Our High School school gave us iPads my freshman year. They let us keep it if we graduated from school there. Now I have my iPad but the restrictions prevent me from doing a lot. We were told we were allowed to take off the restrictions once we graduated but they did nothing to help us take it off.
I tried doing a total reset on the iPad. When I tried to set it up it went to set up Configuration and says, "<school> will automatically set up configuration on your iPad. Then I hit next, and it says "The configuration for your iPad could not be downloaded from <school> The operation could not be completed. With an error message.
I've tried connecting it to iTunes to completely reset it but I think the restrictions won't allow me to connect it to iTunes. It won't show the device on iTunes when I plug it in to my computer.
If I take it to an Apple Store will they be able to fix it or will I have to take it back to my High School so they could fix it?
Read more: Configuration will not allow me to set up my iPad?