My daughter is acting like a spoiled brat and I don't know what to do anymore. She's 11 yrs old. Her father and I try to provide everything that we can for her but she's so unthankful. We tried talking to her nicely, for example, we ask her nicely to wash the dishes you know because in this family everyone has to contribute to something. We also ask her nicely to clean her room but she never listens. Her room is always dirty. I tried taking her Ipad away and that's not working because she has her school Ipad.
I tried taking her school Ipad but she says she needs it for school to do homework. This is why I never wanted her to get the school Ipad but her teacher insisted she needs it for assignments. When her father and I need to run errands, she ALWAYS makes a fit. For example, she refuses to do her hair. She wants ME to do her hair. When I was that age, I remember doing my hair and that's how I learned by practicing. But my daughter wants me to do everything for her. When my husband and I needed to go out to run some errands, she literally walked out bare feet?! I don't understand this behavior. We refuse to live her alone because State Law says you can't leave children home alone younger than 14. However, her father and I have responsibilities to do and her behavior is impeding us to do those responsibilities.
I have also disconnected the internet from allowing her to use the internet by using her school Ipad, but somehow she finds a way. I need help? Any advice?
Added (1). What I meant by "she literally walked out bare feet" was, her father and I were getting ready to leave the house along with her but instead of being a good girl and getting ready by putting on her shoes, she walked out from the house without shoes. To me, she did that on purpose because she was rebelling and wanted us (her father and I) to get mad.
Added (2). Believe me, we tried spanking her too. She kept crying that she was going to sue me for hitting her. We only spank her in the but, and she tries threatening us that she will call the police for abuse. First of all, i'm spanking her in the but. NEVER have I ever hit her super hard and left her bruises. I just want her to learn that in this world we all have responsibilities and we need to do them. And that she needs to respect her parents.
Read more: What to do with daughter?