Tuesday, November 3, 2015
My home is hell everyday?
I'm turning 17 this month and I have a very problem. There's not a single day in the house where there isn't a quarrel. My dad works very hard and doesn't do much at home. After supper he usually just plays Ipad and watches TV for the rest of the night. So that gives my mom and I a lot of time together and we always argue about everything usually because of some miscommunication. If we didn't argue the past day, until like the middle of the supper, we will talk nicely to each other, making efforts to not fight again but so many things she says upset me and vice-versa. Sometimes when she explains something to me and is being very unclear, I become a bit edgy and point out what she says that doesn't make any sense and then she would also become angry and say that everyone make mistakes and I reply that I know but I have the right to point out what she says that doesn't make sense and prevent me from understanding what she is trying to say. Then sometimes she would just raise her voice when I'm actually talking with a calm tone and I tell her that we already argued a billion times because she raised her voice at me for nothing and I ask her why is she doing that and then it becomes worse and sometimes at the end we both tell each other that next time we won't do that or that,etc. Sometimes we end up yelling at each other because I feel like I'm making more effort than her to change and this litteraly happens 5 times a week. How can I make life at home easier?
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