Tuesday, February 28, 2017

What app can I use to gain Instagram views and likes?

I was using an awesome app that did this but they had a recent "update" and turned it into a tags for likes type b.s app…

Can anyone please help me? I can't go from having 987 views and 543 likes to 123 views and 78 likes -_- lolll

I have an android and an ipad so it doesn't matter what app store I use.

Also if there is a specific marketing technique I can try please let me know.

Thank you Guys, God bless!

Read more: What app can I use to gain Instagram views and likes?

Monday, February 27, 2017

What is the difference betwee ipad air 2 and ipad pro?

What is the different between ipad air 2 and ipad pro? Im looking to purchase one for my 4yr old, she will uses it only for youtube and some learning apps.

Read more: What is the difference betwee ipad air 2 and ipad pro?

How can I change an email address on iCloud?

I m trying to change the email address that is for the Apple ID of this friend of mine s iPad. The email address on the ID is at a now extinct domain. When I go to apple to try to change the ID to the current email address the verification code is sent to the extinct website. What can I do?

Read more: How can I change an email address on iCloud?

How to move the images produced on the Adobe Illustrator Draw App on iPad to a computer without losing the vector quality?

How to move the images produced on the Adobe Illustrator Draw App on iPad to a computer without losing the vector quality?

Read more: How to move the images produced on the Adobe Illustrator Draw App on iPad to a computer without losing the vector quality?

Do I Have An Addition To Electronic Devices?

I started getting into video games a lot when it was the summer of me going into sixth grade. My parents didn't think it was too much until I would stay up and wake up with an iPad in my hand. I still did all of my homework while watching a video on my iPad. I'm in sixth grade now and it kinda went down. However, the thing is that I put down my iPad and shut down the computer for outside activities and other things, but I'm still concerned as well as my parents.

Read more: Do I Have An Addition To Electronic Devices?

Why can't a screen shot Netflix on my iPad?

Why can't a screen shot Netflix on my iPad?

Read more: Why can't a screen shot Netflix on my iPad?

Sunday, February 26, 2017

How to get into iPad without resetting it?

hi, I found my old iPad lmao. And I don't remember the password! Is there a way I can get into it without having to reset my iPad completely? Please help

Read more: How to get into iPad without resetting it?

Are there any downfalls of jailbreaking my iPad?

Also, I every app really free? Are there any restrictions within the app or is it normal as if you paid for it?

Read more: Are there any downfalls of jailbreaking my iPad?

How to remove restrictions on iPad without password or resetting?

I set it on accident years ago and it's annoying as hell, I can't download many apps

Read more: How to remove restrictions on iPad without password or resetting?

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Can a hotspot owner see your search history?

I recently started working for TELUS and received an iPad with unlimited data for as long as I work there. I'm currently using that iPad to hotspot the device I'm using to post this. Will Telus be able to see what I'm using the hotspot for?

Read more: Can a hotspot owner see your search history?

Is it possible to create e-book for both iPad and Kindle on InDesign?

I'm wanting to create and sell an e-book, ideally being able to compile it in one InDesign document, sell it, and make sure it looks good on both iPad and Kindle.

What dimensions should I make the document? What works best across both platforms?


Read more: Is it possible to create e-book for both iPad and Kindle on InDesign?

If I use a small drawing tablet, but large canvas size, will the picture be able to be enlarged/printed at high quality?

I'm used to working on small screens for artwork but as I want to take my digital art a little more seriously I'd like to buy a decent tablet. I often see professionals with large tablets (around A3 size) to make sure that their work can be printed on a large scale at high quality… But I would much prefer working on a smaller screen, around the size of an iPad mini or maybe a little bigger.

I was thinking if I used Adobe Photoshop for example, if I simply adjusted the canvas size to A3 (And obviously worked on it zoomed out to fit the whole thing on my smaller screen), if the picture would be able to be printed out at A3 in high quality and non pixelated. It seems like a simple enough idea to me, but I'm not sure if it would work or if problems like lagging would arise because of this.

Any ideas, experience or information is appreciated. Thank you.

Read more: If I use a small drawing tablet, but large canvas size, will the picture be able to be enlarged/printed at high quality?

Friday, February 24, 2017

IPad Pro for fashion illustration?

I'm hoping to improve my fashion illustrations and was thinking I should buy an iPad Pro and apple pen to do them. Usually I scan and edit on the computer but thought it would be easier to draw straight onto iPad. What apps should I use/ do you recommend to download for the best high quality fashion sketches?

Thanks in advance

Read more: IPad Pro for fashion illustration?

Somehow my email settings are not working correctly on my iPad. I want to change the lay out. How do I do that?

Somehow my email settings are not working correctly on my iPad. I want to change the lay out. How do I do that?

Read more: Somehow my email settings are not working correctly on my iPad. I want to change the lay out. How do I do that?

Thursday, February 23, 2017

How do you move app/game data from one ipad to another, like game progress and saved data?

How do you move app/game data from one ipad to another, like game progress and saved data?

Read more: How do you move app/game data from one ipad to another, like game progress and saved data?

Is Find My iPhone on by default?

I lost my iPad so I was trying to log on to icloud.com to track it with find my iphone. I see the app on the menu, but when I try to locate my device, it says it's offline. I cannot remember if I actually activated find my iphone or not. Is it usually turned on by default? I'm hoping that it's on because then at least it will have the activation lock that will prevent anyone from wiping it.

In short, if you see the Find My iPhone app on your icloud.com account, does that mean it is turned on on the iPad?

Read more: Is Find My iPhone on by default?

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

How do i find the saved passwords on my apple desk top and iPad?

How do i find the saved passwords on my apple desk top and iPad?

Read more: How do i find the saved passwords on my apple desk top and iPad?

I want to go to school What should I get Ipad or note book and what kind?

I want to go to school What should I get Ipad or note book and what kind?

Read more: I want to go to school What should I get Ipad or note book and what kind?

I Have a iPad Mini 3 on ios 10.1.1 and cydia was removed from my device. Can i reinstall it. When i try to rejailbreak it says im jb.

I Have a iPad Mini 3 on ios 10.1.1 and cydia was removed from my device. Can i reinstall it. When i try to rejailbreak it says im jb.

Read more: I Have a iPad Mini 3 on ios 10.1.1 and cydia was removed from my device. Can i reinstall it. When i try to rejailbreak it says im jb.

Laptop can t connect to the internet even though it says it has?

I started having this problem yesterday morning, when I tried to load a webpage and couldn t, I proceeded to check if it was an obvious solutions. Like checking my router and network settings but everything was normal. Then I turned my laptop off thinking it would be fine in the morning. But no. Nothing like games. Webpages etc would load. I know it is a problem with my laptop because my iPad and other computers are working fine. Please help.

Read more: Laptop can t connect to the internet even though it says it has?

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Monday, February 20, 2017

What should you bring to jury duty and what shouldn't you bring?

What should you bring to jury duty and what shouldn't you bring?

Read more: What should you bring to jury duty and what shouldn't you bring?

I can t decide if I should get a fit bmx bike or a iPad Air which one is better?

I can t decide if I should get a fit bmx bike or a iPad Air which one is better?

Read more: I can t decide if I should get a fit bmx bike or a iPad Air which one is better?

My laptop says it s connected but I can t connect to anything?

Like the title says, my internet says it is perfectly connected like always, but ever since 2 days ago, I can t load any webpages, games or anything that requires a connection. However, I can do all of these things perfectly on my iPad while connected to the same internet so I don t know what the problem is. Please Help

Read more: My laptop says it s connected but I can t connect to anything?

Why does the facebook app keep closing?

On the Facebook pp on my iPad, it closes by itself sometimes. When using it, it sometimes just flashes back to the iPad home screen, by itself and its so annoying, why does it do it?
And I'm aware of this happening with other people too, bit weird

Read more: Why does the facebook app keep closing?

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Can I use a different chord (non-Apple brand) of charger for my iPad. Will there be a difference on the charging quality?

The chord that came with my iPad is now almost defective, the chord itself is somewhat brittle. I'm going to buy a chord but not the original one. I'm worried if that will affect the charging quality from the original one.

Read more: Can I use a different chord (non-Apple brand) of charger for my iPad. Will there be a difference on the charging quality?

Is an Amazon fire hd 8 tablet good to have as a mobile computer device?

I remember I made this trade with a guy who I traded an old Dell laptop that I fixed up for an Dell lattitude D630 for parts plus a new Amazon fire hd 8 tablet and another Amazon paper white e-reader. I was wondering if those Amazon tables are good to have or is a regular android or apple ipad better?

Read more: Is an Amazon fire hd 8 tablet good to have as a mobile computer device?

Friday, February 17, 2017

Can a printer be used for an ipad?

Im thinking about buying a printer but im not sure if it will work. Any suggestions or ideas? And is it possible?

Read more: Can a printer be used for an ipad?

I got juice on my iPad?

I was charging my iPad and drinking something and I accidentally spelt it on the iPad and the charger it seems to be working and it doesn't feel went anywhere should it be OK

Read more: I got juice on my iPad?

How do you know if you are blocked sending a imessage from my ipad to a iphone?

If you text someone from your iPad and it doesn't say "delivered" does that mean you are blocked? So if I send them another text through my other icloud will I also be blocked on their too. They have a iphone also.

Read more: How do you know if you are blocked sending a imessage from my ipad to a iphone?

Thursday, February 16, 2017

How do I find my contact list on my ipad?

How do I find my contact list on my ipad?

Read more: How do I find my contact list on my ipad?

Why would anyone buy an overpriced Macbook, iPad or Mac over a PC computer?

Macbook is loaded with expensive junk software that most people would never even try out. Plus you can get most of those pirated on the internet - or find cheaper or free alternatives.

Why spend so much for so much less, filled with crap that you don't need?

Read more: Why would anyone buy an overpriced Macbook, iPad or Mac over a PC computer?

My town Bristol Bourough is in a contest for the small Business revolution. We are currently in 2nd place and today is the last day to vote?

Please help us win this contest. It would completely transform our small town. Here are the instructions for voting:
Here is the link: www.smallbusinessrevolution.org
- Click on the top right where it says “vote now”
- Take a look at our video
- Then hit “vote for Bristol Borough”

1. You can vote EVERY DAY. (today and tomorrow)
2. You can vote from MULTIPLE devices (ipad, phone, computer, etc!)
3. You can vote from multiple BROWSERS! (chrome, internet explorer, safari, firefox)
4. If you cast your vote today, before 12pm, you can get in one more vote tomorrow before polls close at 12pm
5. Have your spouse/family/friends to vote tonight!

Read more: My town Bristol Bourough is in a contest for the small Business revolution. We are currently in 2nd place and today is the last day to vote?

How do I allow pop ups on iPad using safari?

How do I allow pop ups on iPad using safari?

Read more: How do I allow pop ups on iPad using safari?

How to pass served on a silver plate mission on clear vision for ipad?

I cant get the guy to talk. What do i need to do?

Read more: How to pass served on a silver plate mission on clear vision for ipad?

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

I purchased the latest iPad. Is it safe for me to browse websites containing illegally-uploaded movies/tv shows?

I was wondering because those websites have constant popups, which of course delay the "play movie" tab. Are websites with popup ads potentially hazardous to computers, laptops, and tablets?

Read more: I purchased the latest iPad. Is it safe for me to browse websites containing illegally-uploaded movies/tv shows?

Everything is so boring. What fun things should I do?

Please give me a list of things I could do when I'm bored. And no outside activites please (It's really really hot outside).

I'm so bored everyday. I played this game a lot like everyday, but now it's boring and I'm not gonna play it anymore. Please don't tell me to play games, watch youtube videos, watch movies, build a fort, sleep, eat, message people, watch tv, play on the laptop or ipad and read a book. All these I find boring. Also there's not really any good anime, I watched all the good ones ;-; So ye don't suggest that. Thanks

Read more: Everything is so boring. What fun things should I do?

Sunday, February 12, 2017

I m Baptist, is it OK to get a rosary tattoo with a cross on my ankle?

I already have a cross and angel on my back.
Added (1). I'm sorry for the poor grammar. It was my iPad messing up.
Added (2). I'm an adult and I understand the different answers.
Added (3). I'm an adult and I understand the different answers.
Added (4). Sorry for the reposting. My iPad, again, is messing up.
Added (5). I got the tattoos to honour my religion. It's a work of art and how I express myself. I asked this because I want to know if a rosary is against my Baptist faith or not. It reminds me of the Lord's Prayer. That's why I want it.
Added (6). I got the tattoos to honour my religion. It's a work of art and how I express myself. I asked this because I want to know if a rosary is against my Baptist faith or not. It reminds me of the Lord's Prayer. That's why I want it.

Read more: I m Baptist, is it OK to get a rosary tattoo with a cross on my ankle?

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Vacation and roaming charges?

This is probably a stupid question but I ve heard varying answers.

I m getting ready to leave the country next weekend for the Caribbean. I was planning on taking my ipad (wifi only no data) and was going to use that to facetime people back home or install Viber and communicate that way.

My question is even though I don t have data on the ipad if I facetime/text/etc off my ipad will Verizon charge my account for roaming charges. I didn t think so because the ipad has no data but someone told me that since I m using my phone number Verizon will still charge me as it thinks I m using my phone/data.

Read more: Vacation and roaming charges?

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Why does my WWE Network freeze on my PS3 during live stream shows? No issue with iPad?

Only freezes during live shows. Can't watch Summer Slam tonight because of it. Works fine on my iPad but not the PS3. No issues with my hardware, checked it already.

Read more: Why does my WWE Network freeze on my PS3 during live stream shows? No issue with iPad?