Monday, January 8, 2018

Do i have carpal tunnel syndrome and if so what can I do about it?

symptoms: continuous dull pain around wrist in general, pain at base of thumb every now and again. It's only got bad enough to be noticed in the last 12 hours.
Around about 2 weeks ago for 3 days my thumb kept on twitching, this may be related? I have been stupid and been playing games on my ipad around 8 hrs a day for two weeks during the holidays. I tried tapping my median nerve and the result was a VERY faint needle kind of sensation. It hurts to open doors, push down soap etc. It hurts when I flex my wrist upwards but less if I flex it downwards. Also I'm 13, I know that age is a factor. I have no medical conditions like diabetes etc.

Please help, thank you so much!

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