Friday, May 27, 2016
Unfair extra data charges! UK Vodafone?
At a friends sleepover her parents turned the WIFI off and one of the other girls connected her iPad to my phone and used it as a personal hot spot whilst I was sleeping! Then I woke up at 11am to find texts from Vodafone saying I was been charged £32.50 for going over my limit! £6.50 for 250mb! I'm so upset and the girl just laughed and said I was being a drama queen. I don't have £32.50 and I'm annoyed because I didn't even use the data. I'm always so careful about data limits! Is there any way to get Vodafone to remove these payments?
Read more: Unfair extra data charges! UK Vodafone?
My mail box is not opening I click on mail and get a blank screen.using my iPad?
My mail box is not opening I click on mail and get a blank screen.using my iPad?
Read more: My mail box is not opening I click on mail and get a blank screen.using my iPad?
Thursday, May 26, 2016
Why can't I access my email on my iPad? It disappeared last night?
Why can't I access my email on my iPad? It disappeared last night?
Read more: Why can't I access my email on my iPad? It disappeared last night?
My mail is not displaying on my ipad even though I am logged in. Any ideas on how to fix this?
My mail is not displaying on my ipad even though I am logged in. Any ideas on how to fix this?
Read more: My mail is not displaying on my ipad even though I am logged in. Any ideas on how to fix this?
How long approx should an iPad that hasn't been used in two years take to charge?
So I just pulled out my beaten up iPad that I stopped using two years ago because I screwed it up so much half the screen was unresponsive to touch. However it was still able to turn on and worked fine (at least half of it did).
I've plugged it into the charger now where it has been for 30 minutes with the same black screen with the depleted battery symbol on it.
I realise it will likely take a long time to bring back to life after having no juice what so ever for two years BUT if anyone has had similar experience, how long does it approx take?
Read more: How long approx should an iPad that hasn't been used in two years take to charge?
Why does my INTERNET SUCK?
I have a virgin media super hub and it runs at 200mbps ( or at least that's what the test says) and I upgraded from a 30mbps router and I'll be honest m it was a lot FASTER, BUT HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE? , I notice that it is shi t when I load Facebook for example, it takes forever to load the app and the comments and photos etc but I am a heavy YouTube watcher and the thing I noticed most is video buffering or just not loading the video at all!
This is all on an iPad Air 2 btw but even my ps4 and PC are slow and that is with a wired connection! So what is wrong?
Read more: Why does my INTERNET SUCK?
Why won't my flash drive connect to my iPad Air 2?
When I connect my memory stick to my iPad using an adapter a message pops up on it saying "cannot use device, it requires too much power" is this because my iPad is only 16GB and my memory stick is 32GB or what? Because I just want to move stuff off it? If I brought a less powerful memory stick would that work?
Read more: Why won't my flash drive connect to my iPad Air 2?
My email does not seem to open on the iPad but works on the pc?
My email does not seem to open on the iPad but works on the pc?
Read more: My email does not seem to open on the iPad but works on the pc?
My ipad wont stay connected to wi-fi, please?
My ipad wont stay connected to wi-fi, please?
Read more: My ipad wont stay connected to wi-fi, please?
Which device to buy?
Need to store files and be able to access from desktop (dell) as well as Ipad. So which would be better? I want to be able to watch movies on ipad, as well as stream to chromecast from ipad:
SanDisk iXpand 32GB Flash Drive
or pogoplug media sharing device. Or is there a third option that's better?
thanx in advance
Read more: Which device to buy?
Unable to pick up email on my iPad, cleared cookies. Just get a white screen?
Unable to pick up email on my iPad, cleared cookies. Just get a white screen?
Read more: Unable to pick up email on my iPad, cleared cookies. Just get a white screen?
Wednesday, May 25, 2016
Should I buy a new iPad and which one?
I've had the iPad Mini (1st gen) since around 2013. It works wonderfully; however I don't use it all that much because of the display quality and speed. I'm thinking of purchasing a new one however I'm reluctant because I'm not sure I can justify buying a new one based off of the lack of use my current one gets. I'm telling myself I would definitely use it more but I'm unsure. Should I spend the money for a new one that is faster and better at what I like to do? Or should I just keep the one I have.
Read more: Should I buy a new iPad and which one?
I am not able to open on my iPad?
I am not able to open on my iPad?
Read more: I am not able to open on my iPad?
Log, Me out help. There is nowhere to do that on an iPad?
Log, Me out help. There is nowhere to do that on an iPad?
Read more: Log, Me out help. There is nowhere to do that on an iPad?
Good iPad game for the summer?
I'm going to be bored this summer, so I need suggestions for a good iPad game that I won't be bored of. Thanks!
Read more: Good iPad game for the summer?
How to transfer bank acct from laptop to ipad please?
How to transfer bank acct from laptop to ipad please?
Read more: How to transfer bank acct from laptop to ipad please?
Should I keep my iPad mini 2 or sell it and get a ps4 instead?
Should I keep my iPad mini 2 or sell it and get a ps4 instead? - 1
Read more: Should I keep my iPad mini 2 or sell it and get a ps4 instead?
IOS 9.3.2 iPad keyboard help?
I have IOS 9.3.2 on my iPad-
So a bug landed on my screen and I frantically wiped it off. This caused my keyboard to move to the top of my screen and I can't get it back down. I've reset the iPad and looked through settings, nothing seems to work! Please help
Read more: IOS 9.3.2 iPad keyboard help?
So a bug landed on my screen and I frantically wiped it off. This caused my keyboard to move to the top of my screen and I can't get it back down. I've reset the iPad and looked through settings, nothing seems to work! Please help
Read more: IOS 9.3.2 iPad keyboard help?
Tuesday, May 24, 2016
IPad iMovie messed up my editing?
So I made a movie for a project in iMovie, and I worked in like 3 days, but suddenly all the inserted audio, music etc got mixed together, and now I have to put everything in place again. Im so mad cus I worked so hard and now I have to waste like 4-5 hours on this, and Im so afraid, that it will happen again. This problem happened like 5 times on iMovie, but now it wont fix itself…
Read more: IPad iMovie messed up my editing?
Where can I watch anime? Preferably on my ipad please and sorry i might have spelt that wrong?
Where can I watch anime? Preferably on my ipad please and sorry i might have spelt that wrong?
Read more: Where can I watch anime? Preferably on my ipad please and sorry i might have spelt that wrong?
Is an ipad pro all you need for a 4yr college university or do I need to buy an actual laptop?
Is an ipad pro all you need for a 4yr college university or do I need to buy an actual laptop?
Read more: Is an ipad pro all you need for a 4yr college university or do I need to buy an actual laptop?
What are the benefits of not removing the plastic wrap around a new Apple iPad Mini 2?
What are the benefits of not removing the plastic wrap around a new Apple iPad Mini 2? - 1
Read more: What are the benefits of not removing the plastic wrap around a new Apple iPad Mini 2?
Any way to transfer a 28 minute video on iOS?
I have a 28 minute video of the Royals WS ring ceremony. I m deleting everything on my phone. Is there anyway to transfer this video to my iPad WITHOUT uploading to YouTube (I ve tried, it takes forever)?
Read more: Any way to transfer a 28 minute video on iOS?
Can you track down an iPad based off of a username on Kik?
Can you track down an iPad based off of a username on Kik?
Read more: Can you track down an iPad based off of a username on Kik?
If your iPad is off, can you still track the IP address?
If your iPad is off, can you still track the IP address?
Read more: If your iPad is off, can you still track the IP address?
How much would you want to pay for Truely Unlimited Data speeds on a monthly basis?
Being that everyonow now a days live there lives online, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, etc…
What if there was a wireless plan strictly for data, no calls, no text, no slow downs no speed caps.
What if it could be used in a Smartphone, iPad or Android
You would be able to use 20GB, 40GBS even 100GBs at 4G LTE speeds.
What would you pay monthly for a plan like that.
Read more: How much would you want to pay for Truely Unlimited Data speeds on a monthly basis?
Monday, May 23, 2016
Why do I keep having reaccuring nightmares?
This has been a problem for me for about 6 months now. It's very scary, and the dreams are all about being in school and the school getting shot up, there are slightly different but the same concept. Somebody help.
Read more: Why do I keep having reaccuring nightmares?
Chunk of photos randomely missing from ipad?
I have my old iPad 1st gen (still ios 5.1.1) and was all oh let me check my photos and memories it's been a while so I look in my photos and as I'm scrolling realize there's just a huge chunk of photos missing? Nobody's touched it as far as I can't tell, and there's like a huge number of photos just not in the app. Anyone know why this is? Like are they deleted somehow or is it a bug not showing up? Solutions?
Read more: Chunk of photos randomely missing from ipad?
On an ipad, how do you get rid of the volume icon which has popped up & I can't get rid of it?
On an ipad, how do you get rid of the volume icon which has popped up & I can't get rid of it?
Read more: On an ipad, how do you get rid of the volume icon which has popped up & I can't get rid of it?
Describe the most beautiful day in your life.You can imagine it?
Describe the most beautiful day in your life. You can imagine it?
Read more: Describe the most beautiful day in your life.You can imagine it?
I want to install iTunes on my laptop so I can use bluetooth on my iPAD 4 with fitbit tracker?
Purchased Fitbit tracker. No USB on iPAD 4. Can't setup Fitbit using iPAD. Must set up Fitbit using laptop that has USB and Bluetooth. Then use iPAD 4 when I'm on a trip with iPAD that has Bluetooth
Read more: I want to install iTunes on my laptop so I can use bluetooth on my iPAD 4 with fitbit tracker?
Fitbit Charger HR tracker needs to connect to iPAD 4 - HOW - no USB port on iPAD 4? Help?
Fitbit Charger HR tracker needs to connect to iPAD 4 - HOW - no USB port on iPAD 4? Help?
Read more: Fitbit Charger HR tracker needs to connect to iPAD 4 - HOW - no USB port on iPAD 4? Help?
How to download photos from Ipad to computer?
How to download photos from Ipad to computer?
Read more: How to download photos from Ipad to computer?
I accidentally ate eyeshadow what do i do im panicking?!
ok so i was doing the dont judge challenge and then there was little flakes of eyeshadow on my ipad and i blew it off then i breathed some eyeshadow in and accidentally swallowed it and now i feel light headed and my vision is sorta weird what should i do? I dont wanna call poison control so please help me?!
Read more: I accidentally ate eyeshadow what do i do im panicking?!
Will god forgive me cos I stole?
Today I stole an Iphone,Ipad,Ipod,Macbook all in one day at the same store. I also beat the crap out of some elderly lady. For trying to stop me from doing it. Am I going to hell?
Read more: Will god forgive me cos I stole?
Sunday, May 22, 2016
My iPhone won t charge but it s not my cord because it works with iPad so what do I do? Thanks ugh?
My iPhone won t charge but it s not my cord because it works with iPad so what do I do? Thanks ugh?
Read more: My iPhone won t charge but it s not my cord because it works with iPad so what do I do? Thanks ugh?
Have you lost your loved ones by cancer?
This morning around 2-3 am i lost my grandmother, got to kiss her lifeless body and hold her hand good bye before they took her body away, we set up the ipad to wear we watched her sleep than suddenly the it went off and when we checked she passed away, so it was hard seeing her suffer, yesterday she was suffering like a fish out of water, it was hard for all of us to watch, anyways she's in a better place, and the suffering is over
Read more: Have you lost your loved ones by cancer?
How to get that 'deadly' 9.3.2 download off the 'waiting to install' thing on my iPad?
This has been sitting on my iPad for over a week. I'm afraid I'm going to hit install by error and brick up my iPad Pro. How ill I now when Apple is sending a corrected software update?
Read more: How to get that 'deadly' 9.3.2 download off the 'waiting to install' thing on my iPad?
How to resolve error Oh no! We're having trouble reading the kik code on Ipad kik?
How to resolve error Oh no! We're having trouble reading the kik code on Ipad kik?
Read more: How to resolve error Oh no! We're having trouble reading the kik code on Ipad kik?
Checked settings ect but can not send mail from my iPad?
Checked settings ect but can not send mail from my iPad?
Read more: Checked settings ect but can not send mail from my iPad?
Does my teacher see me like another SON of hers? - 1
She is 37 and im 16 boy. She has one kid who's 10 boy too. I email her pretty much daily and I refer to her as mom. Last mothers day i made her a card and her son did too for her. I also get to use her iPad everyday to play games or watch movies. I leave my lunchbox on her desk every school day. On some occasions I ask her to bring me a snack if she could. And she brought me chocolate almonds one time and another time she brought me a almond chocolate bar! One time when i emailed her and told her about how i see her as my mother-figure and im worried she only sees me as her student and if she feels the same way. She didnt reply so I asked her about it the next day and she said she slept early that night and was a bit busy. But she said she could be my parent figure at school and she knows about my parents. I was crying when i talked to her about it and I said I feel like i have no parent figure…
Added (1). I think she felt disappointment for me when I did my Spanish project super duper late. I asked if she wanted to check it out when we were in the classroom after school and she said no, some other time. I was surprised because she would usually say yes. I think she was dissapointed in me as a son and wanted to discipline me by doing that. She asked later before leaving the classroom how my project went and I told her that it was pretty good. And she said "Then you learned nothing from that huh?"
Read more: Does my teacher see me like another SON of hers? - 1
Can I transfer apps/games from my iPad to my son's iPad?
My iPad and iPhone have many apps/games that my son installed. He now has his own iPad and I want to transfer all these apps and games to his iPad without sharing Apple ID because I don't want the iPad's to sync. I don't want my info to be seen on his iPad. These games were paid for so I don't want to pay for them again. Plus he has gotten to certain levels and would like to keep those levels.
Read more: Can I transfer apps/games from my iPad to my son's iPad?
Saturday, May 21, 2016
I sit in my room all day?
Hey, I'm a 17 year old female and I have social anxiety. Also dependent on my mother.
My daily schedule-
I wake up, smoke a cigarette, eat, watch tv while sitting on my iPad for 5 hours straight, play a video game, read a book sometimes, then sit on my iPad until I go to bed. I've been doing this for 2 years now, I don't talk to anyone besides my mom, dad, brother and grandmother. But mostly my mom because the rest of them live 8 hours away. I would do something about it but I mentally cannot. I can't even talk to people because I can't connect with them. Wth is wrong with me? I even stay in my room when company/family is over. People think I'm either a ***** or just really weird. But I can't help it. I never though I'd be like this. Anyways what's wrong with me? So times I think I'm mentally retarded or something. I'm also extremely insecure.
Added (1). Also my mom doesn't give a **** about me at all. Most of the time she ignores me. She won't even help me set a therapy appointment. I'm hopeless.
Added (2). And the ***** is bit.c/h
Added (3). I think I have to be 18 to set one up, also I know nothing about insurance:
Read more: I sit in my room all day?
My daily schedule-
I wake up, smoke a cigarette, eat, watch tv while sitting on my iPad for 5 hours straight, play a video game, read a book sometimes, then sit on my iPad until I go to bed. I've been doing this for 2 years now, I don't talk to anyone besides my mom, dad, brother and grandmother. But mostly my mom because the rest of them live 8 hours away. I would do something about it but I mentally cannot. I can't even talk to people because I can't connect with them. Wth is wrong with me? I even stay in my room when company/family is over. People think I'm either a ***** or just really weird. But I can't help it. I never though I'd be like this. Anyways what's wrong with me? So times I think I'm mentally retarded or something. I'm also extremely insecure.
Added (1). Also my mom doesn't give a **** about me at all. Most of the time she ignores me. She won't even help me set a therapy appointment. I'm hopeless.
Added (2). And the ***** is bit.c/h
Added (3). I think I have to be 18 to set one up, also I know nothing about insurance:
Read more: I sit in my room all day?
The ipad let me buy things online without me paying the money?
It happened like 1 month ago but its still a problem. So I bought something for a game and then it just said purchase successful. It even gave me what I bought, without even paying for it! Then a few days later I couldn't update any apps and couldn't buy or download anything for free. The total money added up to about $41. And now it's asking for the money. What do I do and how do I give back the stuff I payed for?
Read more: The ipad let me buy things online without me paying the money?
I have a wirless keyboard with a usb bluetooth adapter. I was wondering if i could somehow modify it to be used with my ipad or my iphone.(for ease of typing mainly) or would i be forced to get a tablet keyboard? Which I wont do because its that big of a deal.
Will the ipad mini 1st generation have ios 10?
Will the ipad mini 1st generation have ios 10?
Read more: Will the ipad mini 1st generation have ios 10?
Difference in monitors?
So I was looking on Amazon, and I'm getting an lg monitor but I'm so confused as to which one to get. I have $250, and I wanted an iPad panel that was 27" that I could use for editing and gaming. However with oh there are probably 10 monitors with the exact same specs that I'm looking for that only differ in about $10 each. Can someone help me choose one? Thanks!
Read more: Difference in monitors?
Is it such a pity that iPad not able to play movie DVDs?
Is it such a pity that iPad not able to play movie DVDs?
Added (1). Since iPad is such a nice device to use to watch movies
Read more: Is it such a pity that iPad not able to play movie DVDs?
My ipad is totally dead and won't charge?
My ipad is totally dead and won't charge? - 1
Added (1). My Ipad won't charge, It is plugged in, the battery sign flashes, shortly after my home screen shows with 1% and then it dies again.
Read more: My ipad is totally dead and won't charge?
Is it such a pity that iPad not able to play movie DVDs? - 1
Since iPad is such a nice device to use to watch movies
Read more: Is it such a pity that iPad not able to play movie DVDs? - 1
Is there anything on a Chromecast fob that I can't get on an AppleTV or a tv-connected iPad?
have the ability to get a brand new Chromecast fob for my tv but I'm wondering if I should even bother since I can just hook up both my Apple TV (the small black one) and my iPad to my tv already. Does the Chromecast device have anything that those two devices can't provide?
Read more: Is there anything on a Chromecast fob that I can't get on an AppleTV or a tv-connected iPad?
Friday, May 20, 2016
What happened to Cydia app?
For iOS. Cos I can't find it for my Ipad Air 2 and Iphone 5s.
Read more: What happened to Cydia app?
I don t have money to fix my iPad Air 2 screen?
My son just dropped my iPad Air 2 and it shattered into a lot of pieces and I know it would cost like 500 dollars to fix the screen. Also I don t have apple care because they never told me about apple care in the beginning. What do I do?
Read more: I don t have money to fix my iPad Air 2 screen?
When will Minecraft PE v 1.15.0 come to Ipad?
When will Minecraft PE v 1.15.0 come to Ipad?
Read more: When will Minecraft PE v 1.15.0 come to Ipad?
Is it worth publishing a children s book?
I love to write, but I have trouble writing larger stories. I have tried for years but I always either change my mind on the idea, can t put a whole idea together, or just get stuck and can t overcome it. Anyway, I have a daughter now and she is 7 months old. Since she was born I started writing short children s books instead, suitable for very young children so I could read to her. I m talking about books similar to the hungry caterpillar and the mr men s books in terms of length and target age.
I recently finished one that I really love, so was considering getting it illustrated and printed into an actual book to sell. I don t really care about the money, I only care about people reading and enjoying something I wrote.
However, it costs money to print so I at least want to eventually make back that money over time.
Is it worth it? Do people actually still buy kids books as it seems everything is done on the iPad today.
I m just looking for some opinions, thanks!
Added (1). Pedo alert lmao, what on earth.
I wasn't aware that writing a kids book made me a pedo thanks for that!
Read more: Is it worth publishing a children s book?
How to disable the downloading of iCloud photos onto my iPad?
How to disable the downloading of iCloud photos onto my iPad?
Read more: How to disable the downloading of iCloud photos onto my iPad?
Thursday, May 19, 2016
Where can I watch The Walking Dead season 6 free online?
I had it on Netflix, but it only went to season 5. I want a website where I can watch the walking dead season 6, all episodes, where it is very easy to use, and doesn t take me to a bunch of different websites when I click it. Pretty much something simple. Keep in mind I will be watching on an iPad or iPhone 6. Thank you
Read more: Where can I watch The Walking Dead season 6 free online?
Does the effective power work through email?
My friend has sent me the effective power message through email and my iPad has not been resetting itself but it's been rebooting a lot, does the effective power text work through email?
Read more: Does the effective power work through email?
Should I attend private or public school next year?
I am in high school and I was considering transferring to a Christian private school after talking to a few of its members at church not too long ago. However, I am COMPLETELY torn between both schools.
Here are the Pros and Cons.
Pros for private school:
Smaller classes
More one on one attention with teachers
Friends within the church that I will know for life
Religion classes
Go out for lunch when you are a junior/senior
Class on Friday ends at 1 pm
Cons for private school:
About half an hour away (An hour with traffic and don't even get me started on a snowy day!)
Stricter policies
Not a strong variety of electives
No sports teams or extra curriulars
Inner city school so it can be a bit dangerous
Doesn't have much land space
Pros for public school:
Huge variety of electives
Huge variety of extra curriculars/sport teams
Rules are not as strict
No uniforms
Go out for lunch as sophomores/juniors/seniors
Ten to fifteen minutes away
Has a tennis court/soccer field/football field/track field/park is near school
Area is more suburban
Cons for public school:
No religion classes
EXTREMELY CLIQUEY (if that's even a word haha:P)
A bit tougher to make friends
No TRUE friendships that will last decades
Please give me your opinion:( I really am torn… I WISH I COULD COMBINE BOTH SCHOOL TOGETHER
Added (1). *By a bit dangerous I am referring to the streets nearby, not the school itself
Read more: Should I attend private or public school next year?
I think i have anger issues and idk what to do?
(Im a 16 yr old lad)
Basically for most io the time i am awake it feels like theres a fiery sensation in my stomach, which goes away for like a second when i take a deep breath.
Almost everything makes me rage, but its in short butsts which is strange:
Eg. If my ipad takes more than a few seconds to load ill kind of have a spasm and say '***** sake!" In a kind of whisper like thing.
Another thing is when i get a message from someone, my automatic response is 'what the **** do you wnat' ( i dint actually send that tho haha)
Even when nothing has happened i still have that feeling in my stomach.
I must stae ive never ounched anyone or been in a fight tho, i want to prevent that so thats why im here. What should i do?
Read more: I think i have anger issues and idk what to do?
WIFI is going slow?!
My WiFi goes slow on my macbook air and iPad but not on my iPhone? What could be the problem?
Read more: WIFI is going slow?!
Family Problems Help! It's Urgent?
Right now, I'm already doing my Real GCSE because in Year 11 and my Problems is that my Family always complain at me by:
My Mum told me "I will always fail!" Which made me really sad, because I always trying Revising, and every time I Revise I get complaint and Excuses like "Your (I'm) doing my Homework" and also I also wake up dead early, to Revise in "Peace", but then it Work! :) but again my mum complains and make excuses, and excuses! (Either its about HW or I'll Fail)
Continue Below.
Added (1). Ok, then when she said I'm going to Fail, she said "I will never Learn" because I always play on the iPad, even though I must Admit it do, but don't you think from all the Complains and Excuses and Day by Day from Revising, don't you think I have a least "Relaxing Time?"
Please help, and I would want Real Answer, not Horrible Ones! Or I'll Flag them.
Thank You!
Added (2). I talk to my Mum LOADS of Time and of Course it didn't work?
Read more: Family Problems Help! It's Urgent?
WiFi is going slow on our laptops and iPad but it goes fast on my iPhone? Why is it doing this?
WiFi is going slow on our laptops and iPad but it goes fast on my iPhone? Why is it doing this?
Read more: WiFi is going slow on our laptops and iPad but it goes fast on my iPhone? Why is it doing this?
Can using ipad cause brain cancer?
I have been using my ipad everyday 5-8 hours a day in 2 years
Because i am so addicted in korean drama that I couldnt stop watching them and the fact that I only sleep on a couch so when I do watch korean drama in my ipad it is very close to my body and especially in my head
I am using ipad air 2 which is a bigger screen
What do I do?!
Read more: Can using ipad cause brain cancer?
Lost exterior drive fro iPad, want to save files to desktop how do I do that? If I can do that?
Lost exterior drive fro iPad, want to save files to desktop how do I do that? If I can do that?
Read more: Lost exterior drive fro iPad, want to save files to desktop how do I do that? If I can do that?
Wednesday, May 18, 2016
IPad not switching on?!
I have and iPad 3 32GB with the latest iOS update. I few days later i put the iPad on charge, next morning it wasnt switching on. When i press the power button, it shows the apple logo for about a minute, after that, nothing, blackout again. When i repeat it, same happens. I tried holding the home button and the power button both at the same time for 10 seconds. At the 3rd or 4th second i see the apple logo and by the 7th second a flash goes off on the screen, meaning a completely bright while light shows up for a fraction of a second. After that same, blackout. I dont want to loose the data in the iPad as it has a lot of pictures/videos that are necessary. What should i do!
Read more: IPad not switching on?!
How to remove school profile from iPad?
My school gave us all iPads 4 years ago, and there are lots of restrictions (no fb during certain time, no Snapchat, etc.) I PURCHASED my iPad legally through the school, and now I want to remove the restrictions and have a regular iPad seeing how I purchased it. The tech guys are too busy to help, and I would like, if possible to not be forced to reset the iPad if possible. Please help!
Read more: How to remove school profile from iPad?
How to put a video on to my iPad?
How to put a video on to my iPad?
Added (1). I filmed a video with my Canon camera and put it onto my laptop and now I want to edit it. How can I put that video from my laptop onto my iPad so I can edit it on iMovie?
Read more: How to put a video on to my iPad?
How to surprise my husband while it's 2 months early for our anniversary?
I already bought iPad Pro for him, and want to surprise him. Should I wait 2 months till the date of anniversary?
If you are him, what way would you like?
I'm all excited to be able to get the iPad this soon, and can't think right…
Thank you all!
Added (1). I just want him to get a happy surprise:)!
Read more: How to surprise my husband while it's 2 months early for our anniversary?
Was this action too extreme?
I had a girl living with me as a roommate for about 2 months and one day I came home from work to find she had abruptly moved out with no notice.
The night before, I had let her use my tablet to watch some movies--I discovered she had taken it with her, along with two university books that was out on a table (each costing $100+) All calls placed to her cell phone went ignored and unreturned. After 3 days of having my calls ignored, I called the police and asked them to advise her that if she didn't get ahold of me about the items, I was going to assume that the removal of the items was deliberate, and I would escalate the situation and have her arrested for larceny.
The following day, her mother appeared with the iPad and books and apologized, stating that she had helped her moved out and thought that the iPad was hers since it was in her room, and assumed that the books belonged to her as well since she was also student studying the same subject.
However later on, I ran into a friend of hers that told me "You know, Stacy is really upset with you for calling the cops on her. You made her feel like a criminal for an honest mistake her mom made!"
Like… What was I supposed to do? I wanted my stuff back, and she was not returning my calls!
Read more: Was this action too extreme?
I can't disable my Ipad's cursor (connected to Windows server)?
I'm not sure what I pressed, but the touchscreen is replaced by an annoying cursor whenever I log into my Windows server. Is there anyway to disable the cursor and go back to the regular touchscreen?
Thank you!
Read more: I can't disable my Ipad's cursor (connected to Windows server)?
What's wrong with my GarageBand?
I was using GarageBand for a school project and everything was going pretty good, until suddenly it stopped making sound. The volume is one and everything seems normal, but when I try and play the tracks suddenly there's just no sound except the metronome. What's going on? Can anyone help? Thank you so much.
If it helps; I'm using GarageBand on an iPad Air. Thanks!
Read more: What's wrong with my GarageBand?
Any way to recover deleted Word file?
So on my school iPad, we had to write an essay. The essay wasn't saved to OneDrive or the cloud or anything, just the iPad. Now, we just deleted everything on the iPads for next school year. There isn't any way I can get that essay back, is there?
Read more: Any way to recover deleted Word file?
Tuesday, May 17, 2016
What to do about someone stealing something of mine?
Okay so at my highschool the school provides every student with and IPad. There is a detachable back case on the back of the IPad. We were working in groups at the end of the day and my partners IPad ran out of charge so we used mine. I go to the bathroom then come back to see that it i now have a broken case. I have a certain scrape on my IPad case that no one has so I checked everyone's case and I didn't find it. I wasn't going to falsely accuse anyone so I kept the broken IPad Case. The next day my classmate was looking suspicious and I checked his case and it ended up being it and I'm 100 percent sure about it. I considered my options and realize I have three choices. 1. To steal back the case. 2. To tell a teacher of principal and see what they could do. Or 3. Let him get away with it and keep the broken case. (Most likely my last option) I know it sounds silly but the case is $20 and I don't take stuff like this lightly. This kid is bad and constantly lies. What would you recommend me doing. Stealing it back is risky. Telling a teacher could cause too much drama and hate towards me. Thank you for your answers!
Read more: What to do about someone stealing something of mine?
What's wrong with me? Should I see a doctor?
I'm 15 years old and I fall asleep everywhere all the time
I'm constantly tired throughout the day and I can't help falling asleep
I've fallen asleep in my learning support lessons, my classes, on the bus, in the car. Heck! I even fell asleep in the middle of playing a game on my iPad.
I don't know what to do. Sometimes I do stuff in my sleep and I don't remember doing them. For example today I texted my nana and I don't remember doing that.
I sometimes have this think when I'm half asleep and half awake but I see things and it confuses me.
What should I do? Should I see a doctor?
Read more: What's wrong with me? Should I see a doctor?
The QoS on my router doesn't seem to be working?
I went to the settings for my router and prioritized my PS4 over her IPad and other devices in the house. I put in my PS4's static IP as the highest priority and her IPad as the lowest. But when i game and she uses her IPad, it still lags me down to a one bar. What am I doing wrong?
Read more: The QoS on my router doesn't seem to be working?
What will happen if I plug in my usb optical mouse into my wall charger? Read more?
okay so I have a standard usb computer mouse and I'm wondering what will happen if I plug it into my usb iPad charger?
Read more: What will happen if I plug in my usb optical mouse into my wall charger? Read more?
Ipad Volume won't work on videos. Help?!
I'm an idiot and Tipped over a glass of water onto my Ipad. I cleaned it off and it works fine except there is no sound from the speakers… On videos at least. I can't hear anything on youtube. However if is I adjust the sound in the settings menu moment it will makes noise. Is this unfix able or is there anything I can try to fix it?
Read more: Ipad Volume won't work on videos. Help?!
If you put water INSIDE an iPad, can you die?
If you put water INSIDE an iPad, can you die?
Added (1). If you put water INSIDE an iPad, can you get electrocuted?
Read more: If you put water INSIDE an iPad, can you die?
How to see the route of an airline flight?
As in the departure runway, route via waypoints, jet ways, arrival procedures arrival runway as well as SID/STARS? I am going on a flight soon and would like to enter this info into my foreflight on my Ipad but do not know where to get this information.
Read more: How to see the route of an airline flight?
Monday, May 16, 2016
How to get ver 7 for my iPad. When I check settings software it says ver 6 is up to date?
How to get ver 7 for my iPad. When I check settings software it says ver 6 is up to date?
Read more: How to get ver 7 for my iPad. When I check settings software it says ver 6 is up to date?
I HATE When People Touch My Stuff?
It s weird because it s only with my parents and brother. Not my friends or cousins or anything. Anyway I legit freak out when someone (mostly my mom) touches/moves/throws away my stuff. I genuinely hate hate hate it. For example once, when mom was vacuuming she picked up my iPad from the floor and put it on my bed and I got so pissed. I don t want to get angry whenever someone messes with my stuff but I genuinely cannot control it. Like I start getting that angry and annoyed feeling in my chest, I m yelling, I m breathing heavily, I m probably crying or about to and sometimes I might even throw things or do something aggressively (slamming doors etc.) all because my mom threw my cup away. Or even it could be because I want everything to be EXACTLY how I left it. And also because I hate not knowing. Like for example I left my desk with my notebook on it, some pens, and 2 waterbottles. When I come back my desk is clear. I don't know where my notebook is. I don't know where my pens are. I don't know where the water bottles are. I HATE not knowing exactly where all of my belongings are and I HAVE to be the one that puts up my pens and throws away my cups or else I freak out. I hate this side of me but I truly can t control it. My mom and I argue a few times a week because of this. Should I tell my doctor or something? I wouldn t even know how to say it or bring it up. Help?
Read more: I HATE When People Touch My Stuff?
Is it possible to use a mouse with an iPad?
I need an iPad for school, but I also need a laptop. I really value my mouse, and I was wondering if you could use a mouse with the iPad?
Read more: Is it possible to use a mouse with an iPad?
Do Apple products come with a one year warranty?
I tipped over a drink on a family Ipad because I" m a clumsy idiot now the volume doesn't work. Everything else works except the volume. It is only two months old. Does a one year warranty come with purchase or do you have to pay extra for a warranty? Would this scenario ever be covered by Apple?
Read more: Do Apple products come with a one year warranty?
Do Apple products come with a one year warranty? - 1
I broke a family Ipad because I m a clumsy idiot. It is only two months old. Does one year warranty come with purchase or do you have to pay extra for a warranty? I was not the one who bought the Ipad so I do not know. Help.
Read more: Do Apple products come with a one year warranty? - 1
IPad ruining all my earphones?
Basically all the earbuds I use with my 4th gen iPad stop working after two or three uses, even the expensive ones. Should I completely stop using earbuds with my iPad? I m really scared to do so after my sony and jbl earbuds stopped working (the left one).
Read more: IPad ruining all my earphones?
Cracked iPad mini screen?!
This has never happened to me before but after 3 long years, my iPad mini screen cracked on the bottom right. I don't know what to do at this point and I would like some advice please?
I've looked through the internet and it's given me mixed ideas on what to do. Some forums said to directly go to apple because if you go to a third party repair man, they won't fix the device for you anymore? (If i interpreted it correctly) But 3rd party vendors are cheaper and quicker on repairs.
Is it worth paying the expensive screen repair from Apple or just go to a 3rd party repair man for a 3 year old ipad mini? If the 3rd party is better, should I still backup my ipad? I have this weekend to fix it asap.
One more question, is a cracked device dangerous to use?
Read more: Cracked iPad mini screen?!
If I back up my iPad to my iCloud can I restore my iPad to factory and not lose any of my stuff?
If I back up my iPad to my iCloud can I restore my iPad to factory and not lose any of my stuff?
Read more: If I back up my iPad to my iCloud can I restore my iPad to factory and not lose any of my stuff?
My ipad 2 is almost always on 1 bar?
I've had my ipad 2 for a while now (2 years) but just before the new ios update was released i've been just getting 1 bar internet even when i'm standing right next to my hub. Now and again it will randomly jump up to two bars but it hasn't been on three since this started. I don't think it's the internet because all the other devices in my house including another ipad that we have get three bars all over the house.
If anyone can help it would be greatly appreciated
Read more: My ipad 2 is almost always on 1 bar?
Too much information on iPad 3 in documents and data need to clear, how?
Too much information on iPad 3 in documents and data need to clear, how?
Read more: Too much information on iPad 3 in documents and data need to clear, how?
Sunday, May 15, 2016
How do the Shaytards do special effects on their videos?
I dont have a mac. I have a hp laptop with windows 8.1. I also do have IMovie on my Iphone 5s and iPad Air 2.
Read more: How do the Shaytards do special effects on their videos?
IPad mini keeps randomly shutting down?
My iPad mini, used for school, has recently started to turn off completely at random times. It has gotten more and more frequent. Once it turns off, it cycles through the powering on stage, goes back to black, and does it again. Anywhere from once to ten times before it returns to my lock screen. I need this for school and homework, so please help to resolve my issue! Thanks!
Read more: IPad mini keeps randomly shutting down?
Read more: IPad mini keeps randomly shutting down?
How to route most of the wifi to a certain device?
Ive acessed my routers menu and i wonder if i can make it to where it prioritizes my ps3 over other devices in my house. The second my sister uses her ipad i lag and i want it to be the other way around.
Read more: How to route most of the wifi to a certain device?
My eye really hurts?
I woke up today and my left eye hurts, and hurts more in sunlight. I stayed up a little late last night reading a book on my ipad, could that be why? How can I fix it?
Read more: My eye really hurts?
I can't install apps or update apps on my ipad 2?
I clicked get and install for order and chaos online but it goes back to get and install, its a never ending loop. Please need help asap!
Read more: I can't install apps or update apps on my ipad 2?
What job could you get if you are really good at fundraising?
My husband injured his back 12 years ago and has not had a full time job since because he is limited to what he can do. What job would he be good at if he is amazing at collecting for fundraisers?
He raised over $2,200.00 in about 20 hours going out on week nights with local discount coupon cards. Besides a sales job, how could he use these amazing skills and talent? He also helped our daughter raise $1,000 when she was in 5th grade because she wanted to win the Ipad 2 that was the prize. Thank you in advance.
Read more: What job could you get if you are really good at fundraising?
Saturday, May 14, 2016
Should I get a laptop or an iPad for college? - 1
Hey everyone, I'm starting college in the fall and I saved up money. I was just wondering if y'all would recommend either a MacBook for college (or any other laptop) or an iPad Pro? Thanks
Read more: Should I get a laptop or an iPad for college? - 1
I have nothing to do besides electronics?
I have nothing to do besides use electronics.
I want to become a really good C++ and Lua
coder when I grow up but my parents won't buy
me a laptop because they think I use it too much
(I have nothing else to do) and
I won't care for it, they won't give me a chance at
redeeming myself at all. So all I do is use my iPad and
phone and go to the gym Mon-Fri for about an hour.
I usually don't like being around people.
I'm not social, I live in a suburban place so
there really isn't much to do around here,
I'm under 18 so I can't do certain things,
I'm really good in school (getting mostly As and B+s)
without having to study at all. Any suggestions?
Read more: I have nothing to do besides electronics?
What cord do I need to allow me to take photos from a distance on my iPad?
Doing a photobooth for a wedding and I want guests to be able to take their own photos.
Read more: What cord do I need to allow me to take photos from a distance on my iPad?
I forgot my password on my ipad. I am locked out?
I forgot my password on my ipad. I am locked out?
Read more: I forgot my password on my ipad. I am locked out?
Does not using your iPad make it slower? (I have an iPad 2)?
I play this game called Vainglory, basically a MOBA. I usually only play it on the weekend and experience a frame drop on the first day, but this time, there was a 3 week gap between each time I played. (During this time I don't use my iPad either). There was a HUGE frame drop and is it because I didn't use my iPad for a long time?
Read more: Does not using your iPad make it slower? (I have an iPad 2)?
What do my dreams mean?
So I was sleeping and then I dreamed about when me and my parents were watching a tv show they always watch (same as usual) and then all of a sudden I see the girl from the ring coming out of the corner, she wasn't walking like a dog. She was walking with a hunched back, long black hair covering her face and walking towards us. I couldn't even move so I closed my eyes and prepared for death. Then all of a sudden my next dream was when I was in a mall and a bunch of nurse shibitos came running in (monsters from a game called siren blood curse) and then a bunch of nurses from the game silent hill came in as well… I went running to an empty space with my dad and I saw two of those momsters so I tried eunning away but one got in my way and then I tried to punch it but I got a feeling that I was in a fake zombie apocalypse maze and it was an actor so I decided not to punch it. I walked away and saw a fat giant blue flying caterpillar squished on the floor. My next dream was about when I was watching the tv show again with my parents and my dad was talking about the sun or earth will explode in a year and I got so scared.
(I came to realise that most of these dreams were about 3 of my fears, the girl from the ring, end of the world zombies, sun/earth exploding) Even if they aren't, what do they mean? Also, I dreamed about them all in one day.
Added (1). I just woke up and i'm holding my ipad so i'm sorry if I spelled anything wrong.
Read more: What do my dreams mean?
Friday, May 13, 2016
I can't breathe in the dark? - 1
I have this complicated annoyance of all of the lights being off. I can't breathe. My sister always turns off the light in our room so I can't breathe at all so I turn on my iPad and sleep when the sun rises. I don't know what it is maybe a phobia but it hurts because my dad is telling me to get used to sleeping without lights and it makes me cry because he doesn't understand. What's the medical explanation? My dad says it's fear of being in tight rooms but I disagree. I'm fine with tight rooms but I need light, I can't breathe without it. Literally. I'd suffer.
Read more: I can't breathe in the dark? - 1
How to play Undertale for free (mainly for IOS)?
So I really really want to play Undertale. I can't use Steam and I especially and buy anything from Steam because of my parents. I would really appreciate it if there was a way for me to play Undertale for FREE on my iPad. It'll be alright if there's also a free version on computer, more specifically Windows Vista because my parents rarely buy modern computers for me.
Read more: How to play Undertale for free (mainly for IOS)?
What if you could bring back one user that has left, who would it be? And why?
What if you could bring back one user that has left, who would it be? And why?
Added (1). I can't read comments, I'm on my iPad,
So post comments under your answers…
Read more: What if you could bring back one user that has left, who would it be? And why?
Should i put screen protection for my Ipad Pro 9.7 (read details)?
So usually when we buy ipad we get screen protector with it. But the screen protector didn't come with it. So does that mean it is already there and I dont need to put a screen protector.
Read more: Should i put screen protection for my Ipad Pro 9.7 (read details)?
Thursday, May 12, 2016
Why is it rude to bring an Ipad instead of a Bible to a Church service?
My pastor always quotes at least 15 different Bible verses in each sermon, and makes us look them up and read them aloud with him. For every topic he chooses to make a sermon on, there are many Bible verses that say something about that specific topic.
My Bible is heavy, so I brought my iPad to the sermon. Everyone was looking at me weird for looking up the Bible verses and reading aloud from my iPad.
I'm reading the Bible.
What's wrong with reading the Bible from your iPad instead of a book?
Read more: Why is it rude to bring an Ipad instead of a Bible to a Church service?
First world problems/third world problems?
it s kind of hard to explain but like say someone is so sad about being single or not having an ipad or something that they cry themself to sleep every night in a first world country, and someone in another country s parent died but it is normal there so they aren t that sad about it, would it be bad to feel worse for the rich person because they are sadder or should we feel worse for the person with a worse problem?
Read more: First world problems/third world problems?
Can I get my old locked sim into new ipad?
I had an iPad air 2, but it is damaged and I'm thinking of getting a new one, is it possible to use my locked sim into new iPad. I cant unlock the sim. My current iPad is unusable.
Read more: Can I get my old locked sim into new ipad?
It needs an icloud password now but the original owner forgot it. I dont wanna delete the data, what do i do?!
Added (1). I cant pass without the icloud email and password.
I have a crush…but I'm socially awkward?
So… There's this one girl (let's call her Stacy) and she's really pretty. I've known her since kindergarten and don't really remember talking to her then. Now that were in high school, she rarely talks to me. But I can't help but feel she might have a crush on me too. She seems to laugh whenever I make (terrible jokes to her and my confidence boosts a bit because of it. But then it quickly goes away soon after.
So most recently, during this school year, she's been passing by my bus when school is over because her's is directly behind mine. And I sit in the second seat, so I can see almost everybody walk on their buses. But when she passes by my window, I can't help but feel like she subtle glances at me, almost in a nervous way. When we (accidentally) make eye contact, she immediately looks away… As do I.
So I'm really hoping that she might have a crush on me too. But I'm just worried that this might all be in my head and I'm just imagining all of it (I have a tendency to do such things.) But this time feels more real than others. There's just one other big problem.
Her brother… Is one of my best friends. So let's say I do ask her out. He could either kill me or maybe even accept it. I'm not sure which.
Anyway… I would really like some answers from people more experienced in the dating area or least can relate to me. It would help a lot. Because I might consider asking this girl to the prom if I get enough confidence. *bows* Have a nice day!
Added (1). Wow. I just realized how long this. Please read the whole thing. I would be most grateful. I usually don't care about this type of stuff, but this girl seems really nice, smart, and pretty. I just hope I'm not diluting myself.
Read more: I have a crush…but I'm socially awkward?
How will i fix my ipad mini? It s 3 years old?
yesterday, i updated it and then it kept turning on and off. After one round of that,it wouldn t let me go in without the original icloud email and password which we can t get because the owner is not available. Now whenever i press the power button, the screen turns a dark shade of gray. What happened? How will i fix this? Is this normal?
Added (1). my ipad mini was at 78 percent before that happened.
Added (2). i held the power button and the logo appeared but then it went black again.
Read more: How will i fix my ipad mini? It s 3 years old?
What must I do that my iPad server stopped responding?
What must I do that my iPad server stopped responding?
Read more: What must I do that my iPad server stopped responding?
IPad App crashing problem. How do I solve it?
IPad App crashing problem. How do I solve it?
Added (1). I'm using Music D/L, 8 months ago I got a message from them that the app has been removed from the App Store. But 3 days ago it started crashing. I don't want to delete it because I have like +300 great song selection. Is there a way to fix this other than deleting the app and losing all the songs?
Read more: IPad App crashing problem. How do I solve it?
Best device to record/making videos and etc.mostly videos. Suggestions? Be specific?
I m thinking of buying an ipad mini, but don t know the generation I should get. I would use it for making videos and etc.mostly videos. Suggestions? Maybe other than a ipad mini? I just need something with very nice film quality. BE SPECIFIC… Don't say "perhaps a camera."
Read more: Best device to record/making videos and etc.mostly videos. Suggestions? Be specific?
Wednesday, May 11, 2016
Best device to record/making videos and etc.mostly videos. Suggestions?
I m thinking of buying an ipad mini, but don t know the generation I should get. I would use it for making videos and etc.mostly videos. Suggestions? Maybe other than a ipad mini? I just need something with very nice film quality.
Read more: Best device to record/making videos and etc.mostly videos. Suggestions?
How to deal with a rude roommate in a bad living situation?
I'm doing my best to get out, but won't be able to until March. In the meantime, how do I deal with this?
I'm living in an illegal sublet. When I moved in, I was told I would have my own bedroom, but within a few days of moving in the woman I am renting from began parading other potential renters through my room without telling me. A new girl moved in, without any warning or heads up from from the landlady, and has been nothing but hostile to me since then. She was nasty to me because I was taking up too much space in the closet, she talks about me over the phone to her friends as though I am not in the room. And in the mornings, she wakes up at 6 am and slams things around the room, slams the doors, and, when asked to please stop because I don't have to be up for another two hours, she either does not respond to me or tells me she IS being quiet. The worst part is that she does not go anywhere after this is complete. She appears to be unemployed, and sits in the corner on her ipad until I go to work, and is there again in the evening when I come home. I have never seen her wear anything but her bathrobe. Every time I have tried to talk to her about it or other issues, she rolls her eyes at me and either goes back to her ipad or walks away.
How do I deal with her, at least for the rest of the month? Because I am losing my patience with the whole situation and my landlady has made it clear that she is in this for the money and does not care if we're happy or healthy or well rested, as long as we're crammed in like sardines and paying rent on time.
Read more: How to deal with a rude roommate in a bad living situation?
What is the benefit of having 3G on my ipad?
What is the benefit of having 3G on my ipad? - 1
Read more: What is the benefit of having 3G on my ipad?
What ipad should I get for good quality pictures?
I have an iPad 2 but the pictures are very grainy and pixelated. It is only a better camera I m after.
P.S. No answers like ipads suck or get a digital camera as I want to use picture apps. I am willing to spend £500 at most.
Read more: What ipad should I get for good quality pictures?
How to reset my iPad to factory settings when I forgot the reset password?
When I click reset to factory settings it tells me I need a password to do so. It s not the same as the password to unlock my iPad. I tried all my passwords and I can t figure out the password to reset it. How can I wipe the memory so I can sell it to get a new iPad. It s an iPad 4th generation 64gb if that helps. I just want to reset it to factory default so it doesn t have my personal information and I can get rid of it.
Read more: How to reset my iPad to factory settings when I forgot the reset password?
My ipad is stuck on diable in i forgot my code?
My ipad is stuck on diable in i forgot my code?
Read more: My ipad is stuck on diable in i forgot my code?
My iPad will not turn on?
My iPad died, so I charged it and whenever it goes to the apple screen, it dies again. I have tried two different chargers, so it must not be the iPad. I don't know what to do, I need my iPad for school tomorrow (basically everyday we use our iPads for almost every class.)
It has been charging for two hours, and it keeps doing the same thing.
It shows the little red battery, then a few minutes later will show the Apple Logo for a while, then dies again. What do I do?
Read more: My iPad will not turn on?
Tuesday, May 10, 2016
Internet speed help?
My internet speed has been extremely slow and my dad said I could look into getting new stuff. I think our main problem is that we hate 5 people all with and ipad iPhone and atleast one computer. I think this puts too much strain on the Internet bandwith. Will getting a second router help or what can I do? (I have AT&T uverse)
Read more: Internet speed help?
If you have a really bad tooth infection, will there definitely be pain?
I know I have a tooth infection but the tooth is getting removed in 5 days. I've had two headaches this week, but I originally thought it was just because I've been on my iPad for so long. Other then that, there hasn't been any pain for a long time.
Read more: If you have a really bad tooth infection, will there definitely be pain?
How likely is it that I will receive custody as a non custodial parent?
I live nearly 2,000 away from child's mother. Child has lived with me almost a year with no contact from mother other than occasional calls. Mother has no intention of taking back child, I have texts stating such. The mother is enjoying child support and refuses to send items I gifted my child while he was under her care I.e. IPad and games. The worst is she just continues to lie over and over. I have texts and emails saying how she will send things that never come. Final straw was when the mother didn't return calls/voicemails on mothers day.
Read more: How likely is it that I will receive custody as a non custodial parent?
Can t login to snapchat on galaxie s3?!
I am having trouble signing to sc, everytime i try to login it gives me an error… I even tried to login with an old account but that still didnt work. Funny thing is it let s me sign in on both the accounts on my ipad. I have already been told that it may be because i am using third party apps or rooted but i have always used the google play one and my device has never been rooted. Please help! Thanks
Read more: Can t login to snapchat on galaxie s3?!
IPad Pro or Wacom Cintiq for art students?
I'm thinking of buying a tablet for art school and I'm really torn between these two…
On one hand, Wacom is KNOWN for their specialities in the area but on the other hand, the iPad seems to be a lot more portable and easier to whip out if so needed. I've read a lot of good reviews for the iPad and I've tried it out personally in the Apple Store (and freakin loved it!). But the bad reviews of come from where it falls short in software and how the apps haven't quiet caught up with apple's new technology yet. So in that sens, I'd be missing out on key experiences that I'd get from a Wacom. I've also heard people say, "Wacom for professionals, ipad for people who just like to draw".
I also have to admit I'm a little bias to the iPad Pro simple because I'm a sucker for it's sleak look. I'm also extremely familiar with iPad drawing apps such a procreate as I do currently have an iPad Air for two and a half years now. But I know that's not enough if in the end, Wacom just preforms better. I've never used a Wacom before so not seeing or trying one makes me wonder how much more I can do or if what I can do on the iPad would be good enough alone.
I don't know, basically I'm just really torn and confused right now. Any advice?
Read more: IPad Pro or Wacom Cintiq for art students?
Why is it difficult for my iPad to connect to an hdmi source for the tv?
Why is it difficult for my iPad to connect to an hdmi source for the tv?
Read more: Why is it difficult for my iPad to connect to an hdmi source for the tv?
How to recover COMPLETELY deleted videos on iPad?
Me and my mates made a video for homework on iMovie it took about 3 hours to make and an hour to edit I was rendering the video in HD720p then I went for dinner. When I return I think the video has rendered but it hasn't so I delete all the individual clips to free up some storage I also delete them from recently deleted then I go back on iMovie and it says video contains missing files. THANK YOU FOR UR TIME Please Help ME THE HOMEWORKS DUE SOON
Read more: How to recover COMPLETELY deleted videos on iPad?
Does anybody know who designed the Macbook pro, Imac, Ipad, Iphone?
Does anybody know who designed the Macbook pro, Imac, Ipad, Iphone?
Read more: Does anybody know who designed the Macbook pro, Imac, Ipad, Iphone?
When was the last time you cleaned your keyboards?
When was the last time you cleaned your keyboards?
Read more: When was the last time you cleaned your keyboards?
Monday, May 9, 2016
My crush is moving and I don t know what to do?
Ok so my crush is moving and won t be going to school with me anymore. And i think it would be easier if he didn t like me back (which he does). And I don t know what to do. Should I move on from him, If so how?
Read more: My crush is moving and I don t know what to do?
What is the thickest apple product (only iphone, ipad and itouch) and how thick it is?
What is the thickest apple product (only iphone, ipad and itouch) and how thick it is?
Read more: What is the thickest apple product (only iphone, ipad and itouch) and how thick it is?
How to make calls on an Ipad, via safari and wifi, without downloading any external apps?
How to make calls on an Ipad, via safari and wifi, without downloading any external apps?
Read more: How to make calls on an Ipad, via safari and wifi, without downloading any external apps?
What's the difference between a product line extension and a brand extension?
Also, would you consider Apple's introduction of the iPad to be either a product line or brand extension?
Read more: What's the difference between a product line extension and a brand extension?
Syncing Candy Crush?
I have both an LG phone and an iPad and when I 1st downloaded Candy Crush I played it on my LG phone then when I played on my Ipad I continued but left off on level 140 when I played on my LG and I play on my iPad mostly (I am on level 867 on my iPad). I am wondering if level 867 on my Ipad will sync with my LG phone through Facebook.
Read more: Syncing Candy Crush?
Sunday, May 8, 2016
How to change my profile picture on Facebook to an older one, but keep the likes? - 1
I am still kinda new to Facebook.
For example. Yesterday I updated my profile picture on Facebook (picture a), but later I realised that I want to change it back to my last profile picture again (picture b).
Picture B has about 400 likes on it, whereas picture A has about 70. How do I change back to picture B but keep all 400 likes?
(Please let me know if you are using an iPhone, iPad or computer to do this.)
Read more: How to change my profile picture on Facebook to an older one, but keep the likes? - 1
Bringing video evidence to court to fight speeding ticket?
I was allegedly going 60 on a 45 zone on sunday morning. My argument to the officer was that there was no speed signs visible in that segment of the road, the only sign was 25mph when children are present, but obviously no children are present on sunday morning. But he wrote me a ticket anyway.
So I videotaped the course of the road where i was pulled over with my iphone, narrated it a bit to explain everything. The video is to show that the only sign there was when children are present.
Is it okay for me to bring an ipad(i dont think my iphone has high enough resolution) to play the video to the judge?
What are my chances of winning this thing? (My last speeding ticket was 4 years ago)
Read more: Bringing video evidence to court to fight speeding ticket?
Streaming movies/tv shows for free: Legal or illegal?
Right so basically I need you people to settle a dispute I have with friends/family
My friends and some relatives seem to be under the impression that streaming movies and or tv shows for free is somehow legal "because you're only streaming not actually downloading".
Now what I'm thinking is the creator of the movie will have paid millions for the production and has Copyright on said movie. If someone was to stream it for free they're not giving the content creator anything in return so it's basically stealing. It's similar to buying music, if you buy a song on iTunes you don't then own the song, you own a licence to play that song on your iPhone/iPad/Mac just like if you buy a movie you don't OWN the movie you have paid the content creator so that you can then watch the movie.
I study computing in college and before that I enjoyed it in high school. Part of the IT course in high school was on the subject of Copyright and although this exact topic wasn't covered, the music example which I just used was.
I just can't see how watching a movie for free is in any way legal, downloaded or not.
Thanks! :)
Read more: Streaming movies/tv shows for free: Legal or illegal?
Saturday, May 7, 2016
Is it worth to buy a ipad 1 64gb (Wifi+cellular) at rupees 10000 (150 dollars) now?
Is it worth to buy a ipad 1 64gb (Wifi+cellular) at rupees 10000 (150 dollars) now?
Read more: Is it worth to buy a ipad 1 64gb (Wifi+cellular) at rupees 10000 (150 dollars) now?
Can you re use motorcycle tires?
my daughter is about to be 3 and she has a 30x15 pool. A trampoline, ipad she has everything a child could ask for. Our neighbors kids like 5 of them dont have anything aside from cellphones which they use to record my daughter when shes in her pool or playing they constantly keep recording my daughter. I live in long island new york is their anyhting i can do about this i have already spoken to their parents they just don t give a ****. I am ready to go to jail for a few years to make a ******* point. What can i do to avoid this?
Read more: Can you re use motorcycle tires?
Can a private school legally search a school iPad under any circumstances?
See photo- answer was apparently too long. Does anyone have any suggestions or is there nothing that I can do? 
Read more: Can a private school legally search a school iPad under any circumstances?
Read more: Can a private school legally search a school iPad under any circumstances?
What do I do now about my Ipad?
I forgot the password to my Ipad and I hooked it up to my friend IPad and tried to restore it. It didn't work so I called apple tech support and he made me update Itunes and try again but my Ipad reset and it was not changed or restored so I put it back in restore mode and the computor now says "itunes is downloading software for Ipad" should I just wait? What if my ipad resets again and it doesn't work? Should I try one more time to restore it? Or should I just call apple back.
Read more: What do I do now about my Ipad?
How to gain access to my Ipad?
Okay so I have my Ipad I don't know the password to it and it is connected to my Iphone through Icloud. Is there any way I can get access to my Ipad without having to know the password? Maybe I can reset it from my phone?
Read more: How to gain access to my Ipad?
Is there an app for iPad to unblur pictures?
Is there an app for iPad to unblur pictures? - 1
Read more: Is there an app for iPad to unblur pictures?
How to backup my ipad pics and vids to a free online storage other than icloud? Thanks?
How to backup my ipad pics and vids to a free online storage other than icloud? Thanks? - 1
Read more: How to backup my ipad pics and vids to a free online storage other than icloud? Thanks?
Why won't my iPad mini connect to iTunes?
Whenever I try to connect to iTunes, on my iPad mini, all that shows on the screen is "Allow this device to access photos and videos?" (this happens EVERY TIME I plug the lightning cable from my iPad to my laptop) and not the option to trust this computer. My iPad will sync to my laptop (Windows 10), but not iTunes. I've already tried to authorize and deauthorize my laptop but that didn't seem to work (right now it's authorized).
- iTunes is fully updated
- iPad mini is fully updated
Read more: Why won't my iPad mini connect to iTunes?
Spying on me with mSpy?
So I wont go into the details of who it is but I have noticed my phone acts up. I cant send images, I can send text messages, and I cant get on the internet in certin locations. I always have my phone on me and my Ipad. One time I heard a male voice over it. Is it possible for this person to be watching me while I'm at home? How much distance do they need? Can they see my history on my phone even if I delete the history or have it set on private?
I took a job with EXTREMELY over protective parents and it's getting really bad.
Read more: Spying on me with mSpy?
Why does nds4ios (DS emulator on iPad) keep crashing?
Why does nds4ios (DS emulator on iPad) keep crashing?
Read more: Why does nds4ios (DS emulator on iPad) keep crashing?
Friday, May 6, 2016
Random spells of DEREALIZATION Help IM SCARED?!
It happens mostly when I look at my ipad.I'll be looking at it, then suddenly everything feels so unreal and like im not here.Im so scared am i dying of something? Im only happens when i stare at my ipad for a bit. Then once i get away im fine, why is this?
Added (1). my eyes also start watering
Read more: Random spells of DEREALIZATION Help IM SCARED?!
Looking for a iPad keyboard that also charges the iPad?
Looking for a iPad keyboard that also charges the iPad?
Added (1). Im looking for an iPad Keyboard that physically plugs into the iPad and also charges the iPad. Is there something out there?
Read more: Looking for a iPad keyboard that also charges the iPad?
How to unblock ipad from wifi?
my mom blocked my ipad from wifi, all the other wifi in the house is working. Only my ipad is not working. How can i get wifi on my ipad or unblock it? Would it be through xfinity who is our company for wifi
Added (1). I have wifi password it just kicks me
Read more: How to unblock ipad from wifi?
Ipad mini cracked screen?
OK, I have an Ipad mini. It has a cracked screen, and I would like to get it fixed, but that is $200! Is there any way to fix it without it costing so much money?
Read more: Ipad mini cracked screen?
How to fake handshake in sims freeplay?
I'm on level 24 in sims freeplay on my ipad, I have 6, 090, 567 simoleons, 42 lifestyle points and my town is worth 10, 234, 675. I'm on a goal and I'm trying to complete it but I can't. I was wondering if anyone knew how to 'fake handshake' with another sim.
I'm really stuck and I need help. Please answer
Read more: How to fake handshake in sims freeplay?
I'm really stuck and I need help. Please answer
Read more: How to fake handshake in sims freeplay?
Can bypass previous owner information on my IPad so I can t activate it what to do?
Can bypass previous owner information on my IPad so I can t activate it what to do?
Read more: Can bypass previous owner information on my IPad so I can t activate it what to do?
Where can I download Yandere Simulator?
It's not on Steam or Origin, I can't find it on consoles and you can't get it on iPad.
What happens now?
Read more: Where can I download Yandere Simulator?
Im not picky at all i just cant decide which one. I like the mini because it might come in handy for college but i like the air because it has a bigger screen. Which do you guys prefer?
Thursday, May 5, 2016
When most people will have self-driving car?
When most people will have self-driving car?
Added (1). 2017?
Added (2). It could take 20 years,
anyway, no we advance fast,
PC, Laptop, mobile, ipad,…
I used intent in 1998/1999.
Read more: When most people will have self-driving car?
Email Address Mismatch… WRONG it works from any browser, just not my iPad?
Email Address Mismatch… WRONG it works from any browser, just not my iPad?
Read more: Email Address Mismatch… WRONG it works from any browser, just not my iPad?
I won an iPad…what do?
I won an iPad…what do?
Added (1). Exose my langage, i meant to said un iPad
Read more: I won an iPad…what do?
How to get a video from a canon camera onto my ipad?
I need to get videos from my camera onto my ipad. I no I can use the lead to get it from my camera to the laptop but I don't know what to do from there.
Read more: How to get a video from a canon camera onto my ipad?
Animation App That Can Be Good As Cartoon Network? For Ipad?
any app to animate like cartoon network
Added (1). so i can practice to learn to animated
Read more: Animation App That Can Be Good As Cartoon Network? For Ipad?
How to log out after i read my email this ipad?
How to log out after i read my email this ipad?
Read more: How to log out after i read my email this ipad?
How to bypass a stolen Activation Code to return to rightful owner?
How to bypass a stolen Activation Code to return to rightful owner? - 1
Added (1). How can you by pass a stolen iPad 2 activation code to return to rightful owner?
Read more: How to bypass a stolen Activation Code to return to rightful owner?
I put my iPad in a shop?
For money I'm gonna try to see if I will get it back if not what will I say to my mam I only had it just over a year she kill me
Read more: I put my iPad in a shop?
Wednesday, May 4, 2016
I gave my iPad in to a shop?
I got money for it but not a lot as I was desperate for money I need the iPad back can I just walk in and ask for it back
Read more: I gave my iPad in to a shop?
Can I download my playlist from my ipad to my pc?
Can I download my playlist from my ipad to my pc?
Read more: Can I download my playlist from my ipad to my pc?
Smart gun Technology should be banned in the US, do you agree?
Smart guns can be hacked and that's a proven fact. Hackers are also infected millions of USB ports, have you ever heard of badusb. I got hit with it, and didn't realize it until 4 months later. By plugging any device into the USB, a rootkit gets installed in the firmware. Even my IPad got hacked and I didn't thing those things could get hacked.
Now just imagine going to the shooting range. Those bullies can be manipulated to hit different targets. Even worse, most. People including myself, dont think twice about plugging it into their device. I do now, but just imagine I had a smart gun and it's loaded with melware, that's a dangerous situation, or the firmware reprogrammed. Factor set won't even get rid of it.
Added (1). At some point, the FBI will want gun manufactures to include a back door in their software, for even greater security, you know they always do, just look at Apple. This will open up your phone more to hackers
Read more: Smart gun Technology should be banned in the US, do you agree?
How to download songs for free on an ipad and get to get them into my itunes?
How to download songs for free on an ipad and get to get them into my itunes?
Read more: How to download songs for free on an ipad and get to get them into my itunes?
Tuesday, May 3, 2016
Snap chat flitters/effects won t work for my iPad mini but does on others iPads?
I ve been on two separate iPads an they both have snap chat flitters an I ve had the up date why won t mine work on my iPad mini but work on my friends iPad minis
Read more: Snap chat flitters/effects won t work for my iPad mini but does on others iPads?
What's the difference between an iPad and Laptop?
What's the difference between an iPad and Laptop? - 1
Read more: What's the difference between an iPad and Laptop?
I got in trouble at school for going on instagram?
at school we have around 30 ipads, and we can pretty much use them whenever we want if we re finished our work. It was lunch so I took one and I saw the instagram app was installed. So I went on my account and I showed people pictures of my 2 lizards. I logged out and then me and my friend started lightly arguing about if jb shaved his head (not totally shaved) and I went on instagram (on the web, not the app) and showed her. At the end of the next day, the teacher came up to me and asked me why I went on instagram, and she said how she was setting up the instagram app and my name was there and stuff. And like I was so confused because everyone goes on instagram at my school. Then, my French teacher comes in and my teacher starts telling her about it. And the funny thing is, this French teacher is really inappropriate. She says sh*t in class and one time these boys where talking about milking or something and she was like "you re not gonna get any milk outta those boobs!" Like wtf. And these boys are always saying disgusting things and she laughs with them but I go on instagram and I get in trouble? Do you think this is fair? Should I have gotten in trouble? I m moving next year to thankfully I don t have to deal with this stuff anymore, but I just find it so annoying that these teachers are ready to yell at me for throwing a flower at someone (that happened in 4th grade, and it was like full out screaming at me)
Read more: I got in trouble at school for going on instagram?
I dropped my ipad and the screen is pixelated?
I woke up to find my ipad this morning on the floor face down. I picked it up and noticed the glass screen wasn't severely damaged. But now, the screen is pixelated with different colors. Everything still works though. Any solutions?
Added (1). Here is a picture
Read more: I dropped my ipad and the screen is pixelated?
Survey: What is your favorite game on your smartphone or Ipad?
Survey: What is your favorite game on your smartphone or Ipad? - 1
Read more: Survey: What is your favorite game on your smartphone or Ipad?
Monday, May 2, 2016
What's wrong with my iPad?!
When I unlock it, it lags… And at random times it just freezes up amind the touch screen goes unresponsive for a good 10 seconds… Please help I just got it in February?
Added (1). *and
I have the Mini4 and its suppose to really good but it's apparently not:/
Read more: What's wrong with my iPad?!
Where's the best place to sell my iPad Mini 4 with accessories for a good price?
Where's the best place to sell my iPad Mini 4 with accessories for a good price?
Read more: Where's the best place to sell my iPad Mini 4 with accessories for a good price?
How to reset my iPad? - 2
So my brother got a iPad from his friend that she no longer uses but didn t give him the password, It is stuck in recovery mode and when I put it in my macbook is says iTunes can‘t contact the software update server for iPad. What can I do? Its iPad2 btw
Read more: How to reset my iPad? - 2
How to factory restore ipad without apple id password?
How to factory restore ipad without apple id password? - 1
Read more: How to factory restore ipad without apple id password?
Sweet sixteen party?
I'm going to have a party for my 16th, mum said I can invite heaps of people and I want to have a mad party. I have a big,jail speaker that I'll connect my iPad to, I'll download a heap of music beforehand. I have a table tennis table and party lights. Idk what else though? I don't want everyone to be bored. I have a huge trampoline which I thought would be boring but some boys at school say they would like to come over and do front flips and they can show me how and stuff so I thought maybe it's not that boring? I will have a fun theme, lie 80s or neon or something. Is that lame having a theme or? I was thinking dress up as something starting with the first letter of your name? Could be funny. Anyway I always get paranoid. My friend had a party wit music and pizza and just people sitting around and it was boring says everyone. If you read this all I appreciate it. Also the best parties are usually at farms but my yards not that big. It's about 1/2 a hectare? Not including trampoline and stuff. I will obviously have a mad cake and food, maybe something cool like a slushy machine or something would be cool? I'll order pizza and I just don't know.
Read more: Sweet sixteen party?
How to tell if my iPad is charging?
I have it plugged in to my computer, the screen has the battery and a lightning bolt at the bottom with a charger cable. Does this mean it s charging?
Read more: How to tell if my iPad is charging?
I found a trick to play youtube in background on iphone or ipad. Reply to find out how?
I found a trick to play youtube in background on iphone or ipad. Reply to find out how?
Read more: I found a trick to play youtube in background on iphone or ipad. Reply to find out how?
How to record music played on my ipad on to my pc/laptop?
I have this really great dj app on my ipad which makes really awesome mixes of my songs in my itunes library. However, even though I can make and record my own mixes in this app I can not record those automixes. Also, this app is not available on anything but ipad or iphone. Is there any way to record those mixes on my pc instead?
Read more: How to record music played on my ipad on to my pc/laptop?
Sunday, May 1, 2016
Apple Pencil keeps disconnecting with iPad Pro?
I got an iPad Pro and Apple Pencil on Tuesday and I've been drawing a lot on it lately. I was drawing today when it just stopped working. I used my finger and it drew fine, but the pencil wouldn't do anything. I plugged it back in to the iPad to see if it would work, then it started drawing normally again. Less than a minute later, it does it again. Plugged it in, worked fine. It just started doing this. It worked fine this morning. What's wrong with it?
Read more: Apple Pencil keeps disconnecting with iPad Pro?
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