I'm 13 years old. I have never had behavioral issues in my life. I always bring back As on my report card. For the life of me, I can't figure out why my parents won't get me a phone. I'm extremely mature for my age. My brother got his when he was 11.
I'm never invited anywhere, as I can't be easily contacted and can't be notified of last minute changes. Therefore, I rarely get to see my friends outside of school. And on the rare occasion I'm invited, I'm usually not allowed to go.
With that being said, I have to turn to online games to "hang out" with them. I don't have a PC, so I can't get those types of games. With the recent additions of games like Fortnite and PUBG to mobile, I can finally play with them. But unfortunately I can't. My iPad Mini 1 does not support any new games that come out. I have no way to socialize and have fun with them out of school. Therefore, I would like a newer device, and since I don't have a phone and probably will need one sooner in the future, it would make more sense for the to be the new device.
I'm constantly laughed at, and have "fun" poked consistently at school. Those who don't do this tell me that they feel sorry for me. I'm yet to meet someone at my school who does not have a phone.
Added (1). I can't legally work in my state. I can't babysit, due to the few children in my neighborhood being older than me. None of my neighbors want me to mow their lawn. None of them. I do all of the chores in my house, and I'm not paid anything, and I can't ask. I have no way to get money. I receive only $25 from my relatives on Christmas and my birthday.
Added (2). I've done research. I can use the SIM card we have in our home phone, so there's no need to create a new data plan. I've figured out what would be the best phone I can get for around $250. I've found it, yet my parents continue to say "maybe later", as they have been saying of the past 4 and a half months.
Added (3). And for those who will undoubtedly screech that I'm spoiled: I'm not. My brother is the spoiled one. He gets most of everything he wants. I'm not the golden child of the family, despite doing nearly everything my brother does.
Added (4). I do not plan on sexting. I do not plan on using social media, for I think it is pointless. There shouldn't be any "safety" concerns.
Read more: Why won't my parents get me a phone?