Saturday, January 9, 2016

Is this Child Abuse? - 1

I need to ask some questions regarding the current circumstances my close friend is dealing with.

Her mom is ridiculing and callous and she always points out flaw in her everything. She works her for 6 hours a day on chores and she doesn't allow her to hang out with her peers. She got taken out of Public school and she was forced into an online school, one in which she is failing miserably because she isn't given enough time to finish her work because she's always doing chores. She is an honors student. I'm her best friend and I'm pretty much the only person that she can associate with and her mom is always threatening to take me away and to permanently force her to not see me anymore, even though I'm her shelter and the only person that makes her happy or safe. We're getting dangerously close to separation and she is contemplating calling child protective services for child abuse.

Several months ago, when I first started hanging out with her and her mom, she was caught texting on her brother's Ipad, (Which, I know she probably shouldn't have) but in response to this her mother slapped her and hit her and forced her to call herself a selfish pig. She then emailed me saying that I couldn't see her anymore and that she was sorry that her daughter was so selfish. I pleaded with her through email to not severe ties with me and she let me see her on one condition. Me choosing her punishment. She and I had a meeting and we settled on burning all of her daughter's books.
Added (1). Her daughter is an avid book reader and it's all that she has that keeps her happy. All though, she didn't burn them, she came very close to it.
Added (2). I want to know if she can call protective services and if it will get her anywhere on escaping and living with someone who isn't emotionally abusive like her. And if she calls, she will be in danger and I want to know if they'll take her away, even if just for a little bit to do the investigating because she'll be in danger.
Added (3). Her mom gives her dozens of meticulous tasks to complete and we'll sit in the car and she'll be like, "where's my coffee?" and then she'll go on an hour rant and completely leave her daughter silent and on the verge of tears.

I am 16 and she is 15 and a half. Her mom threatens to put a restraining order on me. Is this possible? I'm what keeps her from hurting herself and I can't think of her losing me and being kept isolated. I care for her, a lot. And It's very stressful.
Added (4). Please be kind and nice. This is horribly stressful and painful for the both of us. This isn't some sort of teenage angst or rebellion either, we know. We're both fairly intelligent and we know what this is.
Added (5). I can't even touch her either. She was sobbing and her mom was threatening to take me away because she was crying. I couldn't even hug her or pat her shoulder or give any physical comfort.

Read more: Is this Child Abuse? - 1