Monday, April 30, 2018

I was cleaning up yesterday and found the iPad 1 under my bed is it even worth anything? If so how much?

I was cleaning up yesterday and found the iPad 1 under my bed is it even worth anything? If so how much?

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Hi again. Sorry if my spelling or grammar sucks because I'm sleepy?

Ok, so I was video chatting on discord to my friend (using a full sized iPad) and my elbow was out. I started running with my elbow out and I guess I didn't see the wall protruding out besides the opening of my hallway and smashed my elbow up against the corner and it was so painful that I fell to my knees whilst my elbow was bleeding from the large gash the wall inflicted.
by the way this is an important detail: my mom's house is all drywall inside like most homes but when these walls are built they have a metal piece on the corners and not to mention the wooden studs.
This happened yesterday and I couldn't move my arm because the pain was so great, today I can move it but my arm is plagued with constant nerve pain and a throbbing sensation. It is currently 12:00 am where I live and I can't sleep for the pain. My arm doesn't seem to be broken but I do have a large gash and bruising on my elbow but I can't explain the pain in my forearm. I don't want to go to the Hospital because it's stressful for my mom especially with the large co-pays she has to pay because of the insurance I have, if it still hurts when I see my Doctor in a few weeks I'll speak to him but I don't know if I can handle the constant nerve pain for that long.

What do you guys think happened to my arm? What should I do? I've been soaking it in hot water and using hot towels to temporarily calm the pain. I've been taking ibuprofen, Tylenol and aspirin but nothing Helps.

Thank you. Any answer helps.

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Thursday, April 26, 2018

How did my girlfriend's ex do this?

My girlfriend was looking through her phone settings today and found that her phone's location was being shared with her ex's iPad, her ex that she dumped two and a half years ago. She'd got a new phone and number since the breakup and has had no contact with him. She knew it was his iPad by looking at it's address/IP address and recognising it.
Since they've had no contact in over two years, neither of us can imagine how he got her number, so we're both pretty freaked out. Any idea how this could have happened? I'm telling her to let Apple know as well in case there's been any weird activity with her account that could provide answers.

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Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Do you need to use a drawing tablet to be professional?

My parents bought me a Wacom Intuos for Christmas last year, and I've tried it a few times since. Each time I hook it up to photoshop and try to draw it looks like an absolute mess compared to my normal quality of art. I normally draw on my iPad because I find it incredibly hard to draw with looking at my hand. My hand eye coordination isn't the best. Every time I see the Wacom now, I feel sick from guilt because I can't use it and, honestly, don't want it, even though my parents invest quite a bit of money into it for me. I feel so bad, but I'm also stressed because I'm planning on studying to become an animator. My question is: do I need to use a tablet like a Wacom to be a professional, or can I keep drawing on touch screens like I always have?

Read more: Do you need to use a drawing tablet to be professional?

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Advice about my weird brother?

He's fifteen and a half. All he does is argue back and never listen.
My mum was yelling at him that he needs to change his ways. The sink in the big bathroom that everyone shares is like a flood everytime he uses it. Spit and snot in the sink without being washed away. And wastes a lot of water doing it. The area around the sink has water splattered everywhere.
My mother was telling him to clean up and stop brushing his teeth the way he does. Because the water is going down to the cabinet and taking away the paint and making it slowly peel and show wood.
We want to look like clean civilised people with a nice clean polished house. Like rich people you know. But no he's making the house look so lower class. But I don't know what this boy is thinking. He starts yelling back at my mum and not listening or caring. All he does it talk back to our parents and continue.
There are dark scratches on the floor downstairs from him moving around on the dinner table chair whilst looking at his iPad. And doesn't care about the damage he's done.
This isn't even the least of the problems. He wastes waster, wastes electricity (the other month left the light on in his room and sometimes downstairs when he goes downstairs in the middle of the night. I don't have a job or help pay for the bills. But I know WERE NOT RICH and parents work hard for money).
Why does he want to waste bills and make our house ugly and never listen to parents?! What can be done

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Monday, April 23, 2018

My new ipad shows to update apple id settings?

My new ipad shows to update apple id settings?

Read more: My new ipad shows to update apple id settings?

Connect ipad to computer?

Connect ipad to computer?

Read more: Connect ipad to computer?

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Why can't you be on your cell phone while in an airplane?

Yesterday, my dad was flying from Chicago to China. When he talked to us this morning, he was saying he had to have it off the entire flight. I have also heard laptops, ipads etc must be kept off. Why is this?
Added (1). Also, do they switch pilots out? I can't imagine driving 16 hours straight without getting a chance to sleep for awhile or get up to walk around a little

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Friday, April 20, 2018

Can i play iOS games with Xbox One S controller or no. It doesn't work when i try to use Bluetooth on iPad Pro 10.5 and iPhone 8?

Can i play iOS games with Xbox One S controller or no. It doesn't work when i try to use Bluetooth on iPad Pro 10.5 and iPhone 8?

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When someone won't admit they need mental

My sister has had this pain her back for over a year but I think it's tied in with anxiety because we recently lost our dad and she's convinced it's the same cancer he had

She won't eat certain foods and is painfully thin because she says certain foods trigger the pain.

She's taken up smoking for the first time which is complety out of character.

She's seen numerous doctors, had numerous tests and they've all said nothing is showing up. One dr thought it was caused by anxiety n depression and gave her pills immediately which she stopped taking.

She keeps saying she doesn't know how much longer she can carry on in such pain with no one helping her. She says if she could click her fingers she'd be dead. I feel so much pressure on my shoulders, it's breaking my heart.

As soon as I suggest she deal with the mental side of the pain she gets fuming angry with me and says it's physical and she's been in pain every night.

Last night we had a row and she was slamming the door until it broke and chucked the iPad into the tv smashing it. I was terrified.

I know she has physical pain but I fear it's tied with mental. She won't under any circumstances get help for her mental health.

Every day she says she hopes someone puts her out of her misery and no one should suffer like this, that if she killed herself it would be the logical thing to do.

Certain things thrigger her off and her mood drags me down. I'm wth her the most and I just can't cope anymore. I feel all alone
Added (1). Every night I go to bed wondering whether I'll wake up to find she's taken her own life

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Thursday, April 19, 2018

I needed to erase my ipad with find iphone on my other device. How long does it take and how do I know its working?

I needed to erase my ipad with find iphone on my other device. How long does it take and how do I know its working?

Read more: I needed to erase my ipad with find iphone on my other device. How long does it take and how do I know its working?

How can I get into my IPad?

I haven't used the IPad for some time, and now I forgot the passcode. It's also on airplane mode, and I can't change it unless I get inside. I've tried to factory reset it, but couldn't do it, since I had to be in the IPad. I tried to use ITunes, but that didn't work either. How do I remove the passcode, or just get into the IPad? Should I go to the closest Apple? Thanks…

Read more: How can I get into my IPad?

Can an iPad record when it's off?

If someone left an iPad sitting somewhere, is there any way they could have set it up to record audio or video even if it's off?

Read more: Can an iPad record when it's off?

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

How to download a radio program into the iPad pro?

There's a radio station in los angeles that has an archive section for its shows, where one can go and listen or download a past program. I have downloaded past programs into my windows computer, my laptop running linux and even into my chromebook. But last week i tried to download a show into my 2017 iPad pro, but couldn't. The download button is there, but when i click on it nothing happens. It is the same on my ipod touch 6. The download button doesn't even appear on the screen. Any idea what is happening?

Read more: How to download a radio program into the iPad pro?

Monday, April 16, 2018

Are ipads aloud on international flights?

Are ipads aloud on international flights?

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Uploading profile pic on FB, unusual blur?

Hello community,
So I wanted to change my profile pic. I took a picture with my iPad air. The picture is pretty high quality, however, upon posting it,
it's all blurry and disgusting.
I've read a few forums on this topic, but they're outdated.
I've already switched on HD upload both on my iPad settings and on Facebook app, but it doesn't help.
I understand Facebook compresses photos but I once uploaded a video HD from this iPad, so I don't get it. Please help!

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Sunday, April 15, 2018

Saturday, April 14, 2018

I can't update my iOS?

I have an iPad Air 2. My current iOS is 10.3.3. I didn't update it for the longest time because I heard about the new update screwing things up, so I put it off. But now, I can't update it. Is it because I waited so long? Thanks.

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Friday, April 13, 2018

Why does my lightning cable charge my iPod touch and not my iPad?

I'm pretty sure the cable is dying because I haven't had the problem till recently, I know it's not the charging port on my iPad because it looks pristine and I have only had it since last July, I was also using the charging brick it came with and the cable is not from Apple but when I use that cable it charges just fine and I don't have the not charging issue

Read more: Why does my lightning cable charge my iPod touch and not my iPad?

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Should I order online?

My grandma got the girls for christnas switch is my mom me and my sister a chrome book laptop because we been wanted one but my dad got his least 5 years go so he didn't get one anyways is good to watch it on airplane and at airport? Anyone had use download stream movies from Netflix before? I only i did through my ipad but been super slow since it 5 years old so i been thinking of getting a ipad mini or Galaxy tab for when my laptop dies, what is worth buying for watch Netflix on?

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Wednesday, April 11, 2018

When does my iPad say not charging after a while of being on charge?

When does my iPad say not charging after a while of being on charge?
Added (1). No it's not fully charged it's around 80% when this happens

Read more: When does my iPad say not charging after a while of being on charge?

Monday, April 9, 2018

Free TV series to watch in my Ipad?

Free TV series to watch in my Ipad?

Read more: Free TV series to watch in my Ipad?

IPad Pro 64gb vs 256gb?

I'm thinking about getting an iPad Pro but I have no idea which one to get. Yes I know getting the 256gb would be awesome knowing you have storage and don't have to worry. But I want to know what's really worth it. I plan on using this for school to write notes( and then later printing them out. If that makes sense to y'all, just school purposes), watching YouTube ( I have YouTube red so obviously downloading vids as well), I don't think I'll use it for picture or vids ( but maybe a few). Of course some social media apps! And probably one game because I don't play many. So what do you think guys? Honest opinions! Thank you!

Read more: IPad Pro 64gb vs 256gb?

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Can an Apple Pencil break?

I found an Apple pencil on the street floor in London. I don't have an iPad Pro so would like to sell it to somebody I know. But do I sell it as 'broken' or 'used'. Because if it's used but works then I can sell it for more than if it doesn't work - obviously. Is there much chance of an apple pencil's electronics being broken?

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Anyone have recommendations for a tablet?

Trying to pick a really good tablet for my mom. She s a typical now a days mom that stats on facebook and plays games and takes pictures lol she currently has a galaxy s4… Would it be better to get her a mini iPad or a newer galaxy? Please help! Thank you!

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What the hell is wrong with my him? Will he grow out of it?

Ever since he entered his teens all his does is stare at his iPad and argue with parents. Kyle is fifteen.
Several minutes ago I was disturbed from my after noon nap (it's now 5pm). To the sound of Kyle talking back to our mother. She was telling him to clean up after himself because he's been eating and leaving the area around him a mess and expecting his parents to clean up after him.
HES TOO OLD TO BE DOJNG THAT. And it concerns me too because it will attract RODENTS.
All you hear is Kyle barking like a mad dog refusing to listen to our mum and thinking he's done nothing wrong. Then started blaming everything on her quote "ITS YOU. WHY ARE YOU ALWAYS SCREAMING AT ME".
Added (1). More disruptions - a few days ago Kyle came out of the shower at 2 am (normally we're out of the shower before 12 AM so it was beyond abnormal). Then marched into my parents room and switched the light on just to charge his iPad. Apparently he spent one hour in there with the water running while doing as assignment. (Doesn't know the VALUE of money).
Added (2). About the shower - My mother once retaliated by switching the water off at 1 AM. Which made him bark again. It has kept up in the middle of the night and disturbed everyone. The other day he left our house lights on downstairs all night. My mum was biching about it. WERE NOT RICH.
What's wrong with him? When I was that age I was bad. But not to this extreme. Whenever he talks to me it's full of random insults.
Added (3). With him*

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Saturday, April 7, 2018

Will my Kik messages be sent?

I just sent a message on kik from my iPhone and logged out and logged in on my iPad, Will my message still be received by the person If they didn't see it before I logged out?

Read more: Will my Kik messages be sent?

Where is apple account page on ipad?

Where is apple account page on ipad?

Read more: Where is apple account page on ipad?

Friday, April 6, 2018

How did my mom get the information?

So apparently my mom went through my Snapchat without going through my phone or iPad. I have no idea how she did this. Help?

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Am I being kept in the dark about our taxes and refund?

I've been married for 13 yrs and every year my husband does the taxes. I told him that I take having my taxes serious and I've never been late filing them. Well last month we received a letter stating that our tax return will be mailed out within 3 or 4 weeks. But the problem was it was a refund for our taxes from 2015. So, right there that was a red flag so I went to his office and found the paper work for 2015 and there clear as day a balance in which we were receiving $8510.00 from the federal income tax refund. I was floored and sick to my stomach because every year I ask him if the taxes was up to date and his answer like always "yes". He would never tell me what the amount of the refunds. So, I confronted him about the letter and we got into a huge argument. Come to find out our taxes haven't been filled since 2015. Everyday after the letter arrived I have been checking the mail for the check since it's a live check and I would ask him if he had it already he's answer would be no. Three days ago I'm on him iPad looking up something for his mom and his banking tap was left open. I press the tab to open and there was his banking statement and a huge amount of money deposited into his savings. I seen a deposit of the full amount of $8510.00 which was deposited in February. Its April now! So he lied for two months so when I asked again about the check some how he called the post office and there it was. It took everything not explode because I know the truth already.

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Would IPad lighting kits for photography Help blind people because their retinas Can be still active ( source Discovery channel)?

Would IPad lighting kits for photography Help blind people because their retinas Can be still active ( source Discovery channel)?

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Thursday, April 5, 2018

My younger sister keeps spitting at me and in my plate, what do I do?

I swear she has destructive traits - like she broke our TV, 2 iPads, 5 phones and she keeps hitting me and everyone in my family. She doesn't do it because she has mental issues, she just thinks it's amusing and funny. I honestly don't know what to do.

Read more: My younger sister keeps spitting at me and in my plate, what do I do?

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Legal Question Can i get my money back and what action can i take against them?

A radio station told me my donation of 40 or more would gaurentee a finalist spot in a drawing for a vacation at the end of their show. It ended at 6 and they went on to the next show with no drawing promoting the same thing for another prize drawing for ipads with the same premise donate to secure your finalist spot which according to the FTC It's illegal to ask you to pay or buy something to enter or increase your odds of winning. What can i do?
Multiple people on their Facebook page are pissed.

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What the hell is wrong with him?

My brother, fifteen years of age. For the fourth time this week he came out of the shower at 2am. It really does disturb my slumber. My mother looks like she has given up because he never listens. Last time she had gone to turn the house water off. Then he threw a tantrum in the shower and kept banging on my parents door to turn the water back on because there's 'soap' on him.
right after he got out of the shelter, marched into my parents room with no shame and went to charge his phone/iPad in there, turned the lights on and my mother shouted at him, which made him run outside then back up to drink something. Why is he becoming so rude? What is wrong with him? What cohld me or my parents do?

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Tuesday, April 3, 2018

English grammar questions?

We ___________________________two years; we have lots of friends now.

are living in Canada for
have lived in Canada since
have been living in Canada for
are living in Canada since

the soccer game will be delayed ____________________ tomorrow.

if it will rain
if it is going to
if it is rain
if it rains

Quick! Call the police! The window is smashed and my iPad and laptop are missing. Someone __________
must have broken out.

must had broken in.

must have broken up.

must have broken in.

Read more: English grammar questions?

What are you usually doing at 11:40 pm at night?

Me, I'm usually in bed, watching Youtube videos on my iPad.

Read more: What are you usually doing at 11:40 pm at night?

Since Toys R Us is closing what will they do with the display iPads?

Since Toys R Us is closing what will they do with the display iPads?

Read more: Since Toys R Us is closing what will they do with the display iPads?

Sunday, April 1, 2018

How do I ask my mom for a new phone after she threw the last one in the sink?

So four months ago I got in trouble and so my mom threw my phone in the sink and has not given me a new one. I did take my old phone and ipad and log on to my snapchat while I was grounded so that got me in more trouble but now she has given me her other phone/backup phone to use but it is not my number and i can't get any apps or anything to do on it. I really feel that after four months she would have gotten me a new phone but has not. So how do i ask for one?

Read more: How do I ask my mom for a new phone after she threw the last one in the sink?

I can't locate my ITunes account on my laptop or Ipad.I have a lot of music on that account?

I can't locate my ITunes account on my laptop or Ipad. I have a lot of music on that account?

Read more: I can't locate my ITunes account on my laptop or Ipad.I have a lot of music on that account?