Tuesday, March 29, 2016
Why do I hear noises coming from most electronics?
I can hear noises from most electronics. You name it. It's almost like I just feel it because it so high pitched. It gives me headaches sometimes if the noise is lower pitched than the higher ones.
Light bulbs.
My laptop.
My cell phone.
My cell phone charger.
iPod/iPad charger.
The noise is very high pitched. No one in my family can hear these noises. I am almost 17 years old and my younger sisters (who are teenagers) do not hear these noises so I don't think it is an age issue (although my parents don't hear them).
I can especially hear a television when it is not on a channel at all (like a blue screen before you turn on dvd player, xbox, etc) One time I tracked down a tv that was on in my elementary school because I could hear a high pitched noise coming from the blank screen (that was turned on).
I also can hear my iPad when I wake it from sleep mode. When the screen turns on I hear that high pitched noise.
When I turn on certain light bulbs in my house, I hear that noise.
When I plug in my phone or iPod/Pad to charge, I hear that noise.
Could someone explain what is I hear and why I seem to be the only one that hears these noises?
PS As I type this I can hear a high pitched noise coming from my MacBook.
People, don't blame the Apple products. I hear it everywhere.
Read more: Why do I hear noises coming from most electronics?