Iphone 6
It says I have used 11.49 Gigabites and have 277.3 Megabites left.
All I have is like 6 apps and the biggest takes up only 416.7 MB.
My Ipad has used 10.3 Gigabites and has 2.2 Gigabites left. It has probably 50 apps (most less than 100 MB) and over a GB in my photos.
How is this possible?
One idea I had was that my notes app was using up alot of space as I have many many notes. The notes app doesn't appear in storage for some reason. I went through my old notes and deleted nearly 200 notes. It gave me around 200 Megabites and that was all.
Read more: Why does it say my Iphone's storage is used up when it isn't?