I don't snoop on my wife whatsoever. I give her all the freedom and trust in the world. I do notice, however she gets very defensive if I glance at her on her phone or ipad. I won't even mean to look at it; I may just get distracted by the light of her phone turn on nearby, when she gets an alert or msg. I won't read anything. I ll just notice the light and turn away. It rarely happens since it is just a coincidence that my eyes happen to turn to her phone for a quick second, and her looking at me to notice at the same time.
She gets mad and accuses me of looking over her shoulder and spying on her - when i'm not at all.
If I'm looking at my phone or ipad she will (however) look over my shoulder and ask what I'm doing or read what i'm reading and comment on it. I have never given her reason not to trust me, and she always says she trusts me.
Should I be concerned?
Read more: Should be concerned about my wife?