Tuesday, March 28, 2017

I can not trust anyone anymore?

I don't trust anyone anymore. Everyone who I know lies to me all the time. All my friends at school are fake. They are really mean behind my back. They try to be sneaky, but they are really bad at it. I only have a few close friends but I'm not even sure that I can trust them. I don't trust my parents. They look at my phone, my ipad, my computer while I'm at school. They always lie to me all the time. They always need to know what I'm doing and when I'm doing it, but instead of just asking they are sneaky and look through my phone to try to find out information. I feel that there is no one in this world who I can trust anymore. How do I know someone is not lying to me?
Added (1). Now my mom just told me to back up my iphone to the cloud. I'm suspicious of this. Is this another way to spy on me? Is it bad that I have to question everyone's motives? Is it bad that I can do nothing without wondering what their reason is?
Added (2). I never done anything bad in my life that I would try to cover up. And, while it is annoying that my mom always needs to know what I'm doing, I'd be fine if she just asked. Why does she try to be sneaky? I have difficulty sleeping at night too. I always need to be awake, or at least pretending to be asleep, because I can't trust that people will just leave me alone while I am sleeping. And the times I do fall asleep, I have a dream where I get killed in a horrifyingly violent way.

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