I have an iPhone 5, had it for years. The screen was falling off and everything. I dropped it, not the first, but this time the screen was black, a little illuminated but still black. I turned it off, hoping that would work but now I can't even see it illuminated. I plugged the charger in and it constantly makes the noise like it's being re-plugged in. (The charger is fine on my iPad.)I had a lot of information on it. By convenience someone had an extra phone of the same kind with considerably less memory space. I searched if I could put the information from the one phone to the other but it seems not. (?) Can someone tell me what's wrong with it at the very least? If it can be fixed and for how much? Or even if the memory from one phone can be switched to the other? (Remember it's an iPhone5) I really don't have the money to get it fixed but to help my curiosity at the very least.
Read more: Phone is not working. Can you tell me what's wrong?