My cousin lives with me and he assumes a lot. When I told him to stop playing the iPad because his time's up, he said said that I play the phone which is worse. I don't really play games. He assumed that one of the 7-Eleven slurpee flavors contained alcohol because it was spicy, and told my mom that I was drinking. According to Canada's law, you can't sell it to anyone under 19 nor can you put it in drinks where kids can buy it for $1.75. He talks very loudly and the things he say are impulsive - things that are inappropriate to say in public. He will cry if he's told to stop. He constantly butts into people's business even if they don't want him involved. It's pretty annoying and I find him impulsive/a lot more energetic than kids his age. He tries to sing about EVERYTHING and jumps around a lot. My parents have to restrict certain areas because they're afraid that he might injure himself. The thing is, my cousin has trouble with instructions and knowing when something is not a good thing to say. He doesn't catch on the fact that most people don't want him shouting that someone is "ugly" or "has a big pimple" out loud at Walmart.
Read more: Is it normal for a 9 year old to act like this?