My 8 year old is pushing my limits. She is starting to back talk, roll her eyes and purposely do the opposite of what I tell her to do. She almost completely refuses to do homework. She goes to school and gets in trouble daily for talking. After school as well. She goes to school and acts like she doesn't know how to spell a certain word or doesn't know what something means when she very well does. At first we thought she was looking for attention or something but we literally put away everything and spend just 101 time with her and now it's gotten worse. She is very defiant and punishment isn't working. I have to sit in her classroom at school and school just started. She has already threw away homework and lies compulsively. She does things that she knows she is not supposed to do and when we ask her why she says because she wanted to. She's already been suspended from school (last year) and I'm scared. I'm praying daily but is there something else that you recommend? We take away toys, iPad, tv and it doesn't really work anymore. We give her extra homework because she hates it but it somewhat works. No spankings. No timeout. They don't work. I'm getting weary and just need some other parents advice.
Read more: 8 year old's behavior problems?