If she wants new shoes like that then she needs to earn straight A's like her older brother did. I didn't buy him expensive shoes but I did give him $10 for doing so well in school. She is in the 3rd grade and she has a D in reading all because she won't read her book at night like the teacher instructed. I have even read to her and she whails and throws a fit. She says she hates reading. I wish my daughter did well in school and didn't act like this. I refuse to buy ber an ipad until she makes all A's. Her brother is 14 and he is taking all honors classes and he still made all A's. He comes home after school and starts on his homework while she waits until 7pm to start. She gets home at about 245pm and he gets home around 4pm. She never listens and throws a fit when I try to force her to be like her brother (he is responsible, hard working, and ambitious). I want my kids to do well in school so that they can get a good paying job someday and maybe become a doctor or a lawyer. She cries everytime I ask her to even start on her spelling words. Does my child have Aspergers? (I hope not because my life would suck if she does). I took her tv away and some of her favorite toys.
Read more: What would you do if your 8year old daughter decided to hit you just because you wouldn't buy her some new $100 shoes?