Saturday, March 26, 2016

What could be wrong with my Tracker Guide V 15 Boat?

I decided to take my Tracker Guide V15 all about the ten thousand islands in some narrow channels, and there was a lot of seagrass, and the propeller stuck in some sand and possibly got a bit nicked up on possibly some rocks and maybe some coral. Whenever it stuck ground there was a horrible wrenching noise from the motor, and the engine just started sounding worse.

The engine now makes a low of blue smoke, it is a 20 ELH Four Stroke outboard manufactured by Mercury. I know I struck some stuff while speeding through some narrow channels just exploring around, the seagrass cuttings were visible behind the boat.

I knew that someone told me that motor honey stops engines from smoking, so I dumped the entire honey jar from my picnic food into the engine oil fill. That didn't help, and the engine started running rougher and rougher until it just gave out. I am within sight of the marina, and I am wondering if I might be able to fix it or would have to call to get it towed back in.

Flames shot out of the engine, and I was able to extinguish the fire that reaulted, and there is a metal rod sticking out. The engine will not restart. I am trying to do research on my ipad, and don't want to spend money on a tow.
Added (1). The boat is presently leaking both fuel and oil into the water, and there is gasoline in the boat. It seriously reeks of fuel, and I am afraid of another fire and I don't have another extinguisher. What should be done?
Added (2). Would there be a fine for having my boat engine malfunction? Did my boat damage the environment so they will fine me for all im worth if I call for help?

Read more: What could be wrong with my Tracker Guide V 15 Boat?