I'm 15. When I was nine, my parents got me a computer for my birthday. Had it for about 2 months before my parents took it away from me. I used my dad s credit card to pay for some online game. They thought I was too irresponsible to have full power over my own electronic device. Swore to myself that I would never go on that website without my parent s consent or use my parent s credit card again. When I was 12, I started having interest toward having my own phone, because many of my friends also have their own phone, and I started being in more sports and other extracurricular events before and after school. Parents thought I wasn t ready because of what happened when I was nine. Only this year, my dad said he would get me a phone for my birthday, and a good one. A few months ago, the ipad that we share between our family "disappeared" because I hid it in my room and decided to use it as my personal device. I've had many close calls where my parents or my sister almost accidentally caught me on the ipad. Today, my dad caught me in my room playing a game on the ipad. He s lost almost all his trust with me and now I don't know what to do. I just don't know why I can't control or behave myself. I know the right thing to do, it's like I'm possessed by something that doesn't want me to do something. He s told me I have one chance to redeem myself, but I don't know how to. Am I a horrible person? I'm a 15 year old Asian girl.
Read more: Why can't I control myself?