I'm 17, my cousin is 4 and a half. For example Today I said to him "Look ______ doggies!" From the dinner table and he on the couch. He was going "where!" Looking Outside. I told him on the tv. He only sat back down and continued watching people play Mario on his IPad and shouted "I already know that. Don't tell me because I'm not interested." I the child That that's just sad
But then after a while what the little boy said dawned on me as quite rude. And I don't think I want to allow him to continue to walk all over me as he grows up. I'm sick of being the 'big sister/cousin thing' that doesn't have a say in anything! Should I have Just told him that was rude and not to say it again?!
Read more: What do I say to a toddIer that talks back?