.
Please Help ASAP
Vlc files on iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad?
Anyone knows how to view or convert vlc files to view them on iPhones, iPod Touch or iPad?
Added (1). ipod touch with iOS
Read more: Vlc files on iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad?
Added (1). ipod touch with iOS
Read more: Vlc files on iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad?
What was that game called?
Ok so I remember back in 2011 to maybe 2013 I was playing a game on my iPad 2. It was a free app and it was a third person shooter game where you can use dual pistols (maybe even sub machine guns) and your killing creatures like for example a group wasps. There was PVP and I think online survival. It was a really awesome game and you can wear different kinds of armor that gave abilities like walk faster and reload faster. The environment is hard to explain and remember, but I remember there was places where it looked like a swamp and other places where you were shooting I think people which also shot you back. As far as I remember you were the only character in the game. This is as much as I can remember. I am trying to remember this game for the longest time already. Please help!
Read more: What was that game called?
I can t hear Siri on my iPad. How do I turn the sound up?
I can t hear Siri on my iPad. How do I turn the sound up?
Read more: I can t hear Siri on my iPad. How do I turn the sound up?
Advice on applying to modelling agencies?
I just recently applied to 4 different modelling agencies in Toronto. I saw 2 out of 4 agencies in person at open calls. The agencies that I saw in person were Sutherland Models, and B&M Models. The agencies that I applied to over email were spot6 management, and Corestone Models. I brought my most recent pictures and showed B&M models my portfolio on my iPad. The agent at B&M told me that I don't currently have the look that they are going for at the moment. I asked if I could apply again in 6 months to a year and he said I could always come back. I showed Sutherland Models my physical portfolio (although I am in the middle of updating my portfolio to get more prints so I only had about 12 pictures to show Sutherland). Sutherland said they would give me a phone call if they were interested. Corestone said that I have a nice "commercial look" but I don't have the look that they need at the present moment. I am 21. I've been scammed twice since I was 18.
I am 5'9", my real hair colour is medium brown, and naturally curly. I have the right measurements for high fashion modelling. 34-24-34. At present my hair is dyed blonde because the last agency I was with wanted me to keep dying my hair blonde. Perhaps I should change my hair color to my natural color instead? Does anyone have any suggestions on what I might be doing wrong? I still want to apply for more agencies I just want to know what I should change before I apply to the other tip top agencies in Toronto.
Read more: Advice on applying to modelling agencies?
How to restore purchases?
A while back I bought Telltale's The Walking Dead on my iPhone and iPad, but I transferred to a Samsung Galaxy Note 4 last year. How can I restore the purchases I made on my iPhone on my Samsung? Thanks for your help!
Read more: How to restore purchases?
Thursday, November 12, 2015
IPad keeps crashing?
I've had my ipad mini for about a year and it's usually been fine, but lately it's started crashing (completely restarting) without it being commanded to. For example, I'd just be using the youtube app and then the screen would go dark and the apple logo appears. This literally happens about 7-10 times a day depending on what apps I use. It could be over use (I use it pretty much all day except for school) but it's only a year old. Should this be happening? How long should it normally last?
Read more: IPad keeps crashing?
How to download music from anything but iTunes on an iPad, directly from an iPad?
I got an iPad as a gift, but I have no computer and I hate iTunes because I just don't have the money to build up a library on it. Is there any way to directly download music from my iPad to my iPad? I usually just the the YouTube to MP3 converter for my music, or 4 shared, but I know how anal Apple is and have discovered that I can't use them on here. Please help!
Read more: How to download music from anything but iTunes on an iPad, directly from an iPad?
If I search something on Ipad (on chrome incognito window) can it show up on Iphone?
If I search something on Ipad (on chrome incognito window) can it show up on Iphone?
Read more: If I search something on Ipad (on chrome incognito window) can it show up on Iphone?
Alternative Apps to Adobe Lightroom on the iPad?
I am looking for the best free photo editing apps for the iPad, with capabilities like Adobe Lightroom?
Which Apps are your favorite?
I appreciate your feedback!
Read more: Alternative Apps to Adobe Lightroom on the iPad?
POS system for iPad does not allow to open the cash drawer?
I have a business and i am using POS system for iPad but now its in problem. It does not allow to open the cash drawer. I am going to contact Alliancebankcard. But before that i need your review.
Read more: POS system for iPad does not allow to open the cash drawer?
My iPad sound is not working properly it is like bad static?
My iPad sound is not working properly it is like bad static?
Read more: My iPad sound is not working properly it is like bad static?
IOS 9.1 ipad update no longer allows me to open things in iBooks. How do I fix this?
IOS 9.1 ipad update no longer allows me to open things in iBooks. How do I fix this?
Read more: IOS 9.1 ipad update no longer allows me to open things in iBooks. How do I fix this?
Wednesday, November 11, 2015
MacBook Air or iPad Air 2 for HS?
Is a MacBook Air 2015 Intel i5 with 8gb of ram and 256gb of storage worth the extra money or is an iPad Air 2 64gb of storage (I would buy a keyboard to use with it) suitable for high school? I am also interested in doing some light photo and video editing.
Read more: MacBook Air or iPad Air 2 for HS?
How to stop obsessing?!
So I really want AND NEED a MacBook Pro for school. I'm almost sure my parents will buy me, especially for school, i already checked with them. Somebody called me a brat last time I asked an innocent question about a MacBook and how to edit videos with iMovie and stuff, so please no trash talk, it's not very helpful:(. Anyways, it has amazing features, I look into it as far as I can, I tried one out at least ten times at Best Buy or the Apple Store, sharp experience, and is the only thing that can really well coordinate with my iPhone and iPad, so don't convince me to get Windows! Now I'm all pumped up to get it, planning to pay for some too! But I'm still obsessed, all I do is think about it, and I know my parents won't want me to be totally always attracted to it, so if I keep obsessing I probably won't get it! But I can't! I don't know why, I just am too excited! I don't know what to do to help me from going overboard into it:(. Thanks!
Read more: How to stop obsessing?!
I can send but not receive emails. All my devises, iphone, ipad, ibm desk and macbook pro…help?
I can send but not receive emails. All my devises, iphone, ipad, ibm desk and macbook pro…help?
Read more: I can send but not receive emails. All my devises, iphone, ipad, ibm desk and macbook pro…help?
How to delete websites on an apple ipad?
How to delete websites on an apple ipad?
Added (1). How do you delete the website tabs
Read more: How to delete websites on an apple ipad?
Should I get GoodNotes, Notability, or Noteshelf?
I'm getting the iPad Pro soon, and would like to know which note-taking application is best for use on the iPad: GoodNotes vs Notability vs Noteshelf.
GoodNotes can be used on both my iPad and Macbook Pro, but Noteshelf has higher ratings. And Notability is "Essential", so… If you have any other apps in mind that you think may be better choices, please share them with me and tell me why they're better. Thanx! :)
Read more: Should I get GoodNotes, Notability, or Noteshelf?
Is there any game where you walk through forest's and stuff?
Where you might go on virtual hikes or something? Or walk around forests and stuff? I found epic citadel but that's not hiking and the map is pretty small. And I used to have a game where you rode unicorns and stuff (idek why lol) but you took paths through forests and took photos of animals along the way which I really loved. Thanks for any help you give!
PS An iOS app though, like for iPad or iPhone
PS I'll give the best answer to anyone who finds a game that matches what I asked:) Thank you!
Added (1). Sorry I meant to say that epic citadel isn't outside, not that it isn't hiking (although a little bit of it is outside). It doesn't have to be a hiking game!
Added (2). Another update sorry but this is bugging me: forests* not forest's. I know I'm a grammar nazi I'm sorry
Read more: Is there any game where you walk through forest's and stuff?
How to downgrade iPad mini 3 from iOS 9.1to iOS 9.0.2 without using Mac or pc?
How to downgrade iPad mini 3 from iOS 9.1to iOS 9.0.2 without using Mac or pc?
Read more: How to downgrade iPad mini 3 from iOS 9.1to iOS 9.0.2 without using Mac or pc?
Tuesday, November 10, 2015
Tips and tricks to take better pictures(and editing)?
Tips and tricks to take better pictures(and editing)?
Added (1). Simple editing with like iPad or iPhone apps not photoshop etc.
Read more: Tips and tricks to take better pictures(and editing)?
Bronze Messi in FIFA 15?
I was just casually opening packs on FIFA 15 on my iPad when I came across this guy. Is this a glitch? How much do you think he would be worth if I put him on the transfer market?
He is rated 52.
The photo was not working but I did get Messi
Read more: Bronze Messi in FIFA 15?
My iPad sceen just went Black?
I was playing on it and it wont turn on i hold down the power button nothing. Then i did it with the bottom button then it made that sound when you wanna ask a question but its not doing anothing else its black and i tryed holding down buttons and both and its freaking me out please help.
Read more: My iPad sceen just went Black?
Homework digital vs paper?
So this may sound like an extremely dumb but in my algebra 2 class my teacher now stated he will not accept any homework done on paper and it must be done on the school issued iPad minis. Most of my class hates that were forced to do it on our iPads and he will not change his mind. To me it makes everything a lot harder and I prefer paper. He also did we can't do it on paper and take a picture on our iPad. Could anyone please give me good arguments/statements on why we should still be able to use paper?
Read more: Homework digital vs paper?
I got perfume in my iPad?!
Is there any method to try and fix this without having to replace the ipad
Read more: I got perfume in my iPad?!
How to change my passcode for my apple ipad?
How to change my passcode for my apple ipad?
Read more: How to change my passcode for my apple ipad?
How to put pictures from your ipad to your computer?
How to put pictures from your ipad to your computer?
Read more: How to put pictures from your ipad to your computer?
Is an iPad mini 1 $75 with a cracked screen a good deal? Or should I save up for a Mini 2?
The seller could go lower.
How much would a screen fix cost?
Read more: Is an iPad mini 1 $75 with a cracked screen a good deal? Or should I save up for a Mini 2?
How to erase a stored username on an ipad?
Everytime I try to log on to a particular website it always has the wrong username.
Here's an example: The username is "topflyer" but it always suggests "topflyerCindy". Obviously I must have chosen that mistake and it just keeps remembering it. I always type topflyer and then it adds Cindy by itself and I have to backspace it. How do I make it so it remembers the correct username? I have already tried erasing cookies and stuff.
Read more: How to erase a stored username on an ipad?
Monday, November 9, 2015
What is the IPad pro?
From what I have seen it runs the same style OS as every other mobile apple product. So what can you actually do different on it?
Does it not run the same apps?
Or will installing full desktop application on it be possible?
Read more: What is the IPad pro?
IPad Mini 4 - Cellular Data Plan versus Wifi only?
Okay, so I am looking at getting an iPad Mini 4, however I do not currently wish to add it to my Cellular plan, but I may wish to do so roughly this time next year. My question is this: If I purchase the Mini with cellular capabilities, will I be able to use just the Wifi only option until I am comfortable with adding it to my data plan? Or will it essentially be an Internetless tablet until I actually add it to my data plan?
Read more: IPad Mini 4 - Cellular Data Plan versus Wifi only?
Any good cameras for a young new beauty guru like me?
Hi. I just started my channel a few months ago and I'm currently filming with either my iPad Mini or my iPhone 5. I am a young new English beauty guru and I'm looking for an outstanding quality camera. My channel is HollyJadeBeauty so if you wanna sub go ahead and sub! It'll make my day.
My budget is £500 and I was looking at the Canon cameras pacificly but if there are any good cameras from other brands that's ok.
~Holly ;-)
Read more: Any good cameras for a young new beauty guru like me?
IPad 2 Very dark Screen?!
Hey, so…
I was in class today and was working on something in an application and my ipad all the sudden went black.(I can see that the iPad is still on but it went very dark) i tried restarting and reseting the iPad by holding the power and home button… But when it rebooted it went dark again. Now at first i thought that the backlight is damaged but how come the screen is pretty lit when the apple logo appears but right after it boots it goes dark again?
Read more: IPad 2 Very dark Screen?!
How to fix this FB Messenger Problem, or is there is?
So here's the story… Whenever I send a message to a a specific person that I want to chat with a circle and a check is showed sow it ses that it is sent but never delivered why is that… I know people said that unless they checked out the chat on messenger then it will be delivered but… Why is that ow yah I'm on a mobile device by the way… ( Asus Zenfone 2 ) it also happens on my ipad and freaking pc… Usually right that if you sent a message to someone even though their offline it will be delivered and a notification will pop out on there device but why is it not doing like it supposed to do last time wth!
Read more: How to fix this FB Messenger Problem, or is there is?
I forgot the password of iPad and its locked what can I do?
So I saw some videos on internet and tried to connect the iPad to PC. After that I clicked on the option of update and restore but then it just started downloading some items and needed 12 or more hours for downloading. I checked if the iTunes on my PC was updated to its latest version and it was. Why is this happening, cause on net it said it would just restore and you could use it again. So what should I do? Please help!
Read more: I forgot the password of iPad and its locked what can I do?
What else should I get my kids that's not on this list?
My 16 year old daughter- iPhone 5c, Samsung Galaxy Note, cute Hershey's headphones, a sweater, colorful knee high socks
Son (6 years old)- Headphone, white apple iPad, bags of toy soldiers
Son (9 years)- Tablet, headphone, and toy sword
I appreciate any suggestions and thank you in advance
Read more: What else should I get my kids that's not on this list?
Sunday, November 8, 2015
Advice on senior year?
I'm a senior I'm high school and I'm having trouble. I've generally always struggled in school but it's worse now. We used to do things the old fashion way but suddenly we are going paperless and doing everything on Ipads and it's making it very difficult to do work and stay caught up because I don't have wifi or a hotspot at home. I'm currently failing 3 classes and grades are due in a week for report cards. Does anyone have any advice on how to deal with this and to recover so my grades no longer suffer?
Read more: Advice on senior year?
GoodNotes or Noteshelf?
I'm getting the iPad Pro soon, and would like to know which note-taking application is best for use on the iPad. I'm very excited to use the iPad for school, as well as for my artwork, but can't decide which notes app would be most useful.
I looked through the iOS App Store and found various applications, two of which I think may be the best: GoodNotes and Noteshelf (I don't really like Notability).
GoodNotes can be used on both my iPad and Macbook Pro, but Noteshelf has higher ratings. Please help me choose between the two. If you have any other apps in mind that you think may be better choices, please share them with me and tell me why they're better. Thanks! :)
Added (1). Though I don't like Notability, I'm willing to know why some people do like it. Maybe I'll give it another try!
Read more: GoodNotes or Noteshelf?
What is the easiest way to take pics of my iPad I was thinking of putting them on an external drive?
What is the easiest way to take pics of my iPad I was thinking of putting them on an external drive?
Read more: What is the easiest way to take pics of my iPad I was thinking of putting them on an external drive?
Opening and closing apps ipad?
I recently updated my iPad and now instead of doing the swooshing open and closing it just closes. I know I've seen it in settings to change this but I can't find it anywhere now. Just to be clear- I don't mean when double clicking the home button to close. Just simply when I click an app to open and home button to close. I want it to do the swooshing thing
Read more: Opening and closing apps ipad?
What i should buy: An Iphone 6s, an Ipad Pro or a Mac Book Air?
I want buy one fo these products ( I know that the Ipad pro is not avalible yet) but i´m undecided, i would like to buy the three but i don´t have enought money,
My actual situation is:
I have
-An Iphone 5s
-An Ipad 2
-An old laptop with windows 7 of 2010
The question is
¿What of this products should i renew?
Read more: What i should buy: An Iphone 6s, an Ipad Pro or a Mac Book Air?
Can you transfer music files from iDownloader on iPad to a windows computer or even a Macbook?
Can you transfer music files from iDownloader on iPad to a windows computer or even a Macbook?
Read more: Can you transfer music files from iDownloader on iPad to a windows computer or even a Macbook?
Saturday, November 7, 2015
Does Five Nights at Freddy s require wifi?
Hi! I m going on a school trip just in a small club up to an area in a mountain. We will be high up in the Adirondacks In a cabin with no wifi at all! But I really want to play the whole five nights at Freddy s series but I obviously will have no wifi! I am not spending $13 on games I will never end up playing! I don t have 3G on my iPad btw
Read more: Does Five Nights at Freddy s require wifi?
I lied about a burglary, now what do i do? - 2
Ok, so when i lived with my uncle, him and his wife said that i'm not supposed to let anyone in the house, but i let my boyfriend in to get his clothes and while i wasnt looking, he stole my uncles ipad. I didnt know he stole it until later that night when we couldnt find it. My uncle had the ipad traced and it showed pictures of my boyfriend at a pawn shop with the ipad and threatened to beat the crap out of me if i wouldve let him step foot in his, so i panicked and i was scared, so i lied and said that he broke in while i was at work. If i wouldve told the truth right then and there, then i wouldve got hurt.well then, my uncle called the cops and told them that he broke in and stole it. When my boyfriend went to jail, he talked to his lawyer and his lawyer talked to my uncle and told him the truth. Now, my uncle is hunting me down and looking for me. Could i go to jail for lying? I didnt talk to the police, my uncle did. And what should i do?
Read more: I lied about a burglary, now what do i do? - 2
I lied about a burglary, now what do i do?
Ok, so when i lived with my uncle, him and his wife said that i'm not supposed to let anyone in the house, but i let my boyfriend in to get his clothes and while i wasnt looking, he stole my uncles ipad. I didnt know he stole it until later that night when we couldnt find it. My uncle had the ipad traced and it showed pictures of my boyfriend at a pawn shop with the ipad and threatened to beat the crap out of me if i wouldve let him step foot in his, so i panicked and i was scared, so i lied and said that he broke in while i was at work. If i wouldve told the truth right then and there, then i wouldve got hurt.well then, my uncle called the cops and told them that he broke in and stole it. When my boyfriend went to jail, he talked to his lawyer and his lawyer talked to my uncle and told him the truth. Now, my uncle is hunting me down and looking for me. Could i go to jail for lying? I didnt talk to the police, my uncle did. And what should i do?
Read more: I lied about a burglary, now what do i do?
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