Saturday, April 16, 2016

Is this a normal thing for a 10 years old kid?

So i had to teach my younger brother some math for his exam… The addition of fractions where the denominator is equal and after 45 minutes of explaining and solving examples he still cant solve 1/4 + 1/4! I mean this just cant be normal, also he has a very terrible memory for example just today he gave me his ipad and after 10 mins he thought he lost it, not having even the slightest clue that he gave it to me to hold it for him. He cant remember where last time he put his toys. He still puts his thumb in his mouth! And i know this is not related but he cant stop eating or asking for food. If he ate lunch 5 mins ago and i ask him if he wants to eat he would say yes. He doesnt seem to know when he is full and i really dont know what is wrong with him. Except when he visits his friend. He can go a full day without eating a thing he refuses to eat anything when with his friend(s) , i've talked my mother to take him to a doctor to see if he has any sort of problem but she just won't. She refuses to believe there is anything wrong with him although sometimes she just admits it herself. So is there some condition u suspect him of having that i can google and read more about that would be a big help. I forgot to say he is a very energetic child

Read more: Is this a normal thing for a 10 years old kid?