Sunday, January 31, 2016

In your views, Is iPad useful or useless?

In your views, Is iPad useful or useless?
Added (1). And all other comparable tablets

Read more: In your views, Is iPad useful or useless?

What shall I use my iPad Air 2 for?

I got an iPad Air 2 for xmas butIm not an electronics person. Since this person spent so much on me, I want to make it useful.

To be honest, if I make a to do list, I usually do it in my diary, I'm not a game person, I read books not from kindle so I do everything old fashioned.
Added (1). I go on the internet but only to waste time and I hate wasting time.

Read more: What shall I use my iPad Air 2 for?

If i update my ipad ios 8 to 9.does update erase anything like apps,games e.t.c?

If i update my ipad ios 8 to 9. Does update erase anything like apps,games e.t.c?

Read more: If i update my ipad ios 8 to 9.does update erase anything like apps,games e.t.c?

Will Rockstar release Gta iv on iOS?

I want to play it on my iPad

Read more: Will Rockstar release Gta iv on iOS?

Does Netflix send an email when you log in through the app?

I want to be able to watch Netflix on my new iPad, and I know the family login. I'm not allowed to know the login and they don't know I know the password. Can I login to my iPad without it emailing my dad saying there was a sign-in?

Read more: Does Netflix send an email when you log in through the app?

How to reset a passcode ipad air 2?

How to reset a passcode ipad air 2?

Read more: How to reset a passcode ipad air 2?

Does your iPad freeze up sometimes with Google app?

My iPad 2 does at times and sometimes it crashes. This is the 2011 model.

Read more: Does your iPad freeze up sometimes with Google app?

How to make youtube videos full screen on ipad mini 4?

I just received a ipad mini 4 today. I wanted one mainly so I can have a bigger screen from my iphone to see videos better. While on youtube I noticed the videos are not full screen or any other videos on other apps are not full screen. Is there a way to make them full?

Read more: How to make youtube videos full screen on ipad mini 4?

Can I get my Vizio smart TV to mirror my iPad and/or Mac?

If not whats the best way to connect an iPad to my Vizio, I have an HDMI to VGA adapter for the TV.

Read more: Can I get my Vizio smart TV to mirror my iPad and/or Mac?

Im getting an ipad in 10 weeks and i want it bad?

i work at nivc. I just started work on tuesday last week and i get payed 6.00 an hour. So i work from 1 to 3. I am wondering what my check will say. How can you make 10 weeks seem like 10 days? I am getting one from walmart. I always wanted an ipad since i was 10, now im almost 18 years old.

Read more: Im getting an ipad in 10 weeks and i want it bad?

Saturday, January 30, 2016

How to control my ipad from my laptop?

How to control my ipad from my laptop? - 1

Read more: How to control my ipad from my laptop?

How many electronic gadgets do you have?

How many electronic gadgets do you have?

Read more: How many electronic gadgets do you have?

Can i control my ipad from my laptop?

Can i control my ipad from my laptop?

Read more: Can i control my ipad from my laptop?

I started using iCloud and even paid for more space but it's not what I thought it would be?

From what I understood, iCloud would take my photos and keep them somewhere else so they wouldn't be taking up space on my phone, rather it uploads the photos into All my devices (iPad, phone and computer) and takes up space on all of them. What can I use to keep all my photos safe but out of my devices taking up space? (At least out of my phone)?

Read more: I started using iCloud and even paid for more space but it's not what I thought it would be?

Apple iPad. How do I change from portrait to landscape?

Apple iPad. How do I change from portrait to landscape? - 1

Read more: Apple iPad. How do I change from portrait to landscape?

Is $13.20 a good deal for a ipad wireless keyboard with mini USB?

I had recently bought a wireless belkin keyboard that I intentionally used for the ipad 2. The keyboard costed me $4.27 after tax and the mini USB costed me $8.93 because I had to buy a brand new one.

So the total was $13.20. Good deal or not?

Read more: Is $13.20 a good deal for a ipad wireless keyboard with mini USB?

What does backyard breeder really mean?

I'm asking because I keep hearing different stories like a backyard breeder is someone who i breeds or someone that keeps dogs in cages outside forcing them to breed all their life then put them in a pet store or someone who mix breed dogs then put them on a very high price online or someone breeding their dog in the backyard. Is this all true?
Added (1). I meant to say inbred. The iPad keeps trying to correct me and it's annoying

Read more: What does backyard breeder really mean?

Can I return my Ipad Mini if i'm not satisfied?

I bought it from target and I have only downloaded YouTube and its slow.

Read more: Can I return my Ipad Mini if i'm not satisfied?

What are good games for an IPad?

What are good games for an IPad?

Read more: What are good games for an IPad?

Do you ever use an ipad for work?

Do you ever use an ipad for work? - 1

Read more: Do you ever use an ipad for work?

Friday, January 29, 2016

Why I'm I such a loser with a unfortunate life?

I'm the biggest loser in my school everyone hates me they call me a "IPad theif""HIDE YOUR IPADS HE IS GONNA TAKE THEM" They put there iPads on my desk and say STOP TAKING MY IPAD because I took someone's iPad and got suspended what can I do to make them stop?BTW I'm a really good boxer

Read more: Why I'm I such a loser with a unfortunate life?

How much data does FaceTime use on Wifi?

I made a 30 minute call and it used 780mb. Everywhere I read is like 15mb per 5 minutes. Does it use more by using an iPad? If so I wouldn't have expected it to use that much more!

Read more: How much data does FaceTime use on Wifi?

What is better an iPad air 2 or iPad mini 3 which one should I get?

What is better an iPad air 2 or iPad mini 3 which one should I get? - 1

Read more: What is better an iPad air 2 or iPad mini 3 which one should I get?

None of my email is showing on my iPhone or on my iPad?

None of my email is showing on my iPhone or on my iPad? - 1

Read more: None of my email is showing on my iPhone or on my iPad?

ICloud vs iTunes backup?

ICloud vs iTunes backup?
Added (1). I have an iPhone 4s & an iPad
I was to buy a new iPhone why are there two was to save and what's the difference?
Can I / Should I?

Read more: ICloud vs iTunes backup?

I cant open my ipad?

I cant open my ipad? - 1

Read more: I cant open my ipad?

Removing default name/e-mail of Facebook page?

Removing default name/e-mail of Facebook page?
Added (1). A friend used my iPad and now it automatically defaults to his name/email when logging in
I don't use Facebook but I still don't want others to see his name when they use my Facebook
I just want the login to be blank for Facebook

Thanks a million

Read more: Removing default name/e-mail of Facebook page?

How to recover notes that have disappeared?

I was working on a note that was connected to both my iPhone and iPad. As I was typing, it disappeared, so I went to my iPad to continue working on it. Unfortunately, while I was updating the note on my iPad it disappeared there as well.

Read more: How to recover notes that have disappeared?

How to find out if my partners using dating sites?not speciific ones but just any?

How to find out if my partners using dating sites? Not speciific ones but just any?
Added (1). Might jusst add he doesnt have history on his ipad and deletes the browser off before i go onit so theres nowt how can i do it? Or get his browsing history?

Read more: How to find out if my partners using dating sites?not speciific ones but just any?

How to charge my iPad with no charger?

my iPad charger stopped working and I need to charge my iPad since I'm using it for a test tomorrow at school. Is there a way I can charge my iPad with no charger?

Read more: How to charge my iPad with no charger?

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Itunes won't find my devices?

For some reason my devices (iPod, iPad, and iPhone) won't register in iTunes. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling, changing usb ports and resetting the lock down folder. I will get the Allow dialogue but not the Trust This Computer dialogue.
My computer knows that the device is connected, and iTunes opens up, but then says that the device "could not be identified properly." This then autodisconnects my iPod from the computer.
I'm starting to get really frustrated and none of the Apple help or other help people posted have worked. If you have any ideas please let me know!
-Any other you might need I can provide as well, but all of my devices and programs say they are up to date!

Read more: Itunes won't find my devices?

College, laptop or ipad?

If I'm going to college next year and probably taking computer science courses, will I need a laptop or could I just get an iPad? Because I'm not living in a dorm but just coming back to my home where I have a computer. I mostly want to do programming. I don't know if colleges have computers or not, like in the classrooms where they teach coding and what not.

Read more: College, laptop or ipad?

How does the iPad's Photos app arrange videos in the Videos folder?

I'm pretty sure it's not by title or by date added.

Read more: How does the iPad's Photos app arrange videos in the Videos folder?

What would an except able internet speed be?

What would an except able internet speed be? - 1
Added (1). Mbps upload and down load please
Added (2). I'm around 17Mbps wireless to my IPad

Read more: What would an except able internet speed be?

Should I completely reformate and sanitize my hard drive?

My dorm room was broken into the other day and in the strangest twist of things, my iPad and a USB stick was stolen, but the perpetrator left my laptop right where it was! (And it'a fairly new one, only 7 months old)

It's had me scratching my head for awhile, why would someone break in and steal one thing but leave something else behind? Then I considered the fact that maybe he could have briefly switched the laptop on, plugged in usb stick with a keylogger that automically copied itself to the hard drive, and then left it? I use a standard windows password so I'm not sure if it's possible to still do that at the password screen without entering the password… Should i just wipe out the hard drive? This has me paranoid as hell--it's like stealing a Rolex out of a Ferrari with the keys in the ignition and leaving the Ferrari there!

Read more: Should I completely reformate and sanitize my hard drive?

Ipad 2 or iPad mini? - 1

I'm looking into buying a ipad 2 or iPad mini. In your opinion which do you think is better? Please give reasons why.

Read more: Ipad 2 or iPad mini? - 1

IPad mini 2 or iPod touch 6th gen?

IPad mini 2 or iPod touch 6th gen?

Read more: IPad mini 2 or iPod touch 6th gen?

Why don't I sleep talk?

I got an app on my iPad to record my sleep talking but it hasn't recorded any talking at all yet. It has picked up on people walking outside my room, so it must work, but why don't I sleep talk and will I ever? Should I just delete the app? By the way I get about 5 hours sleep a night, could that affect it?

Read more: Why don't I sleep talk?

I scratched my brand new iPad screen can I still exchange it at Walmart?

I scratched my brand new iPad screen can I still exchange it at Walmart? - 1
Added (1). It's about 1 month old and it has a two year warranty

Read more: I scratched my brand new iPad screen can I still exchange it at Walmart?

How to switch these jabra wireless earphones on before pairing with iPad pro?

How to switch these jabra wireless earphones on before pairing with iPad pro?

Read more: How to switch these jabra wireless earphones on before pairing with iPad pro?

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Why do i feel this way?

I am 10 and i had to sneek on my sisters ipad to ask this. My hole life I have been like a cat. I no it sounds stupid but meowing and hissing is kind off a habbit and peoples at my skool don t understand me. I cant help it and i want to know y i feel like a cat. Wen my mommy cooks us meet i get exited and my heering is reall good too. Please help

Read more: Why do i feel this way?

When you buy a new iPad do Apple have to set it up for you?

When you buy a new iPad do Apple have to set it up for you? - 1
Added (1). Is it easy to do

Read more: When you buy a new iPad do Apple have to set it up for you?

Mostly use iPad for?

Mostly use iPad for?

Read more: Mostly use iPad for?

Safari won't work on ipad air.Help?

So, I can open Safari and add tabs with + but everytime I tap on the search bar it simply closes and takes me back to my homescreen. I've jut been switching tabs now and it turns out after a few taps it also closes itself.
I updated my software to iOS 9.2.1 hoping it'd fix it but still nothing.
A few days ago I was watching a video and it had a bunch of ads, I occidentally clicked one and quickly closed it all, one of them gave me a pop up ad that wouldn't let me leave unless I went back to my homescreen but it was still there when I came back, I ended up pressing okay and when it said enter password or whatever in that split second I exited the tab. Could this have somehow caused a virus to infect my ipad?
How should I go about fixing this?
I've tried turning my ipad off too:\
Any help is much appreciated!
Thanks in advance!

Read more: Safari won't work on ipad air.Help?

Safari on my iPhone and my iPad keep crashing?

It starting yesterday. When ever I open the browser to search something it just crashes. What should I do. I have an iPad 2 and an iPhone 5s

Read more: Safari on my iPhone and my iPad keep crashing?

How to move files into a folder in Pages on mac?

I can't find how to do it anywhere on the internet. I can't seem to drag and drop documents into a folder, either.
Added (1). Macbook pro. And yes, there are folders. I synced my old work from my iPad to my mac and the work that I had in folders on the iPad went ino the same folders on my mac. I have folders on my computer right now; I just don't know how to make new ones.

Read more: How to move files into a folder in Pages on mac?

How to watch my Gopro videos?

I have a Gopro Hero+ LCD. You can transfer videos to your ipad thru WIFI, but I think its downsizes the quality. I just want to be able to play the videos on my LED tv. I'm sure I could upload to youtube then use chromecast, but I think youtube cuts down the quality too. How much clearer is 1080 than 720?

Read more: How to watch my Gopro videos?

Ipad safari problem?

When i go to safari and type in the url search box it suddenly crash and goes back to the homescreen.
Tried power off,reload,fully quit every apps and reload but still won't work.
What's wrong with my ipad.

Read more: Ipad safari problem?

How to recover information off of an iPad that is locked?

My friend recently locked me out of my iPad to the point of having to contact iTunes. I can't wipe my data, I am a writer and have a lot of words that are not backed up, the iPad was never connected to a computer. I need my work back. Any software, tips, tricks, etc? I'll do anything at this point.

Read more: How to recover information off of an iPad that is locked?

Will an iPad screen protector work with a resistive touch screen?

I have a 5 inch resistive touch screen that I am using with a Raspberry Pi and I am wondering if I could cut up an iPad screen protector to use as a screen protector for the resistive touch screen.

Read more: Will an iPad screen protector work with a resistive touch screen?

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Technology teacher flyer ideas?

While I hunt for a, hopefully, permanent career in a technology related field, my mom suggested that I help people learn how to use computers, iPhones, iPads, tablets and other technology.

I live in a condo building, in Florida, that has a lot of elderly people living in it. There are bulletin boards in the area where the mailboxes for each condo are located and I want to put up flyers there advertising technology help.

I want to advertise that I can help with things like using Microsoft Office programs (Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Publisher), checking email, using an internet browser and anything else that people might want to learn how to do/need help with.

The problem is that I do not know what to write on my flyers, like how to word everything.

I am looking for suggestions of what to write on my flyers (ex: learn to browse the internet) and I want to write everything in a way that someone who has no idea how to use a computer, iPad, iPhone, etc… Can understand what I wrote.

Any ideas?

Read more: Technology teacher flyer ideas?

What did I do wrong?!

So its my day off from work. So i decided to spend it by just sleeping and chilling on my bed surfing the internet on my ipad. 30percent of it was ipad the other 70percent sleeping. Then its dinner time with mom and step dad and half sister. As im eating my step dad goes on a rant saying i was being lazy and how i should do more chores. Saying how back then how he didnt have this he didnt do that and how im spoiled. Im thinking to myself "i didnt do anything to you; i didnt say anything to you, wtf did i do to piss u off". Like me and my half sister really didnt do anything we were doing our own things that day. It was sunday as well. So all in all what caused my step dad to go on a **** rant. It really pissed me off because i didnt talk to him or my mom that day until dinner. I really wanted to say something but I didnt want him to get even more mad. Cause I honestly felt that there should be no reason for him to be acting like that.

Read more: What did I do wrong?!

Using my iPad, how do I view my apple purchase history?

Using my iPad, how do I view my apple purchase history?

Read more: Using my iPad, how do I view my apple purchase history?

How to get VPN on networks that block VPN?

I'm trying to use my iPad to play multiplayer games but it's now blocked by my school's network. At first I used VPN but now the network blocks VPN. Any solutions?

Read more: How to get VPN on networks that block VPN?

I need a new wireless router?

My current router is on its last leg, so I ve been needing a new one for a while anwyays. Though recently I have gained new people to my home that have completed absorbed any functionality I used to get from my device. I mean, they stream so many videos (or whatever they are doing) that I can barely check my email anymore. It s ridiculous. Regardless I am stuck with those new housemates, but I am not stuck with my current router.

So, this is why I have come to you all. Please help me muddle my way through this painful experience of choosing new wireless router.

I need something that can stream video (mainly via Netflix) on a television, an ipad, and two laptops, as well as play WoW on a desktop, and still snapping Google something in order to satisfy any curiosities, all at the same time. Any thoughts on this? And what I may need?

Any, tips or advice are appreciated.
Thank you for taking the time to sort through this mess.

Read more: I need a new wireless router?

How to make a picture look glassy or plasticy effects?

I play this game called Roblox. I do edits.

Can you guys suggest me apps on iPad (free) that can do a "glassy" or "plasticy" effects like this:

Read more: How to make a picture look glassy or plasticy effects?

Linksys wrt1900acs worse than old router?

Before purchasing my new wrt1900acs, my family of 6 was using the linksys ea1600. Wifi gaming was horrendous, YouTube on the iPad had to watched in a low quality, and while streaming I don t recall there being much buffering going on. The Internet would randomly drop at some points. So I decided to purchase a new and "better" router one that should be able to handle the large amount of use my family uses. Now that it s been a month after use I am having a lot of trouble. Now there is a lot of buffering with steaming, wifi gaming hasn t improved and now the router drops connection, the Internet light blinks red randomly and the Internet seems to be running on a timer. If you reset the Internet it s decent when we when first reset it and over time until it needs to reset again, it quickly goes to ****. Im using the arris cm820 modem. If anyone could potentially have a fix that would greatly appreciated

Read more: Linksys wrt1900acs worse than old router?

Best app to download shows and watch offline?

I'm after an app where I can download teen wolf episodes. There are non on Netflix nor iTunes where I am. So I want to download the episodes and watch them offline.

I don't get if I have to buy them. But if it's possible to get the episodes onto my iPad by downloading them, please tell.

I've tried streamnation, and
Amazon instant isn't in my iTunes App Store.

Read more: Best app to download shows and watch offline?

Monday, January 25, 2016

Does my math lab work on an ipad?

Does my math lab work on an ipad?

Read more: Does my math lab work on an ipad?

Can children destroy a marriage?

My girlfriend is divorced with a son. I like and care about her son but I believe his behavior is not appropriate for a 6 year old. For example he interrupts our conversations constantly and inserts himself in adult conversations. He does not do what he is told most of the time unless theres a reward offered and even then a lot of the time he does not. He rarely says please or thank you and demands his mom gets him things (more food, his blanket, his iPad etc ) and she gives in and does it. He leaves trash on the floor and doesn't pick up his toys. I planned a very nice and expensive date and my girlfriend brought her son along because she thought the three of us would bond together. I didnt make a big deal out of it but I feel detached from her because of her son and also don't like the way he acts a lot of the time. He's not a bad kid overall just needs some boundaries and structure and whenever it is approached he rebels and makes up lies about me. It makes me wonder why her ex husband took off and if this is the reason Do children often destroys marriages and how do you prevent it?

Read more: Can children destroy a marriage?

Why can't I access another email on my Ipad2?

I sign out of one email & then try to sign onto another. It keeps going back to showing the other email I signed out of over & over. Why? I've tried signing out of the other one over & over. I can sign out & into other email accounts on my desk top Imac, but I need to do it on my Ipad.

Read more: Why can't I access another email on my Ipad2?

Are all Ipad mini 4 unlocked even the network branded ones?

Are all Ipad Mini 4 unlocked even the network branded ones? I read about it but I am not sure. For example if I buy a Sprint version, can I just use it for another network or use a local lte sim if I am abroad?

Read more: Are all Ipad mini 4 unlocked even the network branded ones?

What's a good free vpn (i'm only using it to watch netflix)?

i'm looking for a usa server that's fast enough for me to watch netflix. PPTP is okay (i don't care about security, i just want to watch netflix)
my internet download speed is 15 mb/s with a latency of around 20 ms but with the free VPNs that i've tried it goes down to as little as 1mb/s with a latency of 300 ms which is a problem when i try to watch netflix.
what's a good one that won't compromise my speed?
p.s. I'm on my ipad so i can only add IKEv2, IPSec, L2TP and PPTP protocols

Read more: What's a good free vpn (i'm only using it to watch netflix)?

I've changed my password on my ipad. Do I enter the old one on my pc and change it again?

I've changed my password on my ipad. Do I enter the old one on my pc and change it again? - 1

Read more: I've changed my password on my ipad. Do I enter the old one on my pc and change it again?

Is the iPad Mini 4 worth buying?

Is the iPad Mini 4 worth buying? - 1

Read more: Is the iPad Mini 4 worth buying?

I can not receive hotmail on my iPad. Anymore. When I go to an error sign comes up?

I can not receive hotmail on my iPad. Anymore. When I go to an error sign comes up?

Read more: I can not receive hotmail on my iPad. Anymore. When I go to an error sign comes up?

Why is programs made so poorly today?

Some apps that you would download on the Apple Store or windows phone store or android store are like this,

Some apps are abandoned and are poorly written and extremely buggy,

I never seen the 90s software market or the 80s with programs like this,

Even third party applications for the classic 90s Mac and Apple II were well written and the bugs were few,

What happened to good software market?

Did something like this happened in 83 and caused the video game crash? Because people refused to buy poorly written software?

Read more: Why is programs made so poorly today?

Huge family fight. Need advice?

I'm on nobody's side technically, but my mom is right.

Its a long story, but because my mom didn't buy my sister an IPhone 6 because the upgrade costs more than my mom expected, my sister threw a huge tantrum and there's more I don't want to get into

But my sister disowned my mom, made stuff up, CAS is involved, etc.

My sister took my mom's iPad with her, and has a Sim card my mom wants back because my mom refuses to pay for her phone. My sister is 16 this year.

Since I'm the only one with contact with my sister, I need to get the Sim card. She's already going to give me the iPad back for my mom, but she doesn't know about the Sim card.

I am 18 now so I'm worried shell make something up about me too.

My current phone used to be my sisters, but she begged me to give her the iPhone my mom want going to give me, and stupid me gave in. My phone is malfunctioning badly due to age, and my mom wants the Sim to upgrade so I can have a working phone. And that's also going to cause tention.

My mom is still paying my phone bill because there are limited jobs in my town, and every extra cent I make I use on my service dog, so its not like I can stop doing that.

She's also helping me find a job.

I need a way to get the Sim card.


Read more: Huge family fight. Need advice?

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Can you downgrade 9.2 with an older versions backup?

I have a iphone ios 9.2 and want to downgrade it, is it possible to use my ipads ios 8.4 backup to then downgrade my iphone back to 8.4?, is this possible and if so how?

Read more: Can you downgrade 9.2 with an older versions backup?

Does Best Buy have you to pay for the used electronics that you're turning in?

I have a:

IPad 4 gen
Three I phones gen 3,4-5?
Samsung galaxy s 3
AT&T samsung phone
IPad cover

Read more: Does Best Buy have you to pay for the used electronics that you're turning in?

Mom asks me to do everything for her?

Don't take "everything" seriously. She just asks me to do a bunch of stuff for her, when she is completely capable of doing it herself. I can be doing homework and her playing her games on her iPad and she asks me "go ask dad to come here" All she has to do is stand up and walk to the door. I have to take a break from doing more important stuff to walk downstairs and tell dad to come here.

Another example:
I was trying to take a nap (and she knew it) and she asked me to go get her a package of Ramen Noodles. All she had to do was walk downstairs to grab it. Not that hard.

Am I taking this the right way? Or is what she is doing just fine?

Also please don't say "respect her, she pays for everything for you"
This is false. My mom has a job at a school (not a teacher) and is getting minimum wage. She goes out and buys her stuff like iPad games or something. My dad is working everyday for almost a whole day making a decent amount of money (3k a month i think, but dont take my word for it). He buys the family things we need and pays the bills.

All my mom does is watch Netflix, plays on her iPad, and does homework.
And for her homework, she barely does it. She tries to find a way to make my sister do it. My sister tries to explain to her what she needs to do (for hw) but her response is almost always "I can't comprehend well." or "I didn't understand a thing you said" when my sister explains it very clearly.

What can I do to help this?

Read more: Mom asks me to do everything for her?

There is any yaoi/yuri erotic/porn app for iPhone/iPad?

There is any yaoi/yuri erotic/porn app for iPhone/iPad?

Read more: There is any yaoi/yuri erotic/porn app for iPhone/iPad?

How to reset apple id on ipad?

How to reset apple id on ipad?

Read more: How to reset apple id on ipad?

I want to start a charity?

My family is middle class.
I'm just a regular kid who only gets money from chores and holidays.
I really want to have a toy charity.
There are a lot of kids in just my town who don't get good presents.
I really want to help the kids because I know some who don't really get presents.
I got an IPad and there best presents are like tiny toys from thrift shops.
I want to be able to make sure that no kid in my town has to wake up on Chrsitmas without getting at least one present they asked for.

I'll sacrifice all my money to do this, but how do I start?
How to I find the kids?

Thanks ðŸ˜Â

Read more: I want to start a charity?

What iOS photo and printing apps fit my needs?

I'm still getting use to my iPad 2 Christmas present and it occurs to me that it would be so awesome if I could use it to design an print things for my specific craft projects since it's so portable. I have always used photoshop and Microsoft office on my PC to this end. I have a wireless HP printer that will work with my iPad.

I need a photo editor that allows me to adjust the size of the images and lighten them to print correctly on special paper.

I also need a printing app that allows me to put multiple images one page, gives me a print preview, and lets me adjust margins. Basically I want to be able to manipulate a lot more than just pressing print on a photo app.

Does such thing exist, or am I expecting too much from this device? I'm new to iOS. All the cool commercials with the hip fun music make it seem like I could design my funky jewelry, no problem. It would be rad if I could.

Read more: What iOS photo and printing apps fit my needs?

Can I access google doc on my iPad even when there is no WiFi available?

Can I access google doc on my iPad even when there is no WiFi available? - 1

Read more: Can I access google doc on my iPad even when there is no WiFi available?

Can I test my iOS apps on iPad mini or do I compulsorily need an iPhone?

Can I test my iOS apps on iPad mini or do I compulsorily need an iPhone? - 1

Read more: Can I test my iOS apps on iPad mini or do I compulsorily need an iPhone?

How to unblock social medias?

in my country there are some social medias blocked how can I do to use them?

Read more: How to unblock social medias?

Saturday, January 23, 2016

I got KOTOR on my iPad. I rather play it on my Mac is there a way to transfer it over?

I got KOTOR on my iPad. I rather play it on my Mac is there a way to transfer it over?

Read more: I got KOTOR on my iPad. I rather play it on my Mac is there a way to transfer it over?

How to copy my ibooks from my Ipad mini onto my Windows PC?

How to copy my ibooks from my Ipad mini onto my Windows PC?
Added (1). Is there any software I can download that will do it? Not TouchCopy, because they won't let me copy ibooks w/o paying.

Read more: How to copy my ibooks from my Ipad mini onto my Windows PC?

Stole 2 students ipads getting arrested at age 12?

One of the parents are getting garda involved i might be going to jail the person i stole the ipad from told EVERYONE im going to get made fun of for the rest of my life i want to say sorry but the dude is mean everyone im my class is going to keep asking did i steal it im too nice to say mind yoir busness this is making me really deppresed

Read more: Stole 2 students ipads getting arrested at age 12?

2, iPad Pro or keep the iPad 4th generation I have?

I am thinking of getting a new iPad, as my current one is getting outdated, and I've had it since it came out. However, last year, the earphone jack became blocked, and has since been removed. So effectively, I can not use sound on my iPad 4th.

However, I am thinking of getting a new one, for the reason that I can not use earphones, and that mine will soon become slow with iOS updated.

I use my iPad everyday, but just using safari, watching YouTube and messaging.

So what should I do?

Thank you ever so much got answers in advance
Added (1). Do I get an iPad Air 2, iPad Pro, or keep the 4th generation iPad I have. However…

Read more: 2, iPad Pro or keep the iPad 4th generation I have?

Do I get an iPad Air 2, iPad Pro or keep the iPad 4th generation I have?

Do I get an iPad Air 2, iPad Pro or keep the iPad 4th generation I have? - 1

Read more: Do I get an iPad Air 2, iPad Pro or keep the iPad 4th generation I have?

Rules and restrictions at the Warfield in SF?

Going to a concert there this year, I want to if I would be able to bring an iPad or digital camera in there for my meet and greet with the band and if you can bring your belongings with you to your seat? I'd be carrying the iPad or digital camera, a backpack and whatever merch I decide to pickup. I'm seated up in the balcony somewhere. Thanks.

Read more: Rules and restrictions at the Warfield in SF?

Friday, January 22, 2016

Do I have a big fear of spiders?

Today I was cleaning the kitchen then I saw the same spider I saw last year climb out of its sleeping spot and I jump and scream silently. I quickly killed the spider then I ran upstairs to tell my mom about it. She tells me to go back downstairs and clean the kitchen but I m too creeped out.
Every time my hair touches the back of my neck I jump thinking its a spider. When I was in my iPad just a few seconds after the spider action, the charger falls to the ground and I jump!
My legs feel wobbly and so does my body.
I feel the need to cover my body in a big blanket so the spider can t touch me.

Read more: Do I have a big fear of spiders?

How to stop kids from using iPad?

My little brother have been using iPad very often, and he usually learn violence there. Whenever we take away or ban him from iPad. He shout his lungs out.

Violence, e.g. Saying vulgar or foul words, hit people who toy guns, punching family and friends.

Read more: How to stop kids from using iPad?

Ideas to potty train an autistic child?

I am a therapist with an autistic child. She does pretty good with going pee on the potty but hasn't pooped on it yet. She use to request saying she had to go potty and would go but she wont even do that anymore. When she has accidents she is changed in the bathroom. We make potty time fun with toys, books, songs. After going potty she gets a sticker to put on the paper on the wall and she gets a special treat it was marshmallows now this week we started with m&m's. If she goes poop on the potty she gets icecream. We have also made videos on the ipad using olaf and showing her to poop or go potty in the toilet and the excitement we have and the treat he gets if he does it. But she is slipping and not requesting the bathroom anymore or going poop at all yet it's been over 6 months of training her. She is 4 1/2 years old any suggestions?

Read more: Ideas to potty train an autistic child?

Stole a students ipad getting arreseted at age 12?

I stole an ipad becuz im poor and cant afford one i stole 2 students ipad my mom gave one back the vice princapale knew i stole the other ipad because im in the guys class (yes i know im stupid) now im suspended from school until wednsday the guy in my woodwork class told EVERYONE now im scared im going to be bullied till i kill myself… Help WHAT SHOULD I DO

Read more: Stole a students ipad getting arreseted at age 12?

I Have Skype On The IPad And When I Do A Group Chat It Doesn't Show The Faces Of The People. Why?

I Have Skype On The IPad And When I Do A Group Chat It Doesn't Show The Faces Of The People. Why?
Added (1). What I Mean Is That It Doesn't Show Them Just Their Profile Pics.

Read more: I Have Skype On The IPad And When I Do A Group Chat It Doesn't Show The Faces Of The People. Why?

What software is preinstalled on an Ipad Pro?

What software is preinstalled on an Ipad Pro? - 1

Read more: What software is preinstalled on an Ipad Pro?

What CAN'T a iPad pro do for people in design?

I am going to school currently for illustration & design, and I am currently looking into a way to make drawing digitally feel more natural to me and also mobile. My main thing I do not want to do is spend money into 10 different products to finish a product, and I am wondering why I keep hearing that the iPad pro "can't create finished work, and you will have to finish it up on a desktop".

I feel like people are falling into the traits of how they run a workflow and how they are used to do things.

Really what I want to know is if I get a iPad pro, and I am not used to adobe on PC all the much yet what limitations will I really come across as a semi-professional wanting to make great designs.

(Side note, I have tried a surface pro 4 i7, and it could run full adobe programs, but touch on that is AWFUL! Not to mention the device crashed all the time with only having it for a day. I have also bought a Wacom Intuos Pro, and kind of works out, minus the fact that it's not mobile at all and will probably only work for me at home, not at school.)

Thank you for taking the time to read my question, let me know if you need anything else for me to add!

Read more: What CAN'T a iPad pro do for people in design?

How to play Amazon prime movies of from iPad to tv?

How to play Amazon prime movies of from iPad to tv?

Read more: How to play Amazon prime movies of from iPad to tv?

Facebook messenger will not load from any device?

I can not get my messages to load. It says check Internet connection. My connection is fine. I get the same thing from every device. I can log my son in on every one of those devices and all his messages load. It's just when I'm logged in that I get the error. I get a "could not load conversations" error from my iPad. Does anyone know what's going on? I get alerts saying I have new messages (the alerts that come to my phone) but when I try to open it I get those errors.

Read more: Facebook messenger will not load from any device?

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Why does the app MyTown not available for App Store in Australia?

In 2012 I downloaded the app MyTown by Booyah through the App Store, but I downloaded it on my iPod touch through a different iCloud account, now I have an iPad and a new iCloud account and I went to download it but it doesn't show up! I followed a link through Google to download it but it says it's not available in the Australian App Store, that it's only available in the US App Store, is there any other way to download this?

Read more: Why does the app MyTown not available for App Store in Australia?

Can I get in trouble? And if so how much at the most?

So basically, at my middle school, we have Ipads, and we had free time at 3rd period, and I went on notes and airdropped "please let me teach" and I changed my name to a teachers name on the ipad by going to settings>about and then I change it. I Airdropped the message to only 4 or 5 people on one of them told the teacher I was impersonating. People were saying someone attached a inappropiate picture, in which all honesty and i swear I didnt put a nasty pic of her with a penis in her mouth. Anyways I confessed over the phone with my dad, and I truly was sorry, but I dont know what will happen next? Can I go to juvy? Can I get suspended or expelled, what can happen?

Read more: Can I get in trouble? And if so how much at the most?

What is the difference between iPad and iPad Air?

What is the difference between iPad and iPad Air?

Read more: What is the difference between iPad and iPad Air?

Is my son being ungrateful?

He lives in a big house with us a has 3 cats and a dog and a iPhone 6 and a iPad and a apple laptop and Apple TV with Netflix and stuff on it and a heated bed and a 3D tv with his own sky box and a ps4 with online membership and a £100 wrist watch and his own personal attractive hairdresser and has met his celeb crush twice and his celeb crush and a super model both follow him on Twitter and reply to his tweets and think he is cute like all the girls do and yet he says his life is boring and he don't have much what should I say to my son

Read more: Is my son being ungrateful?


My keyboard has been really weird I Don t know How to fix it… By the way yes I have rebooted it… Please help I don t like my key board like this thank you
Added (1). By the way I have an iPad and if you see an iPad and the keyboard is like right at the bottom and mines like right in middle


Why can't I do homework?

I always did my homework up until probably 5th grade, then all of a sudden I just couldn t. Now don t reply with something stupid saying that I m not trying or I m just making excuses, I genuinely can t do it. I took AP classes during junior high and my freshman year in high school, so I m not dumb. I don t know why, but whenever I try to do homework I just get really anxious and I can t focus. If I really force myself to get it done, it ll probably take me an hour to do 25 problems. (Not difficult problems, literally just problems that require me copying the answer out of the book.) My grades are slipping and I really wanna do better, but I can t. It s not that I m not motivated, because I m very ambitious and I m always planning out my life after high school. I m not a lazy person either, I m actually really active and I m capable of doing many things, just not homework. I noticed that whenever I m typing an essay or doing some form of work on my laptop, I can actually get it done. There s this one boy who I have a few classes with and he does all his work on his iPad, so maybe that s an option for me too. The only thing is, I m pretty sure he has a learning disability and I don t (as far as I know)

Can someone please help me figure out why I can t get my work done, and if you think there s a disorder that fits me, can you please tell me?

Read more: Why can't I do homework?

Could I get in trouble for this, can the teacher sue me or can i even go to jail?

Basically, In my 3rd period class, we were allowed to use our ipads (the school gives them out to kids who sign the contract) so anyways, we were goofing off and on the notes app you can send people texts or messages through airdrop, so i decided to clown around and go into the ipad settings and change the name to a teachers name, even thought its not their ipad. So I airdropped people using the ipads the message "please let me teach" thats it, no threats or anything bad. Can I get sued for using her name? Can I go to jail or get kicked out of school? What would be the consequence. By the way nobody knows it me, but someone told the teacher i was impersonating, and the kid told some people that she will find who did its or call airdrop and get the text history.

Read more: Could I get in trouble for this, can the teacher sue me or can i even go to jail?

IPad mini only charges when its off?

iPad mini 2 only charges when it's off. I have tried different cables and adapters.

Read more: IPad mini only charges when its off?

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

What happens if I don't backup my iPad?

What happens if I don't backup my iPad?

Read more: What happens if I don't backup my iPad?

My kids play on ipads at school?

My kids are 8 & 5 and their schools have ipads for "fun time" and i guess for learning? But what the hell does a grade schooler need an ipad for to learn? Learning should be hands on. Not electronic. I told my kids teachers that my kid are to be given paper assignments instead of the ipad. Was I in the right to do that? I mean. They play enough tablet games at home… I really feel strongly against them playing on electronics at school. Even for what they think is "learning"… Ipads don't premote good writing…

Read more: My kids play on ipads at school?

10GB of storage used up on photos?

Hey! So, I used to have an iPhone 4s. I saved a lot of useless crap onto the camera roll. Then, I did the same with my old iPad. When I got my new one last Christmas, the memory ran out after like three apps. According to the storage, 10GB of my memory is on the camera roll, so I m guessing all these photos are still saved on there from the past three products? I can t see them and I ve wiped the camera roll. How can I access them to delete them? Thanks!

Read more: 10GB of storage used up on photos?

Returning Apple iPad Air 2?

Hi, this us actually my first time returning an apple product. I do not have a nearby FedEx as it says to have Fedex ship it, but I do have a drop off box for Fedex. Can I just drop the box in there or is that not a particularly good idea. Orrrr, can I just ship it postal.
Thank you!

Read more: Returning Apple iPad Air 2?

IPad Mini stuck in recovery mode? - 1

**please actually read this before you link me to a tutorial** It's been stuck like this since last night. I've hooked it up to iTunes. I've tried restoring it from iTunes but there is an error every time. Something about the device not being ''eligible.'' I have never jailbroken it. Ive held down the home button and lock button but after that, the recovery mode screen just comes straight back on. I tried updating to the newest version of iTunes and trying it again, but this time it was even worse; the computer doesn't even register that i have a device connected now. What do i do? I want to fully restore it.
Added (1). Rex, it is stuck on the iTunes logo with the plug, not the Apple logo. I've tried turning it off countless times by doing exactly what you described, but it comes on about 15 seconds later with exactly the same screen. As i said, even if i plug it into my computer, iTunes doesn't even recognise that it's been plugged in anymore.

Read more: IPad Mini stuck in recovery mode? - 1

I sold an iPad on eBay and can t print the shipping info?

The item sold and I went to the page where you create and print the shipping label, but it would let me. It kept giving me an error saying "Some USPS services are no longer available online to certain countries. If you don t see the service you d like to use, you will need to purchase postage at your local post office." So if I create a shipping label at the post office, how will eBay know if i shipped the package without their own verification through my account like it is usually done? How do i know I won t get scammed and have the buyer say they never received it, since eBay isn t tracking it? Someone please help

Read more: I sold an iPad on eBay and can t print the shipping info?

How to convert a Windows Media Player video to an iPad?

I have a Windows Media Player video on my laptop. Is there a way I can move it to my iPad and save it in my Camera Roll?

I have Windows 10, and my iPad is 4th generation.

Read more: How to convert a Windows Media Player video to an iPad?

Where to watch the walking dead for free?

I was wondering what websites I can watch season 6 of the walking dead on from my iPad. Just finished season 5 on Netflix and they don't have season 6!
Thank you!

Read more: Where to watch the walking dead for free?

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

What's the difference between a 90s kid and a 2000s kid?

90s kids grew up with cell phones, social media, the internet, and ipads just like 2000s kids so why do 90s kids think they are so special?

Read more: What's the difference between a 90s kid and a 2000s kid?

My iPad is malfunctioning?!

My new iPad mini 2 is stuck alternating between the process it goes through to turn on and the process it goes through to turn off. It s been doing that for hours. It was fine last night-the only unusual thing I did was changing the date and time to a really long time ago (in order to use the time cheat on a game I m addicted to). Otherwise, everything was perfectly normal until the battery died (which I was expecting to happen). I plugged it in to charge it this afternoon, and it appeared to be stuck on the turning-on screen with the apple on the white background for a ridiculously long time. At one point it started to function like it normally would, with the major exception that it would take 30 seconds or more to show any kind of response to anything I did. After a few moments, it shut down and began the aforementioned cycle. I haven t downloaded any programs that could potentially give it a virus. Has anyone else had this happen, and, more importantly, does anyone have any idea what might be going on?

Read more: My iPad is malfunctioning?!

Which one? Paperback books vs hardcover books?

Which one? Paperback books vs hardcover books?

Read more: Which one? Paperback books vs hardcover books?

What is a good punishment?

My mom puts a password on the ipad but i found out and i had been playing with it my mom is tired of giving me punishments and she asked me to suggest one

Read more: What is a good punishment?

How to unlock my iPad screen?

How to unlock my iPad screen?

Read more: How to unlock my iPad screen?

Interested in Journalism as a career, but want to live and settle in California?

I'm interested in Journalism as a career (I am 16, approaching 17. Trying to get a vague life plan outline) but my long-time goal since I was younger was to move to the United States, specially California.

Would Journalism allow me to acquire a permanent working visa (and then I can apply for residency). I doesn't require an actual degree, however I am thinking about starting a blog featuring interviews, reports and personal perceptions of the world of which I experience. Thinking this might give me practise as well as help with university applications etc.

But would this allow me to relocate to the United States in a short enough time, and if not, can anybody give me pointers in how to require a career and eventually be a permanent resident in America. I'm looking to do a degree in History and mah be applying to Cambride university. My other choices of career include being a professor of history. So something in this field, although I do wonder about good job opportunities in the USA with a history degree which can support me comfortably in an expensive state such as California.

I am a British citizen living in the United Kingdom by the way.
Added (1). Excuse any spelling mistakes, I typed this fast on my iPad.

Read more: Interested in Journalism as a career, but want to live and settle in California?

Ipod touch 6th Generation vs Ipad Mini 2 which one to buy?

Ipod touch 6th Generation vs Ipad Mini 2 which one to buy?

Read more: Ipod touch 6th Generation vs Ipad Mini 2 which one to buy?

What do if i lost my ipad cord any ideas how to charge it?

What do if i lost my ipad cord any ideas how to charge it?

Read more: What do if i lost my ipad cord any ideas how to charge it?

Monday, January 18, 2016

Should I get an IPad air 2 or a IPad mini 4?

I'm new to apple so I don't know which one to go for and when you answer please explain why so I can know is it worth my buck

Read more: Should I get an IPad air 2 or a IPad mini 4?

Should i buy my son an iPad Air or iPad Mini 4 for high school?

Should i buy my son an iPad Air or iPad Mini 4 for high school?

Read more: Should i buy my son an iPad Air or iPad Mini 4 for high school?

If I log into ICloud will all my family get to see my stuff?

Okay so my mum has an iPhone and iPad, my sister has an iPhone and I've just got an iPhone 6, now to use some of its features I need to log in to iCloud, this is fine however things like Facebook, snapchat, Instagram, other things that may cause them discomfort should they see… Will they see this or will they not? If I log into iCloud is my stuff still private?

Read more: If I log into ICloud will all my family get to see my stuff?

Which IPad should I get? - 2

Something that's high resolution, fast,mid price range, and decent size

Read more: Which IPad should I get? - 2

Should I get ipad or macbook?

I am getting 3000$ for my birthday and I am not sure what to buy with them, If ipad I will get ipad pro and if macbook, I'm not sure macbook pro or air, I want it mainly for browsing and internet, but also for music, movies and games, also I am joining interior design college this year, so I think I'll need to use it for CAD, sketchup and this designing apps, so any help will be appreciated, and also I want to know what's the difference between macbook air and macbook pro? Thanks.

Read more: Should I get ipad or macbook?

Should I get an IPad or an IPhone?

Well my birthday is in 2 months and the type phone I have is a Kyocera hydro its not a bad of a phone but I wanted to upgrade to an iPhone 6 but then I thought about my tablet I still have which is a G Slate tablet and its like 5 years old and like 3 or 4 years ago I got a headphone piece stuck into the charging piece of the tablet and the battery died and it s been sitting in the box ever since I could get it fixed but I want a new phone as well

Read more: Should I get an IPad or an IPhone?

Sims 3 Ipad(mini): sims engaged but no wedding party option?

Sims 3 Ipad(mini): sims engaged but no wedding party option?

Read more: Sims 3 Ipad(mini): sims engaged but no wedding party option?

Want to earn money but I can't find a website?

Hello. I want to write for a website in order to get paid. I mean the payment must be more than 10$ per article. I currently have many articles but my best right now is Ten Reasons to choose Surface Pro 4 Instead of Apple iPad Pro. You can check it. Http://
I mainly will write on mobiles and tablets.
Can someone find me a website which easily accepts articles like that and pay more than 10$ per article?

Read more: Want to earn money but I can't find a website?

Sunday, January 17, 2016

How to download movies on my ipad mini 2?

How to download movies on my ipad mini 2?

Read more: How to download movies on my ipad mini 2?

How to update the IPAD 1st Generation to IOS anything?!

I'm all researched out and the simplest answer seemed to be to connect to my ITunes account, but I go there, and under my IPad (IOS 5.1.1) I click "check for updates" and it says "your IPad software is up to date."

As you're probably all aware, there is little I can do with at least IOS 7, based on anything I've tried to download. I'm lucky it can connect to the Internet, it's so pathetic. I am not very tech-savvy, and would prefer the insults on why I even have one, or whatever else-to a minimum.

If you have a quick, helpful answer or link, please share. Otherwise, maybe I'll just sell it on eBay. It's in great shape and barely used.

Read more: How to update the IPAD 1st Generation to IOS anything?!

How to print 4x6 photo paper with an OfficeJet Pro 8620 printer from a picture on an iPad device?

How to print 4x6 photo paper with an OfficeJet Pro 8620 printer from a picture on an iPad device?

Read more: How to print 4x6 photo paper with an OfficeJet Pro 8620 printer from a picture on an iPad device?

What cable do I need to connect my iPad to a tv so I can stream Netflix?

What cable do I need to connect my iPad to a tv so I can stream Netflix?

Read more: What cable do I need to connect my iPad to a tv so I can stream Netflix?

How to change my profile picture?

I’m using desktop mode for my iPad. And the photos are disabled for this mode. Please help & thank you.

Read more: How to change my profile picture?

Music problems on iPad?

My iPad mini 3 keeps playing music randomly. It s usually in fast motion and I can t pause or skip. The music app is not open and the only way to stop the music is to open the app and take it off multitask. Also, I don t have a Bluetooth keyboard.

Read more: Music problems on iPad?

How long does it take a drained ipad to charge,and when will i see the apple logo?

How long does it take a drained ipad to charge, and when will i see the apple logo?

Read more: How long does it take a drained ipad to charge,and when will i see the apple logo?

Clash of Clans Account Issues?

So we have a family iPad that I downloaded clash of clans onto, and was signed in with my gamecenter account. The apple ID was originally set to my sister's account, and the app was downloaded under her account. The latest clash update came out a while ago and I want to get online to inform my clan about some things, but I can't get online without updating. I tried going into the App Store (my sister's account) and updating it, but it won't let me without her password. She forgot her password, and has no retrieval process possible. She suggested resetting the iPad since there are barely any apps on it and I'm the only one who uses it. If we reset the iPad, will my clash of clans account be deleted aswell?

In all, all I need to know is, if I delete the app on my iPad, will the progess I've made be deleted as well or be saved on my Gamecenter account? If I do delete it, can I redownload it under a new Apple ID?

Read more: Clash of Clans Account Issues?

Can you keep purchased music on a ipad?

So i already have purchased music on my ipad. But i wan t to sync other music onto it… But it says it ll erase all the music on there already… And i don t want it to do that i just want to add more music… In wondering if it will stay on there since its purchased?

Read more: Can you keep purchased music on a ipad?

My iPad screen is locked in horizontal position, how do I get it to rotate again? Thanks?!

My iPad screen is locked in horizontal position, how do I get it to rotate again? Thanks?!

Read more: My iPad screen is locked in horizontal position, how do I get it to rotate again? Thanks?!

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Can I Turn My iPad Air In For A iPad Air 2?

I've had my ipad air forever and I thinks it's time for a new one it's only has 200 Mbs Of RAM and sometimes it freezes. I don't want to have to pay a full price for a new one. Is there a other way? My ipad air is 2 years old or more I'm not sure I got it in 2014 on December 25 for xmas. It's pretty old and scratched up on the back I want a new one really bad! Please help

Read more: Can I Turn My iPad Air In For A iPad Air 2?

Is iPad first gen 5.1.1 IOS up gradable?

Is iPad first gen 5.1.1 IOS up gradable?

Read more: Is iPad first gen 5.1.1 IOS up gradable?

My apple ipad froze up. Is there anyway to try to get just pic. Apple store said nothing?

My apple ipad froze up. Is there anyway to try to get just pic. Apple store said nothing?

Read more: My apple ipad froze up. Is there anyway to try to get just pic. Apple store said nothing?

Okay, so I m having an issue remembering an old story that maybe someone has heard of?

A while back, I started playing mine craft and I was obsessed with apps. There was this app that I download on my iPad, that also had stories that people have written. I m trying to remember it, but I know the beginning was this.

The beginning talked about a guy who woke up in a fall and hit the universe of mine craft and had to figure out how to survive. It talked about dying and things like that. Then how this player named himself Steve and found other players.

I don t know, it was very fun to read back then and I m curious if anyone knows the app, or the name of the story. Thanks!

Read more: Okay, so I m having an issue remembering an old story that maybe someone has heard of?

IPad apple logo flashing and wont restore?

My iPad has been doing this for almost two months. The apple logo start screen is always flashing. I put it in recovery mode then plugged it into my laptop to restore it… It worked for a few days before it happened again. Now when I plug it in it says 'extracting software' but due to the fact that it flashes when it turns on… It wont let it 'prepare the ipad'. I seriously frustrates me. A message comes up saying '/the iPad could not be restored. An unknown error occurred (9)' Ive tried using other USB cables. Nothing is working and Im very frustrated. Please help
Added (1). Its been in recovery mode for a month because it doesnt do anything except flash on and off constantly

Read more: IPad apple logo flashing and wont restore?

My computer says my my ipad is disabled?

Comnect to iTunes. What does that mean. Take 2 apple store

Read more: My computer says my my ipad is disabled?

Surface 3 or Surface Pro 4?

I think my needs are more Surface 3, not Pro 3 nor Pro 4. I don't need to run more than an app or two at a time, and nothing intense either. 128GB is more than enough. I'd like to have 4G LTE on my tablet, which the Pro versions don't offer. (Of course there's the hotspot option.) But I'm afraid that the Surface 3 might be less quality and freeze up or something? Or am I just over thinking this?

PS. Before just saying I should get an iPad you need to realize that I need a full Windows device to run Windows programs. Yes, it's old fashioned to open up a CD case and plug the tablet into an optical drive do that I can install my programs but that's what I need. (At least I don't have any more floppy disks.) But I can't do that on an iPad or Android tablet unless you know how and can tell me.

Read more: Surface 3 or Surface Pro 4?

How to edit a document on a variety of devices?

I need to edit the same Word document on both my Mac and my iPad.

I tried using Dropbox with the Word app, but that app gives me an error when I try to edit the document on iPad. ("This document has certain edit capabilities that have been locked." The document is not locked for editing, btw.)

Anyone know what else I can use to do this?

Read more: How to edit a document on a variety of devices?

Friday, January 15, 2016

How to jailbreak a brand new iPad issued by company but not yet set up?

I found an iPad at the airport but it was locked. I reset it and now during set up it says enter "republic one" password. Must be company Owned. I do not have this password. How do I make the iPad useable?

Read more: How to jailbreak a brand new iPad issued by company but not yet set up?

Ipad 2 32GB, Is it good?

So I am thinking about getting this ipad 2 that is refurbished and has almost perfect reviews, But I have some questions.
How good is an iPad 2? All I really want to do on it is stuff like the internet, Twitter, Game apps, can you download all apps onto this? Or does it require a newer ipad?
Just generally how good is it?

Read more: Ipad 2 32GB, Is it good?

Do they have any third party like apple pencils that work for the iPad mini 4?

I know the apple pencil only works with the iPad Pro. Is there any other pencils that work with any iPad?

Read more: Do they have any third party like apple pencils that work for the iPad mini 4?

IPad Air 2 - Touch id fingerprint id sensor - Work with multiple fingerprints?

Ie. Say this iPad is to be used by more than one user… Will this touch id fingerprint sensor only work with one fingerprint (thereby effectively locking out another party)?

Usually an iPad is shared in our household.

Thank you for any input (in advance).

Read more: IPad Air 2 - Touch id fingerprint id sensor - Work with multiple fingerprints?

My email is on my laptop. How do I get it moved to my IPad?

My email is on my laptop. How do I get it moved to my IPad?

Read more: My email is on my laptop. How do I get it moved to my IPad?

My IPad is frozen what do I do to fix it?

My IPad is frozen what do I do to fix it?

Read more: My IPad is frozen what do I do to fix it?

Thursday, January 14, 2016

How well does iOS 9 run on iPad 2?

I have an iPad 2 that I've had for maybe 4-5 years now it runs fine but by today's standards this thing is a dinosaur. I am still running iOS7 on it because I have been worried that upgrading the firmware will cause my iPad to run slow and freeze which has happened with other old Apple devices after upgrading to newer software versions. The problem I am running into now are some new apps that I want to download are too new for iOS7. I was just wondering if anyone has iOS9 running on an iPad 2 and I would just like people's opinions on whether or not I should upgrade. I just worry that I will ruin my iPad and I can't really afford to get a new one at the moment. It would be nice if apple would allow us to downgrade if the newest OS is too much for old devices.

Read more: How well does iOS 9 run on iPad 2?

Ipad makes internet speeds really slow?

My dad has an iPad 4. He has it on iOS 6 still. My sister uses it almost all day to watch YouTube videos on it and whenever she does it makes the whole internet very slow. I know it s the iPad because whenever she gets on or off I can tell the difference in my game on the Xbox one. It doesn t matter how many devices are on it seems but as soon as that iPad gets online, the Internet is garbage. Does updating to iOS 9 fix this issue? It doesn t seem like my dad wants to update it but I can probably talk him into if this does fix this issue. If updating doesn t do anything else. I would like any answers or fixes possible. It s rediculous trying to play competive games like cod and halo.

Read more: Ipad makes internet speeds really slow?

Can dust plug fit in a ipad or ipad mini?

My daughter really wants a dust plug for her ipad mini. Would these little things work for this kind of device? If it fits for I phone would it fit for it?

Read more: Can dust plug fit in a ipad or ipad mini?

IPad Pro or iPad Air 2?

IPad Pro or iPad Air 2?

Read more: IPad Pro or iPad Air 2?

When I click on facebook on ipad it goes to white screen then back facebook will not come up why?

When I click on facebook on ipad it goes to white screen then back facebook will not come up why?

Read more: When I click on facebook on ipad it goes to white screen then back facebook will not come up why?

After the last upgrade, I can no longer receive emails on my iPhone 5S or my iPad. Help?!

After the last upgrade, I can no longer receive emails on my iPhone 5S or my iPad. Help?!

Read more: After the last upgrade, I can no longer receive emails on my iPhone 5S or my iPad. Help?!

Is there such thing as an internet addiction?

so just wondering if internet addiction is an actual thing?
currently going online is the first thing i do when i wake up and the last thing i do before bed, it even puts me to sleep, most days i will spend 10-15hrs per day on it, and i'm not kidding.
i never realized i had an issue until my laptop crashed and had to be repaired it after 1 day i because seriously angry and depressed, had to borrow a family members ipad to get online and watch videos it was only then i started to feel better… So is it an actual thing?

i struggle with a drug addiction as well which currently working on staying clean!

Thanks for your help!

Read more: Is there such thing as an internet addiction?

How to run Iphone/Ipad apps on Mac?

How to run Iphone/Ipad apps on Mac? - 1

Read more: How to run Iphone/Ipad apps on Mac?

A website of program that tell how loud the sound is in hertz?

So can someone tell me a app for iphone ipad or even a mac or a website that tell how loud or quite the sound is in frequency. This is for my science project i would be playing some sounds o with various freqeuncy and would go up to 20000 hertz

Read more: A website of program that tell how loud the sound is in hertz?

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Saving money ideas for teen?

I really want to save up for new phone or Macbook Pro ($1000 + ).
I get a weekly allowance of $10. This is for any stuff around the house that I do. Therefore I can't do extra things to earn money.
I also can't get a job just yet as the job I have been wanting for years I'm not quiet old enough for yet (I'm 14 almost 14 3/4).
I can't really do any lemonade stalls as I live in a quiet area and on a very short and quiet street.
Does anyone have any other ideas?
Added (1). I need to get a Mac as all my things that I do school work on at home (iPad etc) is Apple and it will be easy to sync as I take my iPad to school and all the computers at school are Apple.

Read more: Saving money ideas for teen?

How to make people text instead of imessage?

Recently I got an android phone and all my friends that have iPhone's imessage me when they're connected to wifi, but i wont be so it will send to my ipad instead of my new phone…

Read more: How to make people text instead of imessage?

Do you feel teens are more impersonal because of phones, ipads,etc? No social skills?

Do you feel teens are more impersonal because of phones, ipads,etc? No social skills?

Read more: Do you feel teens are more impersonal because of phones, ipads,etc? No social skills?

Says it s connected to be wifi but no internet connection?

I have an iPhone and an iPad both of which were connected to Wi-Fi and work totally fine. A few days ago I realized that on my iPad, The Wi-Fi says it s connected but I can t load anything on the Internet. However on my iPhone the Wi-Fi also says connecting but it still works completely fine does anybody know what I can do to fix this.

Read more: Says it s connected to be wifi but no internet connection?

My teacher saw pic of me without headscarf I think he is attracted?

Ok so I'm a female Muslim (I look English blue eyes brown hair and I am fit if there is any difference) ok so we have a school iPad and I took selfies of me without headscarf (nothing innapropriate just normal selfies with poses) and I had my iPad open and a girl accused me of taking pictures which I wasn't doing because I was just checking my headscarf on the selfie camera so the male teacher came took my iPad and asked for the password I showed it to him and he went on pics and saw all the selfies and he kept on going through them then he was smiling and smirking I started freaking out and he took my iPad away so then I just sat there and while we were doing a task I saw him on my iPad (I think he was checking he pics) so then after class he told me to stay behind and he then gave me the iPad and said nice selfies and I was just standing there I took the iPad and left then the next few lessons he started acting weird he creeps me out he keeps on staring at me smirking at me he always tries to keep me in detentions but I avoid them because I'm scared he talks to other male teachers and pointing at me and I think he is attracted like he is in his middle 20s he is attractive but I'm not the type of student who flirts with teachers I just act normal


Read more: My teacher saw pic of me without headscarf I think he is attracted?

Can you get viruses on your ipad?

its really slow now after watching lots of p0rn. I only use it to watch youtube and naked women. I dont have ANY apps besides the ones it came with.

Its always crashing when i visit sites. When i click on something to type in, the keyboard disappears for no reason. Whats wrong with this stupid thing? Might sell it for some crack so over it.

Read more: Can you get viruses on your ipad?

What Apple products do you have? - 2

I've got a…

- Apple Watch
- iPad Air
- iPhone 6
- iPhone 4s
- iPod
- Macbook Pro

Read more: What Apple products do you have? - 2

I can t see on iPad who is online on facebook?

I can t see on iPad who is online on facebook? - 1

Read more: I can t see on iPad who is online on facebook?

Best photoshop dupe apps?

I just got a new iPad, and I want to try out a new editing software, yet I m broke. I do drawings and fanart usually, I always used Pixlr Editor online, but of course Adobe is required to run it and iPads can t download Adobe. Is there any dupe free/cheap apps available for iPad that I can do some drawings on?

Read more: Best photoshop dupe apps?

Iphone 6 or iPad mini?

Iphone 6 or iPad mini?

Read more: Iphone 6 or iPad mini?

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

IPad can't turn on no matter what I do. Help?

I was on YouTube and I accidentally hit a link in the comments and it froze for a second, so I pressed the sleep/wake button and now it can't turn on, no matter what I do.

Read more: IPad can't turn on no matter what I do. Help?

I can access youtube on ipad but not new computer/ keeps asking for google address?

I can access youtube on ipad but not new computer/ keeps asking for google address?

Read more: I can access youtube on ipad but not new computer/ keeps asking for google address?

Word app for iPad won't let me edit document?

I am trying to edit a Word document on my iPad, opened through Dropbox and then opened with Microsoft Word. When I attempt to edit it wants me to convert the format (which I cannot do without upgrading to Office 365.)

The error message I get is "This document has certain edit capabilities that have been locked." I have double-checked and the original file is NOT locked in any way for editing.

It does have embedded fonts - is that the problem?

Read more: Word app for iPad won't let me edit document?

Ipad not showing charging progress when turned off?

When my iPad air 2 is turned off and charging, the green battety icon with a black background does not appear. When I press the home button, the screen does not light up at all, it just stays black. And when I unplug the lightning cable and plug it back in, the apple logo appears and the iPad boots up again. Is it not charging when the iPad is turned off? It appears to charge completely normally when turned on but I would like to be able to charge it when it is turned off. I would appreciate some help please. Thank you in advance

Read more: Ipad not showing charging progress when turned off?

How to make a proposal for a networked environment?

For a school project i have to create a proposal for a networked environment for every room in a house, including printers. How do i do this?

Here's the actual directions:
Create a project proposal that details what is necessary to establish a networked environment for every room in a house. Consider at least one file
server and two printers in your proposal.

Read more: How to make a proposal for a networked environment?

How to take Verizon completely off a IPAD and put something else on?

How to take Verizon completely off a IPAD and put something else on?

Read more: How to take Verizon completely off a IPAD and put something else on?

Would you rather own an iPhone, iPad or iPod?

Would you rather own an iPhone, iPad or iPod? - 1

Read more: Would you rather own an iPhone, iPad or iPod?

My LAN is not secure. How do I do that on my iPad and my PC?

My LAN is not secure. How do I do that on my iPad and my PC?

Read more: My LAN is not secure. How do I do that on my iPad and my PC?

How to stop toddler sims going out the front door randomly?

I have 3 toddler sims in my town and they keep going out the front door of the house they are in and it really bothers me because I give them an enclosed yard space so they would be safe (if real life) but they always seem to go out the front door rather than in the yard…
I made a daycare/house with a yard for when the mum and dads when to work because I had someone living in the bigger house (tompsons which had one toddler at the time) that didn't have a job so the toby (the other toddler at the time) would go there while his parents were at work then back to his house when they got home but I wanted the tompsons to have another kid and you can only have 4 people in the house so I built her a house and made it a daycare centre at the front but couldn't afford a riverside estate or whatever they are called at the time so I didn't have much room and it only has a small enclosed yard between some of the rooms could that be why? I am saving up for a riverside because they are like twice the size so I can still have her house and the daycare with a bigger yard, will that solve it?
Sometimes I just take the door off but that bothers me so much cause it's hard and time consuming putting it on and taking it off every time the kids are there and it's needed…
They seen to like going around the front and side of the house.
The adults do it sometimes as well but that doesn't bother me as much please give me suggestions!
Added (1). Sorry I forgot to add I have Sims Freeplay on iPad

Read more: How to stop toddler sims going out the front door randomly?

Annoting PDF s on Ipad to upload?

As hinted, I have PDF assigment that I would like to get onto my ipad to annotate and then I would like to be able to upload the annoted pdf from my Ipad onto the submission page for my class. Is this at all possible? And what apps could I use?

Read more: Annoting PDF s on Ipad to upload?

Monday, January 11, 2016

Why is the iPad 4 battery so much bigger than the iPad Air 2 battery? Is it efficiency?

Why is the iPad 4 battery so much bigger than the iPad Air 2 battery? Is it efficiency?

Read more: Why is the iPad 4 battery so much bigger than the iPad Air 2 battery? Is it efficiency?

I thought fast food managers got paid shlt? Because my boss bought an iPad mini?

And a new car and is able to live in an apartment by herself like where the **** is she getting all this money? She's Chinese too, does that have something to do with it?

Read more: I thought fast food managers got paid shlt? Because my boss bought an iPad mini?

Can my school access my past internet history that I've searched using my home wifi?

If I connect to my schools wifi will they be able to see my past internet history? I'm just asking because I did search/watch something in the past which the school rules do not allow.

When I searched this I used my home internet, but will they find out when I connect to their wifi?

Can they access my browsing history when I'm at home?


I'm using an iPad.

Read more: Can my school access my past internet history that I've searched using my home wifi?

How to check if 3G is working?

I ordered a used iPad and I have the opportunity to check and test it before i pay for it. I want to make sure the 3G slot is working cuz there are a lot of ipads that the 3G slot is not reading any cards. IS there a way to do this without a card. I have my smartphone card but i doulbt it will work on the iPad. Thank you

Read more: How to check if 3G is working?

Argument with mam? What shall I do?

I've got into s massive argument with my mam and now I don't know if I should go down stairs with them or stay in my room? She turned of the wifi so I can't play on my Xbox iPad or phone (with out using up all my 4G). Can any me tell me what to do? Normally I'll go out but I can't

Read more: Argument with mam? What shall I do?

My Ipad won't connect to my Mini Jambox by Jawbone through bluetooth… How can I fix this?

Ipad has Bluetooth turned on, and the Jambox is a bluetooth enabled device yet they won't connect to each other


Read more: My Ipad won't connect to my Mini Jambox by Jawbone through bluetooth… How can I fix this?

Can i record my laptop screen using my iPad?

Can i record my laptop screen using my iPad?

Read more: Can i record my laptop screen using my iPad?

Does he actually like me? He's so bad for replying to my messages?

There's a guy, we've liked each other a few months after hooking up on a night out but neither of us told each other as we thought the opposite person wasn't interested.

We've been speaking a few weeks, last week we met up a lot and he has told me he still likes me, even more than before, he picks me up at 4am and drives me home from where ever I am, tells me I'm beautiful blah blah blah.
We work together and he's told people he likes me, everyone knows somethings going on between us and we've both agreed to say yes it is

He always messages me every morning but he isn't really flirty over messages, and sometimes he takes about 2 hours to reply? His phone is broken so he's having to use his ipad… Twice he opened a message and then decided to reply later, should I be concerned? Does this mean he doesn't actually like me? How can I make him chase me more?

Sorry I'm overthinking a lot:)

Read more: Does he actually like me? He's so bad for replying to my messages?

Move emailed songs on iPad?

Move emailed songs on iPad?

Read more: Move emailed songs on iPad?

I have an IPad Air 2?

I have an IPad Air 2?
Added (1). … But it will no longer keep me logged in on some of my websites.

I click "Remember Me', but it won't remember me.

I also have noticed the the top quarter of my screen has gone gray as well, and I don't remember this happening.

Can I do anything to get this back to normal, so I don't have to keep logging on all the time?

Read more: I have an IPad Air 2?

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Is the iPad Mini2 much of an upgrade from the original iPad Mini?

Is the iPad Mini2 much of an upgrade from the original iPad Mini?

Read more: Is the iPad Mini2 much of an upgrade from the original iPad Mini?

Apple iPad Pro vs Microsoft Surface Pro 4, for my needs?

Please read all, and if you're a a hardcore lover of Windows or Apple, at least be fair in recommendations.

For my sweet 16 I'm not doing a party and I'm taking all the money I can and I'm going to get a new laptop replacement. Yes, I know the iPad can't technically replace my laptop, but I do have a laptop that is slow but works. I would like to totally scrap it, but if the iPad is that good I'll keep it for jobs the iPad can't do. I use Netbeans, and am a digital artist. I've had an iPad 2 and 4, and a mini. I used Procreate, and other Apple Appstore art apps. I have a Wacom Bamboo tablet with Photoshop Elements 8, and Autodesk Sketchbook Express, I also have Paint Tool Sai, but it's terribly slow. I love that program, but I can't use it with my crap laptop, that's why I wanted the Surface, so I could finally use all the programs I can't use on my laptop. I want something that will last a long time, and will still be good years from now. That also brings up another reason why I wanted to get the Surface, this iPad is just a first gen, I can almost guarantee the iPad Pro 2 will be out very soon. But again Apple products have a high resale value, you can almost sell it for the same price you bought it. Idk, I'm confused if you're curious about any information ask below and I'll edit it in, or reply to your answer.

Read more: Apple iPad Pro vs Microsoft Surface Pro 4, for my needs?

I feel like a prisoner in my own home?

It all started during the summer holidays when I got into some online games on the ipad and downloaded on computer. Being Asian, their idea of a good summer holiday is to give me science textbooks and force me to play the piano. My dad is extremely adverse to me even touching my iPod because he believes I'm addicted to gaming, which by definition I am not. I had almost the best summer I could remember having, having made several friends through my online guild of interest I would not have found through school or otherwise. I knew I wanted to keep on talking to them, but as soon as year 10 started, they took away my iPad, to which I didn't complain, despite knowing the consequences to my friendships this would bring. I know what hard work is, I have ambition (Oxbridge). My parents' mistrust hurts a lot, because despite my grades, I can tell that they are insecure about my own self-control. I thrive upon being able to use the internet as a culture resource, and taking that away feels like I have my freedom stripped. I have lost all of my friends from my old guild, which I was kicked from due to inactivity. I used to use my iPod at night, and it was a very effecive stress reliever. I know that they mean well, but don't understand that I need my iPod at night as much as a mental health patient needs meds. Nothing makes me happy because I feel like what I want most is the ability to make my own choices and have them support them, and it's the one thing I can't have.

Read more: I feel like a prisoner in my own home?

Dead Ipad not charging?

My Ipad had been dead for two weeks. O haven t bothered to charge it. Now that I NEED it its not showing any signs of being charged. When I take the us cable out it says that it is charging for a brief second. When I plug it on the screens shows the red battery and nothing else. How do i fix this? What is wrong?

Read more: Dead Ipad not charging?